
  Cross-platform access to actual hardware on Windows, Linux and MacOS.
  Cross-platform access to actual hardware on Windows, Linux and MacOS. Both powershell and pwsh are supported.
   # Show OS Platform, Linux|Windows|MacOS|FreeBSD
   # Display CPU Name
   Write-Host "CPU: $(Get-Cpu-Name)"
   # Display CPU Name
   echo "Memory $((Get-Memory-Info).Description)"

function Measure-Action {
    [string] $Title,
    [ScriptBlock] $Action

  $startAt = [System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew()
  try { Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $action; $err=$null; } catch { $err=$_.Exception; }
  if (-not $err) {
    Write-Host "Success. " -ForeGroundColor Green -NoNewLine;
    Write-Host "'$title' took $($msec.ToString("n0")) ms" -ForeGroundColor DarkGray
  } else {
    # Write-Host $err.GetType()
    Write-Host "Fail. $($err.Message)" -ForeGroundColor Red -NoNewLine;
    Write-Host " '$title' took $($msec.ToString("n0")) ms"

function Has-Cmd {
  param([string] $arg)
  if ("$arg" -eq "") { return $false; }
  [bool] (Get-Command "$arg" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)

Function Out-String-And-TrimEnd
  Param ([int] $Skip=0, [int] $Take=2000000000)
  Begin{ $n=0; $list = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Object]}
  Process{ $n++; if (-not ($n -le $Skip -or $n -gt ($Skip+$Take))) { $list.Add("$_"); } }
  End{ return [string]::join([System.Environment]::NewLine, $list.ToArray()).TrimEnd(@([char]13,[char]10)) }

# Linux/Darwin/FreeBSD, Error on Windows
function Get-Nix-Uname-Value {
  param([string] $arg)
  return (& uname "$arg" | Out-String-And-TrimEnd)

# Returns Linux/Windows/Mac/FreeBSD
function Get-Os-Platform {
  [OutputType([string])] param()

  $platform = [System.Environment]::OSVersion.Platform;
  if ($platform -like "Win*") { return "Windows"; }

  $nixUnameSystem = Get-Nix-Uname-Value "-s"
  if ($nixUnameSystem -eq "Linux") { return "Linux"; }
  if ($nixUnameSystem -eq "Darwin") { return "MacOS"; }
  if ($nixUnameSystem -eq "FreeBSD") { return "FreeBSD"; }

  return "Unknown"

     One of the following values: "Linux", "Windows", "MacOS", "FreeBSD", "Unknown"


function Get-Cpu-Name-Implementation {
  $platform = Get-Os-Platform
  if ($platform -eq "Windows") {
    if (Has-Cmd "Get-CIMInstance") { $proc=Get-CIMInstance Win32_Processor; } 
    if (Has-Cmd "Get-WmiObject")   { $proc=Get-WmiObject   Win32_Processor; } 
    return "$($proc.Name)"

  if ($platform -eq "MacOS") {
    return (& sysctl "-n" "machdep.cpu.brand_string" | Out-String-And-TrimEnd)

  if ($platform -eq "Linux") {
    # TODO: Replace grep, awk, sed by NET
    $shell="cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep -E '^(model name|Hardware)' | awk -F':' 'NR==1 {print `$2}' | sed -e 's/^[[:space:]]*//'"
    return (& bash -c "$shell" | Out-String-And-TrimEnd)

  $ret = $null;
  try { $ret = Get-Nix-Uname-Value "-m"; } catch {}
  if ($ret) { return "$ret"; }

  return "Unknown"

function Get-Cpu-Name {
  [OutputType([string])] param()

  if (-not $Global:_Cpu_Name) { $Global:_Cpu_Name = "$(Get-Cpu-Name-Implementation)"; }
  return $Global:_Cpu_Name;

function Get-Memory-Info {
  [OutputType([object])] param()

  $platform = Get-Os-Platform
  if ($platform -eq "Windows") {
    if (Has-Cmd "Get-CIMInstance") { $os=Get-CIMInstance Win32_OperatingSystem; } 
    if (Has-Cmd "Get-WmiObject")   { $os=Get-WmiObject   Win32_OperatingSystem; } 
    $mem=($os | Where { $_.FreePhysicalMemory } | Select FreePhysicalMemory,TotalVisibleMemorySize -First 1);
    $total=[int] ($mem.TotalVisibleMemorySize / 1024);
    $free=[int] ($mem.FreePhysicalMemory / 1024);

  if ($platform -eq "MacOS") {
    $total=[long] (& sysctl -n hw.memsize | Out-String).TrimEnd(@([char]13,[char]10))
    $total=[int] ($total/1024/1024)
    $free=[long] (& vm_stat | grep "Pages free" | awk -v OFMT="%.0f" '{print (4 * $NF / 1024)}' | Out-String-And-TrimEnd)
    $inactive=[long] (& vm_stat | grep "Pages inactive" | awk -v OFMT="%.0f" '{print (4 * $NF / 1024)}' | Out-String-And-TrimEnd)
    $free = [int]$free + [int]$inactive;
    # Write-Host "Mem Total: $total, Free: $free"

  if ($platform -eq "Linux") {
    # total: $2, $used: $3, shared: $5. free = total-(used+shared)
    $total=[int] (& free -m | awk 'NR==2 {print $2}' | Out-String-And-TrimEnd)
    $used =[int] (& free -m | awk 'NR==2 {print $3 + $5}' | Out-String-And-TrimEnd)

  if ($total) {
    $info="Total RAM: $($total.ToString("n0")) MB. Free: $($free.ToString("n0")) MB ($([Math]::Round($free * 100 / $total, 1))%)";
    return @{

     Object with 3 properties: [int] Total, [int] Free, [string] Description


function test() {
  echo "Memory $((Get-Memory-Info).Description)"
  echo "OS Platform: '$(Get-Os-Platform)'"
  if ("$(Get-Os-Platform)" -ne "Windows") { echo "UName System: '$(Get-Nix-Uname-Value "-s")'" }
  echo "CPU: '$(Get-Cpu-Name)'"
  Measure-Action "The Greeting Test Action" {echo "Hello World"}
  Measure-Action "The Fail Test Action" {$x=0; echo "Cant devide by zero $(42/$x)"; }
  Measure-Action "The CPU Name" {echo "CPU: '$(Get-Cpu-Name)'"}
}; # test

Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-Cpu-Name
Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-Os-Platform
Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-Memory-Info
Export-ModuleMember -Function Out-String-And-TrimEnd
Export-ModuleMember -Function Measure-Action