function Update-Wmi { <# .Synopsis Stores data in WMI .Description Stores data in the WMI repository .Link Select-Wmi .Example Get-ChildItem | Select-Object Name, LastWriteTime, LastAccessTime, CreationTime | Update-Wmi #> [OutputType([Nullable])] param( # Any input object [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [PSObject] $InputObject, # The namespace the object will be stored in [string] $Namespace = "root\custom\data", # The name of the class. If not provided, the ClassName will be taken from the object. Illegal characters in WMI class names (like ., :, or /) will be converted into _dot_, _colon_, and _slash_ respectively. [string] $ClassName, # At least one property must be registered as a key [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,Position=0)] [string[]] $Key, # If set, will update existing instances. If not set, only new data will be added. [Switch] $Force ) begin { #region Translate column types into CIM column types $cimColumnType = { if ($columnType -and $columnType[$prop.Name]) { $columnType[$prop.Name] } elseif ($prop.Value) { if ($prop.Value -is [String]) { [Management.CimType]::String } elseif ($prop.Value -is [Byte]) { [Management.CimType]::Char16 } elseif ($prop.Value -is [Int16]) { [Management.CimType]::SInt16 } elseif ($prop.Value -is [Int]) { [Management.CimType]::SInt32 } elseif ($Prop.Value -is [Double]) { [Management.CimType]::Real32 } elseif ($prop.Value -is [Long]) { [Management.CimType]::SInt64 } elseif ($prop.Value -is [DateTime]) { [Management.CimType]::DateTime } elseif ($prop.Value -is [Switch] -or $prop.Value -is [Bool]) { [Management.CimType]::Boolean } else { [Management.CimType]::String } } else { [Management.CimType]::String } } #endregion Translate column types into CIM column types #region Escape unsafe class names $getSafeClassName = { $cn = $ClassName.Replace(" ", "_space_").Replace("." ,"_dot_").Replace(":", "_colon_").Replace("/", "_slash_").Replace("#", "_pound_") if ($(try { [uint32]::Parse($cn[0]) } catch {})) { "Number" + $cn } else { $cn } } #endregion Escape unsafe class names #region Create the namespace if it doesn't yet exist $namespacesToMake = New-Object Collections.Stack $originalNamespace = $Namespace do { $temprootNamespace = $Namespace | Split-Path $leafName = $Namespace | Split-Path -Leaf if (-not $temprootNamespace) { $temprootNamespace = "root" } $namespaceExists = Get-WmiObject -Query "Select * from __namespace Where Name ='$leafName'" -Namespace $temprootNamespace -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if (-not $namespaceExists) { $null = $namespacesToMake.Push($leafName) } else { break } $Namespace = $temprootNamespace $rootNamespace = $temprootNamespace if ($Namespace -eq 'root') { break } } while (-not $namespaceExists) $namespace= $originalNamespace foreach ($namespace in $namespacesToMake) { if (-not $Namespace) {continue} $mp = New-Object Management.ManagementPath $mp.NamespacePath = "$rootNamespace" $mp.ClassName = "__namespace" $namespaceClass = New-Object Management.ManagementClass $mp $newNamespace = $namespaceClass.CreateInstance() $newNamespace.Name = $Namespace $null = $newNamespace.put() $rootNamespace = $rootNamespace + "\" + $Namespace } #endregion Create the namespace if it doesn't yet exist } process { if (-not $PSBoundParameters.Classname) { $ClassName = $InputObject.pstypenames[0] } $classPath = New-Object Management.ManagementPath $classPath.NamespacePath = $originalNamespace $classPath.ClassName = . $getSafeClassName $classDef = New-Object Management.ManagementClass $classPath $classDefExists = $(try { $classDef | Get-Member -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } catch {}) -ne $null if (-not $classDefExists) { $classDef = New-Object Management.ManagementClass $originalNamespace, "", $null $classDef["__Class"] = . $getSafeClassName if ($InputObject -is [string]) { } else { foreach ($prop in $InputObject.PSObject.Properties) { if ($prop.Name -like "__*") { continue } $cimType = . $cimColumnType $classDef.Properties.Add($prop.Name, $cimType, $false) if ($key -contains $prop.Name) { $classDef.Properties[$prop.Name].Qualifiers.Add("Key", $true) } } $null = $classDef.Put() } } else { $instances = $null foreach ($prop in $InputObject.PSObject.Properties ) { if ($prop.Name -like "__*") { continue } if ($prop.MemberType -eq 'AliasProperty') { continue } $automaticPropertiesToIgnore = 'Scope', 'Path','Options', 'ClassPath', 'Properties','SystemProperties','Qualifiers','Site','Container' if ($InputObject -is [wmi] -and $automaticPropertiesToIgnore -contains $prop.Name) { continue } if ('PSComputerName', 'PSShowComputerName', 'RunspaceID' -contains $prop.Name) { continue } $cimType = . $cimColumnType $propExists = $classDef.Properties[$prop.Name] if (-not $propExists) { if (-not $instances) { $instances = Get-WmiObject -Namespace $originalNamespace -Class (. $getSafeClassName) } $classDef.Properties.Add($prop.Name, $cimType, $false) } if ($key -contains $prop.Name) { if (-not $classDef.Properties[$prop.Name].Qualifiers["Key"]) { $classDef.Properties[$prop.Name].Qualifiers.Add("Key", $true) } } } if ($instances) { # Class definition changed. Rebuild objects. Ugh. $instanceProperties = $instances | Get-Member -MemberType Property | Where-Object { $_.Name -notlike "__*" } $instances | Remove-WmiObject $classPath = New-Object Management.ManagementPath $classPath.NamespacePath = $originalNamespace $classPath.ClassName = . $getSafeClassName $cdef = New-Object Management.ManagementClass $classPath $null = $cdef.Delete() foreach ($ip in $instanceProperties) { if (-not $classDef.Properties[$ip.Name]) { $classDef.Properties.Add($ip.Name, [Management.CimType]::String, $false) } } $null = $classDef.Put(); $instances | Update-Wmi -Namespace $originalNamespace -ClassName (. $getSafeClassName) -Key $key } } $where = @(foreach ($k in $key) { "$k = '$("$($inputObject.$k)".Replace("'","''"))'" }) -join ' AND ' $instanceExists = Get-WmiObject -Class $classDef["__Class"] -Namespace $originalNamespace -Filter $where if ($instanceExists -and -not $force) { return } if ($force -and $instanceExists) { foreach ($prop in $InputObject.PSObject.Properties) { $instanceExists.($prop.Name) = if ($prop.Value -is [DateTime]) { [Management.ManagementDateTimeConverter]::ToDmtfDateTime($prop.Value) } else { $prop.Value } } $null = $instanceExists.Put() } else { $classInstance = $classDef.CreateInstance() foreach ($prop in $InputObject.PSObject.Properties) { if ($prop.Name -like "__*") { continue } if ($prop.MemberType -eq 'AliasProperty') { continue } $automaticPropertiesToIgnore = 'Scope', 'Path','Options', 'ClassPath', 'Properties','SystemProperties','Qualifiers','Site','Container' if ($InputObject -is [wmi] -and $automaticPropertiesToIgnore -contains $prop.Name) { continue } if ('PSComputerName', 'PSShowComputerName', 'RunspaceID' -contains $prop.Name) { continue } $classInstance.($prop.Name) = if ($prop.Value -is [DateTime]) { [Management.ManagementDateTimeConverter]::ToDmtfDateTime($prop.Value) } else { $prop.Value } } $null = $classInstance.Put() } } } |