
function Get-GPSetting {
Get the group policy settings for specific extensions or list configured extensions.
This function will display the group policy settings of the supplied group policy
objects, or will display the extensions for which the group policy contains
configuration settings.
It uses the GenerateReport() method of the group policy .Net object to create an
XML version of the report which it then parses.
Since generating XML can be time consuming, the Verbose common parameter can be
specified which will provide notices to the user while it is processing.
.PARAMETER GroupPolicy
The group policy or array of group policies for which to return the settings.
The type of data returned. Accepted values are:
This type of returned data will identify which group policy extensions contain
configuration. This can return extension types beyond what the function can
currently process.
C:\PS> Get-GPO -All | Get-GPSetting -Verbose -OutVariable MyGPOs
C:\PS> Get-GPO 'DriveMapping' | Get-GPSetting -Type DriveMapping
Name : DriveMapping
ConfigurationGroup : User
SettingChanged : 2017-10-03 18:20:54
Order : 1
DriveAction : Replace
ShowThisDrive : True
ShowAllDrives : True
Label : MyUser
Path : \\MyServerA\ShareB
Reconnect : True
FirstAvailableLetter : False
DriveLetter : P
ConnectUserName :
Filters : CONTOSO\MyUsers
Name : DriveMapping
ConfigurationGroup : User
SettingChanged : 2017-10-03 18:20:57
Order : 2
DriveAction : Replace
ShowThisDrive : True
ShowAllDrives : True
Label : Department
Path : \\DeptServer\ShareB
Reconnect : True
FirstAvailableLetter : False
DriveLetter : S
ConnectUserName :
Filters : CONTOSO\DeptUsers
C:\PS> Get-GPO 'Workstation Scripts' | Get-GPSetting -Type Script | Sort-Object -Property Type,Order | Format-Table -AutoSize
Name ConfigurationGroup Script Type Parameters Order PSRunOrder
---- ------------------ ------ ---- ---------- ----- ----------
Workstation Scripts Computer CleanTempFiles.cmd Shutdown 0 PSNotConfigured
Workstation Scripts Computer ComputerInventory.ps1 Startup 0 RunPSFirst
Workstation Scripts Computer InstallApps.cmd Startup 1 RunPSFirst
Workstation Scripts Computer ClearAppCache.vbs Startup 2 RunPSFirst


    begin {
        $Timer = [System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew()
        $Counter = 0

    process {

        foreach ($GPO in $GroupPolicy) {

            Write-Verbose -Message "Generating XML report to parse $Type data for GPO $($GPO.DisplayName)"
            [xml]$GpoXml = $GPO.GenerateReport('Xml')

            $GpoName      = $GpoXml.GPO.Name
            $CreatedTime  = $GpoXml.GPO.CreatedTime
            $ModifiedTime = $GpoXml.GPO.ModifiedTime
            $ReadTime     = $GpoXml.GPO.ReadTime

            if ($VerbosePreference -eq 'Continue') {
                Write-Progress -Activity "Processing..." -CurrentOperation $GpoName -Status "$Counter / $($GroupPolicy.Count)"

            switch ($Type) {
                'ExtensionType' {
                    foreach ($Extension in $GpoXml.GPO.Computer.ExtensionData.Extension) {
                            Name = $GpoName
                            ConfigurationGroup = 'Computer'
                            CreatedTime = $CreatedTime
                            ModifiedTime = $ModifiedTime
                            ExtensionType = $Extension.Type.Split(":")[1]
                    foreach ($Extension in $GpoXml.GPO.User.ExtensionData.Extension) {
                            Name = $GpoName
                            ConfigurationGroup = 'User'
                            CreatedTime = $CreatedTime
                            ModifiedTime = $ModifiedTime
                            ExtensionType = $Extension.Type.Split(":")[1]

                'Script' {
                    foreach ($Script in $Gpoxml.GPO.Computer.ExtensionData.Extension.Script ) {
                        if ($Script) {
                                Name = $GpoName
                                ConfigurationGroup = 'Computer'
                                Script = $Script.Command
                                Type = $Script.Type
                                Parameters = $Script.Parameters
                                Order = $Script.Order
                                PSRunOrder = $Script.RunOrder
                    foreach ($Script in $Gpoxml.GPO.User.ExtensionData.Extension.Script ) {
                        if ($Script) {
                                Name = $GpoName
                                ConfigurationGroup = 'User'
                                Script = $Script.Command
                                Type = $Script.Type
                                Parameters = $Script.Parameters
                                Order = $Script.Order
                                PSRunOrder = $Script.RunOrder
                'DriveMapSetting' {
                    foreach ($DriveMapping in $Gpoxml.GPO.Computer.ExtensionData.Extension.DriveMapSettings.Drive ) {
                        if ($DriveMapping) {
                            switch ($DriveMapping.Properties.action) {
                                'R' { $DriveAction = 'Replace'}
                                'U' { $DriveAction = 'Update'}
                                'C' { $DriveAction = 'Create'}
                                'D' { $DriveAction = 'Delete'}
                            if ($DriveMapping.Properties.persistent -eq 1) {
                                $Reconnect = $true
                            } else {
                                $Reconnect = $false
                            if ($DriveMapping.Filters) {
                                $Filters = $DriveMapping.Filters.FilterGroup.Name
                            } else {
                                $Filters = $null
                            if ($DriveMapping.Properties.thisDrive -eq 'SHOW') {
                                $ShowThisDrive = $true
                            } elseif ($DriveMapping.Properties.thisDrive -eq 'HIDE') {
                                $ShowThisDrive = $false
                            } else {
                                $ShowThisDrive = $null
                            if ($DriveMapping.Properties.allDrives -eq 'SHOW') {
                                $ShowAllDrives = $true
                            } elseif ($DriveMapping.Properties.allDrives -eq 'HIDE') {
                                $ShowAllDrives = $false
                            } else {
                                $ShowAllDrives = $null
                            if ($DriveMapping.Properties.useLetter -eq 0) {
                                $FirstAvailableLetter = $true
                            } else {
                                $FirstAvailableLetter = $false
                                Name = $GpoName
                                ConfigurationGroup = 'Computer'
                                SettingChanged = $DriveMapping.Changed
                                Order = $DriveMapping.GPOSettingOrder                                
                                DriveAction = $DriveAction
                                ShowThisDrive = $ShowThisDrive
                                ShowAllDrives = $ShowAllDrives                                
                                Label = $DriveMapping.Properties.label
                                Path = $DriveMapping.Properties.path
                                Reconnect = $Reconnect
                                FirstAvailableLetter = $FirstAvailableLetter
                                DriveLetter = $DriveMapping.Properties.letter
                                ConnectUserName = $DriveMapping.Properties.userName
                                Filters = $Filters
                    foreach ($DriveMapping in $Gpoxml.GPO.User.ExtensionData.Extension.DriveMapSettings.Drive ) {
                        if ($DriveMapping) {
                            switch ($DriveMapping.Properties.action) {
                                'R' { $DriveAction = 'Replace'}
                                'U' { $DriveAction = 'Update'}
                                'C' { $DriveAction = 'Create'}
                                'D' { $DriveAction = 'Delete'}
                            if ($DriveMapping.Properties.persistent -eq 1) {
                                $Reconnect = $true
                            } else {
                                $Reconnect = $false
                            if ($DriveMapping.Filters) {
                                $Filters = $DriveMapping.Filters.FilterGroup.Name
                            } else {
                                $Filters = $null
                            if ($DriveMapping.Properties.thisDrive -eq 'SHOW') {
                                $ShowThisDrive = $true
                            } elseif ($DriveMapping.Properties.thisDrive -eq 'HIDE') {
                                $ShowThisDrive = $false
                            } else {
                                $ShowThisDrive = $null
                            if ($DriveMapping.Properties.allDrives -eq 'SHOW') {
                                $ShowAllDrives = $true
                            } elseif ($DriveMapping.Properties.allDrives -eq 'HIDE') {
                                $ShowAllDrives = $false
                            } else {
                                $ShowAllDrives = $null
                            if ($DriveMapping.Properties.useLetter -eq 0) {
                                $FirstAvailableLetter = $true
                            } else {
                                $FirstAvailableLetter = $false
                                Name = $GpoName
                                ConfigurationGroup = 'User'
                                SettingChanged = $DriveMapping.Changed
                                Order = $DriveMapping.GPOSettingOrder                                
                                DriveAction = $DriveAction
                                ShowThisDrive = $ShowThisDrive
                                ShowAllDrives = $ShowAllDrives                                
                                Label = $DriveMapping.Properties.label
                                Path = $DriveMapping.Properties.path
                                Reconnect = $Reconnect
                                FirstAvailableLetter = $FirstAvailableLetter
                                DriveLetter = $DriveMapping.Properties.letter
                                ConnectUserName = $DriveMapping.Properties.userName
                                Filters = $Filters
                'SecuritySetting' {
                    foreach ($SecuritySetting in $Gpoxml.GPO.Computer.ExtensionData.Extension.SecurityOptions ) {
                        if ($SecuritySetting) {
                                Name = $GpoName
                                ConfigurationGroup = 'Computer'
                                KeyName = $SecuritySetting.KeyName
                                SettingNumber = $SecuritySetting.SettingNumber
                                Display = $SecuritySetting.Display.Name
                                Units = $SecuritySetting.Display.Units
                    foreach ($SecuritySetting in $Gpoxml.GPO.User.ExtensionData.Extension.SecurityOptions ) {
                        if ($SecuritySetting) {
                                Name = $GpoName
                                ConfigurationGroup = 'User'
                                KeyName = $SecuritySetting.KeyName
                                SettingNumber = $SecuritySetting.SettingNumber
                                Display = $SecuritySetting.Display.Name
                                Units = $SecuritySetting.Display.Units
                'RegistrySetting' {
                    foreach ($RegistrySetting in $Gpoxml.Computer.ExtensionData.Extension.Policy ) {
                        if ($RegistrySetting) {
                            $GPORegistrySettingsInfo += [PsCustomObject]@{
                                Name = $GpoName
                                ConfigurationGroup = 'Computer'
                                PolicyName = $RegistrySetting.Name
                                State = $RegistrySetting.State
                                Supported = $RegistrySetting.Supported
                    foreach ($RegistrySetting in $Gpoxml.User.ExtensionData.Extension.Policy ) {
                        if ($RegistrySetting) {
                            $GPORegistrySettingsInfo += [PsCustomObject]@{
                                Name = $GpoName
                                ConfigurationGroup = 'User'
                                PolicyName = $RegistrySetting.Name
                                State = $RegistrySetting.State
                                Supported = $RegistrySetting.Supported
                'FolderRedirectionSetting' {
                    try {
                        $KnownFolders = Get-GPKnownFolderId -ErrorAction Stop                 
                        foreach ($FolderRedirectionSetting in $Gpoxml.Computer.ExtensionData.Extension.Folder ) {
                            if ($FolderRedirectionSetting) {
                                $GPOFolderRedirectionSettingsInfo += [PsCustomObject]@{
                                    Name = $GpoName
                                    ConfigurationGroup = 'Computer'
                                    Id = $FolderRedirectionSetting.Id
                                    DisplayName = $KnownFolders | Where-Object {$_.GUID -eq $FolderRedirectionSetting.Id} | Select-Object -ExpandProperty DisplayName
                                    FolderType = $KnownFolders | Where-Object {$_.GUID -eq $FolderRedirectionSetting.Id} | Select-Object -ExpandProperty FolderType
                                    DefaultPath = $KnownFolders | Where-Object {$_.GUID -eq $FolderRedirectionSetting.Id} | Select-Object -ExpandProperty DefaultPath
                                    DestinationPath = $FolderRedirectionSetting.Location.DestinationPath
                        foreach ($FolderRedirectionSetting in $Gpoxml.User.ExtensionData.Extension.Folder ) {
                            if ($FolderRedirectionSetting) {
                                $GPOFolderRedirectionSettingsInfo += [PsCustomObject]@{
                                    Name = $GpoName
                                    ConfigurationGroup = 'User'
                                    Id = $FolderRedirectionSetting.Id
                                    DisplayName = $KnownFolders | Where-Object {$_.GUID -eq $FolderRedirectionSetting.Id} | Select-Object -ExpandProperty DisplayName
                                    FolderType = $KnownFolders | Where-Object {$_.GUID -eq $FolderRedirectionSetting.Id} | Select-Object -ExpandProperty FolderType
                                    DefaultPath = $KnownFolders | Where-Object {$_.GUID -eq $FolderRedirectionSetting.Id} | Select-Object -ExpandProperty DefaultPath
                                    DestinationPath = $FolderRedirectionSetting.Location.DestinationPath
                    catch {
                        Write-Warning -Message 'Unable to obtain list of KnownFolders.'
            } # end switch

        } # end foreach loop


    end {
        Write-Verbose -Message "Completed in $([system.String]::Format("{0}d {1:00}h:{2:00}m:{3:00}s.{4:00}", $Timer.Elapsed.Days, $Timer.Elapsed.Hours, $Timer.Elapsed.Minutes, $Timer.Elapsed.Seconds, $Timer.Elapsed.Milliseconds / 10))"