
using module ..\private\PnPWsl2Helpers.psm1
using module ..\private\ValidateWslLocalInstance.psm1
using module ..\private\PSColors.psm1

Set-StrictMode -Version 3
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"

Exports a WSL2 instance to a file.
The `Export-PnPWsl2Instance` function exports a WSL2 instance to a file.
The type of the file can be either a tar file or a VHD file.
The name of the WSL2 instance to export. This parameter is mandatory.
The type of the export file. It can be either "TarFile" or "VhdFile".
This parameter is mandatory.
The path where the export file will be saved.
This parameter is mandatory.
Export-PnPWsl2Instance -Instance "Ubuntu-20.04" -Type "TarFile" -ExportPath "/path/to/export"
This example exports the "Ubuntu-20.04" WSL2 instance to a tar file.
The export file will be saved in "/path/to/export".

function Export-PnPWsl2Instance {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        [ValidateSet( [ValidateWslLocalInstance] )]
                [string[]] $validValues = [ValidateWslLocalInstance]::new().GetValidValues()
                $validValues -like "$wordToComplete*"
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 1)]
        [ValidateSet("TarFile", "VhdFile")]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 2)]
        $env:PNPWSL2_DISABLETELEMETRY = $true
        #telemetry tracking #cmdletName
        Send-PnPWsl2TrackEventTelemetry -EventName $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name
        $env:LogScope = ""
    Process {
        $env:LogScope = ""
        if (-Not(Test-Wsl2Enabled)) {
            Write-Log "`bWSL2 is not enabled"
        $config = Get-ModuleConfiguration
        ##test path
        if (-Not (Test-Path $ExportPath)) {
            Write-Log "`n[[red$ExportPath[/ does not exist."
        Write-Log "Exporting ... [/" -NoNewLine
        $exportFile= "$ExportPath\$($Instance)-$((Get-Date).ToString("yyyyMMddhhmm"))"
        if ($Type -eq "TarFile"){
            $exportFile+= ".tar"
            Invoke-Expression ($config.Commands.'Export-WslInstance' -f $Instance, $exportFile )
        else {
            ###Due to recent changes in the OS , vhd export doesn work if an instance is active ( even if you stop the instance) pfffffffff
            ## ... therefore checkpoinst are copy of the instance file with a new name.
            ## ugly ... but it works
            $instancesFolder = $config.PnPWsl2RootFolder + "\instances"
            $vhdxFile= (Get-Item "$instancesFolder\$Instance\*.vhdx").FullName
            $exportFile+= ".vhdx"
            Copy-Item -Path $vhdxFile -Destination $exportFile -Force
        Write-Log "[[green$Instance[/ Instance exported to $ExportPath [ $exportFile]!`n"
        $env:LogScope = ""