function Write-CRUD { <# .Synopsis Writes CRUD commands for a table in Azure .Description Writes PowerShell commands to create a CRUD system around a table and partition in Azure CRUD stands for Create, Read, Update, and Delete Write-Crud creates the following commands. * Add-$Noun (aliased to New-$Noun and Create-$Noun) * Get-$Noun (aliased to Search-$Noun and Read-$Noun) * Update-$noun (aliased to Set-$Noun) * Remove-$Noun (aliased to Remove-$Noun) Write-Crud can create tables with an arbitrary schema. It can also use a well-known schemas, found at either [http://schema.org](http://schema.org) or [http://shouldbeonschema.org](http://shouldbeonschema.org) .Example Write-CRUD -Table My -Partition CustomItem -TypeName MyCustomCrud -Field @{ 'Name' = 'The Name of the Item' 'Description' = 'The description of the item' } .Example Write-Crud -Table My -Partition Blog -Schema http://schema.org/BlogPosting .Link Add-AzureTable .Link Get-AzureTable .Link Search-AzureTable .Link Set-AzureTable .Link Update-AzureTable .Link Remove-AzureTable .Link Using_Azure_Table_Storage_In_Pipeworks .Link Writing_Crud_In_Pipeworks .Link http://schema.org .Link http://shouldbeonschema.org #> [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='Schema')] [OutputType([string])] param( # The name of the table [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,Position=0,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [string]$Table, # The name of the partition [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,Position=1,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [string]$Partition, # The storage account setting [string]$StorageAccountSetting = 'AzureStorageAccountName', # The storage key setting [string]$StorageKeySetting = 'AzureStorageAccountKey', # The SQL Connection String Setting [string]$ConnectionStringSetting = 'SqlAzureConnectionString', # Any arbitrary fields to put into a custom CRUD system. [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true,ParameterSetName='CustomField',Position=3)] [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true,ParameterSetName='Schema')] [Hashtable]$Field, # The typename of the data in the field [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true,ParameterSetName='CustomField',Position=4)] [string]$TypeName, # The Schema.org schema used for the table [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true,ParameterSetName='Schema',Position=2)] [string]$Schema, # If set, will require certain fields [string[]]$RequiredField, # The parition where read codes would be found [string]$ReadCodePartition, # If set, the Read command in the CRUD system will automatically sort results [string]$SortField, # If set, the Read command in the CRUD system will automatically sort results as a type [Parameter(Position=6)] [ValidateSet('String','DateTime','Float','Int')] [string]$SortType, # The field on the object that references the read code object [string]$ReadCodeCrossReferenceField, # If set, will make these fields request multiple lines for input [string[]]$LargeField = 'description', # If set, will make these fields editable HTML [string[]]$HtmlField = @('description', 'articlebody'), # If set, will only include a few fields from the schema [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true,ParameterSetName='Schema')] [string[]]$IncludeField, # The noun to use for the generated command. If this is not set, the commands will have a noun named $Table$Partition [string]$Noun, # The verbs that will be generated. By default, Add, Get, Remove, and Update [ValidateSet("Add","Get","Remove","Update")] [string[]]$Verb = @("Add", "Get", "Remove", "Update"), # If set, the CRUD system will be designed to work with users, and be able to query for my items or items of a user ID [Switch]$IsUserSystem, # The partition to look in for user names and ids [string]$UserPartition, # The type of key used by the crud system [Parameter(Position=5)] [ValidateSet('Guid', 'Hex', 'SmallHex', 'Sequential', 'Named', 'Parameter')] [string]$KeyType = 'Hex', # The order of the fields [string[]]$FieldOrder, # If set, will not convert markdown found in the table [Switch]$DoNotConvertMarkdown, # If set, will not connect to storage [Switch]$DoNotConnect, # If set, will force uniquely named items [Switch]$UniquelyNamed, # A description to use for the commands [string]$Description ) process { $fieldParameterBlock = "" # Create (Add-$Name, alias New-$Name, Create-$Name, Put-$Name) if ($psCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'CustomField') { # If custom fields are provided, use them to set up the CRUD schema $schemaFields = $Field.GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object { New-Object PSOBject -Property @{ Name = $_.key Description = $_.Value } } } elseif ($psCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Schema') { # If not, grab the schema from the site $schemaHtml = $schema | Get-Web -HideProgress -Url {$_ } # First, try parsing out the properties as microdata $schemaFields = Get-Web -Html $schemaHtml -ItemType http://shouldbeonschema.org/Property # Add an ID to schemas from schema.org, if not present $hasId = $false if (-not $schemaFields) { # Schema.org requires hand parsing of the HTML $schemaFields = Get-Web -Html $schemaHtml -Tag tr | # Luckily, they use clean CSS. Don't ever change, schema.org (seriously, it will break me) Where-Object {$_.Tag -like "*prop-nam*" } | # Now pick out the key pieces of information from the schema: the name and the description ForEach-Object { # The name is in a code element $name = $_.xml.th.code.innerText # A string description would be the innerText of the last column in the table row $description = @($_.xml.td)[-1].innerText if ($name -eq 'Id') { $hasId= $true } if ($includeField -and $includeField -contains $name) { New-Object PSOBject -Property @{ Name = $name Description = $description } } else { New-Object PSOBject -Property @{ Name = $name Description = $description } } } -End { if (-not $hasId) { New-Object PSObject -Property @{ Name= 'Id' Description = "An Identifier for the Object" } } } } if ($field) { $schemaFields += $Field.GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object { New-Object PSOBject -Property @{ Name = $_.key Description = $_.Value } } } } # If this came from schema.org, use that typename. Otherwise, use the typename provided $objTypeNAme = $(if ($psCmdlet.parameterSetName -eq 'schema') {$schema }else {$typeName }) $p =1 if (-not $RequiredField) { $RequiredField = 'Name' } # If there was a field order, use this to pick out the schema fields if ($fieldOrder) { $nameTable = $schemaFields | Where-Object { $_.Name } | Group-Object Name -AsHashTable $schemaFields = foreach ($f in $fieldOrder) { $nameTable.$f } } foreach ($sc in @($schemaFields)) { if (-not $sc) { continue } # Add a mandatory attribute for required fields $mandatoryAttribute = if ($RequiredField -contains $sc.Name) { 'Mandatory=$true, ' } else { '' } # Force name to be position 0, if found if ($sc.Name -eq 'Name') { $oldP = $p $p =0 } $InputLines = 1 $ParameterTypeAttribute = '[string]' if ($sc.PropertyType -eq 'Boolean') { $ParameterTypeAttribute = '[switch]' } elseif ($sc.PropertyType -eq 'Integer') { $ParameterTypeAttribute = '[int]' } elseif ($sc.PropertyType -eq 'Float') { $ParameterTypeAttribute = '[Double]' } elseif ($sc.PropertyType -like "*date*") { $ParameterTypeAttribute = '[DateTime]' } elseif ($sc.Name -like "Date*") { $ParameterTypeAttribute = '[DateTime]' } if (-not $sc.Name) { continue } $capitalizedName = $sc.Name[0].ToString().ToUpper() + $sc.Name.Substring(1) $fieldParameterBlock+= " <# $($sc.Description) $(if ($largeField -contains $sc.Name) { '|LinesForInput 10' }) $(if ($htmlField -contains $sc.Name) { '|ContentEditable' }) #> [Parameter(${mandatoryAttribute}Position=$p, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=`$true)] $ParameterTypeAttribute " +'$' + $capitalizedName + "," # We really want name to be first if ($p -eq 0) { $p = $oldP } $p++ } # The CRUD system will keep items compressed, and, unless told otherwise, will automatically convert items kept in Markdown within the CRUD system into HTML $unpackParameterBlock = "`$DoNotConvertMarkdown = $(if ($DoNotConvertMarkdown) { '$true'} else {'$false'}); " + { $item = $_ $item.psobject.properties | Where-Object { $_.Value -and ('Timestamp', 'RowKey', 'TableName', 'PartitionKey' -notcontains $_.Name) -and (-not $_.Value.ToString().Contains(' ')) }| ForEach-Object { try { $expanded = Expand-Data -CompressedData $_.Value if ($expanded) { $item | Add-Member NoteProperty $_.Name $expanded -Force } } catch{ Write-Verbose $_ } } if (-not $DoNotConvertMarkdown) { $item.psobject.properties | Where-Object { $_.Value -and ('Timestamp', 'RowKey', 'TableName', 'PartitionKey' -notcontains $_.Name) -and (-not $_.Value.ToString().Contains('<')) }| ForEach-Object { try { $fromMarkdown = ConvertFrom-Markdown -Markdown $_.Value $item | Add-Member NoteProperty $_.Name $fromMarkdown -Force } catch{ Write-Verbose $_ } } } $item } #$fieldParameterBlock $beginBlock = " begin { `$storageAccount = if ((Get-WebConfigurationSetting -Setting '$StorageAccountSetting')) { (Get-WebConfigurationSetting -Setting '$StorageAccountSetting') } elseif ((Get-SecureSetting -Name '$StorageAccountSetting' -ValueOnly)) { (Get-SecureSetting -Name '$StorageAccountSetting' -ValueOnly) } `$storageKey = if ((Get-WebConfigurationSetting -Setting '$StorageKeySetting')) { (Get-WebConfigurationSetting -Setting '$StorageKeySetting') } elseif ((Get-SecureSetting -Name '$StorageKeySetting' -ValueOnly)) { (Get-SecureSetting -Name '$StorageKeySetting' -ValueOnly) } " $joinWith = "`",$([Environment]::NewLine + ' ' * 12)`"" if (-not $TypeName) { $schemaName = ([uri]$schema).Segments[-1] $TypeName = $schemaName } if ($IsUserSystem) { $attachUserIdChunk = { $UserID = if ($session -and $session['User'].UserId) { $session['User'].UserId } elseif ($Request -and $Request['AppKey']) { $userFound = Search-AzureTable -StorageAccount $storageAccount -StorageKey $storageKey -TableName $Table -Filter "PartitionKey eq '$UserPartition' and SecondaryApiKey eq '$($Request['AppKey'])'" if (-not $userFound) { return } else { $userFound.UserId } } else { $env:UserName } if ($UserID) { $ToInput | Add-Member NoteProperty UserID $UserID -Force } } } $findChunk = if ($UniquelyNamed) { [ScriptBlock]::Create(" Search-AzureTable -TableName '$Table' -Filter `"Name eq '`$(`$toInput.Name)'`"| Where-Object { `$_.PartitionKey -eq '$Partition' } ") } else { {$false} } $processBlock = " process { foreach (`$v in 'ErrorAction', 'ErrorVariable', 'WarningAction', 'WarningVariable', 'OutVariable', 'OutBuffer') { `$null = `$psBoundParameters.Remove(`$v) } `$UserPartition = $(if ($UserPartition) { '$Userpartition' } else { '$partition'}) `$toInput = New-Object PSObject -Property `$psBoundParameters $(if ($IsUserSystem) { $attachUserIdChunk }) `$toInput.psTypenames.clear() `$toInput.psTypenames.add('$(if ($psboundparameters.schema) {$schema }else {$typeName })') `$bigItems = `$psBoundParameters.GetEnumerator() | Where-Object { `$_.Value.Length -gt 2kb } | ForEach-Object { `$toInput | Add-Member NoteProperty `$_.Key (Compress-Data -String `$_.Value) -Force -PassThru } `$found = & { $findChunk} if (-not `$found) { `$table = '$table' `$partition = '$partition' `$rowKey = . { $( if ($KeyType -eq 'GUID') { {[GUID]::NewGuid()} } elseif ($KeyType -eq 'Hex') { {"{0:x}" -f (Get-Random)} } elseif ($KeyType -eq 'SmallHex') { {"{0:x}" -f ([int](Get-Random -Maximum 512kb))} } elseif ($KeyType -eq 'Sequential') { { $foundTheEnd = $false $toFind = 1 $lastToFind = 0 while (-not $FoundTheEnd) { $r = Search-AzureTable -TableName $table -Filter "PartitionKey eq '$partition' and RowKey eq '$ToFind'" -Select RowKey -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if (-not $r) { $foundTheEnd = $true } else { $lastToFind = $toFind $ToFind *= 2 } } $foundExactEnd = $false $start = $lastToFind $end = $ToFind $middle = $start + [int](($end - $start) / 2) while (-not $foundExactEnd) { $r = Search-AzureTable -TableName $table -Filter "PartitionKey eq '$partition' and RowKey eq '$middle'" -Select RowKey -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if ($r) { # In the number space, new middle is between middle and end $start = $middle } else { # Out of the number space, new middle is between start and middle $end = $middle } $middle = $start + [int](($end - $start) / 2) if ([Math]::Abs($start - $end) -le 1 ) { $foundExactEnd = $true } } $end } } elseif ($KeyType -eq 'Named') { {$name} } ) } `$toInput | Set-AzureTable -TableName '$table' -PartitionKey '$Partition' -RowKey `$rowKey -PassThru } } " $beginBlock += ('$schemaFields += "' + (($schemaFields | Where-object { $_.Name } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name)-join $joinWith) + '"') $beginBlock += ' } ' if (-not $Noun) { $Noun = "${Table}${Partition}" } $adddescription = if ($Description) { "Adds $description" } else { "Adds ${Noun}s" } #region Create the Commands $out = "" if ($verb -contains "Add") { $out += "function Add-$Noun { <# .Synopsis Adds items to $Table $Partition .Description $adddescription .Example Add-$Noun .Link Set-AzureTable #> param( $($fieldParameterBlock.TrimEnd(',')) ) $beginBlock $processBlock $endBlock } Set-Alias New-$Noun Add-$Noun Set-Alias Create-$Noun Add-$Noun try { Export-ModuleMember -Function Add-$Noun -Alias New-$Noun,Create-$Noun -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } catch { Write-Debug 'Not in a module' } " $SortString = if ($SortField) { if ($SortType) { "Sort-Object { [$SortType]`$_.$SortField } " } else { "Sort-Object {`$_.$SortField }" } } else { "" } $getdescription = if ($Description) { "Gets $description" } else { "Gets ${Noun}s" } } #region Read (Get-$Name, alias Read-$Name, Search-$Name, Find-$Name) if ($verb -contains 'Get') { $out += @" function Get-$Noun { <# .Synopsis Gets $Typename items from $table $partition .Description $getdescription .Example Get-$noun .Example Get-$noun 'search term' .Example Get-$noun -ExactName 'exact name' .Example Get-$noun -ExactName 'exact name' .Link Get-AzureTable .Link Search-AzureTable .Link Write-Crud #> $(if ($IsUserSystem) { "[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='RowKey')]" } else { "[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='All')]" }) param( # The keyword to find within the items [Parameter(Mandatory=`$true,Position=0,ParameterSetName='Keyword')] $(if ($IsUserSystem) { "[Parameter(Position=0,ParameterSetName='MyItem')]" }) [string] `$Keyword, # The properties to return back from each item [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=`$true,Position=1)] [string[]] `$Select, # Find an item with this exact name [Parameter(Mandatory=`$true,ParameterSetName='ExactName')] $(if ($IsUserSystem) { "[Parameter(Position=1,ParameterSetName='MyItem')]" }) [string] `$ExactName, # Find an item in this exact row [Parameter(Mandatory=`$true,ParameterSetName='RowKey',ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=`$true)] [string] `$RowKey, [Parameter(Mandatory=`$true,ParameterSetName='All',ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=`$true)] [switch] `$All, $(if ($IsUserSystem) { " # If set, returns only items owned by the current user id [Parameter(Mandatory=`$true,ParameterSetName='MyItem')] [Switch]`$My${Noun}, " }) $(if ($IsUserSystem) { " # If set, returns only items owned by a user id [Parameter(Mandatory=`$true,ParameterSetName='ByUserID',ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=`$true)] [string]`$UserID, " }) $(if ($ReadCodePartition -and $ReadCodeCrossReferenceField) { " # If set, returns only items with the matching readcode [Parameter(Mandatory=`$true,ParameterSetName='ByReadCode',ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=`$true)] [string]`$ReadCode, " }) # If set, will exclude table information [switch] `$ExcludeTableInfo ) begin { `$unpackIt = { $unpackParameterBlock } `$storageAccount = if ((Get-WebConfigurationSetting -Setting '$StorageAccountSetting')) { (Get-WebConfigurationSetting -Setting '$StorageAccountSetting') } elseif ((Get-SecureSetting -Name '$StorageAccountSetting' -ValueOnly)) { (Get-SecureSetting -Name '$StorageAccountSetting' -ValueOnly) } `$storageKey = if ((Get-WebConfigurationSetting -Setting '$StorageKeySetting')) { (Get-WebConfigurationSetting -Setting '$StorageKeySetting') } elseif ((Get-SecureSetting -Name '$StorageKeySetting' -ValueOnly)) { (Get-SecureSetting -Name '$StorageKeySetting' -ValueOnly) } } process { `$selectIt = @{ ExcludeTableInfo=`$ExcludeTableInfo StorageAccount = `$storageAccount StorageKey= `$storageKey } if (`$select) { `$selectIt['Select'] = `$select } if (`$psCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'All') { Search-AzureTable -TableName '$table' -Where { `$_.PartitionKey -eq '$Partition' } @selectIt | $SortString ForEach-Object `$unpackIt } elseif (`$psCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Keyword') { if (`$keyword.Trim() -eq '*') { throw "Keyword `$keyword is too broad" return } if (-not `$select) { `$select = 'Name', 'Description', 'RowKey', 'PartitionKey' } else { `$select += 'RowKey', 'PartitionKey' `$select = `$select | Select-Object -Unique } Search-AzureTable -TableName '$table' -Where { `$_.PartitionKey -eq '$Partition' } -Select `$select| Where-Object { `$_.Name -ilike "*`$keyword*" -or `$_.Description -ilike "*`$keyword*" } | Get-AzureTable -TableName '$table' | $SortString ForEach-Object `$unpackIt } elseif (`$psCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'ExactName') { Search-AzureTable -TableName '$table' -Filter "PartitionKey eq '$Partition' and Name eq '`$ExactName'" @selectIt| $SortString ForEach-Object `$unpackIt } elseif (`$psCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'RowKey') { Search-AzureTable -TableName '$table' -Filter "PartitionKey eq '$Partition' and RowKey eq '`$RowKey'" @selectIt | $SortString ForEach-Object `$unpackIt } elseif (`$psCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'ByUserID') { Search-AzureTable -TableName '$table' -Filter "PartitionKey eq '$Partition' and UserID eq '`$UserID'" @selectIt | $SortString ForEach-Object `$unpackIt } elseif (`$psCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'ReadCode') { `$readCodeFound = Search-AzureTable -TableName '$table' -Filter "PartitionKey eq '$ReadCodePartition' and ReadCode eq '`$ReadCode'" `$allReadings = foreach (`$rcF in `$readCodeFound) { if (-not `$rcf) {continue } Search-AzureTable -TableName '$table' -Filter "PartitionKey eq '$Partition' and $ReadCodeCrossReferenceField eq '`$(`$rcf.RowKey)'" } `$allReadings | $SortString ForEach-Object `$unpackIt } elseif (`$psCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'MyItem') { if (`$session -and `$session['User'].UserID) { if (-not `$keyword) { `$keyword = '*' } if (`$exactName) { `$keyword = `$exactName } Search-AzureTable -TableName '$table' -Filter "PartitionKey eq '$Partition' and UserID eq '`$(`$session['User'].UserID)'" @selectIt | $SortString ForEach-Object `$unpackIt | Where-Object { `$_.Name -ilike "*`$keyword*" -or `$_.Description -ilike "*`$keyword*" } } elseif (`$env:UserName) { Search-AzureTable -TableName '$table' -Filter "PartitionKey eq '$Partition' and UserID eq '`$(`$env:UserName)'" @selectIt | $SortString ForEach-Object `$unpackIt } } } } Set-Alias Read-$Noun Get-$Noun Set-Alias Search-$Noun Get-$Noun try { Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-$Noun -Alias Read-$Noun,Search-$Noun -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } catch { Write-Debug 'Not in a module' } "@ } #endregion Read (Get-$Name, alias Read-$Name, Search-$Name, Find-$Name) # Update (Update-$Name, alias Set-$Name) $processBlock = " process { `$toInput = New-Object PSObject -Property `$psBoundParameters $(if ($IsUserSystem) { $attachUserIdChunk }) `$toInput.psTypenames.clear() `$toInput.psTypenames.add('$objTypeNAme') `$psBoundParameters.GetEnumerator() | Where-Object { `$_.Value.Length -gt 2kb } | ForEach-Object { `$toInput | Add-Member NoteProperty `$_.Key (Compress-Data -String `$_.Value) -Force } `$found = Search-AzureTable -TableName '$Table' -Filter `"PartitionKey eq '$Partition' and RowKey eq '`$RowKey'`" | Where-Object { `$_.PartitionKey -eq '$Partition' } if (`$found) { if (`$found.UserId -and (`$toInput.UserId -ne `$found.UserId)) { Write-Error 'Item does not belong to you' return } `$row = `$found.rowKey `$null = `$toInput.psObject.Properties.Remove('Merge') `$null = `$toInput.psObject.Properties.Remove('RowKey') `$toInput | Update-AzureTable -TableName '$table' -PartitionKey '$partition' -RowKey `$rowKey -Value { `$_ } -Merge:`$merge -PassThru } } " $updatedescription = if ($Description) { "Updates $description" } else { "Updates ${Noun}s" } if ($Verb -contains 'Update') { $out+= "function Update-$Noun { <# .Synopsis Updates items in $Table $Partition .Description $updatedescription .Example Get-$noun -ExactName 'A Specific Item' | Update-$Noun -Description 'A New Description' .Link Update-AzureTable #> param( [Parameter(Mandatory=`$true,ParameterSetName='RowKey',ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=`$true)] [string] `$RowKey, [switch] `$Merge, $($fieldParameterBlock.TrimEnd(',')) ) $beginBlock $processBlock $endBlock } Set-Alias Set-$Noun Update-$Noun try { Export-ModuleMember -Function Update-$Noun -Alias Set-$Noun -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } catch { Write-Debug 'Not in a module' } " } # Delete (Remove-$Name, alias Delete-$Name) $removedescription = if ($Description) { "Updates $description" } else { "Updates ${Noun}s" } if ($verb -contains 'Remove') { $out += @" function Remove-$Noun { <# .Synopsis Removes items from $Table $Partition .Description $removedescription .Example Get-$noun -ExactName 'A Specific Item' | Remove-$Noun .Link Remove-AzureTable #> [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='RowKey',SupportsShouldProcess=`$true,ConfirmImpact='High')] param( [Parameter(Mandatory=`$true,Position=0,ParameterSetName='Keyword')] [string] `$Keyword, [Parameter(Mandatory=`$true,ParameterSetName='ExactName')] [string] `$ExactName, [Parameter(Mandatory=`$true,ParameterSetName='RowKey',ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=`$true)] [string] `$RowKey ) process { `$getParams = @{} + `$psBoundParameters `$getParams.Remove('WhatIf') `$getParams.Remove('Confirm') if (-not `$psBoundParameters.confirm -or (`$psBoundParameters.Confirm -eq `$false)) { if (-not `$psBoundParameters.whatIf) { `$confirmImpact = 'None' } } Get-$Noun @getParams | Where-Object { `$item = `$_ `$toInput = New-Object PSObject $(if ($IsUserSystem) { $attachUserIdChunk }) if (-not `$item.UserId) { return `$true } if (`$item.UserId -eq `$toInput.UserId) { return `$true } } | Remove-AzureTable } } Set-Alias Delete-$Noun Remove-$Noun try { Export-ModuleMember -Function Remove-$Noun -Alias Delete-$Noun -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } catch { Write-Debug 'Not in a module' } "@ } $out += @" $(if (-not $($DoNotConnect)) { " `$storageAccount = if ((Get-WebConfigurationSetting -Setting '$StorageAccountSetting')) { (Get-WebConfigurationSetting -Setting '$StorageAccountSetting') } elseif ((Get-SecureSetting -Name '$StorageAccountSetting' -ValueOnly)) { (Get-SecureSetting -Name '$StorageAccountSetting' -ValueOnly) } `$storageKey = if ((Get-WebConfigurationSetting -Setting '$StorageKeySetting')) { (Get-WebConfigurationSetting -Setting '$StorageKeySetting') } elseif ((Get-SecureSetting -Name '$StorageKeySetting' -ValueOnly)) { (Get-SecureSetting -Name '$StorageKeySetting' -ValueOnly) } # Connect to Azure Table Storage `$null = Get-AzureTable -TableName '$table' -StorageAccount `$storageAccount -StorageKey `$storageKey " }) "@ $out #endregion Create the Commands } } |