
function Write-CSS
        Writes CSS styles
        Writes CSS style tags, CSS attributes, and links to external stylesheets
        # Create a new CSS Style named reallyimportant
        Write-CSS -Name '#ReallyImportant' -Style @{
            "font-size" = "x-large"
        Write-CSS -OutputAttribute -Style @{
            "font-size" = "x-large"
        Write-CSS -ExternalStyleSheet MyStyleSheet.css
        Write-CSS -Css @{
    # The name of the css style
    # The css values for a named style or a style attribute

    # A CSS table, containing nested tables of styles

    # If set, will not output a style tag when outputting a CSS table.

    # A path to an external syle sheet
    # If set, will output the attributes of a style
    process {
        if ($pscmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'StyleSheet') {
            "<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='$ExternalStyleSheet' />"
        } elseif ($pscmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Table') {
            $cssLines = foreach ($kv in $css.GetEnumerator()) {
                $name = $kv.Key 
                Write-CSS -Name $name -Style $kv.Value
"$(if (-not $NoStyleTag) { '<style type=''text/css''>' })
$(if (-not $NoStyleTag) { '</style>'})"

        } elseif ($pscmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'StyleDefinition') {
            $cssText = foreach ($kv in $Style.GetEnumerator()) {
            $cssText = $cssText -join ";$([Environment]::NewLine) "
            "$name {
        } elseif ($pscmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'StyleAttribute') {
            # Just in case they called the command with splatting, fall back on the keys
            # (which will not preserve order)
            @(foreach ($kv in $style.Keys) {
                if ($style[$kv]) {
            }) -join ';'