function Wait-EC2 { <# .Synopsis Waits for an EC2 instance to become available .Description Waits for an EC2 instance password to become available .Example Add-EC2 -ImageId ami-078b536e -PassThru | # Creates a server 2008 R2 image Wait-EC2 | # Waits for the password to become ready, one sign the image is good to go # Enables remoting for serveral protocols Enable-EC2Remoting -PowerShellCredSSP -Ssh -Echo -Http -Https $ec2 | Invoke-EC2 -ScriptBlock { "Hello from $env:ComputerName" } # Pull the EC2 credential to the instance. # I don't ever even really know the credential of the box $ec2Cred = $ec2 | Get-EC2InstancePassword -AsCredential # Hello, World Invoke-Command -ComputerName $ec2.PublicDnsName -Credential $ec2Cred -ScriptBlock { "hello, world" } .Link Add-EC2 #> param( # The EC2 Instance ID [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true,Position=0)] [string] $InstanceId ) process { $oldWarningPreference = $WarningPreference $WarningPreference = 'SilentlyContinue' $since = Get-Date $perc = 0 $progId = Get-Random do { $perc += Get-Random -Maximum 7 if ($perc -gt 100) { $perc = 0 } Write-Progress "Waiting for EC2 Instance $instanceId" "Since $since" -PercentComplete $perc -Id $progId $canGetPassword = Get-EC2InstancePassword -EC2 $instanceId if ($canGetPassword) { Write-Progress "EC2 Instance $instanceId" "Ready" -Completed -Id $progId return Get-EC2 -InstanceId $InstanceId } } while (1) $WarningPreference = $oldWarningPreference } } |