Function Test-SPUPSSyncHealth { [CmdletBinding()] param ( #[System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.PSSession]$RemoteSession, [hashtable]$PoShMonConfiguration ) Write-Verbose "Getting UPS Service App..." $upsApp = Invoke-RemoteCommand -PoShMonConfiguration $PoShMonConfiguration -ScriptBlock { Get-SPServiceApplication | Where TypeName -eq 'User Profile Service Application' } $mainOutput = Get-InitialOutputWithTimer ` -SectionHeader "User Profile Sync State" ` -OutputHeaders ([ordered]@{ 'ManagementAgent' = 'Management Agent'; 'RunProfile' = 'Run Profile'; 'RunStartTime' = 'Run Start Time'; 'ErrorDetail' = 'ErrorDetail' }) ` -HeaderUrl ($PoShMonConfiguration.SharePoint.CentralAdminUrl + "/_layouts/15/ManageUserProfileServiceApplication.aspx?ApplicationID=" + $upsApp.Id) Write-Verbose "`tGetting SharePoint service list to locate UPS Sync server..." $upsServiceInstance = Invoke-RemoteCommand -PoShMonConfiguration $PoShMonConfiguration -ScriptBlock { return Get-SPServiceInstance | Where { $_.TypeName -eq 'User Profile Synchronization Service' -and $_.Status -eq "Online" } | Select Server } if ($upsServiceInstance -ne $null) { $runStartDate = (Get-Date).AddMinutes(-$PoShMonConfiguration.General.MinutesToScanHistory).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") $FimRunHistory = Get-WmiObject -Namespace "root\MicrosoftIdentityIntegrationServer" -class "MIIS_RunHistory" -ComputerName $upsServiceInstance.Server.DisplayName -Filter "RunStartTime >'$runStartDate'" $failedRuns = $FimRunHistory | Where RunStatus -NotIn "success","in-progress" if ($failedRuns -ne $null -and $failedRuns.GetType().Name -eq 'ManagementObject') #only 1 occurred - force it to be an array { $failedRuns = ,$failedRuns } if ($failedRuns.Count -gt 0) { $mainOutput.NoIssuesFound = $false foreach($failedRun in $failedRuns) { [xml]$failedRunXml = $failedRun.RunDetails().ReturnValue $maName = $failedRunXml."run-history"."run-details"."ma-name" $runprofileName = $failedRunXml."run-history"."run-details"."run-profile-name" $steps = $failedRunXml."run-history"."run-details"."step-details" foreach($step in $steps) { if ($step."step-result" -ne "success") { $stepNumber = $step."step-number" $stepResult = $step."step-result" $connectionErrors = $step."ma-connection" $syncErrors = $step."synchronization-errors" if ($connectionErrors -ne "") { $errors = $connectionErrors } else { $errors = $syncErrors } Write-Warning "`tStep $stepNumber has status of $stepResult : $($errors.InnerXml)" $mainOutput.OutputValues += [pscustomobject]@{ 'ManagementAgent' = $maName; 'RunProfile' = $runprofileName; 'RunStartTime' = [DateTime]::Parse($failedRun.RunStartTime).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") 'ErrorDetail' = $errors.InnerXml; } } } } } } return (Complete-TimedOutput $mainOutput) } |