function Write-Host { <# .ForwardHelpTargetName Write-Host .ForwardHelpCategory Cmdlet #> [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([Nullable])] param( [Parameter(Position=0, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromRemainingArguments=$true)] [System.Object] ${Object}, [Switch] ${NoNewline}, [System.Object] ${Separator}, [System.ConsoleColor] ${ForegroundColor}, [System.ConsoleColor] ${BackgroundColor}, # If set, will output text written to the host as an HTML span [Switch] $AsHtml) process { #region Override Write-Host for web context if ($AsHtml -or ($request -and $response) -or $host.Name -eq 'Default Host') { # Write as HTML $objectHtml = $Object $styleChunk = if ($ForegroundColor -or $backgroundColor) { if ($ForegroundColor -and $backgroundcolor) { " style='color:${ForeGroundColor};background=${BackgroundColor}'" } else { if ($ForegroundColor) { " style='color:${ForeGroundColor}'" } else { " style='background=${BackgroundColor}'" } } } else { "" } $tag = "span" "<${tag}${styleChunk}>${ObjectHtml}</${tag}>$(if (-not $NoNewLine) {'<br/>'})" } else { # If we're not in a web site... Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility\Write-Host @psboundParameters } #endregion Override Write-Host for web context } } |