function Write-WalkthruHTML { <# .Synopsis Writes a walkthru HTML file .Description Writes a section of HTML to walk thru a set of code. .Example Write-WalkthruHTML -Text @" #a simple demo Get-Help about_walkthruFiles "@ .Link Get-Walkthru Write-ScriptHTML #> [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='Text')] [OutputType([string])] param( # The text used to generate walkthrus [Parameter(Position=0,Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="Text", ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [ScriptBlock]$ScriptBlock, # A walkthru object, containing a source file and a property named # walkthru with several walkthru steps [Parameter(Position=0,Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="Walkthru", ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [PSObject]$WalkThru, # with a different step on each layer [Parameter(Position=1)] [Switch]$StepByStep, # If set, will run each demo step [Parameter(Position=2)] [Switch]$RunDemo, # If set, output will be treated as HTML. Otherwise, output will be piped to Out-String and embedded in <pre> tags. [Parameter(Position=3)] [Switch]$OutputAsHtml, # If set, will start with walkthru with a <h3></h3> tag, or include the walkthru name on each step [Parameter(Position=4)] [string]$WalkthruName, # If set, will embed the explanation as text, instead of converting it to markdown. [Parameter(Position=5)] [switch]$DirectlyEmbedExplanation, # If provided, will only include certain steps [Parameter(Position=6)] [Uint32[]]$OnlyStep ) process { if ($psCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Text') { Write-WalkthruHTML -Walkthru (Get-Walkthru -Text "$ScriptBlock") -StepByStep:$stepByStep } elseif ($psCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Walkthru') { $NewRegionParameters = @{ Layer = @{} Order = @() HorizontalRuleUnderTitle = $true } $walkThruHTML = New-Object Text.StringBuilder $count = 1 $total = @($walkThru).Count foreach ($step in $walkThru) { # if it's provided, skip stuff that's not in OnlyStep if ($OnlySteps) { if ($OnlySteps -notcontains $count){ continue } } # If we're going step by step, then we need to reset the string builder each time if ($stepByStep) { $walkThruHTML = New-Object Text.StringBuilder } if ($DirectlyEmbedExplanation -or $step.Explanation -like "*<*") { $null = $walkThruHtml.Append(" <div class='ModuleWalkthruExplanation'> $($step.Explanation.Replace([Environment]::newline, '<BR/>')) </div>") } else { $null = $walkThruHtml.Append(" <div class='ModuleWalkthruExplanation'> $(ConvertFrom-Markdown -Markdown "$($step.Explanation) ") </div>") } if ($step.VideoFile -and $step.VideoFile -like "http*") { if ($step.VideoFile -like "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=*") { $uri = $step.VideoFile -as [uri] $type, $youTubeId = $uri.Query -split '=' $type = $type.Trim("?") $null = $walkThruHtml.Append(@" <br/> <embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="344" src="http://www.youtube.com/${type}/${youTubeId}?hl=en&fs=1&modestbranding=true" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true"> "@) } elseif ($step.VideoFile -like "http://player.vimeo.com/video/*") { $vimeoId = ([uri]$step.VideoFile).Segments[-1] $null = $walkThruHtml.Append(@" <br/> <iframe src="http://player.vimeo.com/video/${vimeoId}?title=0&byline=0&portrait=0" width="400" height="245" frameborder="0"> </iframe><p><a href="http://vimeo.com/{$vimeoId}">$($walkThru.Explanation)</a></p> "@) } else { $null = $walkThruHtml.Append(" <br/> <a class='ModuleWalkthruVideoLink' href='$($step.VideoFile)'>Watch Video</a>") } } $null = $walkThruHtml.Append("<br/></p>") if (("$($step.Script)".Trim())-and ("$($step.Script)".Trim() -ne '$null')) { if ($step.Script -is [ScriptBlock]) { $scriptHtml = Write-ScriptHTML -Text $step.Script } else { $scriptHtml = Write-ScriptHTML -Script $step.Script } $null = $walkThruHtml.Append(@" <p class='ModuleWalkthruStep'> $scriptHtml </p> "@) } if ($RunDemo) { $outText = . $step.Script if (-not $OutputAsHtml) { $null = $walkThruHtml.Append("<pre class='ModuleWalkthruOutput' foreground='white' background='#012456'>$([Security.SecurityElement]::Escape(($outText | Out-String)))</pre>") } else { if ($outText -is [Hashtable]) { $null = $walkThruHtml.Append("$(Write-PowerShellHashtable -inputObject $OutText) ") } elseif ($outText -is [ScriptBlock]) { $null = $walkThruHtml.Append("$(Write-ScriptHtml -Text $OutText) ") } else { $null = $walkThruHtml.Append("$OutText") } } } if ($stepByStep) { $NewRegionParameters.Layer."$Count of $Total" = "<div style='margin-left:15px;margin-top:15px;'>$walkThruHTML</div>" $NewRegionParameters.Order+= "$Count of $Total" } $Count++ } if (-not $stepByStep) { "$walkThruHTML" } else { if ($WalkthruName) { New-Region @newRegionParameters -AsFeaturette -ShowLayerTitle -LayerId "Walkthru_$WalkthruName" } else { New-Region @newRegionParameters -AsFeaturette -ShowLayerTitle -LayerUrl "RandomWalkthru_$(Get-random)" } } } } } |