
function Remove-Daemon
        Removes a Daemon in the system
        Removes a Daemon (Service) registered on the system
        Out-Deamon -ScriptBlock {
                Write-Warning "Warning"
                Write-Error "Error"
                $VerbosePreference = 'continue'
                Write-Verbose "Verbose"
                $debugPreference = 'continue'
                Write-Debug "Debug"
                Write-Progress "a" "b" -PercentComplete 1
                New-Object PSObject -Property @{"A" = "b";"c" = "d" }
        } -Interval "00:00:15" -Name streamtest
        Remove-Daemon -Name streamtest

    # The name of the daemon. Can be either the short name or the display name. Can include wildcards.

    # If set, will remove the executable and the output files

    process {
        #region Query WMI for the daemon and then remove it
        Get-WmiObject Win32_Service| Where-Object {$_.Name -like $name -or $_.DisplayName -like $name } |
            ForEach-Object {
                $d = $_ 
                if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Remove Daemon: $($d.Name)")) {
                    $null = Stop-Service -Name $d.Name
                    $null = $_.Delete()

                    if ($RemoveContent) {
                        $subName = Get-Item $d.PathName
                        $subName = $subName.Name.TrimEnd($subName.Extension)
                        Get-ChildItem -Path ($d.PathName | Split-Path) -Filter "$subName.*.out" | Remove-Item
                        Remove-Item $d.PathName 
        #endregion Query WMI for the daemon and then remove it