$moduleRoot = "$home\documents\windowspowershell\modules\pipeworks" # Get-Module Pipeworks | Split-Path # In order to reuse the same action for multiple types $walkthruFormatAction = { $name = $_.Name $walkthru = Get-Walkthru -Text $_.Description New-Region -ItemType walkthru -AsWidget -Style @{ 'text-align' = 'left' } -Layer @{ $Name = Write-WalkthruHTML -WalkThru $walkthru -StepByStep } } $colorizedScriptBlockAction = { if ($Request ) { Write-ScriptHTML -Text $_ } else { $_ } } $personAction = { $person = $_ if ($Request ) { $name = $person.Name $nameLink = $name if ($person.Url) { $nameLink = "<a href='$($person.Url)'>$name</a>" } $itsMe = if ($session -and ($person.UserID -eq $session["User"].UserID -and $person.UserEmail -eq $session["User"].UserEmail)) { $true } else { $false } $imageAndDescription = "" $imageAndDescription += if ($person.Image) { "<img src='$($person.Image)' style='border:0' />" } elseif ($person.FacebookId -and $person.FacebookAccessToken) { # They may not have an image, but they have a Facebook ID and access token, so show their facebook photo "<img src='http://graph.facebook.com/$($person.FacebookId)/picture?type=large' style='border:0' border='0' />" } elseif ($person.LiveID -and $person.LiveIDAccessToken) { # They have a liveID, so show their liveID "<img src='https://apis.live.net/v5.0/$($person.LiveId)/picture' style='border:0' border='0'/>" } elseif ($person.ThumbnailPhoto) { "<img src='data:image/jpg;base64,$($person.ThumbnailPhoto)' style='border:0' border='0'/>" } $imageAndDescription += if ($person.Description -and $person.Description -like "*<*") { $person.Description } elseif ($person.Description) { ConvertFrom-Markdown $person.Description } else { "" } if ($person.Age) { $age = $person.Age -as [int] } elseif ($person.Birthday -as [DateTime]) { $daysOld = ((Get-date) - ($person.Birthday -as [Datetime])).Days $age = [Math]::Floor($daysOld / 365) } $billMe = if ($itsMe -and $person.Balance -and ($person.Balance -as [Double] -gt 1) -and $serviceUrl) { $payUpUrl = if ($serviceUrl.ToString().Contains("?")) { "$serviceUrl" + "&settle=true" } else { "$serviceUrl" + "?settle=true" } New-Region -LayerId "SettlePersonalAccountBalanceFor$($person.UserID)" -AsPopdown -LayerUrl @{"Account Balance - $($Person.Balance)."= $payUpUrl} -Layer @{"Account Balance - $($Person.Balance)."="Please take care of your bill when you can"} -Style @{"font-size"="xx-small";"float" = "right"} } else { "" } $imageAndDescription += if ($age) { if ($person.Gender) { "<BR/>$age | $($person.Gender)" } else { "<BR/>$age" } } else { "" } $imageAndDescription += if ($person.Location -and $person.Location.Name) { "<BR/>" + $($person.Location.Name) } $imageAndDescription += if ($person.LastLogin -and $person.Location.Name) { "<BR/>" + $($person.Location.Name) } $AdditionalContent = "" $AdditionalContent += if ($person.Title) { "<h3>" + $person.Title + $(if ($person.Department) { "<br/>$($person.Department)" }) +"</h3>" } $AdditionalContent += if ($person.Bio) { "<BR/>" + $person.Bio + ("<BR/>" * 3) } $CloseMailLink = if ($person.Email -or $person.UserEmail) { "</a>" } else { "" } $openMailLink = if ($person.UserEmail) { "<a href='mailto:$($person.UserEmail)'>" } elseif ($person.Email) { "<a href='mailto:$($person.Email)'>" } else { "" } $callMeLink = if ($person.Telephone) { "<BR/>" + $person.Telephone } else { "" } $officeLocationLink = if ($person.Office) { "<BR/>" + $person.Office } else { "" } $additionalContent += if ($person.InteractionCount) { } else { "" } "<h3 style='float:left'> $NameLink </h3> <div style='clear:both'> </div> <div style='float:right'> $($BillMe) </div> <hr/> <br/> <div style='clear:both'> </div> <div style='float:right;text-align:center'> $OpenMailLink $imageAndDescription $CloseMailLink $callMeLink $officeLocationLink </div> <div> $AdditionalContent </div> $(if ($person.Awards) { " <div style='float:right;width:33%;margin:30px'> $( $awardsList = @($person.Awards -split ';') $awardOrder = if ($pipeworksManifest.AwardOrder) { @($pipeworksManifest.AwardOrder) } elseif ($pipeworksManifest.AwardsOrder) { @($pipeworksManifest.AwardsOrder) } else { $awardsList | Sort-Object } foreach ($a in $awardOrder) { if ($awardsList -contains $a) { if ($pipeworksManifest.Award.$a) { } elseif ($pipeworksManifest.Awards.$a) { } else { "<span style='font-size:1.33em;float:right'>$a</span> <br style='clear:both'/>" } } } ) </div> <br style='clear:both;line-height:400%'/>" }) $( if ($person.InteractionCount) { " <div style='float:right;width:33%;margin:30px'> $( $interactionContent = ConvertFrom-StringData "$($person.InteractionCount)".Replace(":", "=") -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if ($interactionContent) { $interactionOrder = if ($pipeworksManifest.Interaction) { @($pipeworksManifest.Interaction) } elseif ($pipeworksManifest.Interactions) { @($pipeworksManifest.Interactions) } else { $interactionContent.Keys | Sort-Object } foreach ($k in $interactionOrder) { $V = $interactionContent[$k] "<div itemscope='' itemtype='http://schema.org/UserInteraction'> <div style='float:left;width:50%'><span itemprop='Count'>$v</span></div> <div style='float:right;width:50%'><span itemprop='Name'>$k</span></div> <br style='clear:both' /> </div>" } } ) </div> <br style='clear:both;line-height:400%'/> " } ) " } else { Write-Host $person.Name } } $userInteractionAction = { $interaction = $_ " <div itemscope='' itemtype='http://schema.org/UserInteraction'> <div style='float:left;font-size:1.33em'> $(if ($interaction.Count) { $interaction.Count + " " }) $($interaction.Name) </div> </div> " } $wolframAlphaResultAction = { if ($Request ) { $item = $_ $podHtml = $_.psobject.properties | ForEach-Object { if ('Pods','OutputXml','InputInterpretation', 'PSComputerName', 'RunspaceId' -contains $_.Name) { return } "$($_.Name)<br/> <blockquote> $( $val = $_.Value if ($val -like "http://*image*") { "<img src='$val' style='border:0' />" | Out-HTML } else { $val | Out-HTML } ) </blockquote>" } " $($item.InputInterpretation) <blockquote> $podHtml </blockquote> " } else { Write-Host "Input :" $_.InputInterpretation $_.psobject.properties | ForEach-Object { if ('Pods','OutputXml','InputInterpretation', 'PSComputerName', 'RunspaceId' -contains $_.Name) { return } $displayName = $_.Name Write-Host $displayName $content = $_.Value | Out-String $newContent = $content -split "[$([Environment]::NewLine)]" | Where-Object { $_ } | ForEach-Object { " " + $_ } Write-Host ($newContent -join ([Environment]::NewLine)) } } $null } $exampleAction = { "<h3 class=`'ui-widget-header`' itemprop=`'name`'>$($_.Name)</h3> <div itemprop='description'> $($sb = [ScriptBlock]::Create($_.Description); Write-ScriptHTML -Text $sb) </div>" } $classAction = { $item = $_ $itemHtml = @" <h1 class="page-title"> <a href='$($item.Url)' class='shouldbelink' itemprop='name'>$($item.Name)</a> </h1> "@ if ($item.Description) { $itemHtml += @" <span itemprop='description'> $($item.Description) </span> "@ } $itemHtml += @" <style> table.definition-table { margin: 1em 0 0 0; border: 1px solid #98A0A6; } .definition-table th { text-align: left; background: #C7CBCE; padding-left: 5px; } .definition-table td { padding: 0 5px 2px 5px; margin: 0; vertical-align: top; } .definition-table td p { padding: 0 0 .6em 0; margin: 0; } .definition-table td ul { padding-top: 0; margin-top: 0; } .definition-table tr.alt { background: #E9EAEB; } .h .space { width: 20px } .h .bar { background-color: #000; width: 1px } .h .tc { text-indent: -21px; padding-left: 21px } </style> <table cellspacing="3" class="definition-table SchemaContent" > <thead> <tr> <th>Property</th> <th>Type</th> <th>Description</th> </tr> </thead> "@ $itemClassId = if ($item.Url) { $item.Url } else { $item.Name } $classHierarchy =@($item.ParentClass) + $itemClassId foreach ($parentClass in $classHierarchy) { if (-not $parentClass) { continue } $declaringTypeString = if ($parentClass.Url) { if ($parentClass.Url -like "*http*") { "<a href='$($parentClass.Url)'>$(([uri]$ParentClass.Url).Segments[-1].TrimEnd("/"))</a>" } else { "<a href='$($ParentClass.Url)'>$($ParentClass.Url)</a>" } } elseif ($parentClass.Name) { "$($ParentClass.Name)" } elseif ($parentClass -like "*http*") { "<a href='$($parentClass)'>$(([uri]$ParentClass).Segments[-1].Trim("/"))</a>" } else { $parentClass } $itemHtml += $item.Property | Where-Object { if ($_.DeclaringType) { $_.DeclaringType -and ( $_.DeclaringType -eq $parentClass -or $_.DeclaringType -eq $parentClass.Url -or $_.DeclaringType -eq $parentClass.Name -or $declaringTypeString -eq $parentClass.Name ) } else { $parentClass -eq $itemClassId } } | ForEach-Object -Begin { @" <thead class="supertype"><tr> <th class="supertype-name" colspan="3"> Properties from $declaringTypeString</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody class="supertype"> "@ } -Process { $property = $_ $typeChunk = if ($property.PropertyType -like "http://*") { "<a href='$($property.PropertyType)' itemprop='PropertyType'>$(([uri]$property.PropertyType).Segments[-1])</a>" } elseif ($property.PropertyType -is [string]) { "$($property.PropertyType) <meta style='display:none' itemprop='PropertyType' content='Text' /> " } else { "Text <meta style='display:none' itemprop='PropertyType' content='Text' /> " } @" <tr itemscope='' itemprop='Property' itemtype='http://shouldbeonschema.org/Property'> <th class="prop-nam" scope="row"> <code itemprop='Name'>$($property.Name)</code> </th> <td class="prop-ect"> $typeChunk </td> <td class="prop-desc" itemprop='Description'> $($property.Description) </td> </tr> "@ } -End { @" </tbody> "@ } } $itemHtml += @" </table> "@ " <div itemscope='' itemtype='http://shouldbeonschema.org/Class' style='margin:0;padding:0'> $itemHtml </div> " } $jobPostingView = Write-FormatView -TypeName "http://schema.org/JobPosting" -Action { $item = $_ $jobTitle = if ($item.Name) { $item.Name } elseif ($item.Title) { $item.Title } $description = if ($item.Description -like "*<*") { # Treat as HTML $item.Description } elseif ($item.Description) { # Treat as markdown ConvertFrom-Markdown $item.Description } else { "" } $responsibilities =if ($item.responsibilities) { " <h3>Roles & Responsibilities</h3> <blockquote> $($item.Responsibilities.Replace("`n", "<BR/>")) </blockquote> " } else { "" } $experienceRequirements =if ($item.experienceRequirements) { " <h3>Experience Required</h3> <blockquote> $(ConvertFrom-Markdown $item.experienceRequirements.Replace("`n", "<BR/>")) </blockquote> " } else { "" } $educationRequirement =if ($item.educationRequirements) { " <h3>Education Required</h3> <blockquote> $(ConvertFrom-Markdown $item.educationRequirements.Replace("`n", "<BR/>")) </blockquote> " } else { "" } $qualifications =if ($item.qualifications) { " <h3>Special Qualifications</h3> <blockquote> $(ConvertFrom-Markdown $item.qualifications.Replace("`n", "<BR/>")) </blockquote> " } else { "" } $skills =if ($item.Skills) { " <h3>Skills</h3> <blockquote> $(ConvertFrom-Markdown $item.skills.Replace("`n", "<BR/>")) </blockquote> " } else { "" } $locationAndOrg =if ($item.JobLocation -or $item.HiringOrganization) { "$($item.JobLocation) $(if ($item.HiringOrganization) { "for $($item.HiringOrganization)" })" } $ApplyButton = if ($item.ApplyToEmail) { "<div style='float:right'>$( Write-Link -Button -Caption "Apply" -Url "mailto:$($item.ApplyToEmail)?subject=$jobtitle" )</div> <div style='clear:both'></div>" } else { "" } if ($item.Url) { $jobTitle = "<a href='$($item.Url)'>$jobTitle</a>" } $jobId = if ($item.RowKey) { "<div style='float:right;text-size:x-small'>JobId: $($item.RowKey)</div> <div style='clear:both'> </div>" } else { "" } "<h2>$jobTitle</h2> $locationAndOrg <blockquote> $description </blockquote> $responsibilities $experienceRequirements $skills $qualifications $educationRequirements $ApplyButton $JobId " } $moduleAction = { "<h3 class='ui-widget-header' itemprop='name'>$($_.Name)</h3> $( if ($_.Description -and $_.Description -ne $_.Name -and $_.Description -ne $_.ArticleText) { "<div class='Description' itemprop='Description' style='text-align:left'>$($_.Description)</div>" } "<br/>" if ($_.Url) { if (-not $_.ArticleText) { Write-Link -Button -Url $_.Url -Caption "<span class='ui-icon ui-icon-extlink'> </span> <br/> <span style='text-align:center'> Visit Website </span>" } "<meta style='display:none' content='$($_.Url)' itemprop='url' />" } if ($_.Author) { "<meta style='display:none' itemprop='author' content='$($_.Author)' />" if ($_.Author -like "@*") { "By $($_.Author) - $(Write-Link ('twitter:follow' + $_.Author))" } else { "By $($_.Author)" } } if ($_.Image) { Write-Link -Caption "<img border='0' src='$($_.Image)' />" -Simple -Url $_.Url "<meta style='display:none' content='$($_.Image)' itemprop='image'>" } if ($_.Image -or $_.Url) { '<br />' } ) " } $topicAction = { $page = "" $item = $_ $depth = 0 $fullOriginalUrl = $request.Url if ($context -and $context.Request.ServerVariables["HTTP_X_ORIGINAL_URL"]) { $originalUrl = $context.Request.ServerVariables["HTTP_X_ORIGINAL_URL"] $pathInfoUrl = $request.Url.ToString().Substring(0, $request.Url.ToString().LastIndexOf("/")) $pathInfoUrl = $pathInfoUrl.ToLower() $protocol = ($request['Server_Protocol'] -split '/')[0] # Split out the protocol $serverName= $request['Server_Name'] # And what it thinks it called the server $fullOriginalUrl = $protocol.ToLower() + "://" + $serverName + $request.Params["HTTP_X_ORIGINAL_URL"] $relativeUrl = $fullOriginalUrl.Replace("$pathInfoUrl", "") if ($relativeUrl -like "*/*") { $depth = @($relativeUrl -split "/" -ne "").Count - 1 if ($depth -eq 0) { $depth = 1 } } else { $depth = 0 } } if ($item.Content) { $content = if (-not $item.Content.Contains(" ")) { # Treat compressed Expand-Data -CompressedData $item.Content } else { $item.Content } $content = if (-not $Content.Contains("<")) { # Treat as markdown ConvertFrom-Markdown -Markdown $content } else { # Treat as HTML $content } $hasContent = $true $page += $content } if ($item.Video) { $hasContent = $true $page += "<br/>$(Write-Link $item.Video)<br/><br/>" | New-Region -Style @{'text-align'='center'} } if ($item.ItemId) { $hasContent = $true $part,$row = $item.ItemId -split ":" $page += Get-AzureTable -TableName $table -Partition $part -Row $row | ForEach-Object $unpackItem| Out-HTML -ItemType { $_.pstypenames | Select-Object -Last 1 } } if ($item.Related) { $hasContent = $true $page += ((ConvertFrom-Markdown -Markdown $item.Related) -replace "\<a href", "<a class='RelatedLink' href") | New-Region -Style @{'text-align'='right';'padding'='10px'} $page += @' <script> $('.RelatedLink').button() </script> '@ } if ($item.Next -or $item.Previous) { $hasContent = $true $previousChunk = if ($item.Previous) { $previousCaption = "<span class='ui-icon ui-icon-seek-prev'> </span> <br/> <span style='text-align:center'> Last </span>" Write-Link -Caption $previousCaption -Url $item.Previous -Button } else { "" } $nextChunk = if ($item.Next) { $nextCaption = "<span class='ui-icon ui-icon-seek-next'> </span> <br/> <span style='text-align:center'> Next </span>" Write-Link -Caption $nextCaption -Url $item.Next -Button } else { "" } $page+= " <table style='width:100%'> <tr> <td style='50%;text-align:left'> $previousChunk </td> <td style='50%;text-align:right'> $nextChunk </td> <tr> </table>" } if ($item.Subtopic) { } if (-not $hasContent) { $page += $item | Out-HTML -ItemType { $_.pstypenames | Select-Object -Last 1 } } if ($pipeworksManifest.Facebook.AppId) { $page += "<div class='fb-like' data-send='true' data-width='450' data-show-faces='true'></div> <BR/>" + "<div class='fb-comments' data-href='$fullOriginalUrl' data-num-posts='2' data-width='470'></div>" } $page } $mediaObjectAction = { $linkType = if ("http://schema.org/VideoObject" -eq @($_.pstypenames)[-1].TrimStart("Deserialized.")) { "play" } else { "extlink" } $media = $_ $fromString = if ($_.Publisher) { $_.Publisher } elseif ($_.From) { $_.From } if ($fromString) { $fromString= "- $fromString" } $width = 320 $height = 240 if ($_.Width) { $width = "$($_.Width)".Trim("px") -as [double] $height = "$($_.Height)".Trim("px") -as [double] } " $(if ($media.Url -notlike "*.youtube.com") { if ($_.Name) { "<h3 class=`'ui-widget-header`' itemprop=`'name`'>$($_.Name) $fromString</h3>" } if ($_.Image) { "<p style='text-align:center'>" + ( Write-Link -Caption "<img border='0' style='width:${width}px;height:${height}px' src='$($_.Image)' />" -Url $_.Image) + "</p>" "<meta style='display:none' content='$($_.Image)' itemprop='image'>" } elseif ($_.ThumbnailUrl) { "<p style='text-align:center'>" + ( Write-Link -Caption "<img border='0' style='width:${width}px;height:${height}px' src='$($_.ThumbnailUrl)' />" -Url $_.ThumbnailUrl) + "</p>" "<meta style='display:none' content='$($_.ThumbnailUrl)' itemprop='image'>" } elseif ($_.Thumbnail) { "<p style='text-align:center'>" + ( Write-Link -Caption "<img border='0' style='width:${width}px;height:${height}px' src='$($_.Thumbnail)' />" -Url $_.Thumbnail) + "</p>" "<meta style='display:none' content='$($_.Thumbnail)' itemprop='image'>" } elseif ($_.AssociatedMedia) { "<p style='text-align:center'>" + ( Write-Link -Caption "<img border='0' style='width:${width}px;height:${height}px' src='$($_.AssociatedMedia)' />" -Url $_.AssociatedMedia) + "</p>" "<meta style='display:none' content='$($_.AssociatedMedia)' itemprop='image'>" } }) $(if ($_.Url) { if ("http://schema.org/ImageObject" -eq @($_.pstypenames)[-1].TrimStart("Deserialized.")) { "<p style='text-align:center'>" + ( Write-Link -Caption "<img border='0' style='width:${width}px;height:${height}px' src='$($_.Url)' />" -Url $_.Url) + "</p>" "<meta style='display:none' content='$($_.Url)' itemprop='url'>" } else { "<p style='text-align:center'>" + (Write-Link -Button -Url $_.Url -Caption "<span class='ui-icon ui-icon-$linkType'> </span>") + "</p>" "<meta style='display:none' content='$($_.Url)' itemprop='url'>" } }) $(if ($_.Image -or $_.Url) { '<br />' }) $(if ($_.Caption) { ('<br />' + $_.Caption + '<br />') }) $(if ($_.CopyrightHolder) { ('<br /> © ' + $_.CopyrightHolder + '<br />') }) $(if ($_.Description -and $_.Description -ne $_.Name) { "<div class='Description' itemprop='Description' style='text-align:left'>$($_.Description)</div>" } $(if ($pipeworksManifest.Facebook.AppId) { "<div class='fb-like' data-send='true' data-width='450' data-show-faces='true'></div> <BR/>" + "<div class='fb-comments' data-href='$(if ($FullUrl) { $fullUrl } else { $request.Url })' data-num-posts='2' data-width='470'></div>" }) ) "} $articleAction = { # Calculate the depth of the virtual URL compared to the real page. # This gets used to convert links to local resources, such as a custom JQuery theme $depth = 0 if ($context -and $context.Request.ServerVariables["HTTP_X_ORIGINAL_URL"]) { $originalUrl = $context.Request.ServerVariables["HTTP_X_ORIGINAL_URL"] $pathInfoUrl = $request.Url.ToString().Substring(0, $request.Url.ToString().LastIndexOf("/")) $pathInfoUrl = $pathInfoUrl.ToLower() $protocol = ($request['Server_Protocol'] -split '/')[0] # Split out the protocol $serverName= $request['Server_Name'] # And what it thinks it called the server $fullOriginalUrl = $protocol.ToLower() + "://" + $serverName + $request.Params["HTTP_X_ORIGINAL_URL"] $FullUrl = $fullOriginalUrl $relativeUrl = $fullOriginalUrl.Replace("$pathInfoUrl", "") if ($relativeUrl -like "*/*") { $depth = @($relativeUrl -split "/" -ne "").Count - 1 if ($depth -eq 0) { $depth = 1 } } else { $depth = 0 } } $item = $_ $itemUrl = if ($item.Url) { $item.Url } elseif ($item.Link) { $item.Link } $typeName = @($item.pstypenames)[-1].TrimStart("Deserialized.") " <div itemscope='' itemtype='$typeName'> <h1 class='ui-widget-header' itemprop='name'>$( if ($_.Name -and $itemUrl) { "<a href='$($itemUrl)' itemprop='url'>$($_.Name)</a>" } elseif ($_.Name) { $_.Name } elseif ($_.Title -and $itemUrl) { "<a href='$($itemUrl)' itemprop='url'>$($_.Title)</a>" } elseif ($_.Title) { $_.Title } )</h1> <span style='display:none' itemprop='name'>$($_.Name)</span> <br style='line-height:300%;clear:both' /> $( if ($_.Url) { if (-not $_.ArticleText -and -not $_.ArticleBody) { Write-Link -Button -Url $_.Url -Caption "<span class='ui-icon ui-icon-extlink'> </span> <br/> <span style='text-align:center'> From $( $urlHost=([uri]$_.Url).DnsSafeHost if ($urlHost){ $urlHost.Replace('www.', '') } else { $_.Url } ) </span>" } "<meta style='display:none' content='$($_.Url)' itemprop='url' />" } if ($_.Author -and -not $_.NoByline) { "<meta style='display:none' itemprop='author' content='$($_.Author)' />" if (-not $_.NoByline) { if ($_.Author -like "@*") { "By $($_.Author) - $(Write-Link ('twitter:follow' + $_.Author))" } else { "By $($_.Author)" } } } if ($_.DatePublished) { "<meta style='display:none' itemprop='datePublished' content='$($_.DatePublished)' />" if (-not $_.NoByline) { "Published $(($_.DatePublished -as [DateTime]).ToLongDateString())" } } if ($_.Image) { Write-Link -Caption "<img border='0' src='$($_.Image)' />" -Simple -Url $_.Url "<meta style='display:none' content='$($_.Image)' itemprop='image'>" } if ($_.Image -or $_.Url) { '<br />' } if ($_.Description -and $_.Description -ne $_.Name -and $_.Description -ne $_.ArticleText -and $_.Description -ne $_.ArticleBody) { "<div class='Description' itemprop='Description' style='text-align:left'>$($_.Description)</div>" } if ($_.ArticleBody -and $_.ArticleBody -ne $_.Name) { "<div class='ArticleBody' itemprop='ArticleBody' style='text-align:left'>$($_.ArticleBody)</div>" } elseif ($_.ArticleText -and $_.ArticleText -ne $_.Name) { "<div class='ArticleText' itemprop='ArticleText' style='text-align:left'>$($_.ArticleText)</div>" } elseif ($_.CompressedArticleBody) { $expandedArticleBody = Expand-Data -CompressedData $_.CompressedArticleBody -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue "<div class='ArticleText' itemprop='ArticleText' style='text-align:left'>$expandedArticleBody</div>" } if ((-not $_.Url) -and $pipeworksManifest.Blog.Name) { "<div style='text-align:right'>" + ( Write-Link -Style @{'font-size'='xx-small'} -Button -Url "$('../' * $depth)?Post=$([Web.HttpUtility]::UrlEncode($_.Name))" -Caption "<span class='ui-icon ui-icon-extlink'> </span> <br/> <span style='text-align:center'> Permalink </span>") + "</div>" + "<meta style='display:none' itemprop='url' content='$('../' * $depth)?Post=$([Web.HttpUtility]::UrlEncode($_.Name))' />" } if ($pipeworksManifest.Facebook.AppId) { "<div class='fb-like' data-send='true' data-width='450' data-show-faces='true'></div> <BR/>" + "<div class='fb-comments' data-href='$(if ($FullUrl) { $fullUrl } else { $request.Url })' data-num-posts='2' data-width='470'></div>" } if ($item.Keyword) { $keywordChunk = @( $keywordurls = @($item.KeywordUrl) $keyword = @($item.Keyword) for ($i= 0;$i-lt $keyword.Count;$i++) { if ($keyword[$i] -and $keywordurls[$i]) { "<a href='$($keywordUrls[$i])'><span itemprop='keyword'>$($keyword[$i])</span></a>" } else { "<span itemprop='keyword'>" + $keyword[$i] + "</span>" } } ) -join '<br/>' "<div style='float:right;font-size:1.11em;text-align:right'>$keywordChunk</div><br style='clear:both'/>" } ) </div> " } $ContactPointAction= { " <h3 class='ui-widget-header' itemprop='name'>$($_.Name)</h3> $( if ($_.ContactType){ "<span itemprop='contactType' class='contactType'>$($_.ContactType)</span><br/>" } if ($_.Email){ "<a href='mailto:$($_.Email)' itemprop='email' class='contactEmail'>$($_.Email)</a><br/>" } if ($_.Telephone){ "Phone: <span itemprop='telephone' class='contactPhone'>$($_.Telephone)</span><br/>" } if ($_.FaxNumber){ "Phone: <span itemprop='telephone' class='contactPhone'>$($_.Telephone)</span><br/>" } ) "} $eventAction = { " <div class='product'> <h3 class='ui-widget-header' itemprop='name'>$($_.Name)</h3> <p class='ProductDescription'> $(if ($_.Image) { "<img class='product-image' src='$($_.Image)' align='right' />"}) <span itemprop='description'>$($_.Description)</span> </p> $( if ($_.Performers){ if ($_.Performers -is [string]) { "<span itemprop='performers' class='eventPerformer'>$($_.Performers)</span><br/>" } else { $_.Performers | Out-String -Width 1kb } } if ($_.Location){ if ($_.Location -is [string]) { "<span itemprop='location' class='eventLocation'>$($_.Location)</span><br/>" } else { $_.Location | Out-String -Width 1kb } } if ($_.StartDate){ "<meta style='display:none' itemprop='startDate' content='$(([DateTime]$_.StartDate).ToString('r'))' /> $($_.StartDate | Out-String) <br/> " } if ($_.EndDate){ "<meta style='display:none' itemprop='endDate' content='$(([DateTime]$_.EndDate).ToString('r'))' /> $($_.EndDate | Out-String) <br/> " } if ($_.Offers) { foreach ($o in $_.Offers) { $doubleO = $o -as [Double] if ($doubleO) { "<span class='product-price' itemprop='offer'>${doubleO}</span>" } else { $o | Out-String } } } if ($pipeworksManifest -and $PipeworksManifest.GoogleMerchantId) { '<div role="button" alt="Add to cart" tabindex="0" class="googlecart-add-button"> </div>' }) </div>"} $amiFormatAction = { $obj = $_ if ($obj.Name) { Write-Host $obj.Name -NoNewline } else { Write-Host $obj.ImageLocation -NoNewline } Write-Host (" :$($obj.ImageId)") Write-Host ' ' if ($obj.Description) { Write-Host $obj.Description } return $null } $placeAction = { # A Place will display a header with the name of the place # it will display the address, telephone. # if latitude and longitude are available, # it will display a Bing map, and if present, the mapSize parameter will determine resolution $canDisplayMap = $true $obj = $_ if ($obj.Latitude -and $obj.longitude) { $displayMode = "AerialWithLabels" if ($obj.StreetAddress) { $displayMode = "Road" } } $lat = $obj.Latitude $long = $obj.Longitude $displayName = if ($obj.Name) { $obj.Name } elseif ($obj.StreetAddress -and $obj.Locality) { "$($obj.StreetAddress) $($obj.Locality)" } elseif ($obj.Latitude -and $obj.Longitude) { "$($obj.Latitude)x$($obj.Longitude)" } if ($canDisplayMap ) { $mapSize = if ($obj.MapSize) { $obj.MapSize } else { "420,315" } if ($lat -notlike "*.*" -or $long -notlike "*.*") { $zoomLevel = 7 } else { $latp = @($lat.ToString().Split("."))[-1].Length $longp = @($long.ToString().Split("."))[-1].Length if ($latP -lt $longp) { $zoomLevel = 7 + (1.5 * $latP) } else { $zoomLevel = 7 + (1.5 * $longP) } } $mapId = "Map_" + $DisplayName.Replace(" ", "_").Replace(",", "_").Replace(".","_") $width,$height = $mapSize -split "," $address= if ($obj.Address) { $obj.Address + "<BR/>" } else { "" } $telephone= if ($obj.Telephone) { $obj.Telephone + "<BR/>" } else { "" } "<h4>$displayName</h4><div style='text-align:center'> $address $telephone <iframe width='$width' height='$height' frameborder='0' scrolling='no' marginheight='0' marginwidth='0' src='http://dev.virtualearth.net/embeddedMap/v1/ajax/${displayMode}?zoomLevel=$zoomLevel¢er=${lat}_${long}&pushpins=${lat}_${long}' ></iframe></div>" } else { $obj | Select * | Out-HTML } } $GraphAction = { $thisObject = $_ $GraphType = if ($thisObject.GraphType) { $thisObject.GraphType $thisObject.psobject.properties.remove("GraphType") } else { "Bar" } $colorList = if ($thisObject.ColorList) { $thisObject.ColorList $thisObject.psobject.properties.remove("ColorList") } else { $null } $OutHtmlParams = @{"As$($GraphType)Graph"=$true} if ($colorList) { $OutHtmlParams.ColorList = $colorList } $outHtmlCmd = $ExecutionContext.SessionState.InvokeCommand.GetCommand("Out-HTML", "Function") if (-not $outHtmlCmd.Parameters."As$($GraphType)Graph") { $OutHtmlParams.Remove("As$($GraphType)Graph") } $thisObject.pstypenames.clear() $thisObject.pstypenames.add('GraphData') $thisObject | Out-HTML @OutHtmlParams } $productAction = { $item = $_ $productImage = if ($item.Image) { if (@($item.Image).Count -gt 1) { foreach ($img in $item.Image) { "<img class='product-image' src='$($img)' style='float:right' /> <br style='clear:both' />" } } else { "<img class='product-image' src='$($item.Image)' style='float:right' />" } } elseif ($item.ImageUrls) { foreach ($img in $item.ImageUrls) { foreach ($splitImg in ($img -split ' ' -ne '')) { "<img class='product-image' src='$($splitImg)' style='float:right' /> <br style='clear:both' />" } } } elseif ($item.Image_Urls) { foreach ($img in $item.Image_Urls) { foreach ($splitImg in ($img -split ' ' -ne '')) { "<img class='product-image' src='$($splitImg)' style='float:right' /> <br style='clear:both' />" } } } else { $null } $productName = if ($item.Name) { $item.Name } elseif ($item.Product_Name) { $item.Product_Name } else { "" } $hideBrandIfRedundant = if ($productName -and $item.Brand -and $productName.ToLower().StartsWith($item.Brand.Tolower())) { "display:none" } else { "" } " <div class='product' itemscope='' itemtype='http://schema.org/Product'> <h2 class=`'ui-widget-header`'> $(if ($item.Url) { "<a href='$($item.Url)' itemprop='url'>"}) $(if ($item.Brand -and -not $hideBrandIfRedunant) {"<span itemprop='brand' style='$hideBrandIfRedunant'>$($_.Brand)</span>" }) <span class='product-title' itemprop=`'name`'>$productName</span> $(if ($item.Url) { "</a>"})</h2> $(if ($item.Manufacturer) {"by <span style='font-size:small' itemprop='manufacturer'>$($_.Manufacturer)</span> <br/>" }) <p class=`'ProductDescription`'> $(if ($productImage) { if (@($productImage).Count -gt 1) { $layers = @{} $layerOrder = @() foreach ($pi in $productImage) { $layers["Layer$($layerOrder.Count + 1)"] = $pi $layerOrder += "Layer$($layerOrder.Count + 1)" } if ($pipeworksManifest.UseBootstrap -or $pipeworksManifest.UseJQueryUI) { New-Region -AsSlideShow -UseDotInsteadOfName -Layer $layers -Order $layerOrder -LayerID "ProductImage_$(Get-Random)" -Style @{ 'float' = 'right' 'max-width' = '50%' } } else { $productImage -join ([Environment]::NewLine)} } else { $productImage } }) <span itemprop=`'description`' >$($_.Description)</span> </p> $( $itemPrice = 0 $offerList = @() if ($item.Offers) { foreach ($o in $item.offers) { $OLink = '' $OLinkStart = '' $OLinkEnd = '' $doubleO = $o -as [Double] if ($doubleO) { $itemPrice= $doubleO "<span class='product-price' itemprop='offer'>${doubleO}</span>" } else { if ($o.Price -and $o.Name) { if ($o.Url) { $OLinkStart = '<a href="' + $o.Url + '">' $OLinkEnd = '</a>' } $offerList += "<tr><td style='font-size:1.33em'>$OLinkStart$($o.Price)$OLinkEnd</td>" $offerList += "<td style='font-size:1.66em'>$OLinkStart$($o.Name)$OLinkEnd</td></tr>" } } } } if ($offerList) { "<table> $($offerList -join ([Environment]::NewLine)) </table>" } if ($itemPrice -and $pipeworksManifest -and $PipeworksManifest.PaymentProcessing.PaypalEmail) { Write-Link -ItemName "$($item.Name)" -ItemPrice $itemPrice -PaypalEmail $PipeworksManifest.PaymentProcessing.PaypalEmail } if ($itemPrice -and $pipeworksManifest -and $PipeworksManifest.AmazonPaymentsAccountId -and $PipeworksManifest.AmazonAccessKey ) { Write-Link -ItemName "$($item.Name)" -ItemPrice $itemPrice -AmazonPaymentsAccountId $PipeworksManifest.AmazonPaymentsAccountId -AmazonAccessKey $PipeworksManifest.AmazonAccessKey } if ($itemPrice -and $pipeworksManifest -and $pipeworksManifest.PaymentProcessing.Stripe -and $pipeworksManifest.PaymentProcessing.Stripe.PublishableKey -and $pipeworksManifest.PaymentProcessing.Stripe.PrivateKeySetting) { if ($request["StripeToken"]) { Get-Paid -StripeToken $request["StripeToken"] -StripeKeySetting $pipeworksManifest.PaymentProcessing.Stripe.PrivateKeySetting } else { Write-Link -ItemName "$($item.Name)" -ItemPrice $itemPrice -StripePublishableKey $pipeworksManifest.PaymentProcessing.Stripe.PublishableKey } } if ($itemPrice -and $pipeworksManifest -and $PipeworksManifest.GoogleMerchantId) { '<div role="button" alt="Add to cart" tabindex="0" class="googlecart-add-button"> </div>' + (Write-Link -ItemName "$($item.Name)" -ItemPrice $itemPrice -GoogleCheckoutMerchantId $PipeworksManifest.GoogleMerchantId) } if ($itemPrice) { '<br/>' } if ($item.Quantity) { " <div style='float:right'> <span style='font-size:1.33em' itemprop='Quantity'>$($item.Quantity)</span> In Stock </div> <br style='clear:both'> " } ) </div> "} $thingAction = { $thing= $_ " <div itemscope='' itemtype='http://schema.org/Thing'> <div style='float:left;'> $(if ($thing.Url) { Write-Link -Url $thing.Url -ItemProp url -Caption "<span style='font-size:1.33em' itemprop='name'>$($thing.Name)</span>" } else { "<span style='font-size:1.33em' itemprop='name'>$($thing.Name)</span>" }) </div> $(if ($thing.Description) { "<div style='float:right' itemprop='description'> $($thing.Description) </div>" }) </div> " } $blogAction = { $blog = $_ " <div itemtype='http://schema.org/Blog' itemscope=''> <h3 itemprop='name'> $(if ($blog.Title) { $blog.Title} elseif ($blog.Name) { $blog.Name} ) </h3> <h4 itemprop='description'> $(if ($blog.Description) { $blog.Description}) </h4> </div> " } # This file is used to regenerate the formatting with the EZOut module. $formatting = (Write-FormatView -TypeName http://schema.org/Place -Action $placeAction), (Write-FormatView -TypeName Graph -Action $graphAction), $jobPostingView, (Write-FormatView -TypeName http://schema.org/Person -Action $personAction), (Write-FormatView -TypeName Deserialized.http://schema.org/Person -Action $personAction), (Write-FormatView -TypeName Walkthru -Action $walkthruFormatAction), (Write-FormatView -TypeName Module -Action $moduleAction), (Write-FormatView -TypeName Example -Action $exampleAction), (Write-FormatView -TypeName WolframAlphaResult -Action $wolframAlphaResultAction), (Write-FormatView -TypeName http://schema.org/ContactPoint -Action $ContactPointAction), (Write-FormatView -TypeName http://schema.org/Article,http://schema.org/NewsArticle,http://schema.org/BlogPosting -Action $articleAction),( Write-FormatView -TypeName http://schema.org/VideoObject,http://schema.org/ImageObject,http://schema.org/MediaObject -Action $mediaObjectAction), (Write-FormatView -TypeName ColorizedScript -Action $colorizedScriptBlockAction), (Write-FormatView -TypeName http://schema.org/Event -Action $EventAction), (Write-FormatView -TypeName Amazon.EC2.Model.Image -Action $amiFormatAction), ( Write-FormatView -TypeName http://shouldbeonschema.org/Class -Action $classAction), ( Write-FormatView -TypeName http://shouldbeonschema.org/Topic -Action $topicAction), ( Write-FormatView -TypeName http://schema.org/Product -Action $productAction ), ( Write-FormatView -TypeName http://schema.org/UserInteraction -Action $userInteractionAction ), ( Write-FormatView -TypeName http://schema.org/Thing -Action $thingAction ) | Out-FormatData $formatPath = Join-Path $moduleRoot "Pipeworks.Format.ps1xml" $formatting | Set-Content $formatPath |