
function Request-CommandInput
        Generates a form to collect input for a command
        Generates a form to collect input for a PowerShell command.
        Get-WebInput is designed to handle the information submitted by the user in a form created with Request-CommandInput.
        Request-CommandInput -CommandMetaData (Get-Command Get-Command) -DenyParameter ArgumentList

    # The metadata of the command.
    # A script block containing a PowerShell function. Any code outside of the Powershell function will be ignored.
    # The name of the parameter set to request input
    # Explicitly allowed parameters (by default, all are allowed unless they are explictly denied)
    # Explicitly denied parameters.
    # The text on the request button

    # The url to a button image button

    # If set, does not display a button
    # The order of items
    # The web method the form will use
    $Method = "POST",

    # The css margin property to use for the form
    $Margin = "1%",
    # The action of the form
    # The platform the created input form will work.
    # This is used to created an XML based layout for any device
    [ValidateSet('Web', 'Android', 'AndroidBackend', 'CSharpBackEnd', 'iOS', 'WindowsMobile', 'WindowsMetro', 'Win8', 'WPF', 'GoogleGadget', 'TwilML', 'PipeworksDirective')]
    $Platform = 'Web',

    # If set, uses a Two column layout

    # If provided, focuses a given parameter's input

    # If provided, uses the supplied values as parameter defaults
    $ParameterDefaultValue = @{},

    # If provided, uses the supplied values as potential options for a parameter
    $ParameterOption = @{},

    # If set, will load the inner control with ajax
    begin {       
        $allPipeworksDirectives = @{}
        $firstcomboBox = $null          
        Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Web 
        function ConvertFrom-CamelCase
            $r = New-Object Text.RegularExpressions.Regex "[a-z][A-Z]", "Multiline"
            $matches = @($r.Matches($text))
            $offset = 0
            foreach ($m in $matches) {
                $text = $text.Insert($m.Index + $offset + 1," ")

        function New-TextInput($defaultNumberOfLines, [switch]$IsNumber, [string]$CssClass,[string]$type) {
            $linesForInput = if ($pipeworksDirectives.LinesForInput -as [Uint32]) {
                $pipeworksDirectives.LinesForInput -as [Uint32]
            } else {
            $columnsForInput = 
                if ($pipeworksDirectives.ColumnsForInput -as [Uint32]) {
                    $pipeworksDirectives.ColumnsForInput -as [Uint32]
                } else {
                    if ($Request -and $Request['Snug']) {
                    } else {
            if ($Platform -eq 'Web') {
                if ($pipeworksDirectives.ContentEditable) {
                    "<div id='${ParameterIdentifier}_Editable' style='width:90%;padding:10px;margin:3px;min-height:5%;border:1px solid' contenteditable='true' designMode='on'>$(if ($pipeworksDirectives.Default) { "<i>" + $pipeworksDirectives.Default + "</i>" })</div>
                    <input type='button' id='${inputFieldName}saveButton' value='Save' onclick='save${inputFieldName};' />
                    <input type='button' id='${inputFieldName}clearButton' value='Clear' onclick='clear${inputFieldName};' />
                    <input type='hidden' id='$parameterIdentifier' name='$inputFieldName' />
                        `$(function() {
                            `$( `"#$($inputFieldName)saveButton`" ).button().click(
                                function(event) {
                                    document.getElementById(`"${ParameterIdentifier}`").value = document.getElementById(`"${ParameterIdentifier}_Editable`").innerHTML;
                            `$( `"#$($inputFieldName)clearButton`" ).button().click(
                                function(event) {
                                    document.getElementById(`"${ParameterIdentifier}`").value = '';
                                    document.getElementById(`"${ParameterIdentifier}_Editable`").innerHTML = '';

                } else {

                    if ($LinesForInput -ne 1) {
                        "<textarea style='width:100%;' $(if ($cssClass) { "class='$cssClass'"}) $(if($type) { "type='$type'" }) name='$inputFieldName' rows='$LinesForInput' cols='$ColumnsForInput'>$($pipeworksDirectives.Default -join ([Environment]::NewLine))</textarea>"
                    } else {
                        "<input type='text' style='width:100%' $(if ($cssClass) { "class='$cssClass'"}) $(if($type) { "type='$type'" }) name='$inputFieldName' $(if ($isnumber) {'type=''number'''}) $(if ([Double], [float] -contains $parameterType) {'step=''0.01'''}) value='$($pipeworksDirectives.Default)' />"
                    if ($cssClass -eq 'dateTimeField') {
                        `$(function() {
                            `$( `".dateTimeField`" ).datepicker({
                                showButtonPanel : true,
                                changeMonth: true,
                                changeYear: true,
                                showOtherMonths: true,
                                selectOtherMonths: true

            } elseif ($Platform -eq 'Android') {
    $(if ($isnumber) {'type=''number'''})
    $(if ($defaultValue) { "android:text='$defaultValue'" } )/>
            } elseif ($Platform -eq 'AndroidBackEnd') {                
            } elseif ($Platform -eq 'CSharpBackEnd') {
            } elseif ('WindowsMobile', 'WPF' ,'Metro', 'SilverLight', 'Win8' -contains $platform) {
                if ($DefaultNumberOfLines -eq 1) { 
    $(if ($Platform -eq 'Win8') { "Foreground='{StaticResource TheForegroundColor}'" })
    $(if ($Platform -eq 'Win8') { "Background='{StaticResource TheBackgroundColor}'" })
    Margin="7, 5, 7, 5"
    $(if ($defaultValue) { "Text='$defaultValue'" })
    Tag='Type:$($parameterType.Fullname)' />
                } else {
    $(if ($Platform -eq 'Win8') { "Foreground='{StaticResource TheForegroundColor}'" })
    $(if ($Platform -eq 'Win8') { "Background='{StaticResource TheBackgroundColor}'" })
    Margin="7, 5, 7, 5"
    $(if ($defaultValue) { "Text='$defaultValue'" })
    MinLines='${DefaultNumberOfLines}' />
            } elseif ('GoogleGadget' -eq $platform) {
<UserPref name="$parameterIdentifier" display_name="$friendlyParameterName" default_value="$($pipeworksDirectives.Default)"/>

            } elseif ('TwilML' -eq $Platform) {
                if ($IsNumber) {
<Gather finishOnKey="*" $(if ($Action) { "action='$([Security.SecurityElement]::Escape($action))'" })>
    <Say>$([Security.SecurityElement]::Escape($parameterHelp)). Press * when you are done.</Say>

                } elseif ($friendlyParameterName -like "Record*" -or $friendlyParameterName -like "*Recording") {
<Record $(if ($Action) { "action='$([Security.SecurityElement]::Escape($action))'" })>

                } elseif ($friendlyParameterName -like "Transcribe*" -or $friendlyParameterName -like "*Transcription") {
<Record $(if ($Action) { "action='$([Security.SecurityElement]::Escape($action))'" }) transcribe='true' />
                } elseif ($pipeworksDirectives.RecordInput -or $pipeworksDirectives.Record -or $pipeworksDirectives.Recording) {
<Record $(if ($Action) { "action='$([Security.SecurityElement]::Escape($action))'" }) />

                } else {
<Record $(if ($Action) { "action='$([Security.SecurityElement]::Escape($action))'" }) transcribe='true' />

        # Some chunks of code are reused so often, they need to be variables
        $extractTextFromEditTextAndUseForQueryString = @"
    try {
        // Cast the item to an EditText control
        EditText text = (EditText)foundView;
        // Extract out the value
        String textValue = text.getText().toString();
        // If it is set...
        if (textValue != null && textValue.getLength() > 0) {
            // Append the & to separate parameters
            if (! initializedQueryString) {
                initializedQueryString = true;
            } else {
    } catch (Exception e) {

        $extractTextFromTextBoxAndUseForQueryString = @"
    try {
        // Cast the item to an TextBox control
        TextBox text = (TextBox)foundView;
        // Extract out the value
        String textValue = text.Text;
        // If it is set...
        if (! String.IsNullOrEmpty(textValue)) {
            // Append the & to separate parameters
            if (! initializedQueryString) {
                initializedQueryString = true;
            } else {
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        throw ex;

        # Most android UI requires these two lines
        $theDefaultAttributesInAndroidLayout = @"
    process { 
        $carrySnug = if ($Action -and $request -and $request["Snug"] -and $Platform -eq 'Web') {
        } else {
        # The ScriptBlock parameter set will just take the first command declared within a scriptblock
        if ($psCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'ScriptBlock') {
            $func = Get-FunctionFromScript -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock | Select-Object -First 1 
            . ([ScriptBlock]::Create($func))
            $matched = $func -match "function ((\w+-\w+)|(\w+))"
            if ($matched -and $matches[1]) {
                $command=Get-Command $matches[1]
            $CommandMetaData = [Management.Automation.CommandMetaData]$command                        
        $inputForm =  New-Object Text.StringBuilder 
        $idSafeCommandName = $commandMetaData.Name.Replace('-','')
        # Extract out help
        if (-not $script:CachedHelp) {
            $script:CachedHelp = @{}

        if (-not $script:CachedHelp[$CommandMetaData.Name]) {                        
            $script:CachedHelp[$CommandMetaData.Name] = Get-Help -Name $CommandMetaData.Name

        $help = $script:CachedHelp[$CommandMetaData.Name]
        if ($help -isnot [string]) {

        if (-not $buttonText) {
            $ButtonText = ConvertFrom-CamelCase $commandMetaData.Name.Replace('-', ' ')        

        #region Start of Form
        if ($platform -eq 'Web') {
            $RandomSalt = Get-Random
            $Action =if ($carrySnug) {
                if ($Action.Contains("?")) {
                } else {
            } else {
            $cssBaseName = "$($commandMetaData.Name)_Input"
            # If the platform is web, it's a <form> input
            $null = $inputForm.Append("
<div class='$($commandMetadata.Name)_InlineOutputContainer' id='$($commandMetaData.Name)_InlineOutputContainer_$RandomSalt' style='margin-top:3%;margin-bottom:3%' >
<form method='$method' $(if ($action) {'action=`"' + $action + '`"' }) class='$cssBaseName' id='${cssBaseName}_$RandomSalt' enctype='multipart/form-data'>
    <div style='border:0px'>
    textarea:focus, input:focus {
        border: 2px solid #009;
        } elseif ($Platform -eq 'Android') {
            # If the platform is Android, it's a ViewSwitcher containing a ScrollView containing a LinearLayout
            $null = $inputForm.Append(@"
<ViewSwitcher xmlns:android=""
    android:id="@+id/$($idSafeCommandName + '_Switcher')"
    $theDefaultAttributesInAndroidLayout >
        android:id="@+id/$($idSafeCommandName + '_ScrollView')"
            android:orientation="vertical" >
        } elseif ($Platform -eq 'AndroidBackEnd') {
            # In an android back end, create a class contain a static method to collect the parameters
            $null = $inputForm.Append(@"
    public String Get${IdSafeCommandName}QueryString() {
        // Save getResources() and getPackageName() so that each lookup is slightly quicker
        Resources allResources = getResources();
        String packageName = getPackageName();
        StringBuilder queryString = new StringBuilder();
        Boolean initializedQueryString = false;
        Object foundView;
        String textFieldID;
        } elseif ($Platform -eq 'CSharpBackEnd') {
            # In an android back end, create a class contain a static method to collect the parameters
            $null = $inputForm.Append(@"
    public String Get${IdSafeCommandName}QueryString() {
        // Save getResources() and getPackageName() so that each lookup is slightly quicker
        StringBuilder queryString = new StringBuilder();
        bool initializedQueryString = false;
        Object foundView;
        String textFieldID;
        } elseif ('WPF', 'WindowsMobile', 'WindowsMetro', 'Win8' -contains $Platform) {
            # On WPF, WindowsMobile, or WindowsMetro it's a Grid containing a ScrollView and a StackPanel
            $null = $inputForm.Append(@"
<Grid xmlns="" xmlns:x="">
        } elseif ('GoogleGadget' -eq $platform) {
            $null = $inputForm.Append(@"
  <ModulePrefs title="$ButtonText" height="400"/>
        } elseif ('TwilML' -eq $platform) {
            $null = $inputForm.Append(@"
        #endregion Start of Form
        #region Filter Parameters
        # Without an explicit whitelist, get all parameters
        if (-not $AllowedParameter) {
            $allowedParameter  = $CommandMetaData.Parameters.Keys 
        # If a parameter set was provided, filter out parameters from other parameter sets
        if ($parameterSet) {        
            $allParameters = $allowedParameter |
                Where-Object {
                    $commandMetaData.Parameters[$_].Attributes | 
                        Where-Object { $_.ParameterSetName -eq $parameterSet }
        # Remove the denied parameters
        $allParameters = foreach ($param in $allowedParameter) {
            if ($DenyParameter -notcontains $param) {
        # Order parameters if they are not explicitly ordered
        if (-not $order) {
            $order = 
                 $allParameters | 
                    Select-Object @{
                        Name = "Name"
                        Expression = { $_ }
                        Name= "NaturalPosition"
                        Expression = { 
                            $p = @($commandMetaData.Parameters[$_].ParameterSets.Values)[0].Position
                            if ($p -ge 0) {
                            } else { 1gb }                                              
                    } | 
                    Sort-Object NaturalPosition| 
                    Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name
        #endregion Filter Parameters
        $mandatoryFields = New-Object Collections.ArrayList
        $parameterIds= New-Object Collections.ArrayList
        $inputFields = New-Object Collections.ArrayList
        foreach ($parameter in $order) {
            if (-not $parameter) { continue }
            if (-not ($commandMetaData.Parameters[$parameter])) { continue }
            $parameterType = $commandMetaData.Parameters[$parameter].ParameterType
            $IsMandatory = foreach ($pset in $CommandMetaData.Parameters[$parameter].ParameterSets.Values) {
                if ($pset.IsMandatory) { $true; break} 
            $friendlyParameterName = ConvertFrom-CamelCase $parameter
            $inputFieldName = "$($CommandMetaData.Name)_$parameter"                
            $null = $inputFields.Add($inputFieldName)
            $parameterIdentifier = "${idSafeCommandName}_${parameter}"
            $null = $parameterIds.Add($parameterIdentifier)
            if ($IsMandatory) {
                $null = $mandatoryFields.Add($parameterIdentifier)
            $parameterHelp  = 
                foreach ($p in $help.Parameters.Parameter) {
                    if ($p.Name -eq $parameter) {
                        $p.Description | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Text
            $parameterVisibleHelp = $parameterHelp -split ("[`n`r]") |? { $_ -notlike "|*" } 
            $pipeworksDirectives  = @{}
            foreach ($line in $parameterHelp -split ("[`n`r]")) {
                if ($line -like "|*") {
                    $directiveEnd= $line.IndexofAny(": `n`r".ToCharArray())
                    if ($directiveEnd -ne -1) {
                        $name, $rest = $line.Substring(1, $directiveEnd -1).Trim(), $line.Substring($directiveEnd +1).Trim()
                        $pipeworksDirectives.$Name = $rest
                    } else {
                        $name = $line.Substring(1).Trim()
                        $pipeworksDirectives.$Name = $true

            if ($ParameterDefaultValue.$parameter) {
                $pipeworksDirectives.Default = $ParameterDefaultValue.$parameter

            if ($ParameterOption.$parameter) {
                $pipeworksDirectives.Options = $ParameterOption.$parameter

            # The Select directive uses a Select-COMMAND to produce input for a parameter.
            # If the command contains a -Platform parameter, it will be passed the platform
            if ($pipeworksDirectives.Select) {
                $selectCmd = Get-Command -Name "Select-$($pipeworksDirectives.Select)"  -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
                $selectParams = @{}
                if ($selectCmd.Parameters.Platform) {
                    $selectParams.Platform = $Platform
                $inputForm.Append("$(& $selectCmd)")

            if ($Platform -eq 'Web') { 
                $boldIfMandatory = if ($IsMandatory) { "<b>" } else { "" } 
                $unboldIfMandatory = if ($IsMandatory) { "</b>" } else { "" } 
                if (-not $TwoColumn) {
                    $null = $inputForm.Append("
        <div style='margin-top:2%;margin-bottom:2%;$(if ($pipeworksDirectives.Float) {'float:left'} else {'clear:both'})'>
        <div style='width:37%;float:left;'>
        <label for='$inputFieldName' style='text-align:left;font-size:1.3em'>
                } else {
                    $null = $inputForm.Append("
        <td style='width:25%'><p>${boldIfMandatory}${friendlyParameterName}${unboldIfMandatory}</p></td>
        <td style='width:75%;text-align:center;margin-left:15px;padding:15px;font-size:medium'>"
            } elseif ($platform -eq 'Android') {
            # Display parameter name, unless it's a checkbox (then the parameter name is inline)
                if ([Switch], [Bool] -notcontains $parameterType) {
                    $null = $inputForm.Append(@"
        android:textStyle='bold' />
            } elseif ($platform -eq 'AndroidBackend') {
                # If it's android backend, simply add a lookup for the values to the method
                $null = $inputForm.Append(@"
    String textFieldID = "$parameterIdentifier";
    View foundView = findViewById(
            } elseif ($platform -eq 'CSharpBackend') {
                # If it's android backend, simply add a lookup for the values to the method
                $null = $inputForm.Append(@"
    textFieldID = "$parameterIdentifier";
    foundView = this.FindName(textFieldID);
            } elseif ($platform -eq 'WindowsMobile' -or 
                $platform -eq 'WPF' -or
                $platform -eq 'Metro' -or 
                $Platform -eq 'Win8') {
                $MajorStyleChunk = if ($Platform -ne 'WindowsMobile') {
                } else {
                    "Style='{StaticResource PhoneTextExtraLargeStyle}'"
                $includeHelp = if ([Switch], [Bool] -notcontains $parameterType) {
                        $(if ($Platform -eq 'Win8') { "Foreground='{StaticResource TheForegroundColor}'" })
                        $(if ($Platform -eq 'Win8') { "Background='{StaticResource TheBackgroundColor}'" })
                        Margin='28 2 0 3'
                        Text='$FriendlyParameterName' />
                    } else { 
            $null = $inputForm.Append(@"
            $StyleChunk = if ($Platform -ne 'WindowsMobile') {
            } else {
                "Style='{StaticResource PhoneTextSubtleStyle}'"
            if ($pipeworksDirectives.FileName) {
            $parameterHelp= $parameterVisibleHelp -join ([Environment]::NewLine)
            if ($parameterHelp) {
                if ($Platform -eq 'Web') {
                    $null = $inputForm.Append("<br style='line-height:150%' />$(
ConvertFrom-Markdown -md $parameterHelp)"
                } elseif ($Platform -eq 'Android') {
                    if ([Switch], [Bool] -notcontains $parameterType) {
                        $null = $inputForm.Append("
                            android:textAppearance='?android:attr/textAppearanceSmall' />"
                } elseif ('WindowsMobile', 'WPF' ,'Metro', 'SilverLight', 'Win8' -contains $platform) {
                    if ([Switch], [Bool] -notcontains $parameterType) {
                        $null = $inputForm.Append("
                    $(if ($Platform -eq 'Win8') { "Foreground='{StaticResource TheForegroundColor}'" })
                    $(if ($Platform -eq 'Win8') { "Background='{StaticResource TheBackgroundColor}'" })
                    Margin='7,0, 5,0'
            if ($platform -eq 'Web') {
                $null = $inputForm.Append("</div>
                <div style='float:right;width:60%;'>

            $validateSet = 
                foreach ($attribute in $commandMetaData.Parameters[$parameter].Attributes) {
                    if ($attribute.TypeId -eq [Management.Automation.ValidateSetAttribute]) {
            $defaultValue = $pipeworksDirectives.Default
            if ($pipeworksDirectives.Options -or $validateSet -or $parameterType.IsSubClassOf([Enum])) {
                $optionList = 
                    if ($pipeworksDirectives.Options) {
                        Invoke-Expression -Command "$($pipeworksDirectives.Options)" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
                    } elseif ($ValidateSet) {
                    } elseif ($parameterType.IsSubClassOf([Enum])) {
                if ($Platform -eq 'Web') {
                        $options = foreach ($option in $optionList) {
                            $selected = if ($defaultValue -eq $option) {
                                " selected='selected'"
                            } else {
                            "$(' ' * 20)<option $selected>$option</option>"
                        $options = $options -join ([Environment]::NewLine)
                        if (-not $firstcomboBox) {
                            $firstcomboBox = $optionList
                        $null = $inputForm.Append("<select class='comboboxfield' name='$inputFieldName' id='$($parameterIdentifier)' value='$($pipeworksDirectives.Default)'>
                            $(if (-not $IsMandatory) { "<option> </option>" })
                } elseif ($Platform -eq 'Android') {
                    # Android is a bit of a pita. There are two nice controls for this: Spinner and AutoCompleteEditText, but both
                    # cannot specify the resources in the same XML file as the control.
                    if ($optionList.Count -gt 10) {
                        # Text box
                        $null = $inputForm.Append("$(. New-TextInput -defaultNumberOfLines 1)")                                        
                    } else {
                        $null = $inputForm.Append(@"
        android:id="@+id/$($idSafeCommandName + '_' + $parameter)"
                        foreach ($value in $optionList) { 
                            $null = $inputForm.Append("
            android:text='$value' />"
                        $null = $inputForm.Append(@"
                } elseif ('TwilML' -eq $platform) {                                               
                    # Twilio
                    $friendlyParameterName = ConvertFrom-CamelCase $parameter

                    $optionNumber = 1
                    $phoneFriendlyHelp = 
                        foreach ($option in $optionList) {
                            "Press $OptionNumber for $Option"
                    $phoneFriendlyHelp  = $phoneFriendlyHelp -join ". $([Environment]::NewLine)"                    
                    $null = $inputForm.Append(@"
    <Gather numDigits="$($optionNumber.ToString().Length)" $(if ($Action) { "action='$([Security.SecurityElement]::Escape($action))'" })>
            $([Security.SecurityElement]::Escape($phoneFriendlyHelp ))
                } elseif ('WindowsMobile', 'WPF' ,'Metro', 'SilverLight', 'Win8' -contains $platform) {
                    # XAML does not have this limitation
                    if ($optionList.Count -lt 5) {
                        # Radio Box
                        # Combo Box
                        $null = $inputForm.Append("
<Border x:Name='$($idSafeCommandName + '_' + $parameter)'>

                        foreach ($value in $optionList) { 
                            $null = $inputForm.Append("
        $(if ($Platform -eq 'Win8') { "Foreground='{StaticResource TheForegroundColor}'" })
        $(if ($Platform -eq 'Win8') { "Background='{StaticResource TheBackgroundColor}'" })
        GroupName='$($idSafeCommandName + '_' + $parameter)'>$([Security.SecurityElement]::Escape($value))</RadioButton>"
                        $null = $inputForm.Append("
                    } else {
                        # Combo Box
                        $null = $inputForm.Append(@"
        x:Name='$($idSafeCommandName + '_' + $parameter)'
        $(if ($Platform -eq 'Win8') { "Foreground='{StaticResource TheForegroundColor}'" })
        $(if ($Platform -eq 'Win8') { "Background='{StaticResource TheBackgroundColor}'" }) >
                        foreach ($value in $optionList) { 
                            $null = $inputForm.Append("
                        $null = $inputForm.Append(@"
                } elseif ('GoogleGadget' -eq $platform ) {
                    $enumItems  = foreach ($option in $optionList) {
                        "<EnumValue value='$option'/>"
                    $null = $inputForm.Append( @"
<UserPref name="$parameterIdentifier" display_name="$FriendlyParameterName" datatype="enum" >
            } elseif ([int[]], [uint32[]], [double[]], [int], [uint32], 
                [double], [Timespan], [Uri], [DateTime], [type], [version] -contains $parameterType) {
                # Numbers and similar primitive types become simple input boxes. When possible, use one of the new
                # HTML5 input types to leverage browser support.
                if ([int[]], [uint32[]], [double[]], [int], [uint32], [double] -contains $parameterType) {
                    $null = $inputForm.Append("$(. New-TextInput -defaultNumberOfLines 1 -IsNumber)")
                } elseif ($parameterType -eq [DateTime]) {
                    # Add A JQueryUI DatePicker
                    $null = $inputForm.Append("$(. New-TextInput -defaultNumberOfLines 1 -CssClass 'dateTimeField' -type text)")
                } else {
                    $null = $inputForm.Append("$(. New-TextInput -defaultNumberOfLines 1)")                                        
            } elseif ($parameterType -eq [byte[]]) {
                if ($platform -eq 'Web') {
                    if ($pipeworksDirectives.File) {
    $null = $inputForm.Append("<input type='file' name='$inputFieldName' chars='40' style='width:100%' $(if ($pipeworksDirectives.Accept) {"accept='$($pipeworksDirectives.Accept)'"}) />")                                        
                    } elseif ($pipeworksDirectives.FilePickerIO) {
    $null = $inputForm.Append("<input type='filepicker' data-fp-apikey='$($pipeworksManifest.FilePickerIOKey)' name='$InputFieldName' $(if ($pipeworksDirectives.Accept) {"data-fp-mimetype='$($pipeworksDirectives.Accept)"})' />")
            } elseif ($parameterType -eq [Security.SecureString]) {
                if ($platform -eq 'Web') {
    $null = $inputForm.Append("<input type='password' name='$inputFieldName' style='width:100%'>")                                        
                } elseif ('WindowsMobile', 'WPF' ,'Metro', 'SilverLight', 'Win8' -contains $platform) {
    $null = $inputForm.Append(@"
    $(if ($Platform -eq 'Win8') { "Foreground='{StaticResource TheForegroundColor}'" })
    $(if ($Platform -eq 'Win8') { "Background='{StaticResource TheBackgroundColor}'" })
    Margin="7, 5, 7, 5"
    $(if ($defaultValue) { "Password='$defaultValue'" })
    Tag='Type:$($parameterType.Fullname)' />
            } elseif ($parameterType -eq [string]) {            
                if ($pipeworksDirectives.Contains("Color") -and $Platform -eq 'Web' -and $pipeworksManifest.UseJQueryUI) {
                    # Show a JQueryUI Color Picker

                    if ($pipeworksDirectives.Default) {
                        $dcolor = $pipeworksDirectives.Default.Trim('#').ToCharArray()
                        $red = "0x$($dcolor[0,1] -join '')" -as [uint32]
                        $green = "0x$($dcolor[2,3] -join '')" -as [uint32]
                        $blue = "0x$($dcolor[4,5] -join '')" -as [uint32]
                    } else {
                        $red = Get-Random -Maximum 255
                        $green  = Get-Random -Maximum 255
                        $blue = Get-Random -Maximum 255

$colorInput = @"
    #red_$parameterIdentifier, #green_$parameterIdentifier, #blue_$parameterIdentifier {
        float: left;
        clear: left;
        width: 300px;
        margin: 15px;
    #swatch_$parameterIdentifier {
        width: 120px;
        height: 100px;
        margin-top: 18px;
        margin-left: 350px;
        background-image: none;
    #red_$parameterIdentifier .ui-slider-range { background: #ef2929; }
    #red_$parameterIdentifier .ui-slider-handle { border-color: #ef2929; }
    #green_$parameterIdentifier .ui-slider-range { background: #8ae234; }
    #green_$parameterIdentifier .ui-slider-handle { border-color: #8ae234; }
    #blue_$parameterIdentifier .ui-slider-range { background: #729fcf; }
    #blue_$parameterIdentifier .ui-slider-handle { border-color: #729fcf; }
    function hexFromRGB(r, g, b) {
        var hex = [
            r.toString( 16 ),
            g.toString( 16 ),
            b.toString( 16 )
        `$.each( hex, function( nr, val ) {
            if ( val.length === 1 ) {
                hex[ nr ] = "0" + val;
        return hex.join( "" ).toUpperCase();
    function refresh${ParameterIdentifier}Swatch() {
        var red = `$( "#red_$parameterIdentifier" ).slider( "value" ),
            green = `$( "#green_$parameterIdentifier " ).slider( "value" ),
            blue = `$( "#blue_$parameterIdentifier" ).slider( "value" ),
            hex = hexFromRGB( red, green, blue );
        `$( "#swatch_$parameterIdentifier" ).css( "background-color", "#" + hex );
    `$(function() {
        `$( "#red_$parameterIdentifier, #green_$parameterIdentifier, #blue_$parameterIdentifier " ).slider({
            orientation: "horizontal",
            range: "min",
            max: 255,
            value: 127,
            slide: refresh${ParameterIdentifier}Swatch,
            change: refresh${ParameterIdentifier}Swatch
        `$( "#red_$parameterIdentifier" ).slider( "value", $red );
        `$( "#green_$parameterIdentifier " ).slider( "value", $green );
        `$( "#blue_$parameterIdentifier " ).slider( "value", $blue);
<div id="red_$parameterIdentifier"></div>
<div id="green_$parameterIdentifier"></div>
<div id="blue_$parameterIdentifier"></div>
<div id="swatch_$parameterIdentifier" class="ui-widget-content ui-corner-all"></div>
<input name='$inputFieldName' id='$parameterIdentifier' type='text' value='' style='width:120px;margin-top:18px;margin-left: 350px;'>

                    $null = $inputForm.Append($colorInput)                                                                                                                             
                } else {
                    $null = $inputForm.Append("$(. New-TextInput -defaultNumberOfLines 1)")                                                                                                                             
            } elseif ([string[]], [uri[]] -contains $parameterType) {                             
                $null = $inputForm.Append("$(. New-TextInput -defaultNumberOfLines 4)")                                                                
            } elseif ([ScriptBlock] -eq $parameterType -or 
                [PSObject] -eq $parameterType -or 
                [PSObject[]] -eq $parameterType -or
                [Hashtable[]] -eq $parameterType) {                             
                $null = $inputForm.Append("$(. New-TextInput -defaultNumberOfLines 6)")                                                                
            } elseif ([Hashtable] -eq $parameterType) {                             
                if ($pipeworksDirectives.Default -is [Hashtable]) {
                    $d = foreach ($kv in $pipeworksDirectives.Default.GetEnumerator()) {
                        "$($kv.Key) = $($kv.Value)"
                    $d = $d -join ([Environment]::NewLine)
                    $pipeworksDirectives.Default = $d

                $null = $inputForm.Append("$(. New-TextInput -defaultNumberOfLines 6)")                                                                
            } elseif ([switch], [bool] -contains $parameterType) {
                if ($platform -eq 'Web') {
                    $null = $inputForm.Append("<input name='$inputFieldName' type='checkbox' $(if ($pipeworksDirectives.Default -and $pipeworksDirectives.Default -like "*true*") { "checked='yes'"})/>")
                } elseif ($platform -eq 'Android') {
                    $null = $inputForm.Append(@"
                android:id="@+id/$($commandMetaData.Name.Replace("-", "") + "_" + $parameter)"
                android:textStyle='bold' />
                android:textAppearance="?android:attr/textAppearanceSmall" />
                } elseif ('WindowsMobile', 'WPF' ,'Metro', 'SilverLight', 'Win8' -contains $platform) {
                    $null = $inputForm.Append(@"
                Margin="5, 5, 2, 0"
                $(if ($Platform -eq 'Win8') { "Foreground='{StaticResource TheForegroundColor}'" })
                $(if ($Platform -eq 'Win8') { "Background='{StaticResource TheBackgroundColor}'" })
                x:Name='$($idSafeCommandName + '_' + $parameter)'>
                <StackPanel Margin="3,-5,0,0">
                    $(if ($Platform -eq 'Win8') { "Foreground='{StaticResource TheForegroundColor}'" })
                    $(if ($Platform -eq 'Win8') { "Background='{StaticResource TheBackgroundColor}'" })
                    Text='$friendlyParameterName' />
                    $(if ($Platform -eq 'Win8') { "Foreground='{StaticResource TheForegroundColor}'" })
                    $(if ($Platform -eq 'Win8') { "Background='{StaticResource TheBackgroundColor}'" })
                }  elseif ($platform -eq 'AndroidBackEnd') {
                    $null = $inputForm.Append(@"
        try {
            CheckBox checkbox = (CheckBox)foundView;
            if (! initializedQueryString) {
                initializedQueryString = true;
            } else {
            if (checkbox.isChecked()) {
            } else {
        } catch (Exception e) {
                }  elseif ($platform -eq 'CSharpBackEnd') {
                    $null = $inputForm.Append(@"
            try {
                CheckBox checkbox = (CheckBox)foundView;
                if (! initializedQueryString) {
                    initializedQueryString = true;
                } else {
                if ((bool)(checkbox.IsChecked)) {
                } else {
            } catch (Exception ex){
                throw ex;
                } elseif ($Platform -eq 'TwilML') {
                    # Twilio
                    $friendlyParameterName = ConvertFrom-CamelCase $parameter
                    $phoneFriendlyHelp = "$(if ($parameterHelp) { "$ParameterHelp "} else { "Is $FriendlyParameterName" }) If so, press 1. If not, press 0."  
                    $null = $inputForm.Append(@"
    <Gather numDigits="1" $(if ($Action) { "action='$([Security.SecurityElement]::Escape($action))'" }) >
        $([Security.SecurityElement]::Escape($phoneFriendlyHelp ))
        # Close the parameter input
        if ($platform -eq 'Web') {
                $null = $inputForm.Append("
        <div style='clear:both'>
        } elseif ('WindowsMobile', 'Metro', 'WPF', 'Win8' -contains $platform) {
                $null = $inputForm.Append("
        } elseif ('PipeworksDirective' -eq $platform ) {
            if ($pipeworksDirectives.Count) {
                $allPipeworksDirectives.$parameter = $pipeworksDirectives
        $null =        $null

    #region Button
    if (-not $NoButton) { 
        if ($Platform -eq 'Web') {

            $checkForMandatory = ""
            if( $mandatoryFields) {
                foreach ($check in $mandatoryFields) {

                    $checkForMandatory += "
if (`$(`".$check`").val() == `"`") {
    return false;

            $ajaxPart = if ($Ajax) {
                    $ajaxAction = 
                        if ($action.Contains('?') -and $action -notlike "*snug=true*") {
                            $action + "&Snug=true"
                        } elseif ($Action -notlike "*snug=true*") {
                            if ($action.EndsWith('/')) {
                                $action + "?Snug=true"
                            } else {
                                $action + "/?Snug=true"
                        var data = `$(this).serialize();
                        if (Form_${RandomSalt}_Submitted == true) {
                            return false;
                        `$('input[type=submit]', this).prop('disabled', true);
                        Form_${RandomSalt}_Submitted =true;
                            function() {
                                 url: '$ajaxAction',
                                 async: false,
                                 data: data
                            }).done(function(data) {
                                    `$('html, body').animate({scrollTop: `$(`"#$($commandMetadata.Name)_InlineOutputContainer_$RandomSalt`").offset().top}, 400);
                            }, 125);
                        `$( `"#$($commandMetadata.Name)_Undo_$RandomSalt`" ).show();
                        `$( `"#$($commandMetadata.Name)_Undo_$RandomSalt`" ).button().click(
                            function(event) {
                                `$('input[type=submit]').prop('disabled', false);
                                Form_${RandomSalt}_Submitted = false;
                                `$('html, body').animate({scrollTop: `$(`"#${cssBaseName}_$RandomSalt`").offset().top}, 400);
                        return false;

            } else {
            if (-not $TwoColumn) {
                $null = $inputForm.Append("
    <br style='clear:both'/>
    <div style='width:50%;float:right'>
            } else {
                $null = $inputForm.Append("
        <td style='text-align:right;margin-right:15px;padding:15px'>
            if ($buttonImage) {
                $null = $inputForm.Append("
            <p style='text-align:center;margin-left:15px;padding:15px'>
            } else {
                $null = $inputForm.Append("
            <p style='text-align:center;margin-left:15px;padding:15px'>
                $(if ($Ajax) {
                    "<script>" +
                        (Write-Ajax -InputId $parameterIds -InputQuery $inputFields -Name "submit$($commandMetadata.Name.Replace('-', ''))" -Url $Action -UpdateId "$($commandMetaData.Name)_InlineOutputContainer_$RandomSalt" -Method $Method) +
                <input type='submit' class='$($commandMetadata.Name)_SubmitButton btn btn-primary rounded' value='$buttonText' style='padding:5px;font-size:large' $(if ($ajax) { "onclick='submit$($commandMetadata.Name.Replace("-", ''))();event.preventDefault();'" }) />
                    $(if ($pipeworksManifest.UseJQueryUI -or $pipeworksManifest.UseBootstrap -or $pipeworksManifest.UseJQuery) {
                    `$(function() {
                        $(if ($pipeworksManifest.UseJQueryUI -or $pipeworksManifest.UseBootstrap) { @"
                        `$( `".$($commandMetadata.Name)_SubmitButton`" ).button();
                        `$( `".$($commandMetadata.Name)_Undo`" ).hide();
                        var Form_${RandomSalt}_Submitted = false;

            if (-not $twoColumn) {
                $null = $inputForm.Append("</div><br style='clear:both' />")
            } else {
                $null = $inputForm.Append("</tr>")
        } elseif ($Platform -eq 'Android') {
            $null = $inputForm.Append(@"
                android:text="$ButtonText" />
        } elseif ('WPF', 'WindowsMobile', 'WindowsMetro', 'Win8' -contains $Platform) {
            $null = $inputForm.Append(@"
    <Button HorizontalAlignment='Stretch' x:Name='$($idSafeCommandName)_Invoke' Margin='7'>
            $(if ($Platform -eq 'Win8') { "Foreground='{StaticResource TheForegroundColor}'" })
            $(if ($Platform -eq 'Win8') { "Background='{StaticResource TheBackgroundColor}'" })
            Text='$ButtonText' />
        if ($platform -eq 'Web') {
            $null = $inputForm.Append("
    $(if ($Focus) {@"
<div class='$($commandMetadata.Name)_ErrorContainer'>
<div class='$($commandMetadata.Name)_CenterButton' style='text-align:center'>
    <a href='javascript:void' class='$($CommandMetaData.Name)_Undo btn btn-primary' id='$($CommandMetaData.Name)_Undo_$RandomSalt' style='display:none;text-align:center;font-size:small'><div class='ui-icon ui-icon-pencil' style='margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto'> </div>Change Input</a>
        } elseif ($platform -eq 'Android') {
            $null = $inputForm.Append("
        } elseif ('AndroidBackEnd' -eq $platform) {
            $null = $inputForm.Append("
        return queryString.toString();
        } elseif ('CSharpBackEnd' -eq $platform) {
            $null = $inputForm.Append("
        return queryString.ToString();
        } elseif ('WPF', 'WindowsMobile', 'WindowsMetro', 'Win8' -contains $Platform) {
            $null = $inputForm.Append(@"
        } elseif ('GoogleGadget' -eq $platform) {
            $null = $inputForm.Append(@"
        } elseif ('TwilML' -eq $platform) {
            $null = $inputForm.Append(@"
        $output = "$inputForm"
        if ('Android', 'WPF','SilverLight', 'WindowsMobile', 'Metro', 'Win8', 'Web','GoogleGadget', 'TwilML' -contains $platform) {
            if ($output -as [xml]) {            
                # Nice XML Trick
                $strWrite = New-Object IO.StringWriter
                $strWrite = "$strWrite"
                $strWrite.Substring($strWrite.IndexOf('>') + 3)     
            } else {
        } elseif ($Platform -eq 'PipeworksDirective') {
        } else {