function Search-WolframAlpha { <# .Synopsis Searches Wolfram Alpha .Description Searches Wolfram Alpha for information on anything .Example Search-WolframAlpha -For "Micrososft" -ApiKeySetting WolframAlphaApiKey .Link Get-SecureSetting .Link Search-Engine #> [OutputType([PSObject])] param( # The term to search for. [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] [String]$For, # The WolframAlpha pod state to return [string]$PodState, # The PodID of interest [string]$PodId, # If set, renders output as HTML [Switch]$AsHtml, # If set, renders the output as input to Mathemetica [Switch]$AsMathematicaInput, # If set, renders the output as output to Mathemetica [Switch]$AsMathematicaOutput, # If set, renders the output as MathML [Switch]$AsMathML, # Requests information as if the user was from a specific IP [string]$FromIP, # Requests information as if the user was from a specific location [string]$Location, # Returns the XML result [Switch]$AsXml, # The API Key [string]$ApiKey, # A web.config or SecureSetting containing the ApiKey [string]$ApiKeySetting, # If set, will run the query as a background job [switch]$AsJob, # If set, will always refetch the data [Switch]$Force ) begin { #region Setup Result Cache Set-StrictMode -Off if (-not ($script:cachedRawResults)) { $script:cachedRawResults = @{} } #endregion Setup Result Cache } process { if ($apiKey) { $script:WolframAlphaAPIKey = $apiKey } if ($apiKeySetting) { $apiKey= Get-WebConfigurationSetting -Setting $apiKeySetting if (-not $apiKey) { $apiKey= Get-SecureSetting -Name $apiKeySetting -ValueOnly } if ($apiKey) { $script:WolframAlphaAPIKey = $apiKey } } $psBoundParameters.ApiKey = $script:WolframAlphaAPIKey if ($AsJob) { $myDefinition = [ScriptBLock]::Create("function Search-WolframAlpha { $(Get-Command Search-WolframAlpha | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Definition) } ") $null = $psBoundParameters.Remove('AsJob') $myJob= [ScriptBLock]::Create("" + { param([Hashtable]$parameter) } + $myDefinition + { Search-WolframAlpha @parameter }) Start-Job -ScriptBlock $myJob -ArgumentList $psBoundParameters return } $script:WolframAlphaWebClient = New-Object Net.WebClient $queryBase = "" $queryTerm = "input=$($For.Replace(' ', '%20'))" if (-not $script:WolframAlphaAPIKey) { } $queryAPIKey = "appid=$Script:WolframAlphaAPIKey" if ($psboundParameters.PodState) { $queryTerm+="&podstate=$podstate" } if ($psboundParameters.PodId) { $queryTerm+="&includepodid=$PodId" } $query = "${QueryBase}${QueryTerm}&${QueryAPIKey}" if ($AsHTML) { $query = "${QueryBase}${QueryTerm}&${QueryAPIKey}&format=html" $result = $script:WolframAlphaWebClient.DownloadString($query) $result } elseif ($AsMathematicaInput) { $query = "${QueryBase}${QueryTerm}&${QueryAPIKey}&format=minput" $result = $script:WolframAlphaWebClient.DownloadString($query) $result } elseif ($AsMathematicaOutput) { $query = "${QueryBase}${QueryTerm}&${QueryAPIKey}&format=moutput" $result = $script:WolframAlphaWebClient.DownloadString($query) $result } elseif ($AsMathML) { $query = "${QueryBase}${QueryTerm}&${QueryAPIKey}&format=mathml" $result = $script:WolframAlphaWebClient.DownloadString($query) $result } elseif ($AsXML) { $query = "${QueryBase}${QueryTerm}&${QueryAPIKey}" $result = $webClient.DownloadString($query) $result } else { # Turn regular XML output into a psuedo object $query = "${QueryBase}${QueryTerm}&${QueryAPIKey}" if ($location) { $query += "&location=$location" } if ($fromIP) { $query += "&ip=$fromIP" } $result = if ($script:CachedRawResults[$query] -and (-not $Force)) { $script:cachedRawResults[$query] } else { $script:cachedRawResults[$query] = $script:WolframAlphaWebClient.DownloadString($query) $script:cachedRawResults[$query] } $resultError = ([xml]$result).SelectSingleNode("//error") if ($resultError) { Write-Error -Message $resultError.msg -ErrorId "WolframAlphaWebServiceError$($resultError.Code)" return } $pods = @{} Write-Verbose "$result" # Scrape the results from the pods $result | Select-Xml //pod | ForEach-Object -Begin { $psObject = New-Object PSObject } { $pod = $_.Node if ($pod.Id -eq 'Input') { $psObject.psobject.Properties.Add( (New-Object Management.Automation.PSNoteProperty "InputInterpretation","$($pod.subpod.plaintext)" )) } if ($pod.Id -ne 'Input') { # Try and try and try $textInPods = $pod.SubPod |Select-Object -ExpandProperty plaintext $textInPods = $textInPods -join ([Environment]::NewLine) $lines = $textInPods.Split([Environment]::NewLine, [StringSplitOptions]'RemoveEmptyEntries') # Since Wolfram|Alpha is a data-oriented search engine that strangely enough, returns text instead of data, it's time to parse (and pray) $averageItemsPerLine = $lines | ForEach-Object { $_.ToCharArray() | Where-Object {$_ -eq '|' } | Measure-Object } | Measure-Object -Average -Property Count | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Average # If there's more than one item per line average, it's probably a series of items if ($averageItemsPerLine -lt 1) { if (-not $lines) { $psNoteProperty = New-Object Management.Automation.PSNoteProperty $pod.Title, $pod.Subpod.img.src $null = $psObject.psobject.Properties.Add($psNoteProperty) } else { $psNoteProperty = New-Object Management.Automation.PSNoteProperty $pod.Title, $lines $null = $psObject.psobject.Properties.Add($psNoteProperty) } } elseif ($averageItemsPerLine -ge 1 -and $averageItemsPerLine -lt 2) { # It's probably a table of properties, but it could also be a result list $outputObject = New-Object PSObject $lastProperty = $null foreach ($line in $lines) { $chunks = @($line.Split('|', [StringSplitOptions]'RemoveEmptyEntries')) # If it's greater than 1, treat it as a pair of values if ($chunks.Count -gt 1) { # Heading and value. $lastProperty = $chunks[0] if ("$lastProperty".Trim()) { $value = $chunks[1] | Where-Object {"$_".Trim() -notlike "(*)"} $outputObject | Add-Member NoteProperty $chunks[0] "$value".Trim() -Force } } elseif ($chunks.Count -eq 1) { # Additional value $newValue = @($outputObject.$lastProperty) + "$($chunks[0])".Trim() if ("$lastProperty".Trim()) { $outputObject | Add-Member NoteProperty $lastProperty $newValue -Force } } } $psNoteProperty = New-Object Management.Automation.PSNoteProperty $pod.Title, $outputObject $null = $psObject.psobject.Properties.Add($psNoteProperty) } else { # It's probably a table if ($lines.Count -eq 1) { $itemValue, $itemSource = $lines[0] -split "[\(\)]" $outputObject =New-Object PSOBject | Add-Member NoteProperty Value $itemValue -PassThru | Add-Member NoteProperty Source $itemSource -PassThru $psNoteProperty = New-Object Management.Automation.PSNoteProperty $pod.Title, $outputObject $null = $psObject.psobject.Properties.Add($psNoteProperty) } else { $columns = $lines[0] -split "\|" | ForEach-Object {$_.Trim() } $rows = foreach ($l in $lines[1..($lines.Count -1)]) { $l -split "\|" | ForEach-Object { $_.Trim() } } $outputObject = for ($i =0;$i -lt $rows.Count; $i+=$columns.Count) { $outputObject = New-Object PSObject foreach ($n in 1..$columns.Count) { $columnName = if (-not $columns[$n -1]) { "Name" } else { $columns[$n -1] } $outputObject | Add-Member NoteProperty $columnName ($rows[$i + $n - 1]) -Force } $outputObject } $psNoteProperty = New-Object Management.Automation.PSNoteProperty $pod.Title, $outputObject $null = $psObject.psobject.Properties.Add($psNoteProperty) } } } # Append pod details into the result $pods[$pod.Id] = New-Object PSObject -Property @{ PodText = $pod.subpod | Select-Object -ExpandProperty plaintext -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue PodImage = $pod.subpod | Select-Object -ExpandProperty img -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Select-Object -ExpandProperty src PodXml = $pod } } -End { # Add on the raw output $psObject.psobject.Properties.Add( (New-Object Management.Automation.PSNoteProperty "OutputXml",([xml]$result) )) try { # Add on specific pod information $psObject.psObject.Properties.Add( (New-Object Management.Automation.PSNoteProperty "Pods",(New-Object PSObject -Property $pods) )) } catch { # If there weren't any pods, add a null property $psObject.psObject.Properties.Add( (New-Object Management.Automation.PSNoteProperty "Pods", $null )) } # Give the search result the correct typename, so PowerShell can display it sanely $psObject.pstypenames.Clear() $psObject.pstypenames.add('WolframAlphaResult') $psObject } } } } |