
function Convert-LogFunctions {
        Converts default cmdlets in given script file into logger methods
        Converts default cmdlets in given script file into logger methods. For example Write-Information into Write-InfoLog, Write-Error into Write-ErrorLog and so on.
    .PARAMETER FilePath
        Path to a script file in wich functions will be converted.
        string containing path to a script file
        PS> Convert-LogFunctions -FilePath C:\myscript.ps1

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]

    Write-Debug "Converting $FilePath"

    $script = Get-Content $FilePath
    $script | Foreach-Object {
        $_ -replace 'Write-Verbose -Message', 'Write-VerboseLog -MessageTemplate' `
           -replace 'Write-Verbose ', 'Write-VerboseLog ' `
           -replace 'Write-Debug -Message', 'Write-DebugLog -MessageTemplate' `
           -replace 'Write-Debug ', 'Write-DebugLog ' `
           -replace 'Write-Information -Message', 'Write-InfoLog -MessageTemplate' `
           -replace 'Write-Information ', 'Write-InfoLog ' `
           -replace 'Write-Host -Object', 'Write-InfoLog -MessageTemplate' `
           -replace 'Write-Host ', 'Write-InfoLog ' `
           -replace 'Write-Warning -Message', 'Write-WarningLog -MessageTemplate' `
           -replace 'Write-Warning ', 'Write-WarningLog ' `
           -replace 'Write-Error -Message', 'Write-ErrorLog -MessageTemplate' `
           -replace 'Write-Error ', 'Write-ErrorLog ' `
        } | Set-Content $FilePath

    Write-Debug "$FilePath successfully converted"