
function Show-WebObject
        Shows a web object
        Shows a web object stored in cloud storage
        New-Object PSObject -Property @{
            Content = "# Some Markdown or HTML "
        } |
            Set-AzureTable -TableName MyTable -RowKey Home -PartitionKey Website
        Show-WebObject -Table MyTable -Part Website -Row Home

    # The name of the table
    [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ParameterSetName='TableStorageObject', ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)]
    # The partition in the table
    [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ParameterSetName='TableStorageObject', ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)]
    # The row in the table
    [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ParameterSetName='TableStorageObject', ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)]
    # The table storage account
    # The table storage key

        $page = ""
        $FetchedItems = @{}        
        $FetchedTimes = @{}

        $unpackItem = {
            $item = $_
            $ |                         
                Where-Object { 
                    ('Timestamp', 'RowKey', 'TableName', 'PartitionKey' -notcontains $_.Name) -and
                    (-not $_.Value.ToString().Contains(' ')) 
                ForEach-Object {
                    try {
                        $expanded = Expand-Data -CompressedData $_.Value
                        $item | Add-Member NoteProperty $_.Name $expanded -Force
                    } catch{
                        Write-Verbose $_
            $ |                         
                Where-Object { 
                    ('Timestamp', 'RowKey', 'TableName', 'PartitionKey' -notcontains $_.Name) -and
                    (-not $_.Value.ToString().Contains('<')) 
                ForEach-Object {
                    try {
                        $fromMarkdown = ConvertFrom-Markdown -Markdown $_.Value
                        $item | Add-Member NoteProperty $_.Name $fromMarkdown -Force
                    } catch{
                        Write-Verbose $_
    process {
        if ($psCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'TableStorageObject') {
            $item = Get-AzureTable -TableName $table -Partition $part -Row $row -StorageAccount $StorageAccount -StorageKey $storageKey #-ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

        if (-not $item) { return } 
        $hasContent = $false
        if ($item.Content) {
            $content = if (-not $item.Content.Contains(" ")) {
                # Treat compressed
                Expand-Data -CompressedData $item.Content
            } else {
            $content = if (-not $Content.Contains("<")) {
                # Treat as markdown
                ConvertFrom-Markdown -Markdown $content 
            } else {
                # Treat as HTML
            $hasContent = $true
            $page += $content            
        if ($item.LatestItem) {
            # Embed Ajax to fetch the latest item from the given partition
        if ($item.Video) {
            $hasContent = $true
            $page += "<br/>$(Write-Link $item.Video)<br/><br/>" | New-Region -Style @{'text-align'='center'} 
        if ($item.ItemId) {
            $hasContent = $true
            $part,$row = $item.ItemId -split ":"
            $page += Get-AzureTable -TableName $table -Partition $part -Row $row |
                ForEach-Object $unpackItem|
                Out-HTML -ItemType { 
                    $_.pstypenames | Select-Object -Last 1                     
        if ($item.Detail) {
            $hasContent = $true
            $layerOrder = @()
            if ($item.ShowDetailAs -ne 'Page') {                        
                $detailLayers = $item.Detail -split "\|" |                 
                    foreach-Object { $_.Trim()} | 
                    Where-Object { $_ }|
                    ForEach-Object -Begin {
                        $detailPages = @{}
                    } -process {
                        $layerOrder += $_
                        $detailPages[$_] =  if ($FetchedItems["$table.$part.$_"]) {
                            if ((Get-Date).aDdMinutes(-20) -le $FetchedTimes["$table.$part.$_"]) {
                                $FetchedItems["$table.$part.$_"] = $null
                                Show-WebObject -Table $table -Part $part -Row $_ -StorageAccount $StorageAccount -StorageKey $StorageKey 
                            } else {
                        } else {
                            Show-WebObject -StorageAccount $StorageAccount -StorageKey $StorageKey -Table $table -Part $part -Row $_                        
                        $FetchedItems["$table.$part.$_"] = $detailPages[$_]
                    } -End {
                $newRegionParameters = @{Layer=$DetailLayers;LayerOrder=$layerOrder}
                if ($item.ShowDetailAs) { 
                    $newRegionParameters["As" + $item.ShowDetailAs] = $true
            } else {
                $page += $item.Detail -split "\|" |                 
                    foreach-Object { $_.Trim()} | 
                    Where-Object { $_ }|
                    Write-Link -Horizontal -Style @{'font-size'='medium'} -HorizontalSeparator ' ' -Url { $_ + ".aspx" } -Caption { $_ } -Button -Style @{'font-size'='x-large'}
                $page += "

            if ($item.Id -and $newREgionParameters) {
                $newRegionParameters.LayerID = $item.Id
                $page += New-Region @newregionparameters
        if ($item.Related) {
            $hasContent = $true
            $page += 
                ((ConvertFrom-Markdown -Markdown $item.Related) -replace "\<a href", "<a class='RelatedLink' href") |
                    New-Region -Style @{'text-align'='right';'padding'='10px'} 
            $page += @'
        if ($item.Next -or $item.Previous) {
            $hasContent = $true
            $previousChunk = if ($item.Previous) {
            $previousCaption = "<span class='ui-icon ui-icon-seek-prev'>
                <span style='text-align:center'>

                Write-Link -Caption $previousCaption -Url $item.Previous -Button
            } else {
            $nextChunk = if ($item.Next) {
            $nextCaption = "<span class='ui-icon ui-icon-seek-next'>
                <span style='text-align:center'>

                Write-Link -Caption $nextCaption -Url $item.Next -Button
            } else {
            $page+= "
<table style='width:100%'>
        <td style='50%;text-align:left'>
        <td style='50%;text-align:right'>
        if (-not $hasContent) {
            $page += $item | 
                Out-HTML -ItemType { $_.pstypenames | Select-Object -Last 1 } 
    end {
