<# .SYNOPSIS Outputs to a File .DESCRIPTION Outputs the result of a script into a file. .EXAMPLE Invoke-PipeScript { [OutputFile("hello.txt")] param() 'hello world' } .Example Invoke-PipeScript { param() $Message = 'hello world' [Save(".\Hello.txt")]$Message } #> [Alias('Save')] param( # The Output Path [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $OutputPath, # The Script Block that will be run. [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline)] [scriptblock] $ScriptBlock, [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline)] [Management.Automation.Language.VariableExpressionast] $VariableAst, # The encoding parameter. [string] $Encoding, # If set, will force output, overwriting existing files. [switch] $Force, # The export script [scriptblock] $ExportScript, # The serialization depth. Currently only used when saving to JSON files. [int] $Depth = 100 ) begin { function SaveJson { # Determine if the content appears to already be JSON if ($jsonToSave -match '^[\s\r\n]{0,}[\[\{\`"/]') { $jsonToSave | Set-Content -Path '$safeOutputPath' $OtherParams } else { ConvertTo-JSON -InputObject `$jsonToSave -Depth $depth | Set-Content -Path '$safeOutputPath' $otherParams } } } process { $safeOutputPath = $OutputPath.Replace("'","''") $otherParams = @( if ($Encoding) { "-Encoding '$($encoding.Replace("'", "''"))'" } if ($Force) { "-Force" } ) -join ' ' $inputObjectScript = if ($VariableAst) { $VariableAst.Extent.ToString() } elseif ($ScriptBlock.Ast.ParamBlock.Parameters.Count) { "`$ParameterCopy = [Ordered]@{} + `$psBoundParameters; & { $ScriptBlock } @ParameterCopy" } else { "& { $ScriptBlock }" } if ($OutputPath -match '\.json') { [ScriptBlock]::Create(" `$jsonToSave = $inputObjectScript # Determine if the content appears to already be JSON if (`$jsonToSave -match '^[\s\r\n]{0,}[\[\{\`"/]') { `$jsonToSave | Set-Content -Path '$safeOutputPath' $OtherParams } else { ConvertTo-JSON -InputObject `$jsonToSave -Depth $depth | Set-Content -Path '$safeOutputPath' $otherParams } ") } elseif ($OutputPath -match '\.[c|t]sv$') { [ScriptBlock]::Create("$inputObjectScript | Export-Csv -Path '$safeOutputPath' $otherParams") } elseif ($OutputPath -match '\.(?>clixml|clix|xml)$') { [ScriptBlock]::Create(" `$toSave = $inputObjectScript if (`$toSave -as [xml]) { `$strWrite = [IO.StringWriter]::new() `$configurationXml.Save(`$strWrite) (`"$strWrite`" -replace '^\<\?xml version=`"1.0`" encoding=`"utf-16`"\?\>') | Set-Content -Path '$safeOutputPath' $otherParams } else { `$toSave | Export-Clixml -Path '$safeOutputPath' $otherParams } ") } else { [ScriptBlock]::Create("$inputObjectScript | Set-Content -Path '$safeOutputPath' $otherParams") } } |