
function Publish-AzureService
        Publishes one or more modules as azure services
        Publishes one or more modules as azure services, according to the DomainSchematic found in the Pipeworks manifest
        Get-Module Pipeworks |

    # The name of the module
        if ($psVersionTable.psVersion -lt '3.0') {
            if (-not (Get-Module $_)) {
                throw "Module $_ must be loaded"            
        return $true
    # The VMSize of the deployment
    [ValidateSet('ExtraSmall','Small','Medium', 'Large', 'Extra-Large', 'XS', 'XL', 'S', 'M', 'L')]
    $VMSize = 'ExtraSmall',
    # The name of the deployment
    $DeploymentName = 'MyPipeworksService',

    # The directory the deployment will be placed in
    $DeploymentDirectory = "$home\Documents\Deployments",
    # If set, deletes local deployments after packaging.
    # The instance count
    $InstanceCount = 1,

    # If set, will publish items in a background job

    # If set, will wait for all jobs to complete

    # The throttle for background jobs. By default, 10

    # The buffer between jobs. By default, 5.5 seconds
    $Buffer = $([Timespan]::FromMilliseconds(5500)),

    # The operating system family
    $Os = "2012"    
    begin {
        $progId = Get-Random
        $serviceDirectories = @()        

        $azureServiceDefinition = New-AzureServiceDefinition -ServiceName $DeploymentName |
            Add-AzureRole -RoleName $DeploymentName -VMSize $vmSize |
            Add-AzureStartupTask -ScriptBlock {
                & "$env:windir\System32\inetsrv\appcmd" "set" "config" "-section:applicationPools" "-applicationPoolDefaults.processModel.idleTimeout:00:00:00"
                & "$env:windir\System32\inetsrv\appcmd" "set" "config" "-section:applicationPools" "-applicationPoolDefaults.recycling.periodicRestart.time:00:00:00"
            } -Elevated

        if ($RemotePowerShellCredential) {
                # This option doesn't work yet, but I am stubborn, and will leave this code here until I can make it work.

                $script = @"
netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="Windows Remote Management (HTTP-In)" dir=in action=allow service=any enable=yes profile=any localport=5985 protocol=tcp
net user $($RemotePowerShellCredential.UserName) "$($RemotePowerShellCredential.GetNetworkCredential().Password)" /add
net localgroup administrators $($RemotePowerShellCredential.UserName) /add
schtasks /CREATE /TN "Enable Remoting" /SC WEEKLY /RL HIGHEST /RU $($RemotePowerShellCredential.UserName) /RP $($RemotePowerShellCredential.GetNetworkCredential().Password) /TR "powershell -noprofile -command Enable-PsRemoting -Force -SkipNetworkProfileCheck; Enable-WSManCredSSP -Role Server -Force" /F
schtasks /RUN /TN "Enable Remoting"
exit 0

            $azureServiceDefinition = $azureServiceDefinition |
                Add-AzureStartupTask -BatchScript $script -Elevated

        $moduleNAmes = @()

        $jobs = @()
    process {
        $moduleNAmes  += $name                        
    end {
        $c = 0 
        foreach ($moduleName in $moduleNames) {
            if ($psVersionTable.PSVersion -ge '3.0') {
                $myModulePath = $env:PSModulePath -split ";" | Select-Object -First 1
                $moduleRoot = Join-Path $myModulePath $moduleName
            } else {
                $RealModule = Get-Module $moduleName
                $moduleList = @($RealModule.RequiredModules | 
                        Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name) + $realModule.Name

                $perc  =($c / $moduleNames.Count) * 100
                Write-Progress "Publishing Modules" "$moduleName" -PercentComplete $perc -Id $progId 
                $module = Get-Module $moduleName
                if ($module.Path -like "*.ps1") {
                $moduleRoot = $module | Split-Path | Select-Object -First 1 

            if (-not (Test-Path $moduleRoot)) {
            $manifestPath = "$moduleRoot\$($modulename).pipeworks.psd1"
            $pipeworksManifestPath = Join-Path $moduleRoot "$($moduleName).Pipeworks.psd1"
            $pipeworksManifest = 
                if (Test-Path $pipeworksManifestPath) {
                    try {                     
                        & ([ScriptBlock]::Create(
                            "data -SupportedCommand Add-Member, New-WebPage, New-Region, Write-CSS, Write-Ajax, Out-Html, Write-Link { $(
                    } catch {
                        Write-Error "Could not read pipeworks manifest for $moduleName" 

            if (-not $pipeworksManifest) {
                Write-Error "No Pipeworks manifest found for $moduleName"
            if (-not $pipeworksManifest.DomainSchematics) {
                Write-Error "Domain Schematics not found for $moduleName"

            $moduleServiceParameters = @{
                Name = $moduleName

            if ($pipeworksManifest.PublishDirectory) {
                $baseName = $pipeworksManifest.PublishDirectory
            } else {
                $baseName = "${env:SystemDrive}\inetpub\wwwroot\$moduleName" 
            foreach ($domainSchematic in $pipeworksManifest.DomainSchematics.GetEnumerator()) {
                if ($pipeworksManifest.AllowDownload) {
                    $moduleServiceParameters.AllowDownload = $true
                $domains = $domainSchematic.Key -split "\|" | ForEach-Object { $_.Trim() }
                $schematics = $domainSchematic.Value
                if ($schematics -ne "Default") {
                    $moduleServiceParameters.OutputDirectory = "$baseName.$($schematics -join '.')"
                    $moduleServiceParameters.UseSchematic = $schematics                
                } else {
                    $moduleServiceParameters.OutputDirectory = "$baseName"


                if ($AsJob) {
                    if ($psVersionTable.PSVersion -ge '3.0') {
                        $convertScript = "
Import-Module Pipeworks
Import-Module $ModuleName

                    } else {
                        $convertScript = "
Import-Module Pipeworks
Import-Module '$($moduleList -join "','")';"

                $convertScript  += "
`$ModuleServiceParameters = "

                $convertScript  += $moduleServiceParameters | Write-PowerShellHashtable
                $convertScript  += "
ConvertTo-ModuleService @moduleServiceParameters -Force"

                    $convertScript = [ScriptBlock]::Create($convertScript)
                    Write-Progress "Launching Jobs" "$modulename"

                    if ($throttle) {
                        $runningJobs = @($jobs | 
                            Where-Object { $_.State -eq "Running" })
                        while ($runningJobs.Count -ge $throttle) {
                            $runningJobs = @($jobs | 
                                Where-Object { $_.State -eq "Running" })
                            $jobs | Wait-Job -Timeout 1 | Out-Null
                            $jobs | 

                            $percent = 100 - ($runningJobs.Count * 100 / $jobs.Count)
                            Write-Progress "Waiting for $Activity to Complete" "$($Jobs.COunt - $runningJobs.Count) out of $($Jobs.Count) Completed" -PercentComplete $percent
                    $jobs += Start-Job -Name $moduleName -ScriptBlock $convertScript

                    if ($buffer) {
                        Start-Sleep -Milliseconds $buffer.TotalMilliseconds
                } else {
                    ConvertTo-ModuleService @moduleServiceParameters -Force

                $serviceDirectories += $moduleServiceParameters.OutputDirectory 
                $azureServiceDefinition = $azureServiceDefinition | 
                    Add-AzureWebSite -SiteName "$($moduleName).$($schematics -join '.')" -PhysicalDirectory $moduleServiceParameters.OutputDirectory -HostHeader $domains

        if ((-not $asJob) -or ($AsJob -and $Wait)) {

            $Activity = "Build $DeploymentName"
            $runningJobs = $jobs | 
                Where-Object { $_.State -eq "Running" }
            while ($runningJobs) {
                $runningJobs = @($jobs | 
                    Where-Object { $_.State -eq "Running" })
                $jobs | Wait-Job -Timeout 1 | Out-Null
                $jobs | 

                $percent = 100 - ($runningJobs.Count * 100 / $jobs.Count)
                Write-Progress "Waiting for $Activity to Complete" "$($Jobs.COunt - $runningJobs.Count) out of $($Jobs.Count) Completed" -PercentComplete $percent

            Write-Progress "Creating Deployment Package" "$DeploymentName" -Id $progId -PercentComplete 100
            if ($serviceDirectories) {
                $outDir = Join-Path $DeploymentDirectory $DeploymentName
                $azureServiceDefinition |
                    Out-AzureService -OutputPath "$outDir" -InstanceCount $InstanceCount -Os:$Os
            if ($CleanupAfterDeployment) {
                foreach ($s in $serviceDirectories) {
                    Remove-Item -Path $s -Recurse -Force
            } else {
                Write-Progress "Creating Deployment Package" "$DeploymentName" -Id $progId -Completed
