.DESCRIPTION Converts a stream of input items into properties of a resulting object .VERSION 1.0.0 .GUID 61645f49-9efe-49c7-8f24-520f134263b5 .AUTHOR Lee Holmes #> <# .SYNOPSIS Converts a stream of input items into properties of a resulting object .EXAMPLE PS > 1..5 | Pivot-Object -Width 3 P1 P2 P3 -- -- -- 1 2 3 4 5 .EXAMPLE PS > gc C:\temp\addresses.txt Name: Joe Phone: 555-1212 Name: Frank Phone: 555-1213 PS > gc C:\temp\addresses.txt | % { $_ -replace '.*: (.*)','$1' } | Pivot-Object -Property Name,Phone,$null Name Phone ---- ----- Joe 555-1212 Frank 555-1213 #> param( ## The stream of input objects to convert to properties [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)] $InputObject, ## The number of properties in the resulting object [Parameter(Position = 0)] [int] $Width = 2, ## Property names of the resulting object. Specify ## $null for input items you want to skip. [Parameter()] [string[]] $Property = @() ) begin { if($Property.Count -gt $Width) { $Width = $Property.Count } ## If the user wants a wider object than the number of properties they've specified, ## auto-generate property names. $Property = for($propertyIndex = 0; $propertyIndex -lt $Width; $propertyIndex++) { if($propertyIndex -ge $Property.Count) { "P" + ($propertyIndex + 1) } else { $Property[$propertyIndex] } } ## Initialize the output object $currentProperty = 0 $outputObject = [Ordered] @{} $Property | % { if($_) { $outputObject[$_] = $null } } } process { ## Output the output object if we've filled up all the properties if($currentProperty -ge $Width) { $currentProperty = 0 [PSCustomObject] $outputObject ## And re-initialize the output object $outputObject = [Ordered] @{} $Property | % { if($_) { $outputObject[$_] = $null } } } ## If there's an actual property name (i.e.: they haven't used $null to skip it), ## add that to the output object. if($Property[$currentProperty]) { $outputObject[$Property[$currentProperty]] = $InputObject } ## Next object, next property $currentProperty++; } end { ## Output anything we have left if($currentProperty -gt 0) { [PSCustomObject] $outputObject } } |