Set-StrictMode -Version 3 $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop" Set-Location -Path "$PSScriptRoot\.." $path = (Resolve-Path -Path "$PSScriptRoot").path # copy documentation to output folder Write-Host "1. Copying documentation files to page cmdlets" Copy-Item -Path "$path/documentation/*.md" -Destination "$path/../pages/cmdlets" -Force # Generate cmdlet toc Write-Host "2. Generating cmdlet toc" $cmdletPages = Get-ChildItem -Path "$path/../pages/cmdlets/*.md" -Exclude "" | Sort-Object -Property Name $toc = "" foreach ($cmdletPage in $cmdletPages) { $toc = $toc + "- name: $($cmdletPage.BaseName)`n href: $($cmdletPage.Name)`n" } $toc | Out-File "$path/../pages/cmdlets/toc.yml" -Force # Generate cmdlet index page Write-Host "3. Generating cmdlet indexpages" $cmdletIndexPageContent = Get-Content -Path "$path/templates/cmdlet-index.template" -Raw $cmdletIndexPageContent = $cmdletIndexPageContent.Replace("%%cmdletcount%%", $cmdletPages.Length) $cmdletIndexPageList = "" $previousCmdletVerb = "" foreach ($cmdletPage in $cmdletPages) { # Define the verb of the cmdlet if($cmdletPage.BaseName.Contains("-")) { $cmdletVerb = $cmdletPage.BaseName.Remove($cmdletPage.BaseName.IndexOf("-")) if($cmdletVerb -ne $previousCmdletVerb) { # Add a new heading for the new verb $cmdletIndexPageList += "## $($cmdletVerb)`n" } $previousCmdletVerb = $cmdletVerb } else { $cmdletVerb = "" } # Add a new entry for the verb $cmdletIndexPageList += "- [$($cmdletPage.BaseName)]($($cmdletPage.Name))" $cmdletIndexPageList = $cmdletIndexPageList + "`n" } $cmdletIndexPageContent = $cmdletIndexPageContent.Replace("%%cmdletlisting%%", $cmdletIndexPageList) $cmdletIndexPageContent | Out-File "$path/../pages/cmdlets/" -Force # Generate candy index page Write-Host "4. Generating candy index page" # $cmdletIndexPageContent = Get-Content -Path "$path/templates/cmdlet-index.template" -Raw # $cmdletIndexPageContent = $cmdletIndexPageContent.Replace("%%cmdletcount%%", $cmdletPages.Length) # $cmdletIndexPageList = "" # $previousCmdletVerb = "" function ParseElements($file) { $item= Get-Item -Path $file $name="{0}-{1}-{2}" -f $, 2), ` $, [System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($item.Name) $scriptContent = Get-Content -Path $file -Raw $modNamePattern = 'modName="(.*)"' $modSectionPattern = 'modSection="(.*)"' $helpMessagePattern = 'HELP_MESSAGE="(.*)"' $helpMessageLongPattern = 'HELP_MESSAGE_LONG="(.*)"' $helpMessageLongPattern2 = 'HELP_MESSAGE_LONG="([\s\S]*?)"\r?\n' $modName = [regex]::Match($scriptContent, $modNamePattern).Groups[1].Value.Trim() $modSection = [regex]::Match($scriptContent, $modSectionPattern).Groups[1].Value.Trim() $helpMessage = [regex]::Match($scriptContent, $helpMessagePattern).Groups[1].Value.Trim() $helpMessageLong = [regex]::Match($scriptContent, $helpMessageLongPattern).Groups[1].Value.Trim() -join "`n" if ($helpMessageLong -eq "") { $helpMessageLong = [regex]::Match($scriptContent, $helpMessageLongPattern2).Groups[1].Value.Trim() -join "`n" } ##create psobject $obj = New-Object PSObject $obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Name" -Value $name $obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "modName" -Value $modName $obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "modSection" -Value $modSection $obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "HELP_MESSAGE" -Value $helpMessage.replace("\n","\") $obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "HELP_MESSAGE_LONG" -Value $helpMessageLong.replace("\n","`n") #exception for "m365" $obj.modName = $obj.modName.Replace("m365", "M365") #exception for "pwsh" $obj.modName = $obj.modName.Replace("pwsh", "PowerShell") #exception for "SPFX" $obj.modName = $obj.modName.Replace("SPFX", "SharePoint Framework") #exception for "SYS" $obj.modName = $obj.modName.Replace("SYS", "System") return $obj } $allCandy = Get-ChildItem -Path "$path/../public/mods/*.sh" -Exclude "","","" -Recurse | Sort-Object -Property FullName $candyIndexPageList=@() $previousModName = "" $ctCandy=0; $myScripts = @() foreach ($candy in $allCandy) { $elem= ParseElements($candy.FullName) # Write-Host "- $($elem.modSection)" # Define the verb of the cmdlet $modName = $elem.modName if ($modName -eq "myscripts") { # $myScripts += "### $($modName)`n" # Add a new entry for the verb $myScripts += "- #### 🍭$($elem.Name)" $myScripts += " $($elem.HELP_MESSAGE_LONG)" $myScripts += ' ```powershell' $myScripts += " Add-PnPWsl2Candy -Candy $($elem.Name) -Instance myinstance" $myScripts += ' ```' } else { if($modName -ne $previousModName) { # Add a new heading for the new verb $candyIndexPageList += "### $($modName)" } $previousModName = $modName # Add a new entry for the verb $candyIndexPageList += "- #### 🍭$($elem.Name)" $candyIndexPageList += " $($elem.HELP_MESSAGE_LONG)" $candyIndexPageList += ' ```powershell' $candyIndexPageList += " Add-PnPWsl2Candy -Candy $($elem.Name) -Instance myinstance" $candyIndexPageList += ' ```' } $ctCandy++ $candyIndexPageList += "`n" } $myScripts = "### MyScripts`n" + ($myScripts -join "`n") $candyIndexPageList = ($candyIndexPageList -join "`n") + $myScripts $candyIndexPageContent = Get-Content -Path "$path/templates/candy-index.template" -Raw $candyIndexPageContent = $candyIndexPageContent -f $ctCandy,$candyIndexPageList $candyIndexPageContent | Out-File "$path/../pages/candy/" -Force Write-Host "5. Cleaning up" ## Clean up ## get all documentation files remove ## EXAMPLES string $docFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path "$path/documentation" -Recurse -Include *.md foreach ($docFile in $docFiles) { $content = Get-Content -Path $docFile.FullName -Raw $content = $content.Replace("## EXAMPLES", "") $content = $content.Replace("### EXAMPLE", "## EXAMPLE") Set-Content -Path $docFile.FullName -Value $content -Force } Write-Host "6. DocFx build" ## detect if docfx is installed if (-not (Get-Command docfx -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) { Write-Host "DocFx is not installed. Installing DocFx" dotnet tool update -g docfx } docfx build -t default,templates/material "$path/../pages/docfx.json" $docsFolder= "$path/../docs" New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $docsFolder Write-Host "7. Copy All to docs" $docsPath= (Resolve-Path -Path $docsFolder).path Copy-Item -Path "$path/../pages/_site/*" -Destination $docsFolder -Force -Recurse Remove-Item -Path "$path/../pages/_site" -Force -Recurse Write-Host "docsPath:$docsPath" Set-Location $docsPath ls Write-Host "done!" Set-Location -Path "$PSScriptRoot" ## to be use for local testing ##docfx -t default,templates/material "$path/../pages/docfx.json" --serve |