
.GUID c3a0985b-2117-41c9-9016-12a528746fe3
.AUTHOR Manu Philip

 Plot Azure WebApp Metrics in Shell as Graph
#The following PowerShell code can print Azure WebApp metrics as Graphical form 'DataIn, DataOut, Requests' for each days for selected number of days
$Important Note: Install Graphical module before you run the code in shell.
#Install-Module Graphical
#The script is ready to use. Copy the code and save as PS1 file
#When executing, the script will ask for the resource group name and number of days needed in report
#After the completing the script, you will get graphical metrics of each websites within the shell
#Hope the script helps you out in your daily Azure tasks

$RgName = Read-Host "Please enter the Resource Group Name that the Websites belongs to"
$Days= Read-Host "Please enter Last #Days needed to be checked in the report"
$ResourceNames = Get-AzResource -ResourceGroupName $RgName -ResourceType "Microsoft.Web/sites"

foreach ($ResourceName in $ResourceNames)
$WebappName = $ResourceName.Name 
$URLName=(Get-AzWebApp -Name $WebappName).DefaultHostName

# inputs
 $WarningPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
 $TimeGrain = [timespan]::FromHours(1)

 $Start = [datetime]::Now.AddDays(-$Days)
 $End = [datetime]::Now
 # capture resource metrics
 $Resource = Get-AzResource -ResourceName $WebappName -ResourceGroupName $RgName -ResourceType "Microsoft.Web/sites"
 $ResourceID = $Resource.ResourceId
 $MetricName = 'BytesSent'
 $Splat = @{
     ResourceId = $ResourceID 
     MetricName = $MetricName
     TimeGrain = $TimeGrain 
     StartTime = $Start
     EndTime = $End
 $Data = Get-AzMetric @Splat
 $Datpoints = ${[int]$_})
 # plot the graph
 Show-Graph -Datapoints $Datpoints -GraphTitle "$MetricName : $URLName" -YAxisStep 5 
 Show-Graph -Datapoints $Datpoints -GraphTitle "$MetricName : $URLName" -YAxisStep 5 -Type Line
 Show-Graph -Datapoints $Datpoints -GraphTitle "$MetricName : $URLName" -YAxisStep 5 -Type Scatter
 $MetricName = 'BytesReceived'
 $Splat = @{
     ResourceId = $ResourceID 
     MetricName = $MetricName
     TimeGrain = $TimeGrain 
     StartTime = $Start
     EndTime = $End
 $Data = Get-AzMetric @Splat
 $Datpoints = ${[int]$_})
 # plot the graph
 Show-Graph -Datapoints $Datpoints -GraphTitle "$MetricName : $URLName" -YAxisStep 5 
 Show-Graph -Datapoints $Datpoints -GraphTitle "$MetricName : $URLName" -YAxisStep 5 -Type Line
 Show-Graph -Datapoints $Datpoints -GraphTitle "$MetricName : $URLName" -YAxisStep 5 -Type Scatter
 $MetricName = 'Requests'
 $Splat = @{
     ResourceId = $ResourceID 
     MetricName = $MetricName
     TimeGrain = $TimeGrain 
     StartTime = $Start
     EndTime = $End
 $Data = Get-AzMetric @Splat
 $Datpoints = ${[int]$_})
 # plot the graph
 Show-Graph -Datapoints $Datpoints -GraphTitle "$MetricName : $URLName" -YAxisStep 5 
 Show-Graph -Datapoints $Datpoints -GraphTitle "$MetricName : $URLName" -YAxisStep 5 -Type Line
 Show-Graph -Datapoints $Datpoints -GraphTitle "$MetricName : $URLName" -YAxisStep 5 -Type Scatter