function Import-PSData { <# .Synopsis Imports PSData sections .Description Imports files or strings containing PSData sections, and converts nested hashtables into nested PSObjects. .Example Get-Web -Url -AsMicrodata -ItemType | Export-PSData $home\ Import-PSData $home\ .Example @{a="b";c=@{d="E"}} | Import-PSData | Select-Object -ExpandProperty c | Select-Object -ExpandProperty D .Link Export-PSData #> [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='FromFile')] [OutputType([PSObject])] param( # A file containing PSData [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0, ParameterSetName='FromFile', ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] [Alias('Fullname')] [string]$FilePath, # A string in data language mode. [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName='FromString', ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] [string]$DataString, # A compressed string [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName='FromCompressedString', ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] [string]$CompressedString, # A hashtable [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName='FromHashtable', ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] [Hashtable]$Hashtable, # Any commands allowed in the file, string, or compressedstring [Parameter(ParameterSetName='FromFile', ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] [Parameter(ParameterSetName='FromCompressedString', ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] [Parameter(ParameterSetName='FromHashtable', ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] [string[]]$AllowCommand ) process { if ($psCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'FromFile') { foreach ($resolvedFile in $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Path.GetResolvedPSPathFromPSPath($FilePath)) { $DataString = [IO.File]::ReadAllText($resolvedFile) } } elseif ($psCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'FromCompressedString') { try { $DataString = Expand-Data -CompressedData $CompressedString } catch { } } $supportedCommandSection = if ($allowCommand ){ "-supportedCommand $($allowCommand -join ',')" } else { "" } if ('FromFile', 'FromString', 'FromCompressedString' -contains $psCmdlet.ParameterSetName) { $dataScriptBlock = [ScriptBlock]::Create($DataString) $dataLanguageScriptBlock = [ScriptBlock]::Create("data $supportedCommandSection { $dataScriptBlock }") foreach ($result in (& $dataLanguageScriptBlock)) { if ($result -is [Hashtable]) { Import-PSData -Hashtable $result } else { $result } } } if ($psCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'FromHashtable') { $Objectcopy = @{} + $Hashtable if ($Objectcopy.PSTypeName) { $ObjecttypeName = $Objectcopy.PSTypeName $Objectcopy.Remove('PSTypeName') } foreach ($kv in @($Objectcopy.GetEnumerator())) { if ($kv.Value -is [Hashtable]) { $Objectcopy[$kv.Key] = Import-PSData -Hashtable $hashtable[$kv.Key] } elseif ($kv.Value -as [Hashtable[]]) { $Objectcopy[$kv.Key] = foreach ($ht in $kv.Value) { Import-PSData -Hashtable $ht } } elseif ($kv.Value -as [Double]) { $Objectcopy[$kv.key] = $kv.Value -as [Double] } elseif ($kv.Value -as [DateTime]) { $Objectcopy[$kv.key] = $kv.Value -as [DateTime] } } New-Object PSObject -Property $Objectcopy | ForEach-Object { $_.pstypenames.clear() foreach ($inTypeName in $ObjecttypeName) { if (-not $inTypeName) {continue } $null = $_.pstypenames.add($inTypeName) } if (-not $_.pstypenames) { $_.pstypenames.add('PropertyBag') } $_ } } } } |