Function General { [CmdletBinding()] param( #[scriptblock]$bodyScript, [string]$EnvironmentName = $null, [int]$MinutesToScanHistory = 15, [string[]]$TestsToSkip = @(), [parameter(HelpMessage="For monitoring a 'farm'' product, like SharePoint, specify a server name to run the main monitoring operations.")] [string]$PrimaryServerName, [parameter(HelpMessage="For monitoring standalone servers, specify the names of the servers to monitor.")] [string[]]$ServerNames = @(), [string]$ConfigurationName = $null ) if ($Script:PoShMon.ConfigurationItems.General -eq $null) { $Script:PoShMon.ConfigurationItems.General = @{} } else { throw "General configuration group already created." } if ($PrimaryServerName -eq $null -and $ServerNames.Count -eq 0) { $ServerNames += $env:COMPUTERNAME } elseif ($PrimaryServerName -ne "" -and $ServerNames.Count -gt 0) { throw "You cannot specify both PrimaryServerName and ServerNames. If you are monitoring a 'farm' product, like SharePoint, specify PrimaryServerName on which to run the main monitoring operations." ` + "Alternatively, if you are instead wanting to monitor a set of standalone servers, supply ServerNames and do not supply a value for the PrimaryServerName parameter." } return @{ TypeName = "PoShMon.ConfigurationItems.General" EnvironmentName = $EnvironmentName MinutesToScanHistory = $MinutesToScanHistory TestsToSkip = $TestsToSkip PrimaryServerName = $PrimaryServerName ServerNames = $ServerNames ConfigurationName = $ConfigurationName } } |