
function Out-RssFeed
        Outputs RSS items into an RSS feed
        Outputs RSS items into an RSS feed. Items can be easily created with New-RssItem
        New-RssItem -Title "My Vacation" -Category Stupid, Stuff -Link http://bit.ly/myvacation -Author Bob -Description "Stuff I did on my vacation" |
            Out-RssFeed -Title "My Blog" -Description "Things I Decided To Say to the World" -Link "http://my.blog"

    # An Rss Item
        $asXml = $_ -as [xml]        
        if ((-not $asxml.Item)) {
            throw "The root of a format XML most be an item element"
        return $true
    # The title of the RSS feed
    # The description of the RSS feed
    # The date the feed was published
    [DateTime]$DatePublished =  [DateTime]::UtcNow,
    # A Link to the feed page
    begin {
        $rssItems = New-Object Collections.ArrayList 
    process {
        $null = $rssItems.Add(($Item -join "
    end {
        $rssXml = [xml]@"
<rss version="2.0">
        $($rssItems -join '')
        if (-not $rssXml) { return } 
        $strWrite = New-Object IO.StringWriter
        $prettyXml = "$strWrite"
        $prettyXml.Substring($prettyXml.IndexOf(">") + 3)                