
using namespace System.Management.Automation
using module .\PSColors.psm1

    PsScreens class provides functions to display screens in PowerShell.
    PsScreens class contains static functions to display screens in PowerShell. It includes functions to show the main screen and small screen with customizable title and description.

PsScreens class provides functions to display screens with formatted content.
The PsScreens class provides functions to display screens with formatted content. It includes methods to show a main screen and a small screen, which can be used to present information in a visually appealing way.
This class relies on the PsColors class to apply colors to the screen content. It assumes that the screen templates are stored in environment variables: $ENV:PNPWSL2_SCREEN_MAIN and $ENV:PNPWSL2_SCREEN_SMALL.
$mainScreen = [PsScreens]::ShowMainScreen("Welcome to My App")
Displays the main screen with the provided label "Welcome to My App".
$smallScreen = [PsScreens]::ShowSmallScreen("Title", "This is a sample description")
Displays the small screen with the provided title "Title" and description "This is a sample description".

class PsScreens {
    static [string] ShowMainScreen($label,$version) {
        $screen= [PsColors]::ApplyColors((Get-Content -path "$ENV:PNPWSL2_SCREEN_MAIN" -Raw ) + $label)
        ## Get Module Version
        $screen = $screen.Replace("v00.00.00","v$version")
        Write-Host $screen
        return $screen

        ShowSmallScreen function displays a small screen with a title and description.
        ShowSmallScreen function reads the content of the small screen template file, replaces the placeholders with the provided title and description, applies colors, and displays the screen.
    .PARAMETER title
        The title to be displayed on the small screen.
    .PARAMETER description
        The description to be displayed on the small screen.
        ShowSmallScreen -title "Welcome" -description "This is a sample description"

    static [string] ShowSmallScreen($title,$description) {
        $screen= [PsColors]::ApplyColors((Get-Content -path "$ENV:PNPWSL2_SCREEN_SMALL" -Raw ))
        $screen = $screen -replace "{TITLE}" , $title
        $screen = $screen -replace "{DESCRIPTION}" , $description
        Write-Host $screen
        return $screen