using namespace System.Management.Automation using module ./PSColors.psm1 using module ./PSScreens.psm1 Set-StrictMode -Version 3.0 . $PSScriptRoot/Send-PnPWsl2TrackEventTelemetry.ps1 $ENV:PNPWSL2_CONFIG_FILE = "PnP.Wsl2.Json" $ENV:PNPWSL2_SCREEN_MAIN = "$PSScriptRoot\assets\screens\splscr-main.ascii" $ENV:PNPWSL2_SCREEN_SMALL = "$PSScriptRoot\assets\screens\splscr-small.ascii" $ENV:PNPWSL2_CandyModsFolder = "$PSScriptRoot\..\public\mods" $ENV:PnPWsl2_FileInstance = "$HOME\PnPWsl2.sys" $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop" <# .SYNOPSIS Checks if WSL 2 is enabled on the current Windows system. .DESCRIPTION The Test-Wsl2Enabled function checks if WSL 2 (Windows Subsystem for Linux 2) is enabled on the current Windows system. It does this by executing the `wsl --list` command and checking the output for the presence of the help message. .RETURNVALUE Returns a boolean value indicating whether WSL 2 is enabled (True) or not (False). .EXAMPLE Test-Wsl2Enabled Checks if WSL 2 is enabled on the current Windows system. .NOTES This function relies on the `wsl` command-line tool to list the available WSL distributions. It assumes that the function is being run with appropriate permissions to execute the `wsl` command. #> function Test-Wsl2Enabled() { $command = "wsl --list" $output = Invoke-Expression $command $isOfF = $($output | Out-String) -like '*-?-?h?e?l?p*' return -Not($isOfF) } ## WSL functions <# .SYNOPSIS Checks if WSL 2 is enabled by checking the required Windows features. .DESCRIPTION The Test-Wsl2EnabledByFeature function checks if WSL 2 (Windows Subsystem for Linux 2) is enabled on the current Windows system. It does this by checking the presence of the required Windows features: 'Microsoft-Windows-Subsystem-Linux' and 'VirtualMachinePlatform'. .RETURNVALUE Returns a boolean value indicating whether WSL 2 is enabled (True) or not (False). .EXAMPLE Test-Wsl2EnabledByFeature Checks if WSL 2 is enabled on the current Windows system. .NOTES This function relies on the Get-WindowsFeature cmdlet to check the presence of the required Windows features. It assumes that the function is being run with appropriate permissions to access and query Windows features. #> function Test-Wsl2EnabledByFeature() { $feature1 = Get-WindowsFeature -Name 'Microsoft-Windows-Subsystem-Linux' $feature2 = Get-WindowsFeature -Name 'VirtualMachinePlatform' return ($feature1 -and $feature2) } <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves a list of WSL2 distributions. .DESCRIPTION This function retrieves a list of WSL2 distributions either from the online source or the local source, based on the specified parameters. .PARAMETER online Specifies whether to retrieve the distributions from the online source. If set to $true, the function will use the online source. If set to $false, the function will use the local source. .PARAMETER instanceName Specifies the name of a specific WSL2 instance to retrieve. If provided, the function will filter the results to only include the specified instance. .OUTPUTS System.String[] An array of strings representing the names of the WSL2 distributions. .EXAMPLE Get-WSl2Distributions -online $true Retrieves a list of WSL2 distributions from the online source. .EXAMPLE Get-WSl2Distributions -online $false -instanceName "Ubuntu-20.04" Retrieves a list of WSL2 distributions from the local source and filters the results to only include the "Ubuntu-20.04" instance. #> function Get-WSl2Distributions($online, $instanceName) { $env:LogScope = "" if (-Not(Test-Wsl2Enabled)) { return $null } $config = Get-ModuleConfiguration # Define the command if ($online) { $command = $config.Commands."Get-WslDistributionsOnline" $skipValue = 3 } else { $command = $config.Commands."Get-WslDistributionsLocal" $skipValue = 1 } # Get the output of the command $output = Invoke-Expression $command $errorCodeToCheck = "Error code: Wsl/WSL_E_DEFAULT_DISTRO_NOT_FOUND" $noDist = $output | Where-Object { $_ -like "$errorCodeToCheck" } if ($noDist -eq $errorCodeToCheck) { ## no Dist, therefore ... return $null } # Split the output into lines $lines = $output -split "`n" $lines = ($lines -join "`n") -replace "`0" , "" ##replace (Default) string with empty space $lines = $lines -replace " \(Default\)" , "" $lines = @($lines -split '\r?\n' | Where-Object { $_.Trim() -ne "" } | Select-Object -Skip $skipValue) # Initialize an array to hold the strings $strings = @() # Loop through the rest of the lines for ($i = 0; $i -lt $lines.Count; $i++) { # Split the line into values $values = $lines[$i] -split "\s+" # Add the strings to the array $strings += $values[0] } if ($null -ne $instanceName -and $instanceName.Length -gt 0) { $strings = $strings | Where-Object { $_ -eq $instanceName } } $strings = @($strings | Where-Object { $_ -ne "Distributions" -and $_ -notlike "https://*" }) # Output if ($strings.Count -eq 0) { return $null } $ht = $strings | Sort-Object | ForEach-Object { [PSCustomObject]@{ Name = $_; } } $ht } <# .SYNOPSIS Checks if a Windows feature is enabled. .DESCRIPTION The Get-WindowsFeature function checks if a specified Windows feature is enabled on the current system. It uses the Get-WindowsOptionalFeature cmdlet to retrieve the state of the feature and determines if it is enabled. .PARAMETER name The name of the Windows feature to check. .RETURNVALUE Returns a boolean value indicating whether the specified Windows feature is enabled (True) or not (False). .EXAMPLE Get-WindowsFeature -name "Microsoft-Windows-Subsystem-Linux" Checks if the "Microsoft-Windows-Subsystem-Linux" feature is enabled on the current system. .NOTES This function relies on the Get-WindowsOptionalFeature cmdlet to retrieve the state of the Windows feature. It assumes that the function is being run with appropriate permissions to access and query Windows features. #> function Get-WindowsFeature([string] $name) { $feature = Get-WindowsOptionalFeature -FeatureName $name -Online return ($feature.State -eq "Enabled") } ## Configuration functions <# .SYNOPSIS Initializes the module configuration. .DESCRIPTION This function initializes the module configuration by checking if a local configuration file exists. If not, it copies the original configuration file and adjusts the configuration settings. .EXAMPLE Initialize-ModuleConfiguration Initializes the module configuration. #> function Initialize-ModuleConfiguration() { $label = "" if (-Not(Test-Path -Path $ENV:PnPWsl2_FileInstance )) { do { $msg = "`n[[bryellowPnPWsl2 assets[/ are not present in the system`n" $msg += "`nInput [[cyanPnP.Wsl2 Rootfolder [/[default [[[bryellow$HOME[/]]:" Write-Log -msg $msg -noNewLine $RootFolder = Read-Host if ($RootFolder.Length -eq 0) { $RootFolder = $HOME } if ($RootFolder.Length -gt 0) { try { $ErrorActionPreference = "Continue" $RootFolder = Resolve-Path -Path $RootFolder -ErrorAction Stop } catch { $msg = "[[redRoot folder [$RootFolder] does not exist. Please try again. (CTRL+C to abort)[/" Write-Log -msg $msg $RootFolder = $null } } else { $RootFolder = (Get-Location).Path } } while ($null -eq $RootFolder) $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop" $RootFolder | Set-Content -Path $ENV:PnPWsl2_FileInstance -NoNewline } $RootFolder = Get-Content -Path $ENV:PnPWsl2_FileInstance -Raw New-Item -Path "$RootFolder\PnPWsl2\mods" -ItemType Directory -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $version = (Import-PowerShellDataFile $PSScriptRoot\..\PnP.Wsl2.psd1).ModuleVersion [PSScreens]::ShowMainScreen($label,$version) $localConfigFile = "$RootFolder\PnPWsl2\$($ENV:PNPWSL2_CONFIG_FILE)" # if (-not (Test-Path $localConfigFile)) { $oriConfigFile = "$PSScriptRoot\..\$($ENV:PNPWSL2_CONFIG_FILE)" $env:WriteToFilePath = "$RootFolder\PnPWsl2\logs\PnPWsl2_{0}.log" -f $((Get-Date).ToString("yyyyMMddhh")) New-Item -Path "$RootFolder\PnPWsl2\logs" -ItemType Directory -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null if (-Not(Test-Path -Path $localConfigFile)) { Copy-Item -Path $oriConfigFile -Destination $localConfigFile } #validate if .sh scripts were modified $myScriptsFolder = "*\myscripts\*" $option = Invoke-ModFilesBackup -folderOrigin "$PSScriptRoot\..\public\mods" -folderDest "$RootFolder\PnPWsl2\mods" ` -dontWatchFolder $myScriptsFolder if ($option -eq "Q") { Write-Log -msg "`n[[brwhiteImport aborted by user[/" return } if ($option -eq "O") { Write-Log -msg "`n[[brwhite Overwriting files ...[/" } ## Kill pending processes Stop-PendingProcesses # copy mods to local folder # this actually changes the file encoding in destination folder so no good! # Copy Files is a copycat of the copy-item function that preserves the file encoding Copy-Files -source "$PSScriptRoot\..\public\mods" -destination "$RootFolder\PnPWsl2\mods" -dontCopyFolder $myScriptsFolder ## get all files in "$RootFolder\PnPWsl2\mods" and create bash aliases in ~/.bashrc ##adjust configuration $ENV:PNPWSL2_CONFIG_FILE = $localConfigFile $config = Get-ModuleConfiguration $config.WslCandyFolder = "$RootFolder\PnPWsl2\mods" $config.WslActiveDistribution = "ubuntu" #powershell tempo folder $config.WslTempFolder = (Get-Item $env:TEMP).FullName $config.PnPWsl2RootFolder = "$RootFolder\PnPWsl2" # $imagesFolder =$null # if ($null -ne $config.WslTempFolder) { # $imagesFolder = $config.WslTempFolder # $instancesFolder = "$imagesFolder\..\instances" # New-Item -Path $imagesFolder -ItemType Directory -Force | Out-Null # New-Item -Path $instancesFolder -ItemType Directory -Force | Out-Null # } Save-ModuleConfiguration -configFileObj $config # } $config = Get-ModuleConfiguration $ENV:PNPWSL2_CONFIG_FILE = $localConfigFile $ENV:PNPWSL2_CandyModsFolder = $config.WslCandyFolder $ENV:PNPWSL2_ImagesRootFolder = $config.PnPWsl2RootFolder if ($option -eq "O" -or $option -eq "B") { Write-Log -msg "[[brwhiteDone ![/`n" } } <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves the module configuration. .DESCRIPTION This function retrieves the module configuration from the PnP.Wsl2.Json file. .OUTPUTS System.Object The module configuration object. .EXAMPLE Get-ModuleConfiguration Retrieves the module configuration. #> function Get-ModuleConfiguration() { $configFile = $ENV:PNPWSL2_CONFIG_FILE if (-not (Test-Path $configFile)) { return $null } $config = Get-Content $configFile | ConvertFrom-Json -Depth 5 return $config } <# .SYNOPSIS Saves the module configuration. .DESCRIPTION This function saves the module configuration to the PnP.Wsl2.Json file. .PARAMETERS -configFileObj The module configuration object to save. .EXAMPLE Save-ModuleConfiguration -configFileObj $config Saves the module configuration. #> function Save-ModuleConfiguration($configFileObj) { $configFileContent = $configFileObj | ConvertTo-Json $configFileContent | Set-Content $ENV:PNPWSL2_CONFIG_FILE -NoNewline } <# .SYNOPSIS Writes a log message. .DESCRIPTION This function writes a log message with the specified message, scope, user ID, process ID, and file path. .PARAMETERS -msg The log message to write. -Scope The scope of the log message. -UserId The user ID associated with the log message. -ProcessID The process ID associated with the log message. -WriteToFilePath The file path to write the log message to. .EXAMPLE Write-Log -msg "This is a log message" -Scope "Module" -UserId "user1" -ProcessID "1234" -WriteToFilePath "C:\Logs\log.txt" Writes a log message with the specified scope, user ID, process ID, and file path. #> function Write-Log { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'msg')] Param ( [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'msg', Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)] [String] $msg, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [String] $Scope, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [String] $UserId, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [String] $ProcessID, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [String] $WriteToFilePath, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch] $NoNewLine, [switch] $NoInitialSpace ) [bool] $writeToFile = $false if ((-Not $WriteToFilePath) -and ($env:WriteToFilePath)) { $WriteToFilePath = $env:WriteToFilePath $writeToFile = $true } if ($WriteToFilePath) { $writeToFile = $true } if ((-Not $Scope) -and ($env:LogScope)) { $Scope = $env:LogScope } if ((-Not $UserId) -and ($env:LogUserId)) { $UserId = $env:LogUserId } if ((-Not $ProcessID) -and ($env:LogProcessID)) { $ProcessID = $env:LogProcessID } $processIDLabel = "" if ($ProcessID) { $processIDLabel = "[" + $ProcessID + "]" } $logHasDate = $false if ($env:LogHasDate) { $logHasDate = $true } if ($Scope.length -gt 0) { $Scope = "[" + $Scope + "]" } $outputMsg = "$Scope$processIDLabel$msg" $outputMsg = [PSColors]::ApplyColors($outputMsg) if ($writeToFile) { $outputMsgFile = "[$((Get-Date).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss.fff"))] $outputMsg" $outputMsgFile = [PSColors]::RemoveColors($outputMsgFile, $false, $null) if (-not (Test-Path $WriteToFilePath)) { New-Item -Path $WriteToFilePath -ItemType File -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null } Add-Content -Path $WriteToFilePath -Value $outputMsgFile } $initialSpace = " " if ($NoInitialSpace) { $initialSpace = "" } $outputMsg = $initialSpace + $outputMsg if ($NoNewLine) { Write-Host -NoNewline $outputMsg } else { Write-Host $outputMsg } } # add description <# .SYNOPSIS This function modifies the content of a file to use Unix-style line endings and UTF-8 NoBOM encoding. .DESCRIPTION The Set-UnixFileContent function takes one parameter: a file object. It reads the content of the file, replaces all carriage return characters with nothing (effectively converting any Windows-style line endings to Unix-style), and then writes the modified content back to the file using UTF-8 NoBOM encoding. .PARAMETER file The file object whose content is to be modified. This should be a valid file object with a FullName property. .EXAMPLE Set-UnixFileContent -file $file This command modifies the content of the file represented by the $file object to use Unix-style line endings and UTF-8 NoBOM encoding. .NOTES The function uses the Get-Content cmdlet to read the content of the file. It uses the -replace operator to replace carriage return characters. It uses the Set-Content cmdlet to write the modified content back to the file. #> function Set-UnixFileContent([string]$filePath) { $fileContent = Get-Content -Path $filePath -Raw $modifiedContent = $fileContent -replace '\r', '' Set-Content -Path $filePath -Value $modifiedContent -Encoding utf8NoBOM -NoNewline } # This function is used to kill any pending processes function Stop-PendingProcesses() { # Define the processes to be killed #MicrosoftWebDriver.exe <- use in mod\az\ $pendingProcesses = "MicrosoftWebDriver".split(",") # Loop through each process foreach ($processName in $pendingProcesses) { # Get the process by its name $processes = Get-Process -Name $processName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue # If the process exists if ($processes) { # Loop through each process found foreach ($process in $processes) { # Kill the process $process.Kill() } } } } <# .SYNOPSIS This function copies files from a source directory to a destination directory, recursivly. Why this function right? Apparantely Copy-Item with -Recurse doesn preserve the file encoding #> function Copy-Files { param ( [string]$source, [string]$destination, [string]$dontCopyFolder ) # Ensure source and destination paths are resolved $sourcePath = (Resolve-Path -Path $source).Path $destinationPath = (Resolve-Path -Path $destination).Path # Ensure destination directory exists if (-not (Test-Path -Path $destinationPath)) { New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $destinationPath -Force | Out-Null } # Get all files from source directory $files = Get-ChildItem -Path $sourcePath -File -Recurse foreach ($file in $files) { # Determine the destination file path $relativePath = $file.FullName.Substring($sourcePath.Length) $destFilePath = Join-Path -Path $destinationPath -ChildPath $relativePath # Ensure the destination directory exists $destDir = Split-Path -Path $destFilePath -Parent if (-not (Test-Path -Path $destDir)) { New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $destDir -Force | Out-Null } try { $theFile=$null; if ($file.FullName -like $dontCopyFolder) { ## test if file dest already exists [only copy if doesnt exists] $myScriptsFile = $destFilePath if (-not (Test-Path -Path $myScriptsFile)) { $theFile = Copy-Item -Path $file.FullName -Destination $destFilePath -Force -PassThru } } else { $theFile=Copy-Item -Path $file.FullName -Destination $destFilePath -Force -PassThru } # Copy the file if ($null -ne $theFile -and ($file.Extension -eq '.txt' -or $file.Extension -eq '.sh')) { Set-UnixFileContent -FilePath $theFile.FullName } } catch { $a="" } } } # This function copies all files from the specified source directory to the destination directory. # If the destination directory does not exist, it will be created. # For each file copied, if the file is a text file (.txt) or a shell script (.sh), the function will call Set-UnixFileContent to process the file. function Copy-Files22($source, $dest, $dontCopyFolder) { Copy-FolderRecursively -source $source -destination $dest exit $source = $source.ToLower() $dest = $dest.ToLower() # copy all files from $source $dest and on each file if its a text file or sh call # Ensure destination directory exists if (-not (Test-Path -Path $dest)) { New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $dest } # Get all files from source directory $files = Get-ChildItem -Path $source -File -Recurse $theFile = $null foreach ($file in $files) { Write-Host " Copy-Files theFile10 " Write-Host " source = $($source) " Write-Host " destPath= $($dest)" Write-Host " FullName=$($file.Fullname)" $sourcePath = (Resolve-Path -Path $source).Path Write-Host " sourcePath = $($sourcePath) " Write-Host " REPLACE=$($file.Fullname.replace($sourcePath, $dest))" $tobe = $file.Fullname -replace ('(?i)' + $sourcePath), $dest Write-Host " tobe=$tobe" exit $destPath = Split-Path -Path ( $tobe) -Parent Write-Host " Copy-Files theFile11 sourcePath = $($sourcePath) destPath= $($destPath)" if ($file.FullName -like $dontCopyFolder) { ## test if file dest already exists [only copy if doesnt exists] $myScriptsFile = $destPath if (-not (Test-Path -Path $myScriptsFile)) { New-Item -Path $dest -ItemType Directory -Force | Out-Null Write-Host " Copy-Files myScriptsFile" $theFile = Copy-Item -Path $file.FullName -Destination $myScriptsFile -Force -PassThru } } else { <# Action when all if and elseif conditions are false #> New-Item -Path $destPath -ItemType Directory -Force | Out-Null Write-Host " Copy-Files theFile11" $theFile = Copy-Item -Path $file.FullName -Destination $destPath -PassThru exit } # Check if the file is a text file or a shell script if ($null -ne $theFile -and ($file.Extension -eq '.txt' -or $file.Extension -eq '.sh')) { Set-UnixFileContent -FilePath $theFile.FullName } } } function Copy-FilesOld($source, $dest, $dontCopyFolder) { $source = Resolve-Path -Path $source if (-Not(Test-Path -Path $dest)) { New-Item -Path $dest -ItemType Directory -Force | Out-Null } $destination = Resolve-Path -Path $dest Write-Host "Copy0 item custom source=$source dest=$dest" $filesOrigin = (Get-ChildItem $source -Recurse -File) foreach ($f in $filesOrigin) { [System.IO.FileInfo] $file = $f; Write-Host "Copy0112 /source:$($source.Path)" Write-Host "Copy0112 /dest:$($destination.Path)" Write-Host "Copy0112 /file:$($file.FullName)" $fileDest = $file.FullName.Replace($source.Path, $destination.Path) Write-Host "Copy0112 /fileDest:$fileDest" $fileDest = $fileDest.Replace($file.Name, "") $fileDest = $fileDest.TrimEnd("\") if (-not (Test-Path -Path $fileDest)) { New-Item -Path $fileDest -ItemType Directory -Force | Out-Null } #check if its a text file if ($file.Extension -eq ".sh" -or $file.Extension -eq ".txt") { Set-UnixFileContent -file $file.FullName } if ($file.FullName -like $dontCopyFolder) { ## test if file dest already exists $myScriptsFile = "$($fileDest)\$($" if (-not (Test-Path -Path $myScriptsFile)) { Copy-Item -Path $file.FullName -Destination $fileDest -Force } } else { Write-Host "Copy0113" Write-Host "Copy0113 - $($file.FullName) to $($fileDest)" Copy-Item -Path $file.FullName -Destination $fileDest -Force } } } <# .SYNOPSIS Invokes a script within a WSL 2 distribution using the specified parameters. .DESCRIPTION The Invoke-ModScript function allows you to invoke a script within a WSL 2 (Windows Subsystem for Linux 2) distribution. It takes the script base name, distribution name, and super user flag as parameters. The function retrieves the script content, creates a temporary file in the WSL 2 environment, and executes the script within the specified distribution. .PARAMETER scriptBaseName The base name of the script to be invoked. .PARAMETER distribution The name of the WSL 2 distribution in which the script should be executed. .PARAMETER superUser A boolean flag indicating whether the script should be executed with super user privileges (sudo). .RETURNVALUE Returns the output of the executed script. .EXAMPLE Invoke-ModScript -scriptBaseName "" -distribution "Ubuntu-20.04" -superUser $false Invokes the script "" within the "Ubuntu-20.04" WSL 2 distribution without super user privileges. .NOTES This function relies on the Get-ModuleConfiguration function to retrieve the configuration settings. It assumes that the function is being run with appropriate permissions to access and execute scripts within the WSL 2 environment. #> function Invoke-ModScript($scriptBaseName, $distribution, $superUser) { $config = Get-ModuleConfiguration $toolsFolder = $config.WslCandyFolder $cmdFile = "$toolsFolder\$scriptBaseName" $cmdFile = (Get-Content -Path $cmdFile -Raw).Trim() New-Item -Path "$Env:TEMP\PnPWsl2\" -ItemType Directory -Force | Out-Null $parent = (Split-Path "$Env:TEMP\PnPWsl2\$scriptBaseName" -Parent) New-Item -Path $parent -ItemType Directory -Force | Out-Null $cmdFile | Set-Content -Path "$Env:TEMP\PnPWsl2\$scriptBaseName" -NoNewline $envTempFullPath = (Get-Item $env:TEMP).FullName $cmdFile = "$envTempFullPath\PnPWsl2\$scriptBaseName".Replace("\", "/") Write-Log -msg $cmdFile -NoNewLine $cmd = $config.Commands.'Get-WSlPath' -f $distribution, $cmdFile $cmdFileExecute = Invoke-Expression -Command $cmd $cmd = $config.Commands.'Execute-WSlBashFile' -f $distribution, $cmdFileExecute, $superUser $output = Invoke-Expression -Command $cmd return $output } <# .SYNOPSIS Displays a confirmation prompt and waits for user input. .DESCRIPTION The Show-ConfirmPrompt function displays a confirmation prompt with a specified message and waits for user input. It allows the user to confirm or quit the operation by pressing the corresponding keys. .PARAMETER msg The message to be displayed as the confirmation prompt. .PARAMETER yesKey The key that represents the confirmation action. Pressing this key will confirm the operation. .PARAMETER quitKey The key that represents quitting the operation. Pressing this key will cancel the operation. .RETURNVALUE Returns a boolean value indicating whether the user confirmed (True) or quit (False) the operation. .EXAMPLE Show-ConfirmPrompt -msg "Are you sure you want to proceed? (Y/N)" -yesKey "Y" -quitKey "N" Displays the confirmation prompt with the specified message and waits for the user to press either "Y" to confirm or "N" to quit. .NOTES This function relies on the [Console]::ReadKey method to read the user's input from the console. It assumes that the function is being run in a console environment. #> function Show-ConfirmPrompt($msg, $yesKey, $quitKey) { ##write-host with no new line Write-Log -msg $msg -NoNewLine $out = $false $prompt = $null; while (-not $out ) { $answer = [Console]::Readkey($true) if ($answer.key -eq $yesKey) { $out = $true $prompt = $true } if ($answer.key -eq $quitKey) { $out = $true $prompt = $false } } $prompt } <# .SYNOPSIS Displays a prompt with multiple options and waits for user input. .DESCRIPTION The Show-ConfirmOptionsPrompt function displays a prompt with two options and waits for user input. It allows the user to select one of the options or quit the operation by pressing the corresponding keys. .PARAMETER msg The message to be displayed as the prompt. .PARAMETER option1 The first option to be displayed. .PARAMETER option2 The second option to be displayed. .PARAMETER quitKey The key that represents quitting the operation. Pressing this key will cancel the operation. .RETURNVALUE Returns the selected option or the quit key. .EXAMPLE Show-ConfirmOptionsPrompt -msg "Select an option: (1) Option A, (2) Option B, (Q) Quit" -option1 "1" -option2 "2" -quitKey "Q" Displays the prompt with the specified message and options, and waits for the user to select an option or quit. .NOTES This function relies on the [Console]::ReadKey method to read the user's input from the console. It assumes that the function is being run in a console environment. #> function Show-ConfirmOptionsPrompt($msg, $option1, $option2, $quitKey) { ##write-host with no new line Write-Log -msg $msg -NoNewLine $out = $false $prompt = $null; while (-not $out ) { $answer = [Console]::Readkey($true) if ($answer.key -eq $option1) { $out = $true $prompt = $option1 } if ($answer.key -eq $option2) { $out = $true $prompt = $option2 } if ($answer.key -eq $quitKey) { $out = $true $prompt = $quitKey } } $prompt } <# .SYNOPSIS Performs a backup of modified files in a specified folder. .DESCRIPTION The Invoke-ModFilesBackup function compares files in the origin folder with files in the destination folder. It identifies files that have been modified and provides options to either overwrite them or create a backup before overwriting. .PARAMETER folderOrigin The path to the origin folder containing the files to be compared. .PARAMETER folderDest The path to the destination folder where the files will be compared against. .RETURNVALUE Returns the user's selected option: "O" for overwrite, "B" for backup and overwrite, or "Q" for quit. .EXAMPLE Invoke-ModFilesBackup -folderOrigin "C:\Path\To\Origin" -folderDest "C:\Path\To\Destination" Performs a backup of modified files in the origin folder and provides options to overwrite or create a backup in the destination folder. .NOTES This function relies on the Get-FileHash cmdlet to calculate the MD5 hash of each file. It assumes that the function is being run with appropriate permissions to access and modify files in the specified folders. #> function Invoke-ModFilesBackup($folderOrigin, $folderDest, $dontWatchFolder) { $folderOrigin = (Resolve-Path -Path $folderOrigin).Path.ToLower() $folderDest = (Resolve-Path -Path $folderDest).Path.ToLower() $filesOrigin = (Get-ChildItem $folderOrigin -Recurse -File) | ForEach-Object { $hash = (Get-FileHash $_.FullName -Algorithm MD5).Hash $_ | Select-Object @{Name = 'BaseName'; Expression = { $_.FullName.toLower().Replace($folderOrigin, "") } }, Length, ` @{Name = 'Hash'; Expression = { $hash } }, FullName, Operation, LastWriteTime } $filesDest = (Get-ChildItem $folderDest -Recurse -File) | ForEach-Object { $hash = (Get-FileHash $_.FullName -Algorithm MD5).Hash $_ | Select-Object @{Name = 'BaseName'; Expression = { $_.FullName.toLower().Replace($folderDest, "") } }, Length, ` @{Name = 'Hash'; Expression = { $hash } }, FullName, Operation, LastWriteTime } foreach ($file in $filesOrigin) { $fileDest = $filesDest | Where-Object { ($_.BaseName -notLike $dontWatchFolder) -and ($_.BaseName -eq $file.BaseName) } # Write-Host ("Ori:" + $file.FullName + "`nDet:" + $fileDest.FullName + "`n") if ($null -eq $fileDest ) { # Write-Host "File not found in destination folder: $($file.FullName)" } else { if ($file.Hash -ne $fileDest.Hash) { $fileDest.Operation = "Changed" } } } $files = @($filesDest | Where-Object { $_.Operation -eq "Changed" }) $p = $null if ($files.Count -gt 0) { [string]$msg = "[[cyan`nPnPWsl2[[brwhite is already installed, and apparently some files inside the mods folder are outdated\modified:`n`n " Write-Log -msg $msg $msg = ($files | Select-Object FullName, LastWriteTime | Format-Table | Out-String ).Trim() Write-Log -msg "[[gray $msg" $msg = "`n`n[[brwhite[[[bryellowO[[brwhite]verwrite all files? [[brwhite[[[bryellowB[[brwhite]ackup and overwrite? [[brwhite[[[bryellowQ[[brwhite]uit :" $p = Show-ConfirmOptionsPrompt -msg $msg -option1 "O" -option2 "B" -quitKey "Q" Write-Log -msg " " } ## move old mods folder to backup if ($p -eq "B") { # Move-Item -Path "$folderDest\*" -Destination $folderBackup $folderBackup = "$folderDest\_backup" New-Item -Path $folderBackup -ItemType Directory -Force | Out-Null $destinationZip = "$folderBackup\mods_$((Get-Date).ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss")).zip" # Excluded folder(s) $excludedFolders = @("_backup") # Get a list of items excluding specified folders $itemsToCompress = Get-ChildItem -Path $folderOrigin | Where-Object { $ -notin $excludedFolders } Compress-Archive -Path $itemsToCompress.FullName -DestinationPath $destinationZip -Force Write-Log "`n [[brwhiteBackup folder created ([[yellow$folderBackup[[brwhite) !" } $p } <# .SYNOPSIS Generates bash aliases for all .sh files in a specified directory and its subdirectories, excluding "" and "". .DESCRIPTION This function takes a directory as input and finds all .sh files in that directory and its subdirectories, excluding "" and "". For each file found, it constructs a bash alias command in the format "alias pnpwsl2-{parent-dir}-{dir}-{filename}='bash {full-path}'", where {parent-dir} is the first two characters of the parent directory name, {dir} is the directory name, and {filename} is the file name without extension. The function returns an array of all the alias commands, enclosed between "#### PNPWSL2 CANDY ALIAS STARTS HERE" and "#### PNPWSL2 CANDY ALIAS ENDS HERE". .PARAMETER folder The directory to search for .sh files. The path should be in Windows format (using backslashes). .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-CandyBashAliases -folder "C:\work" .OUTPUTS String[]. An array of bash alias commands. .NOTES The function assumes that all .sh files are directly under a subdirectory of the root directory, and that the parent directory of each file has a name of at least two characters. #> function Get-CandyBashAliases { param ( [string]$folder ) $allAlias = @() $allAlias += " #### PNPWSL2 CANDY ALIAS STARTS HERE" # Get all files in the directory $files = Get-ChildItem -Path $folder -Recurse -Filter "*.sh" -Exclude "", "" # For each file, create a bash alias foreach ($file in $files) { # Construct the alias command $linuxPath = $file.FullName.replace("\", "/") $aliasName = "pnpwsl2-{0}-{1}-{2}" -f $, 2), ` $, ` [System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($file.Name) ` $aliasCommand = "alias " + $aliasName + "='bash " + $linuxPath + "'" $allAlias += $aliasCommand } $allAlias += " #### PNPWSL2 CANDY ALIAS ENDS HERE" $allAlias } |