
function Get-Web {
        Gets content from the web, or parses web content.
        Gets content from the web.
        If -Tag is passed, extracts out tags from within the document.
        If -AsByte is passed, returns the response bytes
       # Download the Microsoft front page and extract out links
       Get-Web -Url -Tag a
       # Extract the rows from ConvertTo-HTML
       $text = Get-ChildItem | Select Name, LastWriteTime | ConvertTo-HTML | Out-String
       Get-Web "tr" $text
        # Extract all PHP elements from a directory of .php scripts
        Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Filter *.php |
            Get-Web -Tag .\?php, \?
        # Extract all asp tags from .asp files
        Get-ChildItem -Recurse |
            Where-Object { '.aspx', '.asp'. '.ashx' -contains $_.Extension } |
            Get-Web -Tag .\%
        # Get a list of all schemas from
        $schemasList = Get-Web -Url -Tag a |
            Where-Object { $_.Xml.href -like '/*' } |
            ForEach-Object { "" + $_.xml.Href }
        # Extract out the example of a schema from
        $schema = ''
        Get-Web -Url $schema -Tag pre |
            Where-Object { $_.Xml.Class -like '*prettyprint*' } |
            ForEach-Object {
                Get-Web -Html $_.Xml.InnerText -AsMicrodata -ItemType $schema
        # List the top 1000 sites on the web:
        Get-Web "" -Tag 'a' |
            where-Object {$_.Tag -like "*_blank*" } |
            ForEach-Object {
                ([xml]$_.StartTag.Replace('"t', '" t')).a.href

    # The tags to extract.
    # If used with -Tag, -RequireAttribute will only match tags with a given keyword in the tag
    # The source HTML.
    # The Url

    # The root of the website.
    # All images, css, javascript, related links, and pages beneath this root will be downloaded into a hashtable

    # Any parameters to the URL
    # Filename

    # The User Agent
    [string]$UserAgent = "PowerShellPipeworks/Get-Web (1.0",
    # If set, will not show progress for long-running operations

    # If set, returns resutls as bytes
    [Alias('Byte', 'Bytes')]

    # If set, returns results as XML
    # If set, returns results as json
    # If set, extracts Microdata out of a page
    # If set, will get back microdata from the page that matches an itemtype
    # If set, extracts OpenGraph information out of a page
    # If set, will extract all meta tags from a page

    # The MIME content type you're requesting from the web site
    # The credential used to connect to the web site

    # If set, will use the default user credential to connect to the web site
    # The HTTP method to use
    [ValidateSet('GET','POST', 'PUT', 'DELETE', 'OPTIONS', 'HEAD', 'TRACE', 'CONNECT', 'MERGE')]
    [string]$Method = "GET",
    # a hashtable of headers to send with the request.

    # The Request Body. This can be either a string, or bytes

    # Any request ascii data. Data will be joined together with &, and will be sent in the request body.

    # If set, will use a the Net.WebRequest class to download. Otherwise, will use the xmlhttprequest.
    # Xmlhttprequest adds some extra headers and caches GET requests, so, if you wish to avoid this, -UseWebRequest.

    # A Progress Identifier. This is used to show progress inside of an existing layer of progress bars.

    # If set, the server error will be turned into a result.
    # This is useful for servers that provide complex error information inside of XML or JSON.

    # If set, then a note property will be added to the result containing the response headers

    # The amount of time before a web request times out.

    # If set, will request the web site asynchronously, and return the results
    begin {
        #region Escape Special Characters
        $replacements = @{
            "<BR>" = "<BR />"
            "<HR>" = "<HR />"
            "&nbsp;" = " "
            '&euro;'= "€"        
            '&mdash;' = '—'
        #endregion Escape Special Characters
        $quotes = '"', "'"
        function Convert-Json
                Inline JSON converter
                Converts JSON into PowerShell hashtables using regular expressions

            # The JSON
            # If set, will use full language mode when parsing the data.
            # If not set, the data will be parsed in "data-language" mode, which allows for the declaration of hashtables but prevents the execution of code

            begin {
                function ConvertFrom-Hashtable
                    $psObject = New-Object PSObject
                    foreach ($key in $results.Keys) {
                        $result = $null
                        if ($results[$key] -is [Hashtable]) {
                            $result = ConvertFrom-Hashtable $results[$key]
                        } elseif ($results[$key] -is [Array]) {
                            $result = foreach ($result in $results[$key]){
                                if ($result -is [Hashtable]) {
                                    ConvertFrom-Hashtable $result
                                } else {
                        } else {
                            $result = $results[$key]

                        if ($key) {
                               (New-Object Management.Automation.PSNoteProperty $key, $result)

            process {
                $json = [Regex]::Replace($Json, 
                    "\\u([\dabcdefABCDEF]{4,4})", { 
                    ("0x" + $args[0].Groups[1].Value) -as [Uint32] -as [Char]

                $json = $Json.Replace('$', '$ ')

                $script = 
                $json -replace 
                    '“|”', '`"' -replace                            
                    '"\s{0,}:', '"=' -replace                    
                    "\\{2,2}", "\" -replace
                    "\[", "$([Environment]::NewLine)@(" -replace 
                    "\]", ")" -replace 
                    ',\[', ", $([Environment]::NewLine)@(" -replace 
                    "\],",")," -replace 
                    '\{"', "@{$([Environment]::NewLine)`"" -replace 
                    "\[\]", "@()" -replace             
                    "=(\w)*(\[)", '=@(' -replace 
                    "=(\d{1,}),",'=$1;' -replace
                    "=(\d{1,}.\d{1,}),",'=$1;' -replace
                    "=-(\d{1,}.\d{1,}),",'=-$1;' -replace
                    "true", "`$true" -replace
                    "false", "`$false" -replace
                    "null", '$null' -replace 
                    "\]}", ")}" -replace 
                    "{", "@{" -replace 
                    '\\"', '`"' -replace 
                    "@@", "@" -replace                     
                    '(["})]),', "`$1$([Environment]::NewLine)" -replace
                    '(\$true),', "`$1$([Environment]::NewLine)" -replace
                    '(\$false),', "`$1$([Environment]::NewLine)" -replace 
                    '(\$null),', "`$1$([Environment]::NewLine)" -replace
                    "(-{0,1})(\d{1,}),", "`$1`$2$([Environment]::NewLine)" -replace 
                    "\\/","/" -replace
                    '\$true(\w{1,})', 'true$1' -replace 
                    '\$false(\w{1,})', 'false$1' -replace
                    '\$null(\w{1,})', 'null$1'                    
                $replacements = @(@{
                    Find = '}\s{1,}@{'
                    Replace = '},@{'
                foreach ($r in $replacements) {
                    foreach ($f in $r.find) {
                        $regex =New-Object Regex $f, "Multiline, IgnoreCase"
                        $script = $regex.Replace($script , $r.Replace)

                if ($script.Startswith("["))
                    $script = "@("  + $script.Substring(1).TrimEnd("]") + ")"
                $results = $null   
                Write-Verbose $script
                if ($FullLanguage)  {
                    $results = Invoke-Expression "$script"
                } else {
                    $results = Invoke-Expression "data { $script }"
                if ($results) {
                    foreach ($result in $results) {ConvertFrom-Hashtable $result } 

        # Add system.web, in case it's not loaded
        Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Web

        if ($ProgressIdentifier) {
            $script:CachedProgressId  = $ProgressIdentifier

        if (-not $script:CachedProgressId) {
            $script:CachedProgressId = Get-Random

        $progressId  = $script:CachedProgressId
    process {
        if ($psCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'WGet') {
            if (-not $script:cachedContentTypes) {
                $script:cachedContentTypes = @{}
                $ctKey = [Microsoft.Win32.Registry]::ClassesRoot.OpenSubKey("MIME\Database\Content Type")
                $ctKey.GetSubKeyNames() |
                    ForEach-Object {
                        $extension= $ctKey.OpenSubKey($_).GetValue("Extension") 
                        if ($extension) {
                            $script:cachedContentTypes["${extension}"] = $_

            $currentRoot = "$Root"
            if ($currentRoot -like "http*//*" -and $currentRoot -notlike "http*//*/") {
                $currentRoot+= '/'
            $hostname = ([uri]$currentRoot).DnsSafeHost
            $followMeDown = New-OBject Collections.Queue 
            $null = $followMeDown.Enqueue($currentRoot)

            $pages = @{}
            $pagedata = @{}
            while ($followMeDown.Count -gt 0) {
                $pageRoot = $followMeDown.Dequeue()

                $pageHost = ([uri]$pageRoot).DnsSafeHost

                if ($pageHost -ne $hostname) {

                $relativeRoot = $pageRoot.Substring(0, $pageRoot.LastIndexOf("/"))

                if ($pageRoot -like "http*//*/*.*") {
                    $extension = $pageRoot.Substring($pageRoot.LastIndexOf("."))
                    if ($script:cachedContentTypes[$extension]) {
                    } else {            
                } elseif ($pageRoot -like "http*//*/") {
                } else {

                $pageHtml = ""
                if ($pageMimetype -like "text/*") {
                    $pageHtml = Get-Web -Url $pageRoot -UseWebRequest    
                    $pagedata[$pageRoot] = $pageHtml
                } else {
                    $pagedata[$pageRoot] = Get-Web -Url $pageRoot -UseWebRequest -AsByte
                if (-not $pageHtml) {

                $linksCssAndImagesAndScripts = Get-Web -Html $pageHtml  -Tag a, link, img, script
                # Enqueue relative links
                $relativeLinks = $linksCssAndImagesAndScripts | 
                    Where-Object {
                        $_.Xml.Name -eq 'a'
                    } |
                    Where-Object {
                        $x = $_.Xml

                        $startTag = $x.SelectSingleNode("/*")
                        $startTag.Href -and (
                            ($startTag.Href -like "/*" -or $startTag.Href -notlike "*://*") -or
                            (([uri]$startTag.Href).DnsSafeHost -eq "$hostname")
                        ) -and ($startTag.Href -notlike "javascript:*")


                $requiredScripts = $linksCssAndImagesAndScripts |
                    Where-Object {
                        $_.Xml.Name -eq 'Script' -and $_.Xml.src

                $links = $linksCssAndImagesAndScripts |
                    Where-Object {
                        $_.Xml.Name -eq 'link' 

                $images = $linksCssAndImagesAndScripts |
                    Where-Object {
                        ($_.StartTag -like "*img*" -or $_.StartTag -like "*script*") -and
                        $_.StartTag -match "src=['`"]{0,1}([\w\:/\.-]{1,})"
                    } |ForEach-Object {            

                $potentialHrefs = @()
                $potentialHrefs += 
                    foreach ($img in $images) {

                foreach ($r in $relativeLinks) {
                    $potentialHrefs += $r.Xml.Href        

                foreach ($href in $potentialHrefs) {
                    if (-not $href) { continue } 
                    if ($href -like "$relativeRoot*") {
                        if (-not $followMeDown.Contains($href) -and -not $pagedata.Contains($href)) {
                            $null = $followMeDown.Enqueue($href)
                    } if (-not ([uri]$href).DnsSafeHost) {
                        if (-not $followMeDown.Contains($href) -and -not $pagedata.Contains($href)) {

                            if ($href -like "/*") {
                                $null = $followMeDown.Enqueue(([uri]$currentRoot).Scheme+ "://" + $hostname + $href)
                            } else {
                                $null = $followMeDown.Enqueue($relativeRoot + '/' + $href)
                    } else {
                        $null = $null

            if ($GetStory) {
                $story = @{}
                foreach ($pd in $pagedata.GetEnumerator()) {
                    if ($pd.value -is [string]) {        
                        $partsOfStory = @(
                            Get-Web -Tag 'div', 'p' -Html $pd.Value | 
                            ForEach-Object {
                                $firsttagEnd = $_.StartTag.IndexOfAny(' >')
                                $tagName = $_.StartTag.Substring(1, $firsttagEnd - 1)

                                $newTag=  $_.Tag.Substring($_.StartTag.Length)

                                $changeindex = $newTag.IndexOf("*</$tagName>", [stringcomparison]::OrdinalIgnoreCase)
                                if ($changeindex -ne -1) {
                                    $newTag = $newTag.Substring(0, $changeindex)
                                $strippedTags = [Regex]::Replace($newTag, "<[^>]*>", [Environment]::NewLine);


                        if ($partsOfStory -ne '') {
                            $segments = ([uri]$pd.Key).Segments
                            if ($segments.Count -le 1) {
                                $newPath  = '/'
                            } else {
                                $newPath  = (([uri]$pd.Key).Segments -join '' -replace '/', '_').Trim('_')
                            $story[$newPath] = $partsOfStory -ne '' -join ([Environment]::NewLine * 4)

                $pagedata += $story
        } elseif ($psCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'URL') {  
            #Region Download URL
            $fullUrl = "$url"
            if ($Data -and -not $RequestBody) {
                $RequestBody = $data -join '&'
                $UseWebRequest = $true
                if (-not $psBoundParameters.Method) {
                    $Method = 'POST'
            $xmlHttp = New-Object -ComObject Microsoft.xmlhttp            
            if ($useWebRequest) {

                if ($Parameter -and ('PUT', 'POST' -notcontains $method)) {
                    $fullUrl += "?"
                    foreach ($param in $parameter.GetEnumerator()) {
                        $fullUrl += "$($param.key)=$([Web.HttpUtility]::UrlEncode($param.Value.ToString()))&"

                $req = [Net.WebRequest]::Create("$fullUrl")                 
                $req.UserAgent = $UserAgent                
                $req.Method = $Method;
                if ($psBoundParameters.ContentType) { 
                    $req.ContentType = $ContentType

                if ($psBoundParameters.WebCredential) {
                    $req.Credentials = $WebCredential.GetNetworkCredential()
                } elseif ($psBoundParameters.UseDefaultCredential) {
                    $req.Credentials = [net.credentialcache]::DefaultNetworkCredentials

                if ($header) {
                    foreach ($kv in $header.GetEnumerator()) {
                        if ($kv.Key -eq 'Accept') {
                            $req.Accept = $kv.Value
                        } elseif ($kv.Key -eq 'content-type') {
                            $req.ContentType = $kv.Value
                        } else {
                            $null = $req.Headers.add("$($kv.Key)", "$($kv.Value)")

                if ($timeout) {
                    $req.Timeout = $timeout.TotalMilliseconds

                $RequestTime  = [DateTime]::Now
                if (-not $HideProgress) {
                    Write-Progress "Sending Web Request" $url -Id $progressId
                $requestStream = try {
                    if ($Parameter -and ('PUT', 'POST' -contains $method)) {
                        if (-not $RequestBody) {
                            $RequestBody = ""
                        $RequestBody += 
                            (@(foreach ($param in $parameter.GetEnumerator()) {
                            }) -join '&')
                    } else {
                        $paramStr = ""
                    if ($ContentType) {
                        $req.ContentType  = $ContentType
                    if ($requestBody) {
                        if ($RequestBody -is [string]) {
                            if (-not $ContentType) {
                                $req.ContentType = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
                            $bytes = [Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($RequestBody)                            
                            $postDataBytes = $bytes -as [Byte[]]
                            $req.ContentLength = $postDataBytes.Length                 
                            $requestStream = $req.GetRequestStream()                                                
                            $requestStream.Write($postDataBytes, 0, $postDataBytes.Count)                        
                        } elseif ($RequestBody -as [byte[]]) {
                            if (-not $ContentType) {
                                $req.ContentType = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
                            $postDataBytes = $RequestBody -as [Byte[]]
                            $req.ContentLength = $postDataBytes.Length                 
                            $requestStream = $req.GetRequestStream()                                                
                            if ($req.ContentLength -gt 256kb) {
                                if (-not $HideProgress) {
                                    Write-Progress "Uploading" $url -Id $progressId 
                                #$requestStream.Write($postDataBytes, 0, $postDataBytes.Count)

                                $tLen = 0 
                                $chunkTotal = [Math]::Ceiling($postDataBytes.Count / 256kb)
                                for ($chunkCount = 0; $chunkCount -lt $chunkTotal; $chunkCount++) {
                                    if ($chunkCount -ne ($chunkTotal -1 )) {

                                        $arr = $postDataBytes[($chunkCount * 256kb)..(([uint32]($chunkCount + 1) * 256kb) - 1)]
                                    } else {
                                        $arr = $postDataBytes[($chunkCount * 256kb)..($postDataBytes.Length - 1)]
                                    $requestStream.Write($arr, 0 , $arr.Length)                        

                                    if (-not $HideProgress) {
                                        $perc = $chunkCount * 100 / $chunkTotal
                                        Write-Progress "Uploading" $url -Id $progressId -PercentComplete $perc
                                if (-not $HideProgress) {
                                    Write-Progress "Uploading" $url -Id $progressId -Completed
                            } else {
                                $requestStream.Write($postDataBytes, 0, $postDataBytes.Count)                        
                    } elseif ($paramStr) {
                        $postData = "$($paramStr -join '&')"
                        $postDataBytes = [Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($postData)
                        $req.ContentLength = $postDataBytes.Length                 
                        $requestStream = $req.GetRequestStream()
                        $requestStream.Write($postDataBytes, 0, $postDataBytes.Count)
                    } elseif ($method -ne 'GET' -and $method -ne 'HEAD') {
                        $req.ContentLength = 0
                } catch {
                    if (-not ($_.Exception.HResult -eq -2146233087)) {
                        $_ | Write-Error

                Write-Verbose "Getting $fullUrl"
                $responseIsError = $false

                if ($Async) {
                    return New-Object PSObject -Property @{
                        WebRequest = $req 
                        AsyncOperation = $req.BeginGetResponse({}, $null)
                $webresponse = 
                    try {
                    } catch {
                        $ex = $_
                        if ($ex.Exception.InnerException.Response) {                            
                            $streamIn = New-Object IO.StreamReader $ex.Exception.InnerException.Response.GetResponseStream()
                            $strResponse = $streamIn.ReadToEnd();                            
                            if (-not $UseErrorAsResult) {
                                Write-Error $strResponse 
                            } else {
                                $html = $strResponse
                        } else {
                            $ex | Write-Error
                if ($webResponse) {                 
                    $rs = $webresponse.GetResponseStream()
                    $responseHeaders = $webresponse.Headers
                    $responseHeaders  = if ($responseHeaders -and $responseHeaders.GetEnumerator()) {
                        $reHead = @{}
                        foreach ($r in $responseHeaders.GetEnumerator()) {
                            $reHead[$r] = $responseHeaders[$r]
                    } else {
                    $unexpectedResponseType = $false
                    if ($psBoundParameters.ContentType -and 
                        $webresponse.ContentType -and 
                        $webResponse.ContentType -ne $ContentType) {
                        if ($webresponse.ContentType -notlike "text/*" -and $webresponse.ContentType -notlike "*xml*") {                    
                            $pageRoot = "$($WebResponse.ResponseUri)"
                            $relativeRoot = $pageRoot.Substring($pageRoot.LastIndexOf("/") + 1)

                            $unexpectedResponseType  = $true
                            $AsByte = $true


                    if ($AsByte) {
                        $byteBuffer = new-object byte[] $webresponse.ContentLength;
                        [int]$ToRead = $webresponse.ContentLength
                        [int]$TotalRead = 0
                        [Int]$bytesRead = 0
                        while ($toRead -gt 0 -and ($toRead -ge $TotalRead)) {
                            try {
                                $amountToRead = 
                                    if (($ToRead - $TotalRead) -gt .25kb) {
                                    } else {
                                        $ToRead - $TotalRead
                                $bytesRead = $rs.Read($byteBuffer, $TotalRead, $amountToRead )                            
                            } catch {
                                $global:LastStreamReadError = $_

                            if ($bytesRead -eq 0) {
                            $TotalRead += $bytesRead
                            if (($byteBuffer.Length -gt 256kb) -and -not $hideProgress) {
                                $perc = ($totalRead / $byteBuffer.Length) * 100
                                Write-Progress "Downloading" $url -Id $progressId -PercentComplete $perc
                        if (-not $HideProgress) {
                            $perc = $totalRead / $byteBuffer.Length
                            Write-Progress "Download Completed" $url -Id $progressId -Complete
                        #$null = $rs.CopyTo($ms)
                        $outBytes = $byteBuffer 
                        #New-Object byte[] $ms.Length
                        #$null = $ms.Write($outBytes, 0, $ms.Length);
                    } else {
                        $streamIn = New-Object IO.StreamReader($rs);
                        $strResponse = $streamIn.ReadToEnd();
                        $html = $strResponse 

                    if ($AsByte) {
                        if ($unexpectedResponseType) {
                            return @{$relativeRoot= $outBytes}
                        } else {
                            return $outBytes

                    if ($unexpectedResponseType -and $Html) {
                        return @{$relativeRoot= $Html}

            # $req.CookieContainer

            if (! $html -and -not $UseWebRequest) {
                if ($WebCredential) {            
                } else {
                    $"$Method", $fullUrl, $false)
                $xmlHttp.setRequestHeader("UserAgent", $userAgent)
                if ($header) {
                    foreach ($kv in $header.GetEnumerator()) {
                        $xmlHttp.setRequestHeader("$($kv.Key)", $kv.Value)
                if (-not $HideProgress) {
                    Write-Progress "Sending Web Request" $url -Id $progressId
                if ($parameter -and ('PUT', 'POST' -contains $method)) {
                    $paramStr = foreach ($param in $parameter.GetEnumerator()) {

                    if ($header -and $Header.ContainsKey('ContentType')) {
                        $ContentType = $Header['ContentType']
                    } elseif ($header -and$Header.ContainsKey('Content-Type')) {
                        $ContentType = $Header['Content-Type']
                    if ($ContentType) {
                    } else {


                    if ($requestBody) {
                    } else {
                        $xmlHttp.Send("$($paramStr -join '&')")                        
                } else {
                $requestTime = [Datetime]::Now
                while ($xmlHttp.ReadyState -ne 4) {
                    if (-not $hideProgress) {
                        Write-Progress "Waiting for response" $url -id $progressId
                    Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 10                

            $ResponseTime = [Datetime]::Now - $RequestTime  
            if (-not $hideProgress) {
                Write-Progress "Response received" $url -id $progressId
            if ($xmlHttp.Status -like "2*") {
                Write-Verbose "Server Responded with Success $($xmlHttp.Status)"
            } elseif ($xmlHttp.Status -like "1*") {
                Write-Debug "Server Responded with Information $($xmlHttp.Status)"
            } elseif ($xmlHttp.Status -like "3*") {
                Write-Warning "Server wishes to redirect: $($xmlHttp.Status)"                
            } elseif ($xmlHttp.Status -like "4*") {
                $errorWithinPage = 
                    Get-Web -Html $xmlHttp.responseText -Tag span | 
                        Where-Object { $_.Tag -like '*ui-state-error*' }  | 
                        ForEach-Object { 
                            $short = $_.Tag.Substring($_.Tag.IndexOf(">") + 1); 
                            $short.Substring(0, $short.LastIndexOf("</")) 
                $errorText = if ($errorWithinPage) {
                } else {
                Write-Error "Server Responded with Error: $($xmlHttp.Status) - $($errorText)"
            #endregion Download URL

            if ($AsByte) {
                return $xmlHttp.ResponseBody
            } elseif (-not $UseWebRequest) {
                $html = $xmlHttp.ResponseText
        } elseif ($psCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'FileName') {
            if ($AsByte) {
            $html = [IO.File]::ReadAllText($ExecutionContext.SessionState.Path.GetResolvedPSPathFromPSPath($FileName))            
        if (-not $html) { return } 

        if ($AsXml) {
            $xHtml = [xml]$html

            if ($OutputResponseHeader) {

                $xHtml | 
                    Add-Member NoteProperty Headers $responseHeaders -Force -PassThru
            } else {
        if ($AsJson) {
            <#$msJsonConvert = Get-Command ConvertFrom-Json -Module Microsoft* -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
            if (-not $msJsonConvert) {

            $jsResult = Convert-Json -json $html #-FullLanguage

            if ($OutputResponseHeader) {

                $jsResult | 
                    Add-Member NoteProperty Headers $responseHeaders -Force -PassThru
            } else {

        if (-not $Tag -or $AsMicrodata) {
            if ($AsByte) { 
                return [Text.Encoding]::Unicode.GetBytes($html)
        foreach ($r in $replacements.GetEnumerator()) {
            $l = 0 
            do {
                $l = $html.IndexOf($r.Key, $l, [StringComparison]"CurrentCultureIgnoreCase")
                if ($l -ne -1) {
                    $html = $html.Remove($l, $r.Key.Length)
                    $html = $html.Insert($l, $r.Value)
            } while ($l -ne -1)         
        if ($tag -and -not ($AsMicrodata -or $OpenGraph -or $MetaData -or $ItemType)) {
            $tryToBalance = $true
            if ($openGraph -or $metaData) {
                $tryToBalance  = $false
            foreach ($htmlTag in $tag) {
                if (-not $htmlTag) { continue } 
                $r = New-Object Text.RegularExpressions.Regex ('</' + $htmlTag + '>'), ("Singleline", "IgnoreCase")
                $endTags = @($r.Matches($html))
                if ($textInTag) {
                    $r = New-Object Text.RegularExpressions.Regex ('<' + $htmlTag + '[^>]*' + ($textInTag -join '[^>]*') + '[^>]*>'), ("Singleline", "IgnoreCase")
                } else {
                    $r = New-Object Text.RegularExpressions.Regex ('<' + $htmlTag + '[^>]*>'), ("Singleline", "IgnoreCase")
                $startTags = @($r.Matches($html))
                $tagText = New-Object Collections.ArrayList
                $tagStarts = New-Object Collections.ArrayList
                if ($tryToBalance -and ($startTags.Count -eq $endTags.Count)) {
                    $allTags = $startTags + $endTags | Sort-Object Index   
                    $startTags = New-Object Collections.Stack
                    foreach($t in $allTags) {
                        if (-not $t) { continue } 
                        if ($t.Value -like "<$htmlTag*") {
                        } else {
                            $start = try { $startTags.Pop() } catch {}
                            $null = $tagStarts.Add($start.Index)
                            $null  = $tagText.Add($html.Substring($start.Index, $t.Index + $t.Length - $start.Index))
                } else {
                    # Unbalanced document, use start tags only and make sure that the tag is self-enclosed
                    foreach ($_ in $startTags) {
                        if (-not $_) { continue } 
                        $t = "$($_.Value)"
                        if ($t -notlike "*/>") {
                            $t = $t.Insert($t.Length - 1, "/")
                        $null = $tagStarts.Add($t.Index)
                        $null  = $tagText.Add($t)    
                $tagCount = 0 
                foreach ($t in $tagText) {
                    if (-not $t) {continue }
                    $tagStartIndex = $tagStarts[$tagCount]
                    # Correct HTML which doesn't quote the attributes so it can be coerced into XML
                    $inTag = $false
                    for ($i = 0; $i -lt $t.Length; $i++) {
                        if ($t[$i] -eq "<") {
                            $inTag = $true
                        } else {
                            if ($t[$i] -eq ">") {
                                $inTag = $false
                        if ($inTag -and ($t[$i] -eq "=")) {
                            if ($quotes -notcontains $t[$i + 1]) {
                                $endQuoteSpot = $t.IndexOfAny(" >", $i + 1)
                                # Find the end of the attribute, then quote
                                $t = $t.Insert($i + 1, "'")
                                if ($endQuoteSpot -ne -1) {
                                    if ($t[$endQuoteSpot] -eq ' ') {
                                        $t = $t.Insert($endQuoteSpot + 2, "'")                    
                                    } else {
                                        $t = $t.Insert($endQuoteSpot + 1, "'")                    
                                $i = $endQuoteSpot
                                if ($i -eq -1) {
                            } else {
                                # Make sure the quotes are correctly formatted, otherwise,
                                # end the quotes manually
                                $whichQuote = $t[$i + 1]
                                $endQuoteSpot = $t.IndexOf($whichQuote, $i + 2)
                                $i = $endQuoteSpot
                                if ($i -eq -1) {
                    $startTag = $t.Substring(0, $t.IndexOf(">") + 1)
                    if ($pscmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Url') {
                        if ($OutputResponseHeader) {
                            New-Object PsObject -Property @{
                                Tag= $t
                                StartTag = $startTag
                                StartsAt = $tagStartIndex
                                Xml = ($t -as [xml]).$htmlTag      
                                Source = $url
                                Headers = $responseHeaders
                        } else {
                            New-Object PsObject -Property @{
                                Tag= $t
                                StartTag = $startTag
                                StartsAt = $tagStartIndex
                                Xml = ($t -as [xml]).$htmlTag      
                                Source = $url                                
                    } else {
                        if ($OutputResponseHeader) {
                            New-Object PsObject -Property @{
                                Tag= $t
                                StartTag = $startTag
                                StartsAt = $tagStartIndex
                                Xml = ($t -as [xml]).$htmlTag      
                                Headers = $responseHeaders
                        } else {
                            New-Object PsObject -Property @{
                                Tag= $t
                                StartTag = $startTag
                                StartsAt = $tagStartIndex
                                Xml = ($t -as [xml]).$htmlTag      
        } elseif ($OpenGraph) {
            $metaTags = Get-Web -Html $html -Tag 'meta' 
            $outputObject = New-Object PSObject
            foreach ($mt in $metaTags) {
                if ($mt.Xml.Property -like "og:*") {
                    $propName = $mt.Xml.Property.Substring(3)
                    $noteProperty = New-Object Management.Automation.PSNoteProperty $propName, $mt.Xml.Content
                    if ($[$propName]) {
                        $[$propName].Value = 
                            @($[$propName].Value) + $noteProperty.Value | Select-Object -Unique
                    } else {
                        try {
                            $null = Add-Member -InputObject $outputObject NoteProperty $ $noteProperty.Value -Force
                        } catch {
                            Write-Error $_
            $null = $OutputObject.pstypenames.add('OpenGraph')
            if ($OutputResponseHeader) {
                $outputObject | Add-Member NoteProperty Headers $responseHeaders -Force -PassThru
            } else {
        } elseif ($MetaData) {
            $titleTag= Get-Web -Html $html -Tag 'title'
            $titleText = $titleTag.xml.Trim()
            $metaTags = Get-Web -Html $html -Tag 'meta' 
            $outputObject = New-Object PSObject
            Add-Member NoteProperty Title $titleText -InputObject $outputObject
            foreach ($mt in $metaTags) {
                $propName = if ($mt.Xml.Property) {
                } elseif ($ -and $mt.Xml.Name -ne 'meta') {
                if (-not $PropName) { continue } 
                $noteProperty = New-Object Management.Automation.PSNoteProperty $propName, $mt.Xml.Content
                if ($[$propName]) {
                    $[$propName].Value = 
                        @($[$propName].Value) + $noteProperty.Value | Select-Object -Unique
                } else {
                    try {
                        $null = Add-Member -InputObject $outputObject NoteProperty $ $noteProperty.Value -Force
                    } catch {
                        Write-Error $_
            $null = $OutputObject.pstypenames.add('HTMLMetaData')
            if ($psBoundParameters.Url -and -not $['Url']) {
                Add-Member -InputObject $outputObject NoteProperty Url $psboundParameters.Url
            if ($OutputResponseHeader) {
                $outputObject | Add-Member NoteProperty Headers $responseHeaders -Force -PassThru
            } else {
        } elseif ($AsMicrodata -or $ItemType) {
            $getInnerScope = {
                if (-not $knownTags[$htmlTag]) {
                    $r = New-Object Text.RegularExpressions.Regex ('<[/]*' + $htmlTag + '[^>]*>'), ("Singleline", "IgnoreCase")                    
                    $Tags = @($r.Matches($html))
                    $knownTags[$htmlTag] = $tags
                $i = 0
                $myTagIndex = foreach ($_ in $knownTags[$htmlTag]) {
                    if ($_.Value -eq $targetValue -and $_.Index -eq $targetIndex) { 
                # Once the tag index is known, we start there and wait until the tags are balanced again
                $balance = 1
                for ($i = $myTagIndex + 1; $i -lt $knownTags[$htmlTag].Count; $i++) {
                    if ($knownTags[$htmlTag][$i].Value -like "<$htmlTag*"){
                    } else {
                    if ($balance -eq 0) {                                               
                if ($balance -eq 0 -and ($i -ne $knownTags[$htmlTag].Count)) {
                    $start = $knownTags[$htmlTag][$MyTagIndex].Index
                    $end = $knownTags[$htmlTag][$i].Index + $knownTags[$htmlTag][$i].Length
                    $innerScope = $html.Substring($start, $end-$start)            
                } else {
                    $innerScope = ""
                $myTagAsXml = $knownTags[$htmlTag][$MyTagIndex].Value
                if ($myTagASXml -notlike "*itemscope=*") {
                    $myTagASXml  = $myTagASXml -ireplace 'itemscope', 'itemscope=""'
                try {
                    $myTagAsXml = [xml]($myTagAsXml.TrimEnd("/>") + "/>")
                } catch {

            $itemScopeFinder = New-Object Text.RegularExpressions.Regex ('<(?<t>\w*)[^>]*itemscope[^>]*>'), ("Singleline", "IgnoreCase")
            $knownTags = @{}
            foreach ($matchInfo in $itemScopeFinder.Matches($html)) {
                if (-not $matchInfo)  { continue }                                
                $htmlTag = $matchInfo.Groups[1].Value        
                $targetValue = $matchInfo.Groups[0].Value        
                $targetIndex = $matchInfo.Groups[0].Index
                . $getInnerScope                                 

                $itemPropFinder = New-Object Text.RegularExpressions.Regex ('<(?<t>\w*)[^>]*itemprop[^>]*>'), ("Singleline", "IgnoreCase")
                $outputObject = New-Object PSObject 
                foreach ($itemTypeName in $myTagAsXml.firstchild.itemtype -split " ") {                                    
                    if (-not $itemTypeName) { continue }                    
                    $null = $outputObject.pstypenames.add($itemTypeName)                    
                # If we've asked for a specific item type, and this isn't it, continue
                if ($ItemType) {
                    $found = foreach ($tn in $outputObject.pstypenames) {
                        if ($ItemType -contains $tn) {
                    if (-not $found) {                                         
                if ($myTagAsXml.firstChild.itemId) {
                    $itemID = New-Object Management.Automation.PSNoteProperty "ItemId", $myTagAsXml.firstChild.itemId
                    $null = $$itemID)
                $avoidRange = @()
                foreach ($itemPropMatch in $itemPropFinder.Matches($innerScope)) {
                    $propName = ""
                    $propValue = ""
                    $htmlTag = $itemPropMatch.Groups[1].Value        
                    $targetValue = $itemPropMatch.Groups[0].Value   
                    if ($itemPropMatch.Groups[0].Value -eq $matchInfo.Groups[0].Value) {
                        # skip relf references so we don't infinitely recurse
                    $targetIndex = $matchInfo.Groups[0].Index + $itemPropMatch.Groups[0].Index                                                                 
                    if ($avoidRange -contains $itemPropMatch.Groups[0].Index) {
                    . $getInnerScope 
                    $propName = $myTagAsXml.firstchild.itemprop
                    if (-not $propName) { 
                        Write-Debug "No Property Name, Skipping"

                    if (-not $innerScope) {                 
                        # get the data from one of a few properties. href, src, or content
                        $fixedXml = try { [xml]($itemPropMatch.Groups[0].Value.TrimEnd("/>") + "/>") } catch { }
                        $propName = $fixedxml.firstchild.itemprop
                        $propValue = if ($fixedXml.firstchild.href) {
                        } elseif ($fixedXml.firstchild.src) {
                        } elseif ($fixedXml.firstchild.content) {
                        } elseif ('p', 'span', 'h1','h2','h3','h4','h5','h6' -contains $htmlTag) {
                            $innerTextWithoutspaces = ([xml]$innerScope).innertext -replace "\s{1,}", " "
                        if ($propName) { 
                            try {
                            $noteProperty = New-Object Management.Automation.PSNoteProperty $propName, $propValue
                            } catch {
                                Write-Debug "Could not create note property"
                    } else {
                        if ($innerScope -notlike '*itemscope*') {                            
                            $innerScopeXml = try { [xml]$innerScope } catch { } 
                            if ($innerScopeXml.firstChild.InnerXml -like "*<*>") {
                                $propValue = if ($myTagAsXml.firstchild.href) {
                                } elseif ($myTagAsXml.firstchild.src) {
                                } elseif ($myTagAsXml.firstchild.content) {
                                } elseif ('p', 'span', 'h1','h2','h3','h4','h5','h6' -contains $htmlTag) {
                                    $innerTextWithoutspaces = ([xml]$innerScope).innertext -replace "\s{1,}", " "
                                } else {
                                try {
                                    $noteProperty = New-Object Management.Automation.PSNoteProperty $propName, $propValue
                                } catch {
                                    Write-Debug "Could not create note property"
                            } else {
                                $innerText = $innerScope.Substring($itemPropMatch.Groups[0].Value.Length)
                                $innerText = $innerText.Substring(0, $innerText.Length - "</$htmlTag>".Length)
                                $innerTextWithoutspaces = $innertext -replace "\s{1,}", " "
                                $innerTextWithoutSpaces = $innerTextWithoutSpaces.TrimStart()
                                try {
                                    $noteProperty = New-Object Management.Automation.PSNoteProperty $propName, $innerTextWithoutSpaces
                                } catch {
                                    Write-Debug "Could not create note property"
                        } else {
                            # Keep track of where this item was seen, so everything else can skip nested data
                            $avoidRange +=  $itemPropMatch.Groups[0].Index..($itemPropMatch.Groups[0].Index + $innerScope.Length)
                            $propValue = Get-Web -Html $innerScope  -Microdata
                            $noteProperty = New-Object Management.Automation.PSNoteProperty $propName, $propValue
                        $innerItemHtml = $innerScope    
                    if ($[$propName]) {
                        if ($noteProperty.Value -is [string]) {
                            $[$propName].Value = 
                                @($[$propName].Value) + $noteProperty.Value | Select-Object -Unique
                        } else {
                            $[$propName].Value = 
                                @($[$propName].Value) + $noteProperty.Value 
                    } else {
                        try {
                            $null = Add-Member -InputObject $outputObject NoteProperty $ $noteProperty.Value -Force
                        } catch {
                            Write-Error $_
                    #$propName, $propValue
                if ($psBoundParameters.Url -and -not $['Url']) {
                    Add-Member -InputObject $outputObject NoteProperty Url $psboundParameters.Url

                if ($OutputResponseHeader) {
                    $outputObject | Add-Member NoteProperty Headers $responseHeaders -Force -PassThru
                } else {
            # In this case, construct a regular expression that finds all itemscopes
            # Then create another regular expression to find all itemprops
            # Walk thru the combined list
        } else {
            if ($OutputResponseHeader) {
                $Html | 
                    Add-Member NoteProperty Headers $responseHeaders -Force -PassThru |
                    Add-Member NoteProperty ResponseTime $responseTime -PassThru |
                    Add-Member NoteProperty RequestTime $requestTime -PassThru
            } else {
                $Html | 
                    Add-Member NoteProperty ResponseTime $responseTime -PassThru |
                    Add-Member NoteProperty RequestTime $requestTime -PassThru