Ping-like functionality that also has the capability to track outages and latency issues.
Minimum PowerShell version
Installation Options
(c) mattf. All rights reserved.
Package Details
- mattf
Ping Icmp Network Diagnostics Troubleshooting Linux Windows
This module has no dependencies.
Release Notes
## 0.0.9
* Updated the minimum version. Added some minor comments.
## 0.0.8
* The actual status is now displayed to the user for ping result error statuses for which we do not specifically account
## 0.0.7
* Added a default handler for ping results
* Fixed regression defect within FinalizeOutage introduced when support for configuring a ping count threshold for outages
* If there is only a single latency or outage issue, then neither summary info nor total info will be shown
## 0.0.6
* When tracking latency issues using the -LatencyMovingAvg switch, prior to the summary output display, it can be difficult
to figure out from the per-ping output when a latency issue has come to an end. A change has been made which inverts the foreground
and background colors of a ping output to indicate the end of a latency issue.
* If the -Timestamps switch is specified, per-ping output timestamps are now displayed using the 24-hour clock.
* Added new parameter, -OutageMinPackets, which controls how many non-successful pings must occur for an outage record to be created.
Using the default of 2 (or higher) avoids situations where e.g. a single timeout creates an outage record.
## 0.0.5
* Updated manifest's tags
## 0.0.4
* In some instances, summary output was not being output when Ctrl-C was pressed. The problem seems to have been that
TreatControlCAsInput was a script-level variable. Moving its handling into Invoke-PingIt seems to have rectified the issue
## 0.0.3
* intermittently, final summary and stats data were not showing up, so that logic was moved inside of the try block
* added ErrorAction = SilentlyContinue to the calls to Test-Connection
## 0.0.2
* tightened up the resolve destination functionality to be more uniform in the event of errors
* other minor tweaks
## 0.0.1
Initial Release
* Works on both Windows and Linux
** On Linux, sudo is required due to Test-Connection being broken on Linux
- PingIt.nuspec
- PingIt.psd1
- PingIt.psm1
- ToDo.txt
- .vscode\launch.json
- screenshots\LatencySummaryandDetail.png
- screenshots\OutageSummaryandDetail.png
- screenshots\PingSummary.png
- tests\PingIt.ps1
- tests\ResolveDestination.ps1
Version History
Version | Downloads | Last updated |
0.0.9 (current version) | 403 | 1/1/2024 |
0.0.8 | 22 | 6/20/2023 |