function ConvertTo-ClassExclusionDiv { param ( <# Accounts whose objectClass property is in this list are excluded from the HTML report Note on the 'group' class: By default, a group with members is replaced in the report by its members unless the -NoGroupMembers switch is used. Any remaining groups are empty and not useful to see in the middle of a list of users/job titles/departments/etc). So the 'group' class is excluded here by default. #> [string[]]$ExcludeClass ) if ($ExcludeClass) { $ListGroup = $ExcludeClass | ConvertTo-HtmlList | ConvertTo-BootstrapListGroup $Content = "Accounts whose objectClass property is in this list were excluded from the report.$ListGroup" } else { $Content = 'No accounts were excluded based on objectClass.' } Write-LogMsg @LogParams -Text "New-BootstrapDivWithHeading -HeadingText 'Accounts Excluded by Class' -Content `$Content" return New-BootstrapDivWithHeading -HeadingText 'Accounts Excluded by Class' -Content $Content -HeadingLevel 6 } function ConvertTo-FileList { param ( [string[]]$Format, # Path to the folder to save the logs and reports generated by this script $OutputDir, [cultureinfo]$Culture = (Get-Culture), <# Level of detail to export to file 0 Item paths $TargetPath 1 Resolved item paths (server names resolved, DFS targets resolved) $Parents 2 Expanded resolved item paths (parent paths expanded into children) $ACLsByPath.Keys 3 Access rules $ACLsByPath.Values 4 Resolved access rules (server names resolved, inheritance flags resolved) $ACEsByGUID.Values | %{$_} | Sort Path,IdentityReferenceResolved 5 Accounts with access $PrincipalsByResolvedID.Values | %{$_} | Sort ResolvedAccountName 6 Expanded resolved access rules (expanded with account info) $Permissions 7 Formatted permissions $FormattedPermissions 8 Best Practice issues $BestPracticeIssues 9 XML custom sensor output for Paessler PRTG Network Monitor $PrtgXml 10 Permission Report #> [int[]]$Detail = @(0..10), [String]$FileName ) $FileList = @{} ForEach ($ThisFormat in $Format) { # String translations indexed by value in the $Detail parameter # TODO: Move to i18n $DetailStrings = @( 'Target paths', 'Network paths (target path servers and DFS targets resolved)', 'Item paths (network paths expanded into their children)', 'Access lists', 'Access rules (resolved identity references and inheritance flags)', 'Accounts with access', 'Expanded access rules (expanded with account info)', # #ToDo: Expand DirectoryEntry objects in the DirectoryEntry and Members properties 'Formatted permissions', 'Best Practice issues', 'Custom sensor output for Paessler PRTG Network Monitor' 'Permission report' ) $FileList[$ThisFormat] = switch ($ThisFormat) { 'csv' { $Suffix = '.csv' ForEach ($Level in $Detail) { # Currently no CSV reports are generated for detail levels 8/9/10 if ($Detail -lt 8) { # Get shorter versions of the detail strings to use in file names $ShortDetail = $DetailStrings[$Level] -replace '\([^\)]*\)', '' # Convert the shorter strings to Title Case $TitleCaseDetail = $Culture.TextInfo.ToTitleCase($ShortDetail) # Remove spaces from the shorter strings $SpacelessDetail = $TitleCaseDetail -replace '\s', '' # Build the file path "$OutputDir\$Level`_$SpacelessDetail$Suffix" } } break } 'html' { $Suffix = "_$FileName.htm" ForEach ($Level in $Detail) { # Currently no HTML reports are generated for detail levels 8/9 if ($Level -notin 8, 9) { # Get shorter versions of the detail strings to use in file names $ShortDetail = $DetailStrings[$Level] -replace '\([^\)]*\)', '' # Convert the shorter strings to Title Case $TitleCaseDetail = $Culture.TextInfo.ToTitleCase($ShortDetail) # Remove spaces from the shorter strings $SpacelessDetail = $TitleCaseDetail -replace '\s', '' # Build the file path "$OutputDir\$Level`_$SpacelessDetail$Suffix" } } break } 'js' { $Suffix = "_js_$FileName.htm" ForEach ($Level in $Detail) { # Currently no JS reports are generated for detail levels 8/9 if ($Level -notin 8, 9) { # Get shorter versions of the detail strings to use in file names $ShortDetail = $DetailStrings[$Level] -replace '\([^\)]*\)', '' # Convert the shorter strings to Title Case $TitleCaseDetail = $Culture.TextInfo.ToTitleCase($ShortDetail) # Remove spaces from the shorter strings $SpacelessDetail = $TitleCaseDetail -replace '\s', '' # Build the file path "$OutputDir\$Level`_$SpacelessDetail$Suffix" } } break } 'prtgxml' { $Suffix = '.xml' $Level = 9 # Level 9 is the only level applicable for the PrtgXml format if ($Detail -contains $Level) { # Get shorter versions of the detail strings to use in file names $ShortDetail = $DetailStrings[$Level] -replace '\([^\)]*\)', '' # Convert the shorter strings to Title Case $TitleCaseDetail = $Culture.TextInfo.ToTitleCase($ShortDetail) # Remove spaces from the shorter strings $SpacelessDetail = $TitleCaseDetail -replace '\s', '' # Build the file path "$OutputDir\$Level`_$SpacelessDetail$Suffix" } break } 'json' { $Suffix = "_$FileName.json" #TODO break } 'xml' { $Suffix = '.xml' #TODO break } } } return $FileList } function ConvertTo-FileListDiv { param ( [Hashtable]$FileList ) ForEach ($Format in ($FileList.Keys | Sort-Object)) { $Files = $FileList[$Format] if ($Files) { New-BootstrapAlert -Text $Format -Class Dark -Padding ' p-2 mb-0 mt-2' $Files | Sort-Object | Split-Path -Leaf | ConvertTo-HtmlList | ConvertTo-BootstrapListGroup } } } function ConvertTo-IgnoredDomainDiv { param ( <# Domain(s) to ignore (they will be removed from the username) Can be used: to ensure accounts only appear once on the report when they have matching SamAccountNames in multiple domains. when the domain is often the same and doesn't need to be displayed #> [string[]]$IgnoreDomain ) if ($IgnoreDomain) { $ListGroup = $IgnoreDomain | ConvertTo-HtmlList | ConvertTo-BootstrapListGroup $Content = "Accounts from these domains are listed in the report without their domain.$ListGroup" } else { $Content = 'No domains were ignored. All accounts have their domain listed.' } Write-LogMsg @LogParams -Text "New-BootstrapDivWithHeading -HeadingText 'Domains Ignored by Name' -Content `$Content" return New-BootstrapDivWithHeading -HeadingText 'Domains Ignored by Name' -Content $Content -HeadingLevel 6 } function ConvertTo-MemberExclusionDiv { param ( <# Do not get group members (only report the groups themselves) Note: By default, the -ExcludeClass parameter will exclude groups from the report. If using -NoGroupMembers, you most likely want to modify the value of -ExcludeClass. Remove the 'group' class from ExcludeClass in order to see groups on the report. #> [switch]$NoMembers ) if ($NoMembers) { $Content = 'Group members were excluded from the report.<br />Only accounts directly from the ACLs are included in the report.' } else { $Content = 'No accounts were excluded based on group membership.<br />Members of groups from the ACLs are included in the report.' } Write-LogMsg @LogParams -Text "New-BootstrapDivWithHeading -HeadingText 'Group Members' -Content '$Content'" return New-BootstrapDivWithHeading -HeadingText 'Group Members' -Content $Content -HeadingLevel 6 } function ConvertTo-NameExclusionDiv { param ( # Regular expressions matching names of security principals to exclude from the HTML report [string[]]$ExcludeAccount ) if ($ExcludeAccount) { $ListGroup = $ExcludeAccount | ConvertTo-HtmlList | ConvertTo-BootstrapListGroup $Content = "Accounts whose names match these regular expressions were excluded from the report.$ListGroup" } else { $Content = 'No accounts were excluded based on name.' } Write-LogMsg @LogParams -Text "New-BootstrapDivWithHeading -HeadingText 'Accounts Excluded by Name' -Content `$Content" return New-BootstrapDivWithHeading -HeadingText 'Accounts Excluded by Name' -Content $Content -HeadingLevel 6 } function ConvertTo-PermissionGroup { [CmdletBinding()] param ( # Permission object from Expand-Permission [PSCustomObject[]]$Permission, # Type of output returned to the output stream [ValidateSet('csv', 'html', 'js', 'json', 'prtgxml', 'xml')] [String]$Format, # How to group the permissions in the output stream and within each exported file [ValidateSet('account', 'item', 'none', 'target')] [String]$GroupBy = 'item', [string[]]$AccountProperty = @('Account', 'Name', 'DisplayName', 'Description', 'Department', 'Title'), [string[]]$ItemProperty = @('Folder', 'Inheritance'), [Hashtable]$HowToSplit ) $OutputObject = @{} if ( $GroupBy -eq 'none' -or $HowToSplit[$GroupBy] ) { return } switch ($Format) { 'csv' { $OutputObject['Data'] = $Permission | ConvertTo-Csv break } 'html' { #Write-LogMsg @LogParams -Text "`$Permission | ConvertTo-Html -Fragment | New-BootstrapTable" $Html = $Permission | ConvertTo-Html -Fragment $OutputObject['Data'] = $Html $OutputObject['Table'] = $Html | New-BootstrapTable break } 'js' { #TODO: Change table id to "Groupings" instead of Folders to allow for Grouping by Account $JavaScriptTable = @{ ID = 'Folders' } switch ($GroupBy) { 'account' { $OrderedProperties = $AccountProperty $JavaScriptTable['SearchableColumn'] = $OrderedProperties break } 'item' { $OrderedProperties = $ItemProperty $JavaScriptTable['SearchableColumn'] = 'Folder' $JavaScriptTable['DropdownColumn'] = 'Inheritance' break } } # Wrap input in a array because output must be a JSON array for jquery to work properly. $OutputObject['Data'] = ConvertTo-Json -Compress -InputObject @($Permission) $OutputObject['Columns'] = Get-ColumnJson -InputObject $Permission -PropNames $OrderedProperties $OutputObject['Table'] = ConvertTo-BootstrapJavaScriptTable -InputObject $Permission -PropNames $OrderedProperties -DataFilterControl -PageSize 25 @JavaScriptTable break } 'xml' { $OutputObject['Data'] = ($Permission | ConvertTo-Xml).InnerXml break } default {} } return [PSCustomObject]$OutputObject } function ConvertTo-PermissionList { param ( # Permission object from Expand-Permission [Hashtable]$Permission, [PSCustomObject[]]$PermissionGrouping, # Type of output returned to the output stream [ValidateSet('csv', 'html', 'js', 'json', 'prtgxml', 'xml')] [String]$Format, [String]$ShortestPath, [String]$NetworkPath, # How to group the permissions in the output stream and within each exported file [ValidateSet('account', 'item', 'none', 'target')] [String]$GroupBy = 'item', [Hashtable]$HowToSplit ) switch ($Format) { 'csv' { if ( $GroupBy -eq 'none' -or $HowToSplit[$GroupBy] ) { $Sorted = $Permission.Values | Sort-Object -Property Item, Account [PSCustomObject]@{ PSTypeName = 'Permission.PermissionList' Data = $Sorted | ConvertTo-Csv PassThru = $Sorted } } else { switch ($GroupBy) { 'account' { ForEach ($Group in $PermissionGrouping) { [PSCustomObject]@{ PSTypeName = 'Permission.PermissionList' Data = $Permission[$Group.Account.ResolvedAccountName] | ConvertTo-Csv PassThru = $Permission[$Group.Account.ResolvedAccountName] Grouping = $Group.Account.ResolvedAccountName } } break } 'item' { ForEach ($Group in $PermissionGrouping) { [PSCustomObject]@{ PSTypeName = 'Permission.PermissionList' Data = $Permission[$Group.Item.Path] | ConvertTo-Csv PassThru = $Permission[$Group.Item.Path] Grouping = $Group.Item.Path } } break } 'target' { ForEach ($Group in $PermissionGrouping) { $Perm = $Permission[$Group.Path] if ($Perm) { [PSCustomObject]@{ PSTypeName = 'Permission.PermissionList' Data = $Perm | ConvertTo-Csv Grouping = $Group.Path PassThru = $Perm } } } break } } } break } 'html' { if ( $GroupBy -eq 'none' -or $HowToSplit[$GroupBy] ) { $Heading = New-HtmlHeading "Permissions in $NetworkPath" -Level 6 $Sorted = $Permission.Values | Sort-Object -Property Item, Account $Html = $Sorted | ConvertTo-Html -Fragment $Table = $Html | New-BootstrapTable [PSCustomObject]@{ PSTypeName = 'Permission.PermissionList' Data = $Html Div = New-BootstrapDiv -Text ($Heading + $Table) -Class 'h-100 p-1 bg-light border rounded-3 table-responsive' PassThru = $Sorted } } else { switch ($GroupBy) { 'account' { ##ForEach ($Group in $PermissionGrouping) { ForEach ($GroupID in $Permission.Keys) { ##$GroupID = $Group.Account.ResolvedAccountName $Heading = New-HtmlHeading "Folders accessible to $GroupID" -Level 6 $StartingPermissions = $Permission[$GroupID] $Html = $StartingPermissions | ConvertTo-Html -Fragment $Table = $Html | New-BootstrapTable [PSCustomObject]@{ PSTypeName = 'Permission.PermissionList' Data = $Html Div = New-BootstrapDiv -Text ($Heading + $Table) -Class 'h-100 p-1 bg-light border rounded-3 table-responsive' Grouping = $GroupID PassThru = $StartingPermissions } } break } 'item' { ForEach ($Group in $PermissionGrouping) { $GroupID = $Group.Item.Path $Heading = New-HtmlHeading "Accounts with access to $GroupID" -Level 6 $SubHeading = Get-FolderPermissionTableHeader -Group $Group -GroupID $GroupID -ShortestFolderPath $ShortestPath $StartingPermissions = $Permission[$GroupID] $Html = $StartingPermissions | ConvertTo-Html -Fragment $Table = $Html | New-BootstrapTable [PSCustomObject]@{ PSTypeName = 'Permission.PermissionList' Data = $Html Div = New-BootstrapDiv -Text ($Heading + $SubHeading + $Table) -Class 'h-100 p-1 bg-light border rounded-3 table-responsive' Grouping = $GroupID PassThru = $StartingPermissions } } break } 'target' { ForEach ($Group in $PermissionGrouping) { $GroupID = $Group.Path $Heading = New-HtmlHeading "Permissions in $GroupID" -Level 5 $StartingPermissions = $Permission[$GroupID] $Html = $StartingPermissions | ConvertTo-Html -Fragment $Table = $Html | New-BootstrapTable [PSCustomObject]@{ PSTypeName = 'Permission.PermissionList' Data = $Html Div = New-BootstrapDiv -Text ($Heading + $Table) -Class 'h-100 p-1 bg-light border rounded-3 table-responsive' Grouping = $GroupID PassThru = $StartingPermissions } } break } } } break } 'js' { if ( $GroupBy -eq 'none' -or $HowToSplit[$GroupBy] ) { $Heading = New-HtmlHeading "Permissions in $NetworkPath" -Level 6 $StartingPermissions = $Permission.Values | Sort-Object -Property Item, Account # Remove spaces from property titles $ObjectsForJsonData = ForEach ($Obj in $StartingPermissions) { [PSCustomObject]@{ Item = $Obj.Item Account = $Obj.Account Access = $Obj.Access DuetoMembershipIn = $Obj.'Due to Membership In' SourceofAccess = $Obj.'Source of Access' Name = $Obj.Name Department = $Obj.Department Title = $Obj.Title } } $TableId = 'Perms' $Table = ConvertTo-BootstrapJavaScriptTable -Id $TableId -InputObject $StartingPermissions -DataFilterControl -AllColumnsSearchable -PageSize 25 [PSCustomObject]@{ PSTypeName = 'Permission.PermissionList' Columns = Get-ColumnJson -InputObject $StartingPermissions -PropNames Item, Account, Access, 'Due to Membership In', 'Source of Access', Name, Department, Title Data = ConvertTo-Json -Compress -InputObject @($ObjectsForJsonData) Div = New-BootstrapDiv -Text ($Heading + $Table) -Class 'h-100 p-1 bg-light border rounded-3 table-responsive' PassThru = $ObjectsForJsonData Table = $TableId } } else { switch ($GroupBy) { 'account' { ##ForEach ($Group in $PermissionGrouping) { ForEach ($GroupID in $Permission.Keys) { # TODO: $Permission.Keys | Sort-Object would result in this being sorted, but this wasn't needed previously. Investigate to avoid redundant sorting. ##$GroupID = $Group.Account.ResolvedAccountName $Heading = New-HtmlHeading "Items accessible to $GroupID" -Level 6 $StartingPermissions = $Permission[$GroupID] # Remove spaces from property titles $ObjectsForJsonData = ForEach ($Obj in $StartingPermissions) { [PSCustomObject]@{ Path = $Obj.Path Access = $Obj.Access DuetoMembershipIn = $Obj.'Due to Membership In' SourceofAccess = $Obj.'Source of Access' } } $TableId = "Perms_$($GroupID -replace '[^A-Za-z0-9\-_]', '-')" $Table = ConvertTo-BootstrapJavaScriptTable -Id $TableId -InputObject $StartingPermissions -DataFilterControl -AllColumnsSearchable [PSCustomObject]@{ PSTypeName = 'Permission.AccountPermissionList' Columns = Get-ColumnJson -InputObject $StartingPermissions-PropNames Path, Access, 'Due to Membership In', 'Source of Access' Data = ConvertTo-Json -Compress -InputObject @($ObjectsForJsonData) Div = New-BootstrapDiv -Text ($Heading + $Table) -Class 'h-100 p-1 bg-light border rounded-3 table-responsive' PassThru = $ObjectsForJsonData Grouping = $GroupID Table = $TableId } } break } 'item' { ForEach ($Group in $PermissionGrouping) { $GroupID = $Group.Item.Path $Heading = New-HtmlHeading "Accounts with access to $GroupID" -Level 6 $SubHeading = Get-FolderPermissionTableHeader -Group $Group -GroupID $GroupID -ShortestFolderPath $ShortestPath $StartingPermissions = $Permission[$GroupID] if ($StartingPermissions) { # Remove spaces from property titles $ObjectsForJsonData = ForEach ($Obj in $StartingPermissions) { [PSCustomObject]@{ Account = $Obj.Account Access = $Obj.Access DuetoMembershipIn = $Obj.'Due to Membership In' SourceofAccess = $Obj.'Source of Access' Name = $Obj.Name Department = $Obj.Department Title = $Obj.Title } } $TableId = "Perms_$($GroupID -replace '[^A-Za-z0-9\-_]', '-')" $Table = ConvertTo-BootstrapJavaScriptTable -Id $TableId -InputObject $StartingPermissions -DataFilterControl -AllColumnsSearchable [PSCustomObject]@{ PSTypeName = 'Permission.ItemPermissionList' Columns = Get-ColumnJson -InputObject $StartingPermissions -PropNames Account, Access, 'Due to Membership In', 'Source of Access', Name, Department, Title Data = ConvertTo-Json -Compress -InputObject @($ObjectsForJsonData) Div = New-BootstrapDiv -Text ($Heading + $SubHeading + $Table) -Class 'h-100 p-1 bg-light border rounded-3 table-responsive' Grouping = $GroupID PassThru = $ObjectsForJsonData Table = $TableId } } } break } 'target' { ForEach ($Group in $PermissionGrouping) { $GroupID = $Group.Path $Heading = New-HtmlHeading "Permissions in $GroupID" -Level 5 $StartingPermissions = $Permission[$GroupID] # Remove spaces from property titles $ObjectsForJsonData = ForEach ($Obj in $StartingPermissions) { [PSCustomObject]@{ #Path = $Obj.Item.Path #Access = ($Obj.Access.Access.Access | Sort-Object -Unique) -join ' ; ' #SourceofAccess = ($Obj.Access.Access.SourceOfAccess | Sort-Object -Unique) -join ' ; ' Item = $Obj.Item Account = $Obj.Account Access = $Obj.Access DuetoMembershipIn = $Obj.'Due to Membership In' SourceofAccess = $Obj.'Source of Access' Name = $Obj.Name Department = $Obj.Department Title = $Obj.Title } } $TableId = "Perms_$($GroupID -replace '[^A-Za-z0-9\-_]', '-')" $Table = ConvertTo-BootstrapJavaScriptTable -Id $TableId -InputObject $StartingPermissions -DataFilterControl -AllColumnsSearchable -PageSize 25 [PSCustomObject]@{ PSTypeName = 'Permission.TargetPermissionList' Columns = Get-ColumnJson -InputObject $StartingPermissions -PropNames Item, Account, Access, 'Due to Membership In', 'Source of Access', Name, Department, Title Data = ConvertTo-Json -Compress -InputObject @($ObjectsForJsonData) Div = New-BootstrapDiv -Text ($Heading + $Table) -Class 'h-100 p-1 bg-light border rounded-3 table-responsive' Grouping = $GroupID PassThru = $ObjectsForJsonData Table = $TableId } } break } } } break } 'prtgxml' { <# # ToDo: Users with ownership $NtfsIssueParams = @{ FolderPermissions = $Permission.ItemPermissions UserPermissions = $Permission.AccountPermissions GroupNameRule = $GroupNameRule TodaysHostname = $ThisHostname WhoAmI = $WhoAmI LogBuffer = $LogBuffer } Write-LogMsg @LogParams -Text 'New-NtfsAclIssueReport @NtfsIssueParams' $NtfsIssues = New-NtfsAclIssueReport @NtfsIssueParams # Format the issues as a custom XML sensor for Paessler PRTG Network Monitor Write-LogMsg @LogParams -Text "Get-PrtgXmlSensorOutput -NtfsIssues `$NtfsIssues" $OutputObject['Data'] = Get-PrtgXmlSensorOutput -NtfsIssues $NtfsIssues [PSCustomObject]$OutputObject #> break } 'xml' { if ( $GroupBy -eq 'none' -or $HowToSplit[$GroupBy] ) { [PSCustomObject]@{ PSTypeName = 'Permission.PermissionList' Data = ($Permission.Values | ConvertTo-Xml).InnerXml PassThru = $Permission.Values } } else { switch ($GroupBy) { 'account' { ForEach ($Group in $PermissionGrouping) { [PSCustomObject]@{ PSTypeName = 'Permission.AccountPermissionList' Data = ($Permission[$Group.Account.ResolvedAccountName] | ConvertTo-Xml).InnerXml PassThru = $Permission[$Account.ResolvedAccountName] Grouping = $Account.ResolvedAccountName } } break } 'item' { ForEach ($Group in $PermissionGrouping) { [PSCustomObject]@{ PSTypeName = 'Permission.ItemPermissionList' Data = ($Permission[$Group.Item.Path] | ConvertTo-Xml).InnerXml PassThru = $Permission[$Group.Item.Path] Grouping = $Group.Item.Path } } break } 'target' { ForEach ($Group in $PermissionGrouping) { [PSCustomObject]@{ PSTypeName = 'Permission.TargetPermissionList' Data = ($Permission[$Group.Path] | ConvertTo-Xml).InnerXml PassThru = $Permission[$Group.Path] Grouping = $Group.Path } } break } } } break } } } function ConvertTo-ScriptHtml { param ( $Permission, $PermissionGrouping, [String]$GroupBy, [String]$Split ) $ScriptHtmlBuilder = [System.Text.StringBuilder]::new() ForEach ($Group in $Permission) { $null = $ScriptHtmlBuilder.AppendLine((ConvertTo-BootstrapTableScript -TableId "#$($Group.Table)" -ColumnJson $Group.Columns -DataJson $Group.Data)) } if ($GroupBy -ne 'none' -and $GroupBy -ne $Split) { $null = $ScriptHtmlBuilder.AppendLine((ConvertTo-BootstrapTableScript -TableId '#Folders' -ColumnJson $PermissionGrouping.Columns -DataJson $PermissionGrouping.Data)) } return $ScriptHtmlBuilder.ToString() } function Expand-AccountPermissionReference { param ( $Reference, $PrincipalsByResolvedID, $ACEsByGUID ) ForEach ($Account in $Reference) { $Access = ForEach ($PermissionRef in $Account.Access) { [PSCustomObject]@{ Path = $PermissionRef.Path PSTypeName = 'Permission.AccountPermissionItemAccess' # Enumerate the list because the returned dictionary value is a list Access = ForEach ($ACE in $ACEsByGUID[$PermissionRef.AceGUIDs]) { $ACE } } } [PSCustomObject]@{ Account = $PrincipalsByResolvedID[$Account.Account] AccountName = $Account.Account Access = $Access PSTypeName = 'Permission.AccountPermission' } } } function Expand-FlatPermissionReference { # Expand each Access Control Entry with the Security Principal for the resolved IdentityReference. param ( $SortedPath, $PrincipalsByResolvedID, $ACEsByGUID, $AceGUIDsByPath ) ForEach ($Item in $SortedPath) { $AceGUIDs = $AceGUIDsByPath[$Item] if (-not $AceGUIDs) { continue } ForEach ($ACE in $ACEsByGUID[$AceGUIDs]) { Merge-AceAndPrincipal -ACE $ACE -Principal $PrincipalsByResolvedID[$ACE.IdentityReferenceResolved] -PrincipalByResolvedID $PrincipalsByResolvedID } } } function Expand-ItemPermissionAccountAccessReference { param ( $Reference, [Hashtable]$PrincipalByResolvedID, [Hashtable]$AceByGUID ) ForEach ($PermissionRef in $Reference) { [PSCustomObject]@{ Account = $PrincipalByResolvedID[$PermissionRef.Account] AccountName = $PermissionRef.Account Access = ForEach ($GuidList in $PermissionRef.AceGUIDs) { ForEach ($Guid in $GuidList) { $AceByGUID[$Guid] } } PSTypeName = 'Permission.ItemPermissionAccountAccess' } } } function Expand-ItemPermissionReference { param ( $Reference, $PrincipalsByResolvedID, $ACEsByGUID, $ACLsByPath ) ForEach ($Item in $Reference) { [PSCustomObject]@{ Item = $ACLsByPath[$Item.Path] Access = Expand-ItemPermissionAccountAccessReference -Reference $Item.Access -AceByGUID $ACEsByGUID -PrincipalByResolvedID $PrincipalsByResolvedID PSTypeName = 'Permission.ItemPermission' } } } function Expand-TargetPermissionReference { # Expand each Access Control Entry with the Security Principal for the resolved IdentityReference. param ( $Reference, $PrincipalsByResolvedID, $ACEsByGUID, $ACLsByPath, [Hashtable]$AceGuidByPath, # How to group the permissions in the output stream and within each exported file [ValidateSet('account', 'item', 'none', 'target')] [String]$GroupBy = 'item' ) switch ($GroupBy) { 'account' { ForEach ($Target in $Reference) { $TargetProperties = @{ PSTypeName = 'Permission.TargetPermission' Path = $Target.Path } # Expand reference GUIDs into their associated Access Control Entries and Security Principals. $TargetProperties['NetworkPaths'] = ForEach ($NetworkPath in $Target.NetworkPaths) { [pscustomobject]@{ Item = $AclsByPath[$NetworkPath.Path] PSTypeName = 'Permission.ParentItemPermission' Accounts = Expand-AccountPermissionReference -Reference $NetworkPath.Accounts -ACEsByGUID $ACEsByGUID -PrincipalsByResolvedID $PrincipalsByResolvedID } } [pscustomobject]$TargetProperties } break } 'item' { ForEach ($Target in $Reference) { $TargetProperties = @{ Path = $Target.Path } # Expand reference GUIDs into their associated Access Control Entries and Security Principals. $TargetProperties['NetworkPaths'] = ForEach ($NetworkPath in $Target.NetworkPaths) { [pscustomobject]@{ Access = Expand-ItemPermissionAccountAccessReference -Reference $NetworkPath.Access -AceByGUID $ACEsByGUID -PrincipalByResolvedID $PrincipalsByResolvedID Item = $AclsByPath[$NetworkPath.Path] Items = ForEach ($TargetChild in $NetworkPath.Items) { $Access = Expand-ItemPermissionAccountAccessReference -Reference $TargetChild.Access -AceByGUID $ACEsByGUID -PrincipalByResolvedID $PrincipalsByResolvedID if ($Access) { [pscustomobject]@{ Access = $Access Item = $AclsByPath[$TargetChild.Path] PSTypeName = 'Permission.ChildItemPermission' } } } } } [pscustomobject]$TargetProperties } break } # 'none' and 'target' behave the same default { $ExpansionParameters = @{ AceGUIDsByPath = $AceGuidByPath ACEsByGUID = $ACEsByGUID PrincipalsByResolvedID = $PrincipalsByResolvedID } ForEach ($Target in $Reference) { $TargetProperties = @{ PSTypeName = 'Permission.TargetPermission' Path = $Target.Path } # Expand reference GUIDs into their associated Access Control Entries and Security Principals. $TargetProperties['NetworkPaths'] = ForEach ($NetworkPath in $Target.NetworkPaths) { [pscustomobject]@{ Access = Expand-FlatPermissionReference -SortedPath $SortedPaths @ExpansionParameters Item = $AclsByPath[$NetworkPath.Path] PSTypeName = 'Permission.FlatPermission' } } [pscustomobject]$TargetProperties } break } } } function Get-ColumnJson { # For the JSON that will be used by JavaScript to generate the table param ( $InputObject, [string[]]$PropNames, [Hashtable]$ColumnDefinition = @{ 'Inheritance' = @{ 'width' = '1' } } ) if (-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('PropNames')) { $PropNames = (@($InputObject)[0] | Get-Member -MemberType noteproperty).Name } $Columns = ForEach ($Prop in $PropNames) { $Props = $ColumnDefinition[$Prop] if ($Props) { $Props['field'] = $Prop -replace '\s', '' $Props['title'] = $Prop } else { $Props = @{ 'field' = $Prop -replace '\s', '' 'title' = $Prop } } [PSCustomObject]$Props } $Columns | ConvertTo-Json -Compress } function Get-DetailDivHeader { param ( [String]$GroupBy, [String]$Split ) if ( $GroupBy -eq $Split ) { 'Permissions' } else { switch ($GroupBy) { 'account' { 'Folders Included in Those Permissions'; break } 'item' { 'Accounts Included in Those Permissions'; break } 'target' { 'Target Paths'; break } 'none' { 'Permissions'; break } } } } function Get-FolderPermissionTableHeader { [OutputType([String])] param ( $Group, [String]$GroupID, [String]$ShortestFolderPath ) $Parent = $GroupID | Split-Path -Parent $Leaf = $Parent | Split-Path -Leaf -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if ($Leaf) { $ParentLeaf = $Leaf } else { $ParentLeaf = $Parent } if ('' -ne $ParentLeaf) { if ($Group.Item.AreAccessRulesProtected) { return "Inheritance is disabled on this folder. Accounts with access to the parent ($ParentLeaf) and its subfolders cannot access this folder unless they are listed here:" } else { if ($Group.Item.Path -eq $ShortestFolderPath) { return "Inherited permissions from the parent ($ParentLeaf) are included. This folder can only be accessed by the accounts listed here:" } else { return "Inheritance is enabled on this folder. Accounts with access to the parent ($ParentLeaf) and its subfolders can access this folder. So can the accounts listed here:" } } } else { return 'This is the top-level folder. It can only be accessed by the accounts listed here:' } } function Get-HtmlBody { param ( $NetworkPathDiv, $TableOfContents, $HtmlFolderPermissions, $ReportFooter, $HtmlFileList, $HtmlExclusions, $SummaryDivHeader, $DetailDivHeader ) $StringBuilder = [System.Text.StringBuilder]::new() $null = $StringBuilder.Append((New-HtmlHeading 'Network Paths' -Level 5)) $null = $StringBuilder.Append($NetworkPathDiv) if ($TableOfContents) { $null = $StringBuilder.Append((New-HtmlHeading $SummaryDivHeader -Level 5)) $null = $StringBuilder.Append($TableOfContents) } $null = $StringBuilder.Append((New-HtmlHeading $DetailDivHeader -Level 5)) ForEach ($Perm in $HtmlFolderPermissions) { $null = $StringBuilder.Append($Perm) } if ($HtmlExclusions) { $null = $StringBuilder.Append((New-HtmlHeading "Exclusions from This Report" -Level 5)) $null = $StringBuilder.Append($HtmlExclusions) } $null = $StringBuilder.Append((New-HtmlHeading "Files Generated" -Level 5)) $null = $StringBuilder.Append($HtmlFileList) $null = $StringBuilder.Append($ReportFooter) return $StringBuilder.ToString() } function Get-HtmlReportElements { # missing param ( # Regular expressions matching names of security principals to exclude from the HTML report [string[]]$ExcludeAccount, # Accounts whose objectClass property is in this list are excluded from the HTML report [string[]]$ExcludeClass = @('group', 'computer'), <# Domain(s) to ignore (they will be removed from the username) Intended when a user has matching SamAccountNames in multiple domains but you only want them to appear once on the report. Can also be used to remove all domains simply for brevity in the report. #> $IgnoreDomain, # Path to the NTFS folder whose permissions are being exported [string[]]$TargetPath, # Network Path to the NTFS folder whose permissions are being exported $NetworkPath, # Group members are not being exported (only the groups themselves) [switch]$NoMembers, # Path to the folder to save the logs and reports generated by this script $OutputDir, # NTAccount caption of the user running the script $WhoAmI, # FQDN of the computer running the script $ThisFqdn, # Timer to measure progress and performance $StopWatch, # Title at the top of the HTML report $Title, $Permission, $LogParams, $RecurseDepth, $LogFileList, $ReportInstanceId, [Hashtable]$AceByGUID, [Hashtable]$AclByPath, [Hashtable]$PrincipalByID, <# Level of detail to export to file 0 Item paths $TargetPath 1 Resolved item paths (server names resolved, DFS targets resolved) $Parents 2 Expanded resolved item paths (parent paths expanded into children) $AclByPath.Keys 3 Access rules $AclByPath.Values 4 Resolved access rules (server names resolved, inheritance flags resolved) $AceByGUID.Values | %{$_} | Sort Path,IdentityReferenceResolved 5 Accounts with access $PrincipalByID.Values | %{$_} | Sort ResolvedAccountName 6 Expanded resolved access rules (expanded with account info) $Permissions 7 Formatted permissions $FormattedPermissions 8 Best Practice issues $BestPracticeIssues 9 XML custom sensor output for Paessler PRTG Network Monitor $PrtgXml 10 Permission Report #> [int[]]$Detail = @(0..10), <# Information about the current culture settings. This includes information about the current language settings on the system, such as the keyboard layout, and the display format of items such as numbers, currency, and dates. #> [cultureinfo]$Culture = (Get-Culture), <# How to group the permissions in the output stream and within each exported file SplitBy GroupBy none none $FlatPermissions all in 1 file per $TargetPath none account $AccountPermissions all in 1 file per $TargetPath none item $ItemPermissions all in 1 file per $TargetPath (default behavior) item none 1 file per item in $ItemPermissions. In each file, $_.Access | sort account item account 1 file per item in $ItemPermissions. In each file, $_.Access | group account | sort name item item (same as -SplitBy item -GroupBy none) account none 1 file per item in $AccountPermissions. In each file, $_.Access | sort path account account (same as -SplitBy account -GroupBy none) account item 1 file per item in $AccountPermissions. In each file, $_.Access | group item | sort name #> [ValidateSet('account', 'item', 'none', 'target')] [String]$GroupBy = 'item', [String]$Split, [String]$FileName, # Unused. Here so that the @PSBoundParameters hashtable in Out-PermissionReport can be used as a splat for this function. $FormattedPermission, # Unused. Here so that the @PSBoundParameters hashtable in Out-PermissionReport can be used as a splat for this function. $BestPracticeIssue, # Unused. Here so that the @PSBoundParameters hashtable in Out-PermissionReport can be used as a splat for this function. [string[]]$Parent, # Unused. Here so that the @PSBoundParameters hashtable in Out-PermissionReport can be used as a splat for this function. [string[]]$FileFormat, # Unused. Here so that the @PSBoundParameters hashtable in Out-PermissionReport can be used as a splat for this function. [String]$OutputFormat ) Write-LogMsg @LogParams -Text "Get-ReportDescription -RecurseDepth $RecurseDepth" $ReportDescription = Get-ReportDescription -RecurseDepth $RecurseDepth $NetworkPathTable = Select-ItemTableProperty -InputObject $NetworkPath -Culture $Culture -SkipFilterCheck | ConvertTo-Html -Fragment | New-BootstrapTable $NetworkPathDivHeader = 'Local paths were resolved to UNC paths, and UNC paths were resolved to all DFS folder targets' Write-LogMsg @LogParams -Text "New-BootstrapDivWithHeading -HeadingText '$NetworkPathDivHeader' -Content `$NetworkPathTable" $NetworkPathDiv = New-BootstrapDivWithHeading -HeadingText $NetworkPathDivHeader -Content $NetworkPathTable -Class 'h-100 p-1 bg-light border rounded-3 table-responsive' -HeadingLevel 6 Write-LogMsg @LogParams -Text "Get-SummaryDivHeader -GroupBy $GroupBy" $SummaryDivHeader = Get-SummaryDivHeader -GroupBy $GroupBy -Split $Split Write-LogMsg @LogParams -Text "Get-SummaryTableHeader -RecurseDepth $RecurseDepth -GroupBy $GroupBy" $SummaryTableHeader = Get-SummaryTableHeader -RecurseDepth $RecurseDepth -GroupBy $GroupBy Write-LogMsg @LogParams -Text "Get-DetailDivHeader -GroupBy $GroupBy" $DetailDivHeader = Get-DetailDivHeader -GroupBy $GroupBy -Split $Split Write-LogMsg @LogParams -Text "New-HtmlHeading 'Target Paths' -Level 5" $TargetHeading = New-HtmlHeading 'Target Paths' -Level 5 # Convert the target path(s) to a Bootstrap alert div $TargetPathString = $TargetPath -join '<br />' Write-LogMsg @LogParams -Text "New-BootstrapAlert -Class Dark -Text '$TargetPathString'" $TargetAlert = New-BootstrapAlert -Class Dark -Text $TargetPathString -AdditionalClasses ' small' # Add the target path div to the parameter splat for New-BootstrapReport $ReportParameters = @{ Title = $Title Description = "$TargetHeading $TargetAlert $ReportDescription" } # Build the divs showing the exclusions specified in the report parameters $ExcludedNames = ConvertTo-NameExclusionDiv -ExcludeAccount $ExcludeAccount $ExcludedClasses = ConvertTo-ClassExclusionDiv -ExcludeClass $ExcludeClass $IgnoredDomains = ConvertTo-IgnoredDomainDiv -IgnoreDomain $IgnoreDomain $ExcludedMembers = ConvertTo-MemberExclusionDiv -NoMembers:$NoMembers # Arrange the exclusion divs into two Bootstrap columns Write-LogMsg @LogParams -Text "New-BootstrapColumn -Html '`$ExcludedMembers`$ExcludedClasses',`$IgnoredDomains`$ExcludedNames" $ExclusionsDiv = New-BootstrapColumn -Html "$ExcludedMembers$ExcludedClasses", "$IgnoredDomains$ExcludedNames" -Width 6 # Convert the list of generated log files to a Bootstrap list group $HtmlListOfLogs = $LogFileList | Split-Path -Leaf | # the output directory will already be shown in a Bootstrap alert above the list, so this row removes the path from the file names ConvertTo-HtmlList | ConvertTo-BootstrapListGroup # Prepare headings for 2 columns listing report and log files generated, respectively $HtmlReportsHeading = New-HtmlHeading -Text 'Reports' -Level 6 $HtmlLogsHeading = New-HtmlHeading -Text 'Logs' -Level 6 # Convert the output directory path to a Boostrap alert $HtmlOutputDir = New-BootstrapAlert -Text $OutputDir -Class 'secondary' -AdditionalClasses ' small' # Convert the list of detail levels and file formats to a hashtable of report files that will be generated $ReportFileList = ConvertTo-FileList -Detail $Detail -Format $Formats -FileName $FileName # Convert the hashtable of generated report files to a Bootstrap list group $HtmlReportsDiv = (ConvertTo-FileListDiv -FileList $ReportFileList) -join "`r`n" # Arrange the lists of generated files in two Bootstrap columns Write-LogMsg @LogParams -Text "New-BootstrapColumn -Html '`$HtmlReportsHeading`$HtmlReportsDiv',`$HtmlLogsHeading`$HtmlListOfLogs" $HtmlDivOfFileColumns = New-BootstrapColumn -Html "$HtmlReportsHeading$HtmlReportsDiv", "$HtmlLogsHeading$HtmlListOfLogs" -Width 6 # Combine the alert and the columns of generated files inside a Bootstrap div Write-LogMsg @LogParams -Text "New-BootstrapDivWithHeading -HeadingText 'Output Folder:' -Content '`$HtmlOutputDir`$HtmlDivOfFileColumns'" $HtmlDivOfFiles = New-BootstrapDivWithHeading -HeadingText "Output Folder:" -Content "$HtmlOutputDir$HtmlDivOfFileColumns" -HeadingLevel 6 # Generate a footer to include at the bottom of the report Write-LogMsg @LogParams -Text "Get-ReportFooter -StopWatch `$StopWatch -ReportInstanceId '$ReportInstanceId' -WhoAmI '$WhoAmI' -ThisFqdn '$ThisFqdn'" $FooterParams = @{ ItemCount = $AclByPath.Keys.Count PermissionCount = ( @( $Permission.AccountPermissions.Access.Access.Count, #SplitBy Account $Permission.ItemPermissions.Access.Access.Count, $Permission.TargetPermissions.NetworkPaths.Accounts.Access.Access.Count, # -SplitBy target -GroupBy account ($Permission.TargetPermissions.NetworkPaths.Items.Access.Access.Count + $Permission.TargetPermissions.NetworkPaths.Access.Access.Count), # -SplitBy target -GroupBy item $Permission.TargetPermissions.NetworkPaths.Access.Count, # -SplitBy target -GroupBy target/none $AceByGUID.Keys.Count ) | Measure-Object -Maximum ).Maximum PrincipalCount = $PrincipalByID.Keys.Count ReportInstanceId = $ReportInstanceId StopWatch = $StopWatch ThisFqdn = $ThisFqdn WhoAmI = $WhoAmI AceByGUID = $AceByGUID AclByPath = $AclByPath } $ReportFooter = Get-HtmlReportFooter @FooterParams [PSCustomObject]@{ ReportFooter = $ReportFooter HtmlDivOfFiles = $HtmlDivOfFiles ExclusionsDiv = $ExclusionsDiv ReportParameters = $ReportParameters DetailDivHeader = $DetailDivHeader SummaryTableHeader = $SummaryTableHeader SummaryDivHeader = $SummaryDivHeader NetworkPathDiv = $NetworkPathDiv } } function Get-HtmlReportFooter { param ( # Stopwatch that was started when report generation began [System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch]$StopWatch, # NT Account caption (CONTOSO\User) of the account running this function [String]$WhoAmI = (whoami.EXE), <# FQDN of the computer running this function Can be provided as a string to avoid calls to HOSTNAME.EXE and [System.Net.Dns]::GetHostByName() #> [String]$ThisFqdn = ([System.Net.Dns]::GetHostByName((HOSTNAME.EXE)).HostName), [uint64]$ItemCount, [uint64]$TotalBytes, [String]$ReportInstanceId, [UInt64]$PermissionCount, [UInt64]$PrincipalCount, [string[]]$UnitsToResolve = @('day', 'hour', 'minute', 'second'), [Hashtable]$AceByGUID, [Hashtable]$AclByPath ) $null = $StopWatch.Stop() $FinishTime = Get-Date $StartTime = $FinishTime.AddTicks(-$StopWatch.ElapsedTicks) $TimeZoneName = Get-TimeZoneName -Time $FinishTime $Duration = Format-TimeSpan -TimeSpan $StopWatch.Elapsed -UnitsToResolve $UnitsToResolve if ($TotalBytes) { $Size = " ($($TotalBytes / 1TB) TiB" } $Text = @" Report generated by $WhoAmI on $ThisFQDN starting at $StartTime and ending at $FinishTime $TimeZoneName<br /> Processed $($AceByGUID.Keys.Count) ACEs with $PermissionCount permissions for $PrincipalCount accounts on $ItemCount items$Size in $Duration<br /> Report instance: $ReportInstanceId "@ New-BootstrapAlert -Class Light -Text $Text -AdditionalClasses ' small' } <# $TagetPath.Count parent folders $ItemCount total folders including children $FolderPermissions folders with unique permissions $Permissions.Count access control entries on those folders $Identities.Count identities in those access control entries $FormattedSecurityPrincipals principals represented by those identities $UniqueAccountPermissions.Count unique accounts after filtering out any specified domain names $ExpandedAccountPermissions.Count effective permissions belonging to those principals and applying to those folders #> function Get-ReportDescription { param ( [int]$RecurseDepth ) switch ($RecurseDepth ) { 0 { 'Does not include permissions on subfolders (option was declined)'; break } -1 { 'Includes all subfolders with unique permissions (including ∞ levels of subfolders)'; break } default { "Includes all subfolders with unique permissions (down to $RecurseDepth levels of subfolders)"; break } } } function Get-SummaryDivHeader { param ( [String]$GroupBy, [String]$Split ) if ( $GroupBy -eq $Split ) { 'Permissions' } else { switch ($GroupBy) { 'account' { 'Accounts With Permissions'; break } 'item' { 'Items in Those Paths with Unique Permissions'; break } 'target' { 'Target Paths'; break } 'none' { 'Permissions'; break } } } } function Get-SummaryTableHeader { param ( [int]$RecurseDepth, [String]$GroupBy ) switch ($GroupBy) { 'account' { if ($NoMembers) { 'Includes accounts directly listed in the permissions only (option to include group members was declined)' } else { 'Includes accounts in the permissions, and their group members' } break } 'item' { switch ($RecurseDepth ) { 0 { 'Includes the target folder only (option to report on subfolders was declined)' break } -1 { 'Includes the target folder and all subfolders with unique permissions' break } default { "Includes the target folder and $RecurseDepth levels of subfolders with unique permissions" break } } break } 'target' { break } } } function Group-AccountPermissionReference { param ( [string[]]$ID, [Hashtable]$AceGuidByID, [Hashtable]$AceByGuid ) ForEach ($Identity in ($ID | Sort-Object)) { $ItemPaths = @{} ForEach ($Guid in $AceGuidByID[$Identity]) { Add-CacheItem -Cache $ItemPaths -Key $AceByGuid[$Guid].Path -Value $Guid -Type ([guid]) } [PSCustomObject]@{ Account = $Identity Access = ForEach ($Item in ($ItemPaths.Keys | Sort-Object)) { [PSCustomObject]@{ Path = $Item AceGUIDs = $ItemPaths[$Item] } } } } } function Group-ItemPermissionReference { param ( $SortedPath, $AceGUIDsByPath, $ACEsByGUID, $PrincipalsByResolvedID, [Hashtable]$Property = @{}##, ##[Hashtable]$IdByShortName = [Hashtable]::Synchronized(@{}), ##[Hashtable]$ShortNameByID = [Hashtable]::Synchronized(@{}) ) ForEach ($ItemPath in $SortedPath) { $Property['Path'] = $ItemPath $IDsWithAccess = Find-ResolvedIDsWithAccess -ItemPath $ItemPath -AceGUIDsByPath $AceGUIDsByPath -ACEsByGUID $ACEsByGUID -PrincipalsByResolvedID $PrincipalsByResolvedID ##$Property['Access'] = ForEach ($ShortName in ($ShortNameByID[$IDsWithAccess.Keys] | Sort-Object)) { $Property['Access'] = ForEach ($ID in ($IDsWithAccess.Keys | Sort-Object)) { [PSCustomObject]@{ ##Account = $ShortName ##AceGUIDs = $IDsWithAccess[$IdByShortName[$ShortName]] Account = $ID AceGUIDs = $IDsWithAccess[$ID] } } [PSCustomObject]$Property } } function Group-TargetPermissionReference { # Expand each Access Control Entry with the Security Principal for the resolved IdentityReference. param ( [Hashtable]$TargetPath, [Hashtable]$Children, $PrincipalsByResolvedID, $AceGUIDsByResolvedID, $ACEsByGUID, $AceGUIDsByPath, $ACLsByPath, # How to group the permissions in the output stream and within each exported file [ValidateSet('account', 'item', 'none', 'target')] [String]$GroupBy = 'item' ) $CommonParams = @{ AceGUIDsByPath = $AceGUIDsByPath ACEsByGUID = $ACEsByGUID PrincipalsByResolvedID = $PrincipalsByResolvedID } switch ($GroupBy) { 'account' { ForEach ($Target in ($TargetPath.Keys | Sort-Object)) { $TargetProperties = @{ Path = $Target } $NetworkPaths = $TargetPath[$Target] | Sort-Object $TargetProperties['NetworkPaths'] = ForEach ($NetworkPath in $NetworkPaths) { $ItemsForThisNetworkPath = [System.Collections.Generic.List[String]]::new() $ItemsForThisNetworkPath.Add($NetworkPath) $ItemsForThisNetworkPath.AddRange([string[]]$Children[$NetworkPath]) $IDsWithAccess = Find-ResolvedIDsWithAccess -ItemPath $ItemsForThisNetworkPath -AceGUIDsByPath $AceGUIDsByPath -ACEsByGUID $ACEsByGUID -PrincipalsByResolvedID $PrincipalsByResolvedID # Prepare a dictionary for quick lookup of ACE GUIDs for this target $AceGuidsForThisNetworkPath = @{} # Enumerate the collection of ACE GUIDs for this target ForEach ($Guid in $AceGUIDsByPath[$ItemsForThisNetworkPath]) { # Check for null (because we send a list into the dictionary for lookup, we receive a null result for paths that do not exist as a key in the dict) if ($Guid) { # The returned dictionary value is a lists of guids, so we need to enumerate the list ForEach ($ListItem in $Guid) { # Add each GUID to the dictionary for quick lookups $AceGuidsForThisNetworkPath[$ListItem] = $true } } } $AceGuidByIDForThisNetworkPath = @{} ForEach ($ID in $IDsWithAccess.Keys) { $GuidsForThisIDAndNetworkPath = [System.Collections.Generic.List[guid]]::new() ForEach ($Guid in $AceGUIDsByResolvedID[$ID]) { $AceContainsThisID = $AceGuidsForThisNetworkPath[$Guid] if ($AceContainsThisID) { $GuidsForThisIDAndNetworkPath.Add($Guid) } } $AceGuidByIDForThisNetworkPath[$ID] = $GuidsForThisIDAndNetworkPath } [PSCustomObject]@{ Path = $NetworkPath Accounts = Group-AccountPermissionReference -ID $IDsWithAccess.Keys -AceGuidByID $AceGuidByIDForThisNetworkPath -AceByGuid $ACEsByGUID } } [pscustomobject]$TargetProperties } break } 'item' { ForEach ($Target in ($TargetPath.Keys | Sort-Object)) { $TargetProperties = @{ Path = $Target } $NetworkPaths = $TargetPath[$Target] | Sort-Object $TargetProperties['NetworkPaths'] = ForEach ($NetworkPath in $NetworkPaths) { $TopLevelItemProperties = @{ 'Items' = Group-ItemPermissionReference -SortedPath ($Children[$NetworkPath] | Sort-Object) -ACLsByPath $ACLsByPath @CommonParams } Group-ItemPermissionReference -SortedPath $NetworkPath -Property $TopLevelItemProperties -ACLsByPath $ACLsByPath @CommonParams } [pscustomobject]$TargetProperties } break } # 'none' and 'target' behave the same default { ForEach ($Target in ($TargetPath.Keys | Sort-Object)) { $TargetProperties = @{ Path = $Target } $NetworkPaths = $TargetPath[$Target] | Sort-Object $TargetProperties['NetworkPaths'] = ForEach ($NetworkPath in $NetworkPaths) { $ItemsForThisNetworkPath = [System.Collections.Generic.List[String]]::new() $ItemsForThisNetworkPath.Add($NetworkPath) $ItemsForThisNetworkPath.AddRange([string[]]$Children[$NetworkPath]) [PSCustomObject]@{ Path = $NetworkPath Access = Expand-FlatPermissionReference -SortedPath $ItemsForThisNetworkPath @CommonParams } } [pscustomobject]$TargetProperties } break } } } function Memory { <# function SizeOfObj { param ([Type]$T, [Object]$thevalue, [System.Runtime.Serialization.ObjectIDGenerator]$gen) $type = $T [int]$returnval = 0 if ($type.IsValueType) { $nulltype = [Nullable]::GetUnderlyingType($type) $returnval = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SizeOf($nulltype ?? $type) } elseif ($null -eq $thevalue) { return 0 } elseif ($thevalue.GetType().Name -eq 'String') { $returnval = ([System.Text.Encoding]::Default).GetByteCount([String]$thevalue) } elseif ( $type.IsArray -and $type.GetElementType().IsValueType ) { $returnval = $thevalue.GetLength(0) * [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SizeOf($type.GetElementType()) } elseif ($thevalue.GetType.Name -eq 'Stream') { [System.IO.Stream]$stream = [System.IO.Stream]$thevalue $returnval = [int]($stream.Length) } elseif ($type.IsSerializable) { try { [System.IO.MemoryStream]$s = [System.IO.MemoryStream]::new() [System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.BinaryFormatter]$formatter = [System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.BinaryFormatter]::new() $formatter.Serialize($s, $thevalue) $returnval = [int]($s.Length) } catch { } } elseif ($type.IsClass) { $returnval += SizeOfClass -thevalue $thevalue -gen ($gen ?? [System.Runtime.Serialization.ObjectIDGenerator]::new()) } if ($returnval -eq 0) { try { $returnval = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SizeOf($thevalue) } catch { } } return $returnval } function SizeOf { param ($T, $value) SizeOfObj -T ($T.GetType()) -thevalue $value -gen $null } function SizeOfClass { param ( [Object]$thevalue, [System.Runtime.Serialization.ObjectIDGenerator]$gen ) [bool]$isfirstTime = $null $gen.GetId($thevalue, [ref]$isfirstTime) if (-not $isfirstTime) { return 0 } $fields = $thevalue.GetType().GetFields([System.Reflection.BindingFlags]::NonPublic -bor [System.Reflection.BindingFlags]::Instance) [int]$returnval = 0 for ($i = 0; $i -lt $fields.Length; $i++) { [Type]$t = $fields[$i].FieldType [Object]$v = $fields[$i].GetValue($thevalue) $returnval += 4 + (SizeOfObj -T $t -thevalue $v -gen $gen) } return $returnval } $Test = @{} $n = 1000000 $i = 0 while ($i -lt $n) { $Test[$i] = [pscustomobject]@{prop1 = 'blah'} $i++ } $Size = (SizeOf -t [Hashtable] -value $Test)/1KB "$Size KiB" #> } function Merge-AceAndPrincipal { param ( $Principal, $ACE, $PrincipalByResolvedID ) ForEach ($Member in $Principal.Members) { Merge-AceAndPrincipal -ACE $ACE -Principal $PrincipalByResolvedID[$Member] -PrincipalByResolvedID $PrincipalByResolvedID } $OutputProperties = @{ PSTypeName = 'Permission.FlatPermission' ItemPath = $ACE.Path AdsiPath = $Principal.Path AccountName = $Principal.ResolvedAccountName } ForEach ($Prop in ($ACE | Get-Member -View All -MemberType Property, NoteProperty).Name) { $OutputProperties[$Prop] = $ACE.$Prop } ForEach ($Prop in ($Principal | Get-Member -View All -MemberType Property, NoteProperty).Name) { $OutputProperties[$Prop] = $Principal.$Prop } return [pscustomobject]$OutputProperties } function Out-PermissionDetailReport { param ( [int[]]$Detail, [Hashtable]$ReportObject, [scriptblock[]]$DetailExport, [String]$Format, [String]$OutputDir, [cultureinfo]$Culture, [string[]]$DetailString, [String]$FileName, [String]$FormatToReturn = 'js', [int]$LevelToReturn = 10 ) switch ($Format) { 'csv' { $Suffix = '.csv' ; break } 'html' { $Suffix = "_$FileName.htm" ; break } 'js' { $Suffix = "_$Format`_$FileName.htm" ; break } 'json' { $Suffix = "_$FileName.json" ; break } 'prtgxml' { $Suffix = '.xml' ; break } 'xml' { $Suffix = '.xml' ; break } } ForEach ($Level in $Detail) { # Get shorter versions of the detail strings to use in file names $ShortDetail = $DetailString[$Level] -replace '\([^\)]*\)', '' # Convert the shorter strings to Title Case $TitleCaseDetail = $Culture.TextInfo.ToTitleCase($ShortDetail) # Remove spaces from the shorter strings $SpacelessDetail = $TitleCaseDetail -replace '\s', '' # Build the file path $ThisReportFile = "$OutputDir\$Level`_$SpacelessDetail$Suffix" # Generate the report $Report = $ReportObject[$Level] # Save the report $null = Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $DetailExport[$Level] -ArgumentList $Report, $ThisReportFile # Output the name of the report file to the Information stream Write-Information $ThisReportFile # Return the report file path of the highest level for the Interactive switch of Export-Permission if ($Level -eq $LevelToReturn -and $Format -eq $FormatToReturn) { $ThisReportFile } } } function Resolve-Ace { <# .SYNOPSIS Use ADSI to lookup info about IdentityReferences from Authorization Rule Collections that came from Discretionary Access Control Lists .DESCRIPTION Based on the IdentityReference proprety of each Access Control Entry: Resolve SID to NT account name and vise-versa Resolve well-known SIDs Resolve generic defaults like 'NT AUTHORITY' and 'BUILTIN' to the applicable computer or domain name Add these properties (IdentityReferenceSID,IdentityReferenceResolved) to the object and return it .INPUTS [System.Security.AccessControl.AuthorizationRuleCollection]$ACE .OUTPUTS [PSCustomObject] Original object plus IdentityReferenceSID,IdentityReferenceResolved, and AdsiProvider properties .EXAMPLE Get-Acl | Expand-Acl | Resolve-Ace Use Get-Acl from the Microsoft.PowerShell.Security module as the source of the access list This works in either Windows Powershell or in Powershell Get-Acl does not support long paths (>256 characters) That was why I originally used the .Net Framework method .EXAMPLE Get-FolderAce -LiteralPath C:\Test -IncludeInherited | Resolve-Ace .EXAMPLE [String]$FolderPath = 'C:\Test' [System.IO.DirectoryInfo]$DirectoryInfo = Get-Item -LiteralPath $FolderPath $Sections = [System.Security.AccessControl.AccessControlSections]::Access -bor [System.Security.AccessControl.AccessControlSections]::Owner $FileSecurity = [System.Security.AccessControl.FileSecurity]::new($DirectoryInfo,$Sections) $IncludeExplicitRules = $true $IncludeInheritedRules = $true $AccountType = [System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier] $FileSecurity.GetAccessRules($IncludeExplicitRules,$IncludeInheritedRules,$AccountType) | Resolve-Ace This uses .Net Core as the source of the access list It uses the GetAccessRules method on the [System.Security.AccessControl.FileSecurity] class The targetType parameter of the method is used to specify that the accounts in the ACL are returned as SIDs .EXAMPLE [String]$FolderPath = 'C:\Test' [System.IO.DirectoryInfo]$DirectoryInfo = Get-Item -LiteralPath $FolderPath $Sections = [System.Security.AccessControl.AccessControlSections]::Access -bor [System.Security.AccessControl.AccessControlSections]::Owner -bor [System.Security.AccessControl.AccessControlSections]::Group $DirectorySecurity = [System.Security.AccessControl.DirectorySecurity]::new($DirectoryInfo,$Sections) $IncludeExplicitRules = $true $IncludeInheritedRules = $true $AccountType = [System.Security.Principal.NTAccount] $FileSecurity.GetAccessRules($IncludeExplicitRules,$IncludeInheritedRules,$AccountType) | Resolve-Ace This uses .Net Core as the source of the access list It uses the GetAccessRules method on the [System.Security.AccessControl.FileSecurity] class The targetType parameter of the method is used to specify that the accounts in the ACL are returned as NT account names (DOMAIN\User) .EXAMPLE [String]$FolderPath = 'C:\Test' [System.IO.DirectoryInfo]$DirectoryInfo = Get-Item -LiteralPath $FolderPath [System.Security.AccessControl.DirectorySecurity]$DirectorySecurity = $DirectoryInfo.GetAccessControl('Access') [System.Security.AccessControl.AuthorizationRuleCollection]$AuthRules = $DirectorySecurity.Access $AuthRules | Resolve-Ace Use the .Net Framework (or legacy .Net Core up to 2.2) as the source of the access list Only works in Windows PowerShell Those versions of .Net had a GetAccessControl method on the [System.IO.DirectoryInfo] class This method is removed in modern versions of .Net Core .EXAMPLE [String]$FolderPath = 'C:\Test' [System.IO.DirectoryInfo]$DirectoryInfo = Get-Item -LiteralPath $FolderPath $Sections = [System.Security.AccessControl.AccessControlSections]::Access -bor [System.Security.AccessControl.AccessControlSections]::Owner $FileSecurity = [System.IO.FileSystemAclExtensions]::GetAccessControl($DirectoryInfo,$Sections) The [System.IO.FileSystemAclExtensions] class is a Windows-specific implementation It provides no known benefit over the cross-platform equivalent [System.Security.AccessControl.FileSecurity] .NOTES Dependencies: Get-DirectoryEntry Add-SidInfo Get-TrustedDomain Find-AdsiProvider if ($FolderPath.Length -gt 255) { $FolderPath = "\\?\$FolderPath" } #> [OutputType([void])] param ( # Authorization Rule Collection of Access Control Entries from Discretionary Access Control Lists [Parameter( ValueFromPipeline )] [object]$ACE, # Cache of access control lists keyed by path [Hashtable]$ACLsByPath = [Hashtable]::Synchronized(@{}), [Parameter( ValueFromPipeline )] [object]$ItemPath, # Cache of access control entries keyed by GUID generated in this function [Hashtable]$ACEsByGUID = ([Hashtable]::Synchronized(@{})), # Cache of access control entry GUIDs keyed by their resolved identities [Hashtable]$AceGUIDsByResolvedID = ([Hashtable]::Synchronized(@{})), # Cache of access control entry GUIDs keyed by their paths [Hashtable]$AceGUIDsByPath = ([Hashtable]::Synchronized(@{})), <# Dictionary to cache directory entries to avoid redundant lookups Defaults to an empty thread-safe hashtable #> [Hashtable]$DirectoryEntryCache = ([Hashtable]::Synchronized(@{})), # Hashtable with known domain NetBIOS names as keys and objects with Dns,NetBIOS,SID,DistinguishedName properties as values [Hashtable]$DomainsByNetbios = ([Hashtable]::Synchronized(@{})), # Hashtable with known domain SIDs as keys and objects with Dns,NetBIOS,SID,DistinguishedName properties as values [Hashtable]$DomainsBySid = ([Hashtable]::Synchronized(@{})), # Hashtable with known domain DNS names as keys and objects with Dns,NetBIOS,SID,DistinguishedName properties as values [Hashtable]$DomainsByFqdn = ([Hashtable]::Synchronized(@{})), <# Hostname of the computer running this function. Can be provided as a string to avoid calls to HOSTNAME.EXE #> [String]$ThisHostName = (HOSTNAME.EXE), <# FQDN of the computer running this function. Can be provided as a string to avoid calls to HOSTNAME.EXE and [System.Net.Dns]::GetHostByName() #> [String]$ThisFqdn = ([System.Net.Dns]::GetHostByName((HOSTNAME.EXE)).HostName), # Username to record in log messages (can be passed to Write-LogMsg as a parameter to avoid calling an external process) [String]$WhoAmI = (whoami.EXE), # Log messages which have not yet been written to disk [Hashtable]$LogBuffer = @{}, # Cache of CIM sessions and instances to reduce connections and queries [Hashtable]$CimCache = @{}, # Output stream to send the log messages to [ValidateSet('Silent', 'Quiet', 'Success', 'Debug', 'Verbose', 'Output', 'Host', 'Warning', 'Error', 'Information', $null)] [String]$DebugOutputStream = 'Debug', [string[]]$ACEPropertyName = (Get-Member -InputObject $ACE -MemberType Property, CodeProperty, ScriptProperty, NoteProperty).Name, # Will be set as the Source property of the output object. # Intended to reflect permissions resulting from Ownership rather than Discretionary Access Lists [String]$Source, # String translations indexed by value in the [System.Security.AccessControl.InheritanceFlags] enum # Parameter default value is on a single line as a workaround to a PlatyPS bug [string[]]$InheritanceFlagResolved = @('this folder but not subfolders', 'this folder and subfolders', 'this folder and files, but not subfolders', 'this folder, subfolders, and files') ) $Log = @{ ThisHostname = $ThisHostname Type = $DebugOutputStream Buffer = $LogBuffer WhoAmI = $WhoAmI } $LogSplat = @{ ThisHostname = $ThisHostname LogBuffer = $LogBuffer WhoAmI = $WhoAmI } $Cache1 = @{ DirectoryEntryCache = $DirectoryEntryCache DomainsByFqdn = $DomainsByFqdn } $Cache2 = @{ DomainsByNetBIOS = $DomainsByNetbios DomainsBySid = $DomainsBySid CimCache = $CimCache } Write-LogMsg @Log -Text "Resolve-IdentityReferenceDomainDNS -IdentityReference '$($ACE.IdentityReference)' -ItemPath '$ItemPath' -ThisFqdn '$ThisFqdn' @Cache2 @Log" $DomainDNS = Resolve-IdentityReferenceDomainDNS -IdentityReference $ACE.IdentityReference -ItemPath $ItemPath -ThisFqdn $ThisFqdn @Cache2 @Log Write-LogMsg @Log -Text "`$AdsiServer = Get-AdsiServer -Fqdn '$DomainDNS' -ThisFqdn '$ThisFqdn'" $AdsiServer = Get-AdsiServer -Fqdn $DomainDNS -ThisFqdn $ThisFqdn @GetAdsiServerParams @Cache1 @Cache2 @LogSplat Write-LogMsg @Log -Text "Resolve-IdentityReference -IdentityReference '$($ACE.IdentityReference)' -AdsiServer `$AdsiServer -ThisFqdn '$ThisFqdn' # ADSI server '$($AdsiServer.AdsiProvider)://$($AdsiServer.Dns)'" $ResolvedIdentityReference = Resolve-IdentityReference -IdentityReference $ACE.IdentityReference -AdsiServer $AdsiServer -ThisFqdn $ThisFqdn @Cache1 @Cache2 @LogSplat # TODO: add a param to offer DNS instead of or in addition to NetBIOS $ObjectProperties = @{ Access = "$($ACE.AccessControlType) $($ACE.FileSystemRights) $($InheritanceFlagResolved[$ACE.InheritanceFlags])" AdsiProvider = $AdsiServer.AdsiProvider AdsiServer = $AdsiServer.Dns IdentityReferenceSID = $ResolvedIdentityReference.SIDString IdentityReferenceResolved = $ResolvedIdentityReference.IdentityReferenceNetBios Path = $ItemPath SourceOfAccess = $Source PSTypeName = 'Permission.AccessControlEntry' } ForEach ($ThisProperty in $ACEPropertyName) { $ObjectProperties[$ThisProperty] = $ACE.$ThisProperty } $OutputObject = [PSCustomObject]$ObjectProperties $Guid = [guid]::NewGuid() Add-CacheItem -Cache $ACEsByGUID -Key $Guid -Value $OutputObject -Type ([object]) $Type = [guid] Add-CacheItem -Cache $AceGUIDsByResolvedID -Key $OutputObject.IdentityReferenceResolved -Value $Guid -Type $Type Add-CacheItem -Cache $AceGUIDsByPath -Key $OutputObject.Path -Value $Guid -Type $Type } function Resolve-Acl { <# .SYNOPSIS Use ADSI to lookup info about IdentityReferences from Authorization Rule Collections that came from Discretionary Access Control Lists .DESCRIPTION Based on the IdentityReference proprety of each Access Control Entry: Resolve SID to NT account name and vise-versa Resolve well-known SIDs Resolve generic defaults like 'NT AUTHORITY' and 'BUILTIN' to the applicable computer or domain name Add these properties (IdentityReferenceSID,IdentityReferenceName,IdentityReferenceResolved) to the object and return it .INPUTS [System.Security.AccessControl.AuthorizationRuleCollection]$ItemPath .OUTPUTS [PSCustomObject] Original object plus IdentityReferenceSID,IdentityReferenceName,IdentityReferenceResolved, and AdsiProvider properties .EXAMPLE Get-Acl | Expand-Acl | Resolve-Ace Use Get-Acl from the Microsoft.PowerShell.Security module as the source of the access list This works in either Windows Powershell or in Powershell Get-Acl does not support long paths (>256 characters) That was why I originally used the .Net Framework method .EXAMPLE Get-FolderAce -LiteralPath C:\Test -IncludeInherited | Resolve-Ace .EXAMPLE [String]$FolderPath = 'C:\Test' [System.IO.DirectoryInfo]$DirectoryInfo = Get-Item -LiteralPath $FolderPath $Sections = [System.Security.AccessControl.AccessControlSections]::Access -bor [System.Security.AccessControl.AccessControlSections]::Owner $FileSecurity = [System.Security.AccessControl.FileSecurity]::new($DirectoryInfo,$Sections) $IncludeExplicitRules = $true $IncludeInheritedRules = $true $AccountType = [System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier] $FileSecurity.GetAccessRules($IncludeExplicitRules,$IncludeInheritedRules,$AccountType) | Resolve-Ace This uses .Net Core as the source of the access list It uses the GetAccessRules method on the [System.Security.AccessControl.FileSecurity] class The targetType parameter of the method is used to specify that the accounts in the ACL are returned as SIDs .EXAMPLE [String]$FolderPath = 'C:\Test' [System.IO.DirectoryInfo]$DirectoryInfo = Get-Item -LiteralPath $FolderPath $Sections = [System.Security.AccessControl.AccessControlSections]::Access -bor [System.Security.AccessControl.AccessControlSections]::Owner -bor [System.Security.AccessControl.AccessControlSections]::Group $DirectorySecurity = [System.Security.AccessControl.DirectorySecurity]::new($DirectoryInfo,$Sections) $IncludeExplicitRules = $true $IncludeInheritedRules = $true $AccountType = [System.Security.Principal.NTAccount] $FileSecurity.GetAccessRules($IncludeExplicitRules,$IncludeInheritedRules,$AccountType) | Resolve-Ace This uses .Net Core as the source of the access list It uses the GetAccessRules method on the [System.Security.AccessControl.FileSecurity] class The targetType parameter of the method is used to specify that the accounts in the ACL are returned as NT account names (DOMAIN\User) .EXAMPLE [String]$FolderPath = 'C:\Test' [System.IO.DirectoryInfo]$DirectoryInfo = Get-Item -LiteralPath $FolderPath [System.Security.AccessControl.DirectorySecurity]$DirectorySecurity = $DirectoryInfo.GetAccessControl('Access') [System.Security.AccessControl.AuthorizationRuleCollection]$AuthRules = $DirectorySecurity.Access $AuthRules | Resolve-Ace Use the .Net Framework (or legacy .Net Core up to 2.2) as the source of the access list Only works in Windows PowerShell Those versions of .Net had a GetAccessControl method on the [System.IO.DirectoryInfo] class This method is removed in modern versions of .Net Core .EXAMPLE [String]$FolderPath = 'C:\Test' [System.IO.DirectoryInfo]$DirectoryInfo = Get-Item -LiteralPath $FolderPath $Sections = [System.Security.AccessControl.AccessControlSections]::Access -bor [System.Security.AccessControl.AccessControlSections]::Owner $FileSecurity = [System.IO.FileSystemAclExtensions]::GetAccessControl($DirectoryInfo,$Sections) The [System.IO.FileSystemAclExtensions] class is a Windows-specific implementation It provides no known benefit over the cross-platform equivalent [System.Security.AccessControl.FileSecurity] .NOTES Dependencies: Get-DirectoryEntry Add-SidInfo Get-TrustedDomain Find-AdsiProvider if ($FolderPath.Length -gt 255) { $FolderPath = "\\?\$FolderPath" } #> [OutputType([PSCustomObject])] param ( # Authorization Rule Collection of Access Control Entries from Discretionary Access Control Lists [Parameter( ValueFromPipeline )] [object]$ItemPath, # Cache of access control lists keyed by path [Hashtable]$ACLsByPath = [Hashtable]::Synchronized(@{}), # Cache of access control entries keyed by GUID generated in this function [Hashtable]$ACEsByGUID = ([Hashtable]::Synchronized(@{})), # Cache of access control entry GUIDs keyed by their resolved identities [Hashtable]$AceGUIDsByResolvedID = ([Hashtable]::Synchronized(@{})), # Cache of access control entry GUIDs keyed by their paths [Hashtable]$AceGUIDsByPath = ([Hashtable]::Synchronized(@{})), <# Dictionary to cache directory entries to avoid redundant lookups Defaults to an empty thread-safe hashtable #> [Hashtable]$DirectoryEntryCache = ([Hashtable]::Synchronized(@{})), # Hashtable with known domain NetBIOS names as keys and objects with Dns,NetBIOS,SID,DistinguishedName properties as values [Hashtable]$DomainsByNetbios = ([Hashtable]::Synchronized(@{})), # Hashtable with known domain SIDs as keys and objects with Dns,NetBIOS,SID,DistinguishedName properties as values [Hashtable]$DomainsBySid = ([Hashtable]::Synchronized(@{})), # Hashtable with known domain DNS names as keys and objects with Dns,NetBIOS,SID,DistinguishedName properties as values [Hashtable]$DomainsByFqdn = ([Hashtable]::Synchronized(@{})), <# Hostname of the computer running this function. Can be provided as a string to avoid calls to HOSTNAME.EXE #> [String]$ThisHostName = (HOSTNAME.EXE), <# FQDN of the computer running this function. Can be provided as a string to avoid calls to HOSTNAME.EXE and [System.Net.Dns]::GetHostByName() #> [String]$ThisFqdn = ([System.Net.Dns]::GetHostByName((HOSTNAME.EXE)).HostName), # Username to record in log messages (can be passed to Write-LogMsg as a parameter to avoid calling an external process) [String]$WhoAmI = (whoami.EXE), # Log messages which have not yet been written to disk [Hashtable]$LogBuffer = ([Hashtable]::Synchronized(@{})), # Cache of CIM sessions and instances to reduce connections and queries [Hashtable]$CimCache = ([Hashtable]::Synchronized(@{})), # Output stream to send the log messages to [ValidateSet('Silent', 'Quiet', 'Success', 'Debug', 'Verbose', 'Output', 'Host', 'Warning', 'Error', 'Information', $null)] [String]$DebugOutputStream = 'Debug', [string[]]$ACEPropertyName = (Get-Member -InputObject $ItemPath -MemberType Property, CodeProperty, ScriptProperty, NoteProperty).Name, # String translations indexed by value in the [System.Security.AccessControl.InheritanceFlags] enum # Parameter default value is on a single line as a workaround to a PlatyPS bug [string[]]$InheritanceFlagResolved = @('this folder but not subfolders', 'this folder and subfolders', 'this folder and files, but not subfolders', 'this folder, subfolders, and files') ) $Log = @{ ThisHostname = $ThisHostname Type = $DebugOutputStream Buffer = $LogBuffer WhoAmI = $WhoAmI } $ACL = $ACLsByPath[$ItemPath] if ($ACL.Owner.IdentityReference) { Write-LogMsg @Log -Text "Resolve-Ace -ACE $($ACL.Owner) -ACEPropertyName @('$($ACEPropertyName -join "','")') @PSBoundParameters" Resolve-Ace -ACE $ACL.Owner -Source 'Ownership' @PSBoundParameters } ForEach ($ACE in $ACL.Access) { Write-LogMsg @Log -Text "Resolve-Ace -ACE $ACE -ACEPropertyName @('$($ACEPropertyName -join "','")') @PSBoundParameters" Resolve-Ace -ACE $ACE -Source 'Discretionary ACL' @PSBoundParameters } } function Resolve-FormatParameter { param ( # File formats to export [ValidateSet('csv', 'html', 'js', 'json', 'prtgxml', 'xml')] [string[]]$FileFormat = @('csv', 'html', 'js', 'json', 'prtgxml', 'xml'), # Type of output returned to the output stream [ValidateSet('passthru', 'none', 'csv', 'html', 'js', 'json', 'prtgxml', 'xml')] [String]$OutputFormat = 'passthru' ) $AllFormats = @{} ForEach ($Format in $FileFormat) { $AllFormats[$Format] = $null } if ($OutputFormat -ne 'passthru' -and $OutputFormat -ne 'none') { $AllFormats[$OutputFormat] = $null } # Sort the results in descending order to ensure json comes before js. # This is because the js report uses the json formatted data # So, in Format-Permission, the objects in the output hashtable are formatted with json properties rather than js properties even for the js report format # However, ConvertTo-PermissionGroup/List are exclusive to js but not json reports so they output nothing for json # Having json run first means that the "nothing" results will then be overwritten by the valid json results $Sorted = [string[]]$AllFormats.Keys | Sort-Object -Descending return $Sorted } function Resolve-GroupByParameter { param ( # How to group the permissions in the output stream and within each exported file [ValidateSet('account', 'item', 'none', 'target')] [String]$GroupBy = 'item', [Hashtable]$HowToSplit ) if ( $GroupBy -eq 'none' -or $HowToSplit[$GroupBy] ) { return @{ Property = 'Access' Script = [scriptblock]::create("Select-PermissionTableProperty -InputObject `$args[0] -ShortNameById `$args[2] -IncludeFilterContents `$args[3] -ExcludeClassFilterContents `$args[4]") } } else { return @{ Property = "$GroupBy`s" Script = [scriptblock]::create("Select-$GroupBy`TableProperty -InputObject `$args[0] -Culture `$args[1] -ShortNameById `$args[2]") } } } function Resolve-IdentityReferenceDomainDNS { param ( [String]$IdentityReference, [object]$ItemPath, # Hashtable with known domain NetBIOS names as keys and objects with Dns,NetBIOS,SID,DistinguishedName properties as values [Hashtable]$DomainsByNetbios = ([Hashtable]::Synchronized(@{})), # Hashtable with known domain SIDs as keys and objects with Dns,NetBIOS,SID,DistinguishedName properties as values [Hashtable]$DomainsBySid = ([Hashtable]::Synchronized(@{})), <# Hostname of the computer running this function. Can be provided as a string to avoid calls to HOSTNAME.EXE #> [String]$ThisHostName = (HOSTNAME.EXE), <# FQDN of the computer running this function. Can be provided as a string to avoid calls to HOSTNAME.EXE and [System.Net.Dns]::GetHostByName() #> [String]$ThisFqdn = ([System.Net.Dns]::GetHostByName((HOSTNAME.EXE)).HostName), # Username to record in log messages (can be passed to Write-LogMsg as a parameter to avoid calling an external process) [String]$WhoAmI = (whoami.EXE), # Log messages which have not yet been written to disk [Hashtable]$LogBuffer = @{}, # Cache of CIM sessions and instances to reduce connections and queries [Hashtable]$CimCache = @{} ) $Log = @{ ThisHostname = $ThisHostname Type = $DebugOutputStream Buffer = $LogBuffer WhoAmI = $WhoAmI } if ($IdentityReference.Substring(0, 4) -eq 'S-1-') { # IdentityReference is a SID (Revision 1) $IndexOfLastHyphen = $IdentityReference.LastIndexOf("-") $DomainSid = $IdentityReference.Substring(0, $IndexOfLastHyphen) if ($DomainSid) { $DomainCacheResult = $DomainsBySID[$DomainSid] if ($DomainCacheResult) { Write-LogMsg @Log -Text " # Domain SID cache hit for '$DomainSid' for '$IdentityReference'" $DomainDNS = $DomainCacheResult.Dns } else { Write-LogMsg @Log -Text " # Domain SID cache miss for '$DomainSid' for '$IdentityReference'" } } } else { $DomainNetBIOS = ($IdentityReference.Split('\'))[0] $KnownLocalDomains = @{ 'NT SERVICE' = $true 'BUILTIN' = $true 'NT AUTHORITY' = $true } if (-not $KnownLocalDomains[$DomainNetBIOS]) { if ($DomainNetBIOS) { $DomainDNS = $DomainsByNetbios[$DomainNetBIOS].Dns #Doesn't work for BUILTIN, etc. } if (-not $DomainDNS) { $ThisServerDn = ConvertTo-DistinguishedName -Domain $DomainNetBIOS -DomainsByNetbios $DomainsByNetbios @LoggingParams $DomainDNS = ConvertTo-Fqdn -DistinguishedName $ThisServerDn -ThisFqdn $ThisFqdn -CimCache $CimCache @LoggingParams } } } if (-not $DomainDNS) { # TODO - Bug: I think this will report incorrectly for a remote domain not in the cache (trust broken or something) Write-LogMsg @Log -Text "Find-ServerNameInPath -LiteralPath '$ItemPath' -ThisFqdn '$ThisFqdn'" $DomainDNS = Find-ServerNameInPath -LiteralPath $ItemPath -ThisFqdn $ThisFqdn } return $DomainDNS } function Resolve-SplitByParameter { param ( <# How to split up the exported files: none generate a single file with all permissions target generate a file per target item generate a file per item account generate a file per account all generate 1 file per target and 1 file per item and 1 file per account and 1 file with all permissions. #> [ValidateSet('none', 'all', 'target', 'item', 'account')] [string[]]$SplitBy = 'all' ) $result = @{} foreach ($Split in $SplitBy) { if ($Split -eq 'none') { return @{'none' = $true } } elseif ($Split -eq 'all') { return @{ 'target' = $true 'none' = $true 'item' = $true 'account' = $true } } else { $result[$Split] = $true } } return $result } function Select-AccountTableProperty { # For the HTML table param ( $InputObject, [cultureinfo]$Culture = (Get-Culture), #Unused but exists here for parameter consistency with Select-AccountTableProperty [Hashtable]$ShortNameByID = [Hashtable]::Synchronized(@{}) ) ForEach ($Object in $InputObject) { $AccountName = $ShortNameByID[$Object.Account.ResolvedAccountName] if ($AccountName) { #$GroupString = $ShortNameByID[$Object.Access.Access.IdentityReferenceResolved] #if ($GroupString) { # This appears to be what determines the order of columns in the html report [PSCustomObject]@{ Account = $AccountName Name = $Object.Account.Name DisplayName = $Object.Account.DisplayName Description = $Object.Account.Description Department = $Object.Account.Department Title = $Object.Account.Title } #} } } } function Select-ItemTableProperty { # For the HTML table param ( $InputObject, [cultureinfo]$Culture = (Get-Culture), [Hashtable]$ShortNameByID = [Hashtable]::Synchronized(@{}), #Unused but exists here for parameter consistency with Select-AccountTableProperty and Select-PermissionTableProperty [switch]$SkipFilterCheck ) ForEach ($Object in $InputObject) { if (-not $SkipFilterCheck) { $AccountNames = $ShortNameByID[$Object.Access.Account.ResolvedAccountName] if (-not $AccountNames) { continue } $GroupString = $ShortNameByID[$Object.Access.Access.IdentityReferenceResolved] if (-not $GroupString) { continue } } [PSCustomObject]@{ Folder = $Object.Item.Path Inheritance = $Culture.TextInfo.ToTitleCase(-not $Object.Item.AreAccessRulesProtected) } } } function Select-PermissionTableProperty { # For the HTML table param ( $InputObject, [String]$GroupBy, # Dictionary of shortened account IDs keyed by full resolved account IDs # Populated by Select-PermissionPrincipal [Hashtable]$ShortNameByID = @{}, [Hashtable]$OutputHash = @{}, [Hashtable]$ExcludeClassFilterContents = @{}, [Hashtable]$IncludeFilterContents = @{} ) $Type = [PSCustomObject] $IncludeFilterCount = $IncludeFilterContents.Keys.Count switch ($GroupBy) { 'account' { ForEach ($Object in $InputObject) { # Determine whether the account should be included according to inclusion/exclusion parameters $AccountName = $ShortNameByID[$Object.Account.ResolvedAccountName] if ($AccountName) { ForEach ($AceList in $Object.Access) { ForEach ($ACE in $AceList.Access) { if ($ACE.IdentityReferenceResolved -eq $Object.Account.ResolvedAccountName) { # In this case the ACE's account is directly referenced in the DACL; it is merely a member of a group from the DACL $GroupString = '' } else { # In this case the ACE contains the original IdentityReference representing the group the virtual ACE's account is a member of $GroupString = $ShortNameByID[$ACE.IdentityReferenceResolved] if ( -not $GroupString ) { if ( $ExcludeClassFilterContents[$ACE.IdentityReferenceResolved] -or ( $IncludeFilterCount -gt 0 -and -not $IncludeFilterContents[$Object.Account.ResolvedAccountName] ) ) { $GroupString = $ACE.IdentityReferenceResolved #TODO - Apply IgnoreDomain here. Put that .Replace logic into a function. } } } # Use '$null -ne' to avoid treating an empty string '' as $null if ($null -ne $GroupString) { $Value = [pscustomobject]@{ 'Path' = $ACE.Path 'Access' = $ACE.Access 'Due to Membership In' = $GroupString 'Source of Access' = $ACE.SourceOfAccess } Add-CacheItem -Cache $OutputHash -Key $AccountName -Value $Value -Type $Type } } } } } break } 'item' { ForEach ($Object in $InputObject) { $Accounts = @{} # Apply the -IgnoreDomain parameter ForEach ($AceList in $Object.Access) { $AccountName = $ShortNameByID[$AceList.Account.ResolvedAccountName] if ($AccountName) { ForEach ($ACE in $AceList.Access) { Add-CacheItem -Cache $Accounts -Key $AccountName -Value $ACE -Type $Type } } } $OutputHash[$Object.Item.Path] = ForEach ($AccountName in $Accounts.Keys) { ForEach ($AceList in $Accounts[$AccountName]) { ForEach ($ACE in $AceList) { if ($ACE.IdentityReferenceResolved -eq $AccountName) { # In this case the ACE's account is directly referenced in the DACL; it is merely a member of a group from the DACL $GroupString = '' } else { # Exclude the ACEs whose account names match the regular expressions specified in the -ExcludeAccount parameter # Include the ACEs whose account names match the regular expressions specified in the -IncludeAccount parameter # Exclude the ACEs whose account classes were included in the -ExcludeClass parameter # Each ACE contains the original IdentityReference representing the group the Object is a member of $GroupString = $ShortNameByID[$ACE.IdentityReferenceResolved] if ( -not $GroupString ) { if ( $ExcludeClassFilterContents[$ACE.IdentityReferenceResolved] -or ( $IncludeFilterCount -gt 0 -and -not $IncludeFilterContents[$AccountName] ) ) { $GroupString = $ACE.IdentityReferenceResolved #TODO - Apply IgnoreDomain here. Put that .Replace logic into a function. } } } # Exclude the virtual ACEs for members of groups whose group names match the regular expressions specified in the -ExcludeAccount parameter # Include the virtual ACEs for members of groups whose group names match the regular expressions specified in the -IncludeAccount parameter # Exclude the virtual ACEs for members of groups whose group classes were included in the -ExcludeClass parameter # Use '$null -ne' to avoid treating an empty string '' as $null if ($null -ne $GroupString) { [pscustomobject]@{ 'Account' = $AccountName 'Access' = $ACE.Access #($ACE.Access.Access | Sort-Object -Unique) -join ' ; ' 'Due to Membership In' = $GroupString 'Source of Access' = $ACE.SourceOfAccess #($ACE.Access.SourceOfAccess | Sort-Object -Unique) -join ' ; ' 'Name' = $AceList.Account.Name 'Department' = $AceList.Account.Department 'Title' = $AceList.Account.Title } } } } } } break } # 'none' and 'target' behave the same default { $i = 0 ForEach ($Object in $InputObject) { $OutputHash[$i] = ForEach ($ACE in $Object) { $AccountName = $ShortNameByID[$ACE.ResolvedAccountName] # Exclude the ACEs whose account names match the regular expressions specified in the -ExcludeAccount parameter # Include the ACEs whose account names match the regular expressions specified in the -IncludeAccount parameter # Exclude the ACEs whose account classes were included in the -ExcludeClass parameter if ($AccountName) { if ($ACE.IdentityReferenceResolved -eq $ACE.ResolvedAccountName) { $GroupString = '' } else { # Each ACE contains the original IdentityReference representing the group the Object is a member of $GroupString = $ShortNameByID[$ACE.IdentityReferenceResolved] if ( -not $GroupString ) { if ( $ExcludeClassFilterContents[$ACE.IdentityReferenceResolved] -or ( $IncludeFilterCount -gt 0 -and -not $IncludeFilterContents[$ACE.ResolvedAccountName] ) ) { $GroupString = $ACE.IdentityReferenceResolved #TODO - Apply IgnoreDomain here. Put that .Replace logic into a function. } } } # Exclude the virtual ACEs for members of groups whose group names match the regular expressions specified in the -ExcludeAccount parameter # Include the virtual ACEs for members of groups whose group names match the regular expressions specified in the -IncludeAccount parameter # Exclude the virtual ACEs for members of groups whose group classes were included in the -ExcludeClass parameter # Use '$null -ne' to avoid treating an empty string '' as $null if ($null -ne $GroupString) { [pscustomobject]@{ 'Item' = $Object.ItemPath 'Account' = $AccountName 'Access' = $ACE.Access 'Due to Membership In' = $GroupString 'Source of Access' = $ACE.SourceOfAccess 'Name' = $ACE.Name 'Department' = $ACE.Department 'Title' = $ACE.Title } } } } $i = $i + 1 } break } } return $OutputHash } function Add-CacheItem { # Use a key to get a generic list from a hashtable # If it does not exist, create an empty list # Add the new item param ( [Hashtable]$Cache, $Key, $Value, [type]$Type ) $CacheResult = $Cache[$Key] if ($CacheResult) { $List = $CacheResult } else { $Command = "`$List = [System.Collections.Generic.List[$($Type.ToString())]]::new()" Invoke-Expression $Command } $List.Add($Value) $Cache[$Key] = $List } function ConvertTo-ItemBlock { param ( $ItemPermissions ) $Culture = Get-Culture Write-LogMsg @LogParams -Text "`$ObjectsForTable = Select-ItemTableProperty -InputObject `$ItemPermissions -Culture '$Culture'" $ObjectsForTable = Select-ItemTableProperty -InputObject $ItemPermissions -Culture $Culture Write-LogMsg @LogParams -Text "`$ObjectsForTable | ConvertTo-Html -Fragment | New-BootstrapTable" $HtmlTable = $ObjectsForTable | ConvertTo-Html -Fragment | New-BootstrapTable $JsonData = $ObjectsForTable | ConvertTo-Json -Compress Write-LogMsg @LogParams -Text "Get-ColumnJson -InputObject `$ObjectsForTable" $JsonColumns = Get-ColumnJson -InputObject $ObjectsForTable Write-LogMsg @LogParams -Text "ConvertTo-BootstrapJavaScriptTable -Id 'Folders' -InputObject `$ObjectsForTable -DataFilterControl -SearchableColumn 'Folder' -DropdownColumn 'Inheritance'" $JsonTable = ConvertTo-BootstrapJavaScriptTable -Id 'Folders' -InputObject $ObjectsForTable -DataFilterControl -SearchableColumn 'Folder' -DropdownColumn 'Inheritance' return [pscustomobject]@{ HtmlDiv = $HtmlTable JsonDiv = $JsonTable JsonData = $JsonData JsonColumns = $JsonColumns } } function Expand-Permission { # TODO: If SplitBy account or item, each file needs to include inherited permissions (with default $SplitBy = 'none', the parent folder's inherited permissions are already included) param ( $SplitBy, $GroupBy, $AceGuidByPath, $AceGUIDsByResolvedID, $ACEsByGUID, $PrincipalsByResolvedID, $ACLsByPath, [Hashtable]$TargetPath, [Hashtable]$Children, <# Hostname of the computer running this function. Can be provided as a string to avoid calls to HOSTNAME.EXE #> [String]$ThisHostName = (HOSTNAME.EXE), # Username to record in log messages (can be passed to Write-LogMsg as a parameter to avoid calling an external process) [String]$WhoAmI = (whoami.EXE), # Log messages which have not yet been written to disk [Hashtable]$LogBuffer = @{}, # Output stream to send the log messages to [ValidateSet('Silent', 'Quiet', 'Success', 'Debug', 'Verbose', 'Output', 'Host', 'Warning', 'Error', 'Information', $null)] [String]$DebugOutputStream = 'Debug', # ID of the parent progress bar under which to show progres [int]$ProgressParentId ) $Progress = @{ Activity = 'Expand-Permission' } if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('ProgressParentId')) { $Progress['ParentId'] = $ProgressParentId $Progress['Id'] = $ProgressParentId + 1 } else { $Progress['Id'] = 0 } Write-Progress @Progress -Status "0% : Group permission references, then expand them into objects" -CurrentOperation 'Resolve-SplitByParameter' -PercentComplete 0 $Log = @{ Buffer = $LogBuffer ThisHostname = $ThisHostname Type = $DebugOutputStream WhoAmI = $WhoAmI } Write-LogMsg @Log -Text "Resolve-SplitByParameter -SplitBy $SplitBy" $HowToSplit = Resolve-SplitByParameter -SplitBy $SplitBy Write-LogMsg @Log -Text "`$SortedPaths = `$AceGuidByPath.Keys | Sort-Object" $SortedPaths = $AceGuidByPath.Keys | Sort-Object $CommonParams = @{ ACEsByGUID = $ACEsByGUID PrincipalsByResolvedID = $PrincipalsByResolvedID } if ( $HowToSplit['account'] ) { # Group reference GUIDs by the name of their associated account. Write-LogMsg @Log -Text '$AccountPermissionReferences = Group-AccountPermissionReference -ID $PrincipalsByResolvedID.Keys -AceGuidByID $AceGUIDsByResolvedID -AceByGuid $ACEsByGUID' $AccountPermissionReferences = Group-AccountPermissionReference -ID $PrincipalsByResolvedID.Keys -AceGuidByID $AceGUIDsByResolvedID -AceByGuid $ACEsByGUID # Expand reference GUIDs into their associated Access Control Entries and Security Principals. Write-LogMsg @Log -Text '$AccountPermissions = Expand-AccountPermissionReference -Reference $AccountPermissionReferences @CommonParams' $AccountPermissions = Expand-AccountPermissionReference -Reference $AccountPermissionReferences @CommonParams } if ( $HowToSplit['item'] ) { # Group reference GUIDs by the path to their associated item. Write-LogMsg @Log -Text '$ItemPermissionReferences = Group-ItemPermissionReference @CommonParams -SortedPath $SortedPaths -AceGUIDsByPath $AceGuidByPath -ACLsByPath $ACLsByPath' $ItemPermissionReferences = Group-ItemPermissionReference -SortedPath $SortedPaths -AceGUIDsByPath $AceGuidByPath -ACLsByPath $ACLsByPath @CommonParams # Expand reference GUIDs into their associated Access Control Entries and Security Principals. Write-LogMsg @Log -Text '$ItemPermissions = Expand-ItemPermissionReference -Reference $ItemPermissionReferences -ACLsByPath $ACLsByPath @CommonParams' $ItemPermissions = Expand-ItemPermissionReference -Reference $ItemPermissionReferences -ACLsByPath $ACLsByPath @CommonParams } if ( $HowToSplit['none'] ) { # Expand each Access Control Entry with the Security Principal for the resolved IdentityReference. Write-LogMsg @Log -Text '$FlatPermissions = Expand-FlatPermissionReference -SortedPath $SortedPaths -AceGUIDsByPath $AceGuidByPath @CommonParams' $FlatPermissions = Expand-FlatPermissionReference -SortedPath $SortedPaths -AceGUIDsByPath $AceGuidByPath @CommonParams } if ( $HowToSplit['target'] ) { # Group reference GUIDs by their associated TargetPath. Write-LogMsg @Log -Text '$TargetPermissionReferences = Group-TargetPermissionReference -TargetPath $TargetPath -Children $Children -AceGUIDsByPath $AceGuidByPath -ACLsByPath $ACLsByPath -GroupBy $GroupBy -AceGUIDsByResolvedID $AceGUIDsByResolvedID @CommonParams' $TargetPermissionReferences = Group-TargetPermissionReference -TargetPath $TargetPath -Children $Children -AceGUIDsByPath $AceGuidByPath -ACLsByPath $ACLsByPath -GroupBy $GroupBy -AceGUIDsByResolvedID $AceGUIDsByResolvedID @CommonParams # Expand reference GUIDs into their associated Access Control Entries and Security Principals. Write-LogMsg @Log -Text '$TargetPermissions = Expand-TargetPermissionReference -Reference $TargetPermissionReferences -GroupBy $GroupBy -ACLsByPath $ACLsByPath @CommonParams' $TargetPermissions = Expand-TargetPermissionReference -Reference $TargetPermissionReferences -GroupBy $GroupBy -ACLsByPath $ACLsByPath -AceGuidByPath $AceGuidByPath @CommonParams } Write-Progress @Progress -Completed return [PSCustomObject]@{ AccountPermissions = $AccountPermissions FlatPermissions = $FlatPermissions ItemPermissions = $ItemPermissions TargetPermissions = $TargetPermissions SplitBy = $HowToSplit } } function Expand-PermissionTarget { # Expand a folder path into the paths of its subfolders param ( <# How many levels of subfolder to enumerate Set to 0 to ignore all subfolders Set to -1 (default) to recurse infinitely Set to any whole number to enumerate that many levels #> [int]$RecurseDepth, # Number of asynchronous threads to use [uint16]$ThreadCount = ((Get-CimInstance -ClassName CIM_Processor | Measure-Object -Sum -Property NumberOfLogicalProcessors).Sum), # Will be sent to the Type parameter of Write-LogMsg in the PsLogMessage module [String]$DebugOutputStream = 'Silent', # Hostname to record in log messages (can be passed to Write-LogMsg as a parameter to avoid calling an external process) [String]$ThisHostname = (HOSTNAME.EXE), # Username to record in log messages (can be passed to Write-LogMsg as a parameter to avoid calling an external process) [String]$WhoAmI = (whoami.EXE), # Log messages which have not yet been written to disk [Hashtable]$LogBuffer = ([Hashtable]::Synchronized(@{})), # ID of the parent progress bar under which to show progres [int]$ProgressParentId, [Hashtable]$TargetPath ) $Progress = @{ Activity = 'Expand-PermissionTarget' } if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('ProgressParentId')) { $Progress['ParentId'] = $ProgressParentId $Progress['Id'] = $ProgressParentId + 1 } else { $Progress['Id'] = 0 } $Targets = $TargetPath.Values | ForEach-Object { $_ } $TargetCount = $Targets.Count Write-Progress @Progress -Status "0% (item 0 of $TargetCount)" -CurrentOperation "Initializing..." -PercentComplete 0 $Log = @{ Buffer = $LogBuffer ThisHostname = $ThisHostname Type = $DebugOutputStream WhoAmI = $WhoAmI } [Hashtable]$Output = [Hashtable]::Synchronized(@{}) $GetSubfolderParams = @{ LogBuffer = $LogBuffer ThisHostname = $ThisHostname DebugOutputStream = $DebugOutputStream WhoAmI = $WhoAmI Output = $Output RecurseDepth = $RecurseDepth ErrorAction = 'Continue' } if ($ThreadCount -eq 1 -or $TargetCount -eq 1) { [int]$ProgressInterval = [math]::max(($TargetCount / 100), 1) $IntervalCounter = 0 $i = 0 ForEach ($ThisFolder in $Targets) { $IntervalCounter++ if ($IntervalCounter -eq $ProgressInterval) { [int]$PercentComplete = $i / $TargetCount * 100 Write-Progress @Progress -Status "$PercentComplete% (item $($i + 1) of $TargetCount))" -CurrentOperation "Get-Subfolder '$($ThisFolder)'" -PercentComplete $PercentComplete $IntervalCounter = 0 } $i++ # increment $i after the progress to show progress conservatively rather than optimistically Write-LogMsg @Log -Text "Get-Subfolder -TargetPath '$ThisFolder' -RecurseDepth $RecurseDepth" Get-Subfolder -TargetPath $ThisFolder @GetSubfolderParams } } else { $SplitThreadParams = @{ Command = 'Get-Subfolder' InputObject = $Targets InputParameter = 'TargetPath' DebugOutputStream = $DebugOutputStream TodaysHostname = $ThisHostname WhoAmI = $WhoAmI LogBuffer = $LogBuffer Threads = $ThreadCount ProgressParentId = $Progress['Id'] AddParam = $GetSubfolderParams } Split-Thread @SplitThreadParams } Write-Progress @Progress -Completed return $Output } function Find-ResolvedIDsWithAccess { param ( $ItemPath, [Hashtable]$AceGUIDsByPath, [Hashtable]$ACEsByGUID, [Hashtable]$PrincipalsByResolvedID ) $IDsWithAccess = @{} ForEach ($Item in $ItemPath) { $Guids = $AceGUIDsByPath[$Item] # Not all Paths have ACEs in the cache, so we need to test for null results if ($Guids) { ForEach ($Guid in $Guids) { ForEach ($Ace in $ACEsByGUID[$Guid]) { Add-CacheItem -Cache $IDsWithAccess -Key $Ace.IdentityReferenceResolved -Value $Guid -Type ([guid]) ForEach ($Member in $PrincipalsByResolvedID[$Ace.IdentityReferenceResolved].Members) { Add-CacheItem -Cache $IDsWithAccess -Key $Member -Value $Guid -Type ([guid]) } } } } } return $IDsWithAccess } # Build a list of known ADSI server names to use to populate the caches # Include the FQDN of the current computer and the known trusted domains function Find-ServerFqdn { param ( # Known server FQDNs to include in the output [string[]]$Known, # File paths whose server FQDNs to include in the output [Hashtable]$TargetPath, <# FQDN of the computer running this function. Can be provided as a string to avoid calls to HOSTNAME.EXE and [System.Net.Dns]::GetHostByName() #> [String]$ThisFqdn = ([System.Net.Dns]::GetHostByName((HOSTNAME.EXE)).HostName), # ID of the parent progress bar under which to show progres [int]$ProgressParentId ) $Progress = @{ Activity = 'Find-ServerFqdn' } if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('ProgressParentId')) { $Progress['ParentId'] = $ProgressParentId $ProgressId = $ProgressParentId + 1 } else { $ProgressId = 0 } $Progress['Id'] = $ProgressId $Count = $TargetPath.Keys.Count Write-Progress @Progress -Status "0% (path 0 of $Count)" -CurrentOperation 'Initializing' -PercentComplete 0 $UniqueValues = @{ $ThisFqdn = $null } ForEach ($Value in $Known) { $UniqueValues[$Value] = $null } # Add server names from the ACL paths $ProgressStopWatch = [System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::new() $ProgressStopWatch.Start() $LastRemainder = [int]::MaxValue $i = 0 ForEach ($ThisPath in $TargetPath.Keys) { $NewRemainder = $ProgressStopWatch.ElapsedTicks % 5000 if ($NewRemainder -lt $LastRemainder) { $LastRemainder = $NewRemainder [int]$PercentComplete = $i / $Count * 100 Write-Progress @Progress -Status "$PercentComplete% (path $($i + 1) of $Count)" -CurrentOperation "Find-ServerNameInPath '$ThisPath'" -PercentComplete $PercentComplete } $i++ # increment $i after Write-Progress to show progress conservatively rather than optimistically $UniqueValues[(Find-ServerNameInPath -LiteralPath $ThisPath -ThisFqdn $ThisFqdn)] = $null } Write-Progress @Progress -Completed return $UniqueValues.Keys } function Format-Permission { param ( # Permission object from Expand-Permission [PSCustomObject]$Permission, <# Domain(s) to ignore (they will be removed from the username) Can be used: to ensure accounts only appear once on the report when they have matching SamAccountNames in multiple domains. when the domain is often the same and doesn't need to be displayed #> [string[]]$IgnoreDomain, # How to group the permissions in the output stream and within each exported file [ValidateSet('account', 'item', 'none', 'target')] [String]$GroupBy = 'item', # File formats to export [ValidateSet('csv', 'html', 'js', 'json', 'prtgxml', 'xml')] [string[]]$FileFormat = @('csv', 'html', 'js', 'json', 'prtgxml', 'xml'), # Type of output returned to the output stream [ValidateSet('passthru', 'none', 'csv', 'html', 'js', 'json', 'prtgxml', 'xml')] [String]$OutputFormat = 'passthru', [cultureinfo]$Culture = (Get-Culture), [Hashtable]$ShortNameByID = [Hashtable]::Synchronized(@{}), [Hashtable]$ExcludeClassFilterContents = @{}, [Hashtable]$IncludeFilterContents = [Hashtable]::Synchronized(@{}) ) $FormattedResults = @{} $Formats = Resolve-FormatParameter -FileFormat $FileFormat -OutputFormat $OutputFormat $Grouping = Resolve-GroupByParameter -GroupBy $GroupBy -HowToSplit $Permission.SplitBy if ($Permission.SplitBy['account']) { $FormattedResults['SplitByAccount'] = ForEach ($Account in $Permission.AccountPermissions) { $Selection = $Account $PermissionGroupingsWithChosenProperties = Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $Grouping['Script'] -ArgumentList $Selection, $Culture, $IgnoreDomain, $IncludeFilterContents, $ExcludeClassFilterContents $PermissionsWithChosenProperties = Select-PermissionTableProperty -InputObject $Selection -GroupBy $GroupBy -ShortNameById $ShortNameByID -IncludeFilterContents $IncludeFilterContents -ExcludeClassFilterContents $ExcludeClassFilterContents $OutputProperties = @{ Account = $Account.Account Path = $Permission.TargetPermissions.Path.FullName NetworkPaths = $Permission.TargetPermissions.NetworkPaths.Item #passthru = [PSCustomObject]@{ # 'Data' = ForEach ($Value in $PermissionsWithChosenProperties.Values) { $Value } #} } ForEach ($Format in $Formats) { $OutputProperties["$Format`Group"] = ConvertTo-PermissionGroup -Format $Format -Permission $PermissionGroupingsWithChosenProperties -GroupBy $GroupBy $OutputProperties[$Format] = ConvertTo-PermissionList -Format $Format -Permission $PermissionsWithChosenProperties -PermissionGrouping $Selection -ShortestPath @($Permission.TargetPermissions.NetworkPaths.Item.Path)[0] -GroupBy $GroupBy -HowToSplit $Permission.SplitBy } [PSCustomObject]$OutputProperties } } if ($Permission.SplitBy['item']) { $FormattedResults['SplitByItem'] = ForEach ($Item in $Permission.ItemPermissions) { $Selection = $Item.Access $PermissionGroupingsWithChosenProperties = Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $Grouping['Script'] -ArgumentList $Selection, $Culture, $IgnoreDomain, $IncludeFilterContents, $ExcludeClassFilterContents $PermissionsWithChosenProperties = Select-PermissionTableProperty -InputObject $Selection -GroupBy $GroupBy -ShortNameById $ShortNameByID -IncludeFilterContents $IncludeFilterContents -ExcludeClassFilterContents $ExcludeClassFilterContents $OutputProperties = @{ Item = $Item.Item TargetPaths = $Permission.TargetPermissions.Path.FullName NetworkPaths = $Permission.TargetPermissions.NetworkPaths.Item #passthru = [PSCustomObject]@{ # 'Data' = ForEach ($Value in $PermissionsWithChosenProperties.Values) { $Value } #} } ForEach ($Format in $Formats) { $OutputProperties["$Format`Group"] = ConvertTo-PermissionGroup -Format $Format -Permission $PermissionGroupingsWithChosenProperties -GroupBy $GroupBy $OutputProperties[$Format] = ConvertTo-PermissionList -Format $Format -Permission $PermissionsWithChosenProperties -PermissionGrouping $Selection -ShortestPath @($Permission.TargetPermissions.NetworkPaths.Item.Path)[0] -GroupBy $GroupBy -HowToSplit $Permission.SplitBy } [PSCustomObject]$OutputProperties } } if ($Permission.SplitBy['target']) { $FormattedResults['SplitByTarget'] = ForEach ($Target in $Permission.TargetPermissions) { [PSCustomObject]@{ PSTypeName = 'Permission.TargetPermission' Path = $Target.Path NetworkPaths = ForEach ($NetworkPath in $Target.NetworkPaths) { $Prop = $Grouping['Property'] if ($Prop -eq 'items') { $Selection = [System.Collections.Generic.List[PSCustomObject]]::new() # Add the network path itself $Selection.Add([PSCustomObject]@{ PSTypeName = 'Permission.ItemPermission' Item = $NetworkPath.Item Access = $NetworkPath.Access }) # Add child items $Selection.AddRange([PSCustomObject[]]$NetworkPath.$Prop) } else { $Selection = $NetworkPath.$Prop } $PermissionGroupingsWithChosenProperties = Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $Grouping['Script'] -ArgumentList $Selection, $Culture, $ShortNameByID, $IncludeFilterContents, $ExcludeClassFilterContents $PermissionsWithChosenProperties = Select-PermissionTableProperty -InputObject $Selection -GroupBy $GroupBy -ShortNameById $ShortNameByID -IncludeFilterContents $IncludeFilterContents -ExcludeClassFilterContents $ExcludeClassFilterContents $OutputProperties = @{ PSTypeName = "Permission.Parent$($Culture.TextInfo.ToTitleCase($GroupBy))Permission" Item = $NetworkPath.Item #passthru = [PSCustomObject]@{ # 'Data' = ForEach ($Value in $PermissionsWithChosenProperties.Values) { $Value } #} } ForEach ($Format in $Formats) { $FormatString = $Format if ($Format -eq 'js') { $FormatString = 'json' } $OutputProperties["$FormatString`Group"] = ConvertTo-PermissionGroup -Format $Format -Permission $PermissionGroupingsWithChosenProperties -GroupBy $GroupBy -HowToSplit $Permission.SplitBy $OutputProperties[$FormatString] = ConvertTo-PermissionList -Format $Format -Permission $PermissionsWithChosenProperties -PermissionGrouping $Selection -ShortestPath $NetworkPath.Item.Path -GroupBy $GroupBy -HowToSplit $Permission.SplitBy -NetworkPath $NetworkPath.Item.Path } [PSCustomObject]$OutputProperties } } } } return $FormattedResults } function Format-TimeSpan { param ( [timespan]$TimeSpan, [string[]]$UnitsToResolve = @('day', 'hour', 'minute', 'second', 'millisecond') ) $StringBuilder = [System.Text.StringBuilder]::new() $aUnitWithAValueHasBeenFound = $false foreach ($Unit in $UnitsToResolve) { if ($TimeSpan."$Unit`s") { if ($aUnitWithAValueHasBeenFound) { $null = $StringBuilder.Append(", ") } $aUnitWithAValueHasBeenFound = $true if ($TimeSpan."$Unit`s" -eq 1) { $null = $StringBuilder.Append("$($TimeSpan."$Unit`s") $Unit") } else { $null = $StringBuilder.Append("$($TimeSpan."$Unit`s") $Unit`s") } } } $StringBuilder.ToString() } function Get-AccessControlList { # Get folder access control lists # Returns an object representing each effective permission on a folder # This includes each Access Control Entry in the Discretionary Access List, as well as the folder's Owner param ( # Path to the item whose permissions to export (inherited ACEs will be included) [Hashtable]$TargetPath, # Number of asynchronous threads to use [uint16]$ThreadCount = ((Get-CimInstance -ClassName CIM_Processor | Measure-Object -Sum -Property NumberOfLogicalProcessors).Sum), # Will be sent to the Type parameter of Write-LogMsg in the PsLogMessage module [String]$DebugOutputStream = 'Debug', # Hostname to record in log messages (can be passed to Write-LogMsg as a parameter to avoid calling an external process) [String]$TodaysHostname = (HOSTNAME.EXE), # Username to record in log messages (can be passed to Write-LogMsg as a parameter to avoid calling an external process) [String]$WhoAmI = (whoami.EXE), # Log messages which have not yet been written to disk [Hashtable]$LogBuffer = ([Hashtable]::Synchronized(@{})), # Thread-safe cache of items and their owners [System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary[String, PSCustomObject]]$OwnerCache = [System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary[String, PSCustomObject]]::new(), # ID of the parent progress bar under which to show progres [int]$ProgressParentId, # Cache of access control lists keyed by path [Hashtable]$Output = [Hashtable]::Synchronized(@{}) ) $Progress = @{ Activity = 'Get-AccessControlList' } if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('ProgressParentId')) { $Progress['ParentId'] = $ProgressParentId $ProgressId = $ProgressParentId + 1 } else { $ProgressId = 0 } $Progress['Id'] = $ProgressId $ChildProgress = @{ Activity = 'Get access control lists for parent and child items' Id = $ProgressId + 1 ParentId = $ProgressId } $GrandChildProgress = @{ Activity = 'Get access control lists' Id = $ProgressId + 2 ParentId = $ProgressId + 1 } Write-Progress @Progress -Status '0% (step 1 of 2) Get access control lists for parent and child items' -CurrentOperation 'Get access control lists for parent and child items' -PercentComplete 0 $GetDirectorySecurity = @{ LogBuffer = $LogBuffer ThisHostname = $TodaysHostname DebugOutputStream = $DebugOutputStream WhoAmI = $WhoAmI OwnerCache = $OwnerCache ACLsByPath = $Output } $TargetIndex = 0 $ParentCount = $TargetPath.Keys.Count if ($ThreadCount -eq 1) { ForEach ($Parent in $TargetPath.Keys) { [int]$PercentComplete = $TargetIndex / $ParentCount * 100 $TargetIndex++ Write-Progress @ChildProgress -Status "$PercentComplete% (parent $TargetIndex of $ParentCount) Get access control lists" -CurrentOperation $Parent -PercentComplete $PercentComplete Write-Progress @GrandChildProgress -Status "0% (parent) Get-DirectorySecurity -IncludeInherited" -CurrentOperation $Parent -PercentComplete 0 Get-DirectorySecurity -LiteralPath $Parent -IncludeInherited @GetDirectorySecurity $Children = $TargetPath[$Parent] $ChildCount = $Children.Count [int]$ProgressInterval = [math]::max(($ChildCount / 100), 1) $IntervalCounter = 0 $ChildIndex = 0 ForEach ($Child in $Children) { $IntervalCounter++ if ($IntervalCounter -eq $ProgressInterval -or $ChildIndex -eq 0) { [int]$PercentComplete = $ChildIndex / $ChildCount * 100 Write-Progress @GrandChildProgress -Status "$PercentComplete% (child $($ChildIndex + 1) of $ChildCount) Get-DirectorySecurity" -CurrentOperation $Child -PercentComplete $PercentComplete $IntervalCounter = 0 } $ChildIndex++ # increment $ChildIndex after the progress to show progress conservatively rather than optimistically Get-DirectorySecurity -LiteralPath $Child @GetDirectorySecurity } Write-Progress @GrandChildProgress -Completed } Write-Progress @ChildProgress -Completed } else { ForEach ($Parent in $TargetPath.Keys) { [int]$PercentComplete = $TargetIndex / $ParentCount * 100 $TargetIndex++ Write-Progress @ChildProgress -Status "$PercentComplete% (parent $TargetIndex of $ParentCount) Get access control lists" -CurrentOperation $Parent -PercentComplete $PercentComplete Get-DirectorySecurity -LiteralPath $Parent -IncludeInherited @GetDirectorySecurity $Children = $TargetPath[$Parent] $SplitThread = @{ Command = 'Get-DirectorySecurity' InputObject = $Children InputParameter = 'LiteralPath' DebugOutputStream = $DebugOutputStream TodaysHostname = $TodaysHostname WhoAmI = $WhoAmI LogBuffer = $LogBuffer Threads = $ThreadCount ProgressParentId = $ChildProgress['Id'] AddParam = $GetDirectorySecurity } Split-Thread @SplitThread } Write-Progress @ChildProgress -Completed } Write-Progress @Progress -Status '50% (step 2 of 2) Find non-inherited owners for parent and child items' -CurrentOperation 'Find non-inherited owners for parent and child items' -PercentComplete 50 $ChildProgress['Activity'] = 'Get ACL owners' $GrandChildProgress['Activity'] = 'Get ACL owners' $GetOwnerAce = @{ OwnerCache = $OwnerCache ACLsByPath = $Output } $ParentIndex = 0 # Then return the owners of any items that differ from their parents' owners if ($ThreadCount -eq 1) { # Update the cache with ACEs for the item owners (if they do not match the owner of the item's parent folder) # First return the owner of the parent item ForEach ($Parent in $TargetPath.Keys) { [int]$PercentComplete = $ParentIndex / $ParentCount * 100 $ParentIndex++ Write-Progress @ChildProgress -Status "$PercentComplete% (parent $ParentIndex of $ParentCount) Find non-inherited ACL Owners" -CurrentOperation $Parent -PercentComplete $PercentComplete Write-Progress @GrandChildProgress -Status "0% (parent) Get-OwnerAce" -CurrentOperation $Parent -PercentComplete $PercentComplete Get-OwnerAce -Item $Parent @GetOwnerAce $Children = $TargetPath[$Parent] $ChildCount = $Children.Count [int]$ProgressInterval = [math]::max(($ChildCount / 100), 1) $IntervalCounter = 0 $ChildIndex = 0 ForEach ($Child in $Children) { $IntervalCounter++ if ($IntervalCounter -eq $ProgressInterval -or $ChildIndex -eq 0) { [int]$PercentComplete = $ChildIndex / $ChildCount * 100 Write-Progress @GrandChildProgress -Status "$PercentComplete% (child $($ChildIndex + 1) of $ChildCount)) Get-OwnerAce" -CurrentOperation $Child -PercentComplete $PercentComplete $IntervalCounter = 0 } $ChildIndex++ Get-OwnerAce -Item $Child @GetOwnerAce } Write-Progress @GrandChildProgress -Completed } Write-Progress @ChildProgress -Completed } else { ForEach ($Parent in $TargetPath.Keys) { [int]$PercentComplete = $ParentIndex / $ParentCount * 100 $ParentIndex++ Write-Progress @ChildProgress -Status "$PercentComplete% (parent $ParentIndex of $ParentCount) Find non-inherited ACL Owners" -CurrentOperation $Parent -PercentComplete $PercentComplete Get-OwnerAce -Item $Parent @GetOwnerAce $Children = $TargetPath[$Parent] $SplitThread = @{ Command = 'Get-OwnerAce' InputObject = $Children InputParameter = 'Item' DebugOutputStream = $DebugOutputStream TodaysHostname = $TodaysHostname WhoAmI = $WhoAmI LogBuffer = $LogBuffer Threads = $ThreadCount ProgressParentId = $ChildProgress['Id'] AddParam = $GetOwnerAce } Split-Thread @SplitThread } } Write-Progress @Progress -Completed } function Get-CachedCimInstance { param ( # Name of the computer to query via CIM [String]$ComputerName, # Name of the CIM class whose instances to return [String]$ClassName, # Name of the CIM namespace containing the class [String]$Namespace, # CIM query to run. Overrides ClassName if used (but not efficiently, so don't use both) [String]$Query, # Cache of CIM sessions and instances to reduce connections and queries [Hashtable]$CimCache = ([Hashtable]::Synchronized(@{})), # Output stream to send the log messages to [ValidateSet('Silent', 'Quiet', 'Success', 'Debug', 'Verbose', 'Output', 'Host', 'Warning', 'Error', 'Information', $null)] [String]$DebugOutputStream = 'Debug', <# Hostname of the computer running this function. Can be provided as a string to avoid calls to HOSTNAME.EXE #> [String]$ThisHostName = (HOSTNAME.EXE), <# FQDN of the computer running this function. Can be provided as a string to avoid calls to HOSTNAME.EXE and [System.Net.Dns]::GetHostByName() #> [String]$ThisFqdn = ([System.Net.Dns]::GetHostByName((HOSTNAME.EXE)).HostName), # Username to record in log messages (can be passed to Write-LogMsg as a parameter to avoid calling an external process) [String]$WhoAmI = (whoami.EXE), # Log messages which have not yet been written to disk [Hashtable]$LogBuffer = ([Hashtable]::Synchronized(@{})), [Parameter(Mandatory)] [String]$KeyProperty, [string[]]$CacheByProperty = $KeyProperty ) $Log = @{ Buffer = $LogBuffer ThisHostname = $ThisHostname Type = $DebugOutputStream WhoAmI = $WhoAmI } if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('ClassName')) { $InstanceCacheKey = "$ClassName`By$KeyProperty" } else { $InstanceCacheKey = "$Query`By$KeyProperty" } $CimCacheResult = $CimCache[$ComputerName] if ($CimCacheResult) { Write-LogMsg @Log -Text " # CIM cache hit for '$ComputerName'" $CimCacheSubresult = $CimCacheResult[$InstanceCacheKey] if ($CimCacheSubresult) { Write-LogMsg @Log -Text " # CIM instance cache hit for '$InstanceCacheKey' on '$ComputerName'" return $CimCacheSubresult.Values } else { Write-LogMsg @Log -Text " # CIM instance cache miss for '$InstanceCacheKey' on '$ComputerName'" } } else { Write-LogMsg @Log -Text " # CIM cache miss for '$ComputerName'" } $CimSession = Get-CachedCimSession -ComputerName $ComputerName -CimCache $CimCache -ThisFqdn $ThisFqdn @Log if ($CimSession) { $GetCimInstanceParams = @{ CimSession = $CimSession ErrorAction = 'SilentlyContinue' } if ($Namespace) { $GetCimInstanceParams['Namespace'] = $Namespace } if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('ClassName')) { Write-LogMsg @Log -Text "Get-CimInstance -ClassName $ClassName -CimSession `$CimSession" $CimInstance = Get-CimInstance -ClassName $ClassName @GetCimInstanceParams } if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Query')) { Write-LogMsg @Log -Text "Get-CimInstance -Query '$Query' -CimSession `$CimSession" $CimInstance = Get-CimInstance -Query $Query @GetCimInstanceParams } if ($CimInstance) { $InstanceCache = [Hashtable]::Synchronized(@{}) ForEach ($Prop in $CacheByProperty) { if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('ClassName')) { $InstanceCacheKey = "$ClassName`By$Prop" } else { $InstanceCacheKey = "$Query`By$Prop" } ForEach ($Instance in $CimInstance) { $InstancePropertyValue = $Instance.$Prop Write-LogMsg @Log -Text " # Add '$InstancePropertyValue' to the '$InstanceCacheKey' cache for '$ComputerName'" $InstanceCache[$InstancePropertyValue] = $Instance } $CimCache[$ComputerName][$InstanceCacheKey] = $InstanceCache } return $CimInstance } } } function Get-CachedCimSession { param ( # Name of the computer to query via CIM [String]$ComputerName, # Cache of CIM sessions and instances to reduce connections and queries [Hashtable]$CimCache = ([Hashtable]::Synchronized(@{})), # Output stream to send the log messages to [ValidateSet('Silent', 'Quiet', 'Success', 'Debug', 'Verbose', 'Output', 'Host', 'Warning', 'Error', 'Information', $null)] [String]$DebugOutputStream = 'Debug', <# Hostname of the computer running this function. Can be provided as a string to avoid calls to HOSTNAME.EXE #> [String]$ThisHostName = (HOSTNAME.EXE), <# FQDN of the computer running this function. Can be provided as a string to avoid calls to HOSTNAME.EXE and [System.Net.Dns]::GetHostByName() #> [String]$ThisFqdn = ([System.Net.Dns]::GetHostByName((HOSTNAME.EXE)).HostName), # Username to record in log messages (can be passed to Write-LogMsg as a parameter to avoid calling an external process) [String]$WhoAmI = (whoami.EXE), # Log messages which have not yet been written to disk [Hashtable]$LogBuffer = ([Hashtable]::Synchronized(@{})) ) $Log = @{ Buffer = $LogBuffer ThisHostname = $ThisHostname Type = $DebugOutputStream WhoAmI = $WhoAmI } $CimCacheResult = $CimCache[$ComputerName] if ($CimCacheResult) { Write-LogMsg @Log -Text " # CIM cache hit for '$ComputerName'" $CimCacheSubresult = $CimCacheResult['CimSession'] if ($CimCacheSubresult) { Write-LogMsg @Log -Text " # CIM session cache hit for '$ComputerName'" return $CimCacheSubresult } else { Write-LogMsg @Log -Text " # CIM session cache miss for '$ComputerName'" } } else { Write-LogMsg @Log -Text " # CIM cache miss for '$ComputerName'" $CimCache[$ComputerName] = [Hashtable]::Synchronized(@{}) } if ( $ComputerName -eq $ThisHostname -or $ComputerName -eq "$ThisHostname." -or $ComputerName -eq $ThisFqdn -or $ComputerName -eq "$ThisFqdn." -or $ComputerName -eq 'localhost' -or $ComputerName -eq '' -or [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($ComputerName) ) { Write-LogMsg @Log -Text '$CimSession = New-CimSession' $CimSession = New-CimSession } else { # If an Active Directory domain is targeted there are no local accounts and CIM connectivity is not expected # Suppress errors and return nothing in that case Write-LogMsg @Log -Text "`$CimSession = New-CimSession -ComputerName $ComputerName" $CimSession = New-CimSession -ComputerName $ComputerName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } if ($CimSession) { $CimCache[$ComputerName]['CimSession'] = $CimSession return $CimSession } } function Get-PermissionPrincipal { param ( # Output stream to send the log messages to [ValidateSet('Silent', 'Quiet', 'Success', 'Debug', 'Verbose', 'Output', 'Host', 'Warning', 'Error', 'Information', $null)] [String]$DebugOutputStream = 'Debug', # Maximum number of concurrent threads to allow [int]$ThreadCount = (Get-CimInstance -ClassName CIM_Processor | Measure-Object -Sum -Property NumberOfLogicalProcessors).Sum, # Cache of security principals keyed by resolved identity reference. END STATE [Hashtable]$PrincipalsByResolvedID = ([Hashtable]::Synchronized(@{})), # Cache of access control entries keyed by their resolved identities. STARTING STATE [Hashtable]$ACEsByResolvedID = ([Hashtable]::Synchronized(@{})), # Cache of CIM sessions and instances to reduce connections and queries [Hashtable]$CimCache = ([Hashtable]::Synchronized(@{})), <# Dictionary to cache directory entries to avoid redundant lookups Defaults to an empty thread-safe hashtable #> [Hashtable]$DirectoryEntryCache = ([Hashtable]::Synchronized(@{})), # Hashtable with known domain NetBIOS names as keys and objects with Dns,NetBIOS,SID,DistinguishedName properties as values [Hashtable]$DomainsByNetbios = ([Hashtable]::Synchronized(@{})), # Hashtable with known domain SIDs as keys and objects with Dns,NetBIOS,SID,DistinguishedName properties as values [Hashtable]$DomainsBySid = ([Hashtable]::Synchronized(@{})), # Hashtable with known domain DNS names as keys and objects with Dns,NetBIOS,SID,DistinguishedName,AdsiProvider,Win32Accounts properties as values [Hashtable]$DomainsByFqdn = ([Hashtable]::Synchronized(@{})), <# FQDN of the computer running this function. Can be provided as a string to avoid calls to HOSTNAME.EXE and [System.Net.Dns]::GetHostByName() #> [String]$ThisFqdn = ([System.Net.Dns]::GetHostByName((HOSTNAME.EXE)).HostName), <# Hostname of the computer running this function. Can be provided as a string to avoid calls to HOSTNAME.EXE #> [String]$ThisHostName = (HOSTNAME.EXE), # Username to record in log messages (can be passed to Write-LogMsg as a parameter to avoid calling an external process) [String]$WhoAmI = (whoami.EXE), # Log messages which have not yet been written to disk [Hashtable]$LogBuffer = ([Hashtable]::Synchronized(@{})), <# Do not get group members (only report the groups themselves) Note: By default, the -ExcludeClass parameter will exclude groups from the report. If using -NoGroupMembers, you most likely want to modify the value of -ExcludeClass. Remove the 'group' class from ExcludeClass in order to see groups on the report. #> [switch]$NoGroupMembers, # ID of the parent progress bar under which to show progres [int]$ProgressParentId, # The current domain # Can be passed as a parameter to reduce calls to Get-CurrentDomain [String]$CurrentDomain = (Get-CurrentDomain) ) $Progress = @{ Activity = 'Get-PermissionPrincipal' } if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('ProgressParentId')) { $Progress['ParentId'] = $ProgressParentId $Progress['Id'] = $ProgressParentId + 1 } else { $Progress['Id'] = 0 } [string[]]$IDs = $ACEsByResolvedID.Keys $Count = $IDs.Count Write-Progress @Progress -Status "0% (identity 0 of $Count) ConvertFrom-IdentityReferenceResolved" -CurrentOperation 'Initialize' -PercentComplete 0 $Log = @{ Buffer = $LogBuffer ThisHostname = $ThisHostname Type = $DebugOutputStream WhoAmI = $WhoAmI } $ADSIConversionParams = @{ DirectoryEntryCache = $DirectoryEntryCache DomainsBySID = $DomainsBySID DomainsByNetbios = $DomainsByNetbios DomainsByFqdn = $DomainsByFqdn ThisHostName = $ThisHostName ThisFqdn = $ThisFqdn WhoAmI = $WhoAmI LogBuffer = $LogBuffer CimCache = $CimCache DebugOutputStream = $DebugOutputStream PrincipalsByResolvedID = $PrincipalsByResolvedID # end state ACEsByResolvedID = $ACEsByResolvedID # start state CurrentDomain = $CurrentDomain } if ($ThreadCount -eq 1) { if ($NoGroupMembers) { $ADSIConversionParams['NoGroupMembers'] = $true } [int]$ProgressInterval = [math]::max(($Count / 100), 1) $IntervalCounter = 0 $i = 0 ForEach ($ThisID in $IDs) { $IntervalCounter++ if ($IntervalCounter -eq $ProgressInterval) { [int]$PercentComplete = $i / $Count * 100 Write-Progress @Progress -Status "$PercentComplete% (identity $($i + 1) of $Count) ConvertFrom-IdentityReferenceResolved" -CurrentOperation $ThisID -PercentComplete $PercentComplete $IntervalCounter = 0 } $i++ Write-LogMsg @Log -Text "ConvertFrom-IdentityReferenceResolved -IdentityReference '$ThisID'" ConvertFrom-IdentityReferenceResolved -IdentityReference $ThisID @ADSIConversionParams } } else { if ($NoGroupMembers) { $ADSIConversionParams['AddSwitch'] = 'NoGroupMembers' } $SplitThreadParams = @{ Command = 'ConvertFrom-IdentityReferenceResolved' InputObject = $IDs InputParameter = 'IdentityReference' ObjectStringProperty = 'Name' TodaysHostname = $ThisHostname WhoAmI = $WhoAmI LogBuffer = $LogBuffer Threads = $ThreadCount ProgressParentId = $Progress['Id'] AddParam = $ADSIConversionParams } Write-LogMsg @Log -Text "Split-Thread -Command 'ConvertFrom-IdentityReferenceResolved' -InputParameter 'IdentityReference' -InputObject `$IDs" Split-Thread @SplitThreadParams } Write-Progress @Progress -Completed } function Get-PrtgXmlSensorOutput { param ( $NtfsIssues ) $Channels = [System.Collections.Generic.List[String]]::new() # Build our XML output formatted for PRTG. $ChannelParams = @{ MaxError = 0.5 Channel = 'Folders with inheritance disabled' Value = ($NtfsIssues.FoldersWithBrokenInheritance | Measure-Object).Count CustomUnit = 'folders' } Format-PrtgXmlResult @ChannelParams | ForEach-Object { $null = $Channels.Add($_) } $ChannelParams = @{ MaxError = 0.5 Channel = 'ACEs for groups breaking naming convention' Value = ($NtfsIssues.NonCompliantGroups | Measure-Object).Count CustomUnit = 'ACEs' } Format-PrtgXmlResult @ChannelParams | ForEach-Object { $null = $Channels.Add($_) } $ChannelParams = @{ MaxError = 0.5 Channel = 'ACEs for users instead of groups' Value = ($NtfsIssues.UserACEs | Measure-Object).Count CustomUnit = 'ACEs' } Format-PrtgXmlResult @ChannelParams | ForEach-Object { $null = $Channels.Add($_) } $ChannelParams = @{ MaxError = 0.5 Channel = 'ACEs for unresolvable SIDs' Value = ($NtfsIssues.SIDsToCleanup | Measure-Object).Count CustomUnit = 'ACEs' } Format-PrtgXmlResult @ChannelParams | ForEach-Object { $null = $Channels.Add($_) } $ChannelParams = @{ MaxError = 0.5 Channel = "Folders with 'CREATOR OWNER' access" Value = ($NtfsIssues.FoldersWithCreatorOwner | Measure-Object).Count CustomUnit = 'folders' } Format-PrtgXmlResult @ChannelParams | ForEach-Object { $null = $Channels.Add($_) } Format-PrtgXmlSensorOutput -PrtgXmlResult $Channels -IssueDetected:$($NtfsIssues.IssueDetected) } function Get-TimeZoneName { param ( [datetime]$Time, [Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimInstance]$TimeZone = (Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_TimeZone) ) if ($Time.IsDaylightSavingTime()) { return $TimeZone.DaylightName } else { return $TimeZone.StandardName } } function Initialize-Cache { <# Pre-populate caches in memory to avoid redundant ADSI and CIM queries Use known ADSI and CIM server FQDNs to populate six caches: Three caches of known ADSI directory servers The first cache is keyed on domain SID (e.g. S-1-5-2) The second cache is keyed on domain FQDN (e.g. The first cache is keyed on domain NetBIOS name (e.g. CONTOSO) Two caches of known Win32_Account instances The first cache is keyed on SID (e.g. S-1-5-2) The second cache is keyed on the Caption (NT Account name e.g. CONTOSO\user1) Also populate a cache of DirectoryEntry objects for any domains that have them This prevents threads that start near the same time from finding the cache empty and attempting costly operations to populate it This prevents repetitive queries to the same directory servers #> param ( # FQDNs of the ADSI servers to use to populate the cache [string[]]$Fqdn, # Output stream to send the log messages to [ValidateSet('Silent', 'Quiet', 'Success', 'Debug', 'Verbose', 'Output', 'Host', 'Warning', 'Error', 'Information', $null)] [String]$DebugOutputStream = 'Debug', # Maximum number of concurrent threads to allow [int]$ThreadCount = (Get-CimInstance -ClassName CIM_Processor | Measure-Object -Sum -Property NumberOfLogicalProcessors).Sum, # Cache of CIM sessions and instances to reduce connections and queries [Hashtable]$CimCache = ([Hashtable]::Synchronized(@{})), <# Dictionary to cache directory entries to avoid redundant lookups Defaults to an empty thread-safe hashtable #> [Hashtable]$DirectoryEntryCache = ([Hashtable]::Synchronized(@{})), # Hashtable with known domain NetBIOS names as keys and objects with Dns,NetBIOS,SID,DistinguishedName properties as values [Hashtable]$DomainsByNetbios = ([Hashtable]::Synchronized(@{})), # Hashtable with known domain SIDs as keys and objects with Dns,NetBIOS,SID,DistinguishedName properties as values [Hashtable]$DomainsBySid = ([Hashtable]::Synchronized(@{})), # Hashtable with known domain DNS names as keys and objects with Dns,NetBIOS,SID,DistinguishedName,AdsiProvider,Win32Accounts properties as values [Hashtable]$DomainsByFqdn = ([Hashtable]::Synchronized(@{})), <# Hostname of the computer running this function. Can be provided as a string to avoid calls to HOSTNAME.EXE #> [String]$ThisHostName = (HOSTNAME.EXE), <# FQDN of the computer running this function. Can be provided as a string to avoid calls to HOSTNAME.EXE and [System.Net.Dns]::GetHostByName() #> [String]$ThisFqdn = ([System.Net.Dns]::GetHostByName((HOSTNAME.EXE)).HostName), # Username to record in log messages (can be passed to Write-LogMsg as a parameter to avoid calling an external process) [String]$WhoAmI = (whoami.EXE), # Log messages which have not yet been written to disk [Hashtable]$LogBuffer = ([Hashtable]::Synchronized(@{})), # ID of the parent progress bar under which to show progres [int]$ProgressParentId ) $Progress = @{ Activity = 'Initialize-Cache' } if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('ProgressParentId')) { $Progress['ParentId'] = $ProgressParentId $ProgressId = $ProgressParentId + 1 } else { $ProgressId = 0 } $Progress['Id'] = $ProgressId $Count = $Fqdn.Count $Log = @{ Buffer = $LogBuffer ThisHostname = $ThisHostname Type = $DebugOutputStream WhoAmI = $WhoAmI } $GetAdsiServer = @{ DirectoryEntryCache = $DirectoryEntryCache DomainsByFqdn = $DomainsByFqdn DomainsByNetbios = $DomainsByNetbios DomainsBySid = $DomainsBySid ThisHostName = $ThisHostName ThisFqdn = $ThisFqdn WhoAmI = $WhoAmI LogBuffer = $LogBuffer CimCache = $CimCache } if ($ThreadCount -eq 1) { $i = 0 ForEach ($ThisServerName in $Fqdn) { [int]$PercentComplete = $i / $Count * 100 Write-Progress -Status "$PercentComplete% (FQDN $($i + 1) of $Count) Get-AdsiServer" -CurrentOperation "Get-AdsiServer '$ThisServerName'" -PercentComplete $PercentComplete @Progress $i++ # increment $i after Write-Progress to show progress conservatively rather than optimistically Write-LogMsg @Log -Text "Get-AdsiServer -Fqdn '$ThisServerName'" $null = Get-AdsiServer -Fqdn $ThisServerName @GetAdsiServer } } else { $SplitThread = @{ Command = 'Get-AdsiServer' InputObject = $Fqdn InputParameter = 'Fqdn' TodaysHostname = $ThisHostname WhoAmI = $WhoAmI LogBuffer = $LogBuffer Timeout = 600 Threads = $ThreadCount ProgressParentId = $ProgressParentId AddParam = $GetAdsiServer } Write-LogMsg @Log -Text "Split-Thread -Command 'Get-AdsiServer' -InputParameter AdsiServer -InputObject @('$($Fqdn -join "',")')" $null = Split-Thread @SplitThread } Write-Progress @Progress -Completed } function Invoke-PermissionCommand { param ( [String]$Command ) $Steps = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]::New() $Steps.Add( 'Get the NTAccount caption of the user running the script, with the correct capitalization', { HOSTNAME.EXE } ) $Steps.Add( 'Get the hostname of the computer running the script', { Get-CurrentWhoAmI -LogBuffer $LogBuffer -ThisHostName $ThisHostname } ) $LogParams = @{ Buffer = $LogBuffer ThisHostname = $ThisHostname #Type = $DebugOutputStream WhoAmI = $WhoAmI } $StepCount = $Steps.Count Write-LogMsg @LogParams -Type Verbose -Text $Command $ScriptBlock = $Steps[$Command] Write-LogMsg @LogParams -Type Debug -Text $ScriptBlock Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock } function Out-Permission { param ( # Type of output returned to the output stream [ValidateSet('passthru', 'none', 'csv', 'html', 'js', 'json', 'prtgxml', 'xml')] [string]$OutputFormat = 'passthru', <# How to group the permissions in the output stream and within each exported file SplitBy GroupBy none none $FlatPermissions all in 1 file none account $AccountPermissions all in 1 file none item $ItemPermissions all in 1 file account none 1 file per item in $AccountPermissions. In each file, $_.Access | sort path account account (same as -SplitBy account -GroupBy none) account item 1 file per item in $AccountPermissions. In each file, $_.Access | group item | sort name item none 1 file per item in $ItemPermissions. In each file, $_.Access | sort account item account 1 file per item in $ItemPermissions. In each file, $_.Access | group account | sort name item item (same as -SplitBy item -GroupBy none) target none 1 file per $TargetPath. In each file, sort ACEs by item path then account name target account 1 file per $TargetPath. In each file, group ACEs by account and sort by account name target item 1 file per $TargetPath. In each file, group ACEs by item and sort by item path target target (same as -SplitBy target -GroupBy none) #> [ValidateSet('account', 'item', 'none', 'target')] [string]$GroupBy = 'item', [hashtable]$FormattedPermission ) ForEach ($Split in 'target', 'item', 'account') { $ThisFormat = $FormattedPermission["SplitBy$Split"] if ($ThisFormat) { $ThisFormat } } <# switch ($GroupBy) { 'None' { $TypeData = @{ TypeName = 'Permission.PassThruPermission' DefaultDisplayPropertySet = 'Folder', 'Account', 'Access' ErrorAction = 'SilentlyContinue' } Update-TypeData @TypeData return $FolderPermissions } 'Item' { Update-TypeData -MemberName Folder -Value { $This.Name } -TypeName 'Permission.FolderPermission' -MemberType ScriptProperty -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue Update-TypeData -MemberName Access -TypeName 'Permission.FolderPermission' -MemberType ScriptProperty -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Value { $Access = ForEach ($Permission in $This.Access) { [pscustomobject]@{ Account = $Permission.Account Access = $Permission.Access } } $Access } Update-TypeData -DefaultDisplayPropertySet ('Path', 'Access') -TypeName 'Permission.FolderPermission' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue return $GroupedPermissions } 'Account' { Update-TypeData -MemberName Account -Value { $This.Name } -TypeName 'Permission.AccountPermission' -MemberType ScriptProperty -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue Update-TypeData -MemberName Access -TypeName 'Permission.AccountPermission' -MemberType ScriptProperty -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Value { $Access = ForEach ($Permission in $This.Group) { [pscustomobject]@{ Folder = $Permission.Folder Access = $Permission.Access } } $Access } Update-TypeData -DefaultDisplayPropertySet ('Account', 'Access') -TypeName 'Permission.AccountPermission' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue #Group-Permission -InputObject $FolderPermissions -Property Account | #Sort-Object -Property Name return } Default { return } } #> <# # Output the result to the pipeline ForEach ($Key in $FormattedPermission.Keys) { ForEach ($Target in $FormattedPermission[$Key]) { ForEach ($NetworkPath in $Target.NetworkPaths) { [PSCustomObject]@{ PSTypeName = 'Permission.ParentItemPermission' Item = $NetworkPath.Item Items = ForEach ($Permission in $NetworkPath.$OutputFormat) { [PSCustomObject]@{ Path = $Permission.Grouping Access = $Permission.$OutputFormat PSTypeName = 'Permission.Item' } } } } } } #> <# if ($OutputFormat -eq 'PrtgXml') { # Output the XML so the script can be directly used as a PRTG sensor # Caution: This use may be a problem for a PRTG probe because of how long the script can run on large folders/domains # Recommendation: Specify the appropriate parameters to run this as a PRTG push sensor instead return $XMLOutput } #> } function Out-PermissionReport { # missing param ( # Regular expressions matching names of security principals to exclude from the HTML report [string[]]$ExcludeAccount, # Accounts whose objectClass property is in this list are excluded from the HTML report [string[]]$ExcludeClass = @('group', 'computer'), <# Domain(s) to ignore (they will be removed from the username) Intended when a user has matching SamAccountNames in multiple domains but you only want them to appear once on the report. Can also be used to remove all domains simply for brevity in the report. #> $IgnoreDomain, # Path to the NTFS folder whose permissions are being exported [string[]]$TargetPath, # Group members are not being exported (only the groups themselves) [switch]$NoMembers, # Path to the folder to save the logs and reports generated by this script $OutputDir, # Username to record in log messages (can be passed to Write-LogMsg as a parameter to avoid calling an external process) # Expects an NTAccount Name (e.g. DOMAIN\user) [String]$WhoAmI = (whoami.EXE), # FQDN of the computer running the script $ThisFqdn, # Timer to measure progress and performance $StopWatch, # Title at the top of the HTML report $Title, $Permission, $FormattedPermission, $LogParams, $RecurseDepth, $LogFileList, $ReportInstanceId, [Hashtable]$AceByGUID, [Hashtable]$AclByPath, [Hashtable]$PrincipalByID, $BestPracticeIssue, [Hashtable]$Parent, <# Level of detail to export to file 0 Item paths $TargetPath 1 Resolved item paths (server names resolved, DFS targets resolved) $Parents 2 Expanded resolved item paths (parent paths expanded into children) $ACLsByPath.Keys 3 Access rules $ACLsByPath.Values 4 Resolved access rules (server names resolved, inheritance flags resolved) $AceByGUID.Values | %{$_} | Sort Path,IdentityReferenceResolved 5 Accounts with access $PrincipalsByResolvedID.Values | %{$_} | Sort ResolvedAccountName 6 Expanded resolved access rules (expanded with account info) $Permissions 7 Formatted permissions $FormattedPermissions 8 Best Practice issues $BestPracticeIssues 9 XML custom sensor output for Paessler PRTG Network Monitor $PrtgXml 10 Permission Report #> [int[]]$Detail = @(0..10), <# Information about the current culture settings. This includes information about the current language settings on the system, such as the keyboard layout, and the display format of items such as numbers, currency, and dates. #> [cultureinfo]$Culture = (Get-Culture), # File format(s) to export [ValidateSet('csv', 'html', 'js', 'json', 'prtgxml', 'xml')] [string[]]$FileFormat = @('csv', 'html', 'js', 'json', 'prtgxml', 'xml'), # Type of output returned to the output stream [ValidateSet('passthru', 'none', 'csv', 'html', 'js', 'json', 'prtgxml', 'xml')] [String]$OutputFormat = 'passthru', <# How to group the permissions in the output stream and within each exported file SplitBy GroupBy none none $FlatPermissions all in 1 file per $TargetPath none account $AccountPermissions all in 1 file per $TargetPath none item $ItemPermissions all in 1 file per $TargetPath (default behavior) item none 1 file per item in $ItemPermissions. In each file, $_.Access | sort account item account 1 file per item in $ItemPermissions. In each file, $_.Access | group account | sort name item item (same as -SplitBy item -GroupBy none) account none 1 file per item in $AccountPermissions. In each file, $_.Access | sort path account account (same as -SplitBy account -GroupBy none) account item 1 file per item in $AccountPermissions. In each file, $_.Access | group item | sort name #> [ValidateSet('account', 'item', 'none', 'target')] [String]$GroupBy = 'item', <# How to split up the exported files: none generate 1 file with all permissions target generate 1 file per target item generate 1 file per item account generate 1 file per account all generate 1 file per target and 1 file per item and 1 file per account and 1 file with all permissions. #> [ValidateSet('none', 'all', 'target', 'item', 'account')] [string[]]$SplitBy = 'target' ) # Determine all formats specified by the parameters $Formats = Resolve-FormatParameter -FileFormat $FileFormat -OutputFormat $OutputFormat # String translations indexed by value in the $Detail parameter # TODO: Move to i18n $DetailStrings = @( 'Item paths', 'Resolved item paths (server names and DFS targets resolved)', 'Expanded resolved item paths (resolved target paths expanded into their children)', 'Access lists', 'Access rules (resolved identity references and inheritance flags)', 'Accounts with access', 'Expanded access rules (expanded with account info)', # #ToDo: Expand DirectoryEntry objects in the DirectoryEntry and Members properties 'Formatted permissions', 'Best Practice issues', 'Custom sensor output for Paessler PRTG Network Monitor', 'Permission report' ) $UnsplitDetail = $Detail | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_ -le 5 } $SplitDetail = $Detail | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_ -gt 5 } $DetailScripts = @( { $TargetPath }, { ForEach ($Key in $Parent.Keys) { [PSCustomObject]@{ OriginalTargetPath = $Key ResolvedNetworkPath = $Parent[$Key] } } }, { $ACLsByPath.Keys }, { $ACLsByPath.Values }, { ForEach ($val in $AceByGUID.Values) { $val } }, { ForEach ($val in $PrincipalsByResolvedID.Values) { $val } }, { switch ($SplitBy) { 'account' { $Permission.AccountPermissions ; break } 'none' { $Permission.FlatPermissions ; break } 'item' { $Permission.ItemPermissions ; break } 'target' { $Permission.TargetPermissions ; break } } }, { $Permissions.Data }, { $BestPracticeIssues }, { $PrtgXml }, {} ) ForEach ($Split in $Permission.SplitBy.Keys) { switch ($Split) { 'account' { $Subproperty = '' $FileNameProperty = $Split $FileNameSubproperty = 'ResolvedAccountName' $ReportFiles = $FormattedPermission["SplitBy$Split"] break } 'item' { $Subproperty = '' $FileNameProperty = $Split $FileNameSubproperty = 'Path' $ReportFiles = $FormattedPermission["SplitBy$Split"] break } 'none' { $Subproperty = 'NetworkPaths' $FileNameProperty = '' $FileNameSubproperty = 'Path' $ReportFiles = [PSCustomObject]@{ NetworkPaths = $FormattedPermission['SplitByTarget'].NetworkPaths Path = $FormattedPermission['SplitByTarget'].Path.FullName } break } 'target' { $Subproperty = 'NetworkPaths' $FileNameProperty = '' $FileNameSubproperty = 'Path' $ReportFiles = $FormattedPermission["SplitBy$Split"] break } } ForEach ($Format in $Formats) { $FormatString = $Format $FormatDir = "$OutputDir\$Format" $null = New-Item -Path $FormatDir -ItemType Directory -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue switch ($Format) { 'csv' { $DetailExports = @( { $args[0] | Out-File -LiteralPath $args[1] }, { $args[0] | Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation -LiteralPath $args[1] }, { $args[0] | Out-File -LiteralPath $args[1] }, { $args[0] | Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation -LiteralPath $args[1] }, { $args[0] | Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation -LiteralPath $args[1] }, { $args[0] | Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation -LiteralPath $args[1] }, { $args[0] | Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation -LiteralPath $args[1] }, { $args[0] | Out-File -LiteralPath $args[1] }, { }, { }, { } ) $DetailScripts[10] = { } break } 'html' { $DetailExports = @( { $args[0] | Out-File -LiteralPath $args[1] }, { $args[0] | ConvertTo-Html -Fragment | Out-File -LiteralPath $args[1] }, { $args[0] -join "<br />`r`n" | Out-File -LiteralPath $args[1] }, { $args[0] | ConvertTo-Html -Fragment | Out-File -LiteralPath $args[1] }, { $args[0] | ConvertTo-Html -Fragment | Out-File -LiteralPath $args[1] }, { $args[0] | ConvertTo-Html -Fragment | Out-File -LiteralPath $args[1] }, { $args[0] | ConvertTo-Html -Fragment | Out-File -LiteralPath $args[1] }, { $args[0] | Out-File -LiteralPath $args[1] }, { }, { }, { $null = Set-Content -LiteralPath $args[1] -Value $args[0] } ) $DetailScripts[10] = { if ( $GroupBy -eq 'none' -or $GroupBy -eq $Split ) { # Combine all the elements into a single string which will be the innerHtml of the <body> element of the report Write-LogMsg @LogParams -Text "Get-HtmlBody -HtmlFolderPermissions `$FormattedPermission.$Format.Div" $Body = Get-HtmlBody @BodyParams # Apply the report template to the generated HTML report body and description $ReportParameters = $HtmlElements.ReportParameters Write-LogMsg @LogParams -Text "New-BootstrapReport @ReportParameters" New-BootstrapReport -Body $Body @ReportParameters } else { # Combine the header and table inside a Bootstrap div Write-LogMsg @LogParams -Text "New-BootstrapDivWithHeading -HeadingText '$HtmlElements.SummaryTableHeader' -Content `$FormattedPermission.$Format`Group.Table" $TableOfContents = New-BootstrapDivWithHeading -HeadingText $HtmlElements.SummaryTableHeader -Content $PermissionGroupings.Table -Class 'h-100 p-1 bg-light border rounded-3 table-responsive' -HeadingLevel 6 # Combine all the elements into a single string which will be the innerHtml of the <body> element of the report Write-LogMsg @LogParams -Text "Get-HtmlBody -TableOfContents `$TableOfContents -HtmlFolderPermissions `$FormattedPermission.$Format.Div" $Body = Get-HtmlBody -TableOfContents $TableOfContents @BodyParams } $ReportParameters = $HtmlElements.ReportParameters # Apply the report template to the generated HTML report body and description Write-LogMsg @LogParams -Text "New-BootstrapReport @$HtmlElements.ReportParameters" New-BootstrapReport -Body $Body @ReportParameters } break } 'js' { $DetailExports = @( { $args[0] | ConvertTo-Json -Compress -WarningAction SilentlyContinue | Out-File -LiteralPath $args[1] }, { $args[0] | ConvertTo-Json -Compress -WarningAction SilentlyContinue | Out-File -LiteralPath $args[1] }, { $args[0] | ConvertTo-Json -Compress -WarningAction SilentlyContinue | Out-File -LiteralPath $args[1] }, { $args[0] | ConvertTo-Json -Compress -WarningAction SilentlyContinue | Out-File -LiteralPath $args[1] }, { $args[0] | ConvertTo-Json -Compress -WarningAction SilentlyContinue | Out-File -LiteralPath $args[1] }, { $args[0] | ConvertTo-Json -Compress -WarningAction SilentlyContinue | Out-File -LiteralPath $args[1] }, { $args[0] | ConvertTo-Json -Compress -WarningAction SilentlyContinue | Out-File -LiteralPath $args[1] }, { $args[0] | ConvertTo-Json -Compress -WarningAction SilentlyContinue | Out-File -LiteralPath $args[1] }, { }, { }, { $null = Set-Content -LiteralPath $args[1] -Value $args[0] } ) $DetailScripts[10] = { #if ($Permission.FlatPermissions) { if ( $GroupBy -eq 'none' -or $GroupBy -eq $Split ) { # Combine all the elements into a single string which will be the innerHtml of the <body> element of the report Write-LogMsg @LogParams -Text "Get-HtmlBody -HtmlFolderPermissions `$FormattedPermission.$Format.Div" $Body = Get-HtmlBody @BodyParams } else { # Combine the header and table inside a Bootstrap div Write-LogMsg @LogParams -Text "New-BootstrapDivWithHeading -HeadingText '$HtmlElements.SummaryTableHeader' -Content `$FormattedPermission.$Format`Group.Table" $TableOfContents = New-BootstrapDivWithHeading -HeadingText $HtmlElements.SummaryTableHeader -Content $PermissionGroupings.Table -Class 'h-100 p-1 bg-light border rounded-3 table-responsive' -HeadingLevel 6 # Combine all the elements into a single string which will be the innerHtml of the <body> element of the report Write-LogMsg @LogParams -Text "Get-HtmlBody -TableOfContents `$TableOfContents -HtmlFolderPermissions `$FormattedPermission.$Format.Div" $Body = Get-HtmlBody -TableOfContents $TableOfContents @BodyParams } # Build the JavaScript scripts Write-LogMsg @LogParams -Text "ConvertTo-ScriptHtml -Permission `$Permissions -PermissionGrouping `$PermissionGroupings" $ScriptHtml = ConvertTo-ScriptHtml -Permission $Permissions -PermissionGrouping $PermissionGroupings -GroupBy $GroupBy -Split $Split $ReportParameters = $HtmlElements.ReportParameters # Apply the report template to the generated HTML report body and description Write-LogMsg @LogParams -Text "New-BootstrapReport -JavaScript @$HtmlElements.ReportParameters" New-BootstrapReport -JavaScript -AdditionalScriptHtml $ScriptHtml -Body $Body @ReportParameters } $FormatString = 'json' break } 'json' { $DetailExports = @( { $args[0] | ConvertTo-Json -Compress -WarningAction SilentlyContinue | Out-File -LiteralPath $args[1] }, { $args[0] | ConvertTo-Json -Compress -WarningAction SilentlyContinue | Out-File -LiteralPath $args[1] }, { $args[0] | ConvertTo-Json -Compress -WarningAction SilentlyContinue | Out-File -LiteralPath $args[1] }, { $args[0] | ConvertTo-Json -Compress -WarningAction SilentlyContinue | Out-File -LiteralPath $args[1] }, { $args[0] | ConvertTo-Json -Compress -WarningAction SilentlyContinue | Out-File -LiteralPath $args[1] }, { $args[0] | ConvertTo-Json -Compress -WarningAction SilentlyContinue | Out-File -LiteralPath $args[1] }, { $args[0] | ConvertTo-Json -Compress -WarningAction SilentlyContinue | Out-File -LiteralPath $args[1] }, { $args[0] | ConvertTo-Json -Compress -WarningAction SilentlyContinue | Out-File -LiteralPath $args[1] }, { }, { }, { } ) $DetailScripts[10] = { } break } 'prtgxml' { $DetailExports = @( { }, { }, { }, { }, { }, { }, { }, { }, { }, { } ) $DetailScripts[10] = { } break } 'xml' { $DetailExports = @( { ($args[0] | ConvertTo-Xml).InnerXml | Out-File -LiteralPath $args[1] }, { ($args[0] | ConvertTo-Xml).InnerXml | Out-File -LiteralPath $args[1] }, { ($args[0] | ConvertTo-Xml).InnerXml | Out-File -LiteralPath $args[1] }, { ($args[0] | ConvertTo-Xml).InnerXml | Out-File -LiteralPath $args[1] }, { ($args[0] | ConvertTo-Xml).InnerXml | Out-File -LiteralPath $args[1] }, { ($args[0] | ConvertTo-Xml).InnerXml | Out-File -LiteralPath $args[1] }, { ($args[0] | ConvertTo-Xml).InnerXml | Out-File -LiteralPath $args[1] }, { ($args[0] | ConvertTo-Xml).InnerXml | Out-File -LiteralPath $args[1] }, { }, { }, { } ) $DetailScripts[10] = { } break } } $ReportObjects = @{} ForEach ($Level in $UnsplitDetail) { # Save the report $ReportObjects[$Level] = Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $DetailScripts[$Level] Out-PermissionDetailReport -Detail $Level -ReportObject $ReportObjects -DetailExport $DetailExports -Format $Format -OutputDir $FormatDir -Culture $Culture -DetailString $DetailStrings } ForEach ($File in $ReportFiles) { if ($Subproperty -eq '') { $Subfile = $File } else { $Subfile = $File.$Subproperty } if ($FileNameProperty -eq '') { $FileName = $File.$FileNameSubproperty } else { $FileName = $File.$FileNameProperty.$FileNameSubproperty } $FileName = $FileName -replace '\\\\', '' -replace '\\', '_' -replace '\:', '' # Convert the list of permission groupings list to an HTML table $PermissionGroupings = $Subfile."$FormatString`Group" $Permissions = $Subfile.$FormatString $ReportObjects = @{} [Hashtable]$Params = $PSBoundParameters $Params['TargetPath'] = $File.Path $Params['NetworkPath'] = $File.NetworkPaths $Params['Split'] = $Split $Params['FileName'] = $FileName $HtmlElements = Get-HtmlReportElements @Params $BodyParams = @{ HtmlFolderPermissions = $Permissions.Div HtmlExclusions = $HtmlElements.ExclusionsDiv HtmlFileList = $HtmlElements.HtmlDivOfFiles ReportFooter = $HtmlElements.ReportFooter SummaryDivHeader = $HtmlElements.SummaryDivHeader DetailDivHeader = $HtmlElements.DetailDivHeader NetworkPathDiv = $HtmlElements.NetworkPathDiv } ForEach ($Level in $SplitDetail) { # Save the report $ReportObjects[$Level] = Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $DetailScripts[$Level] } switch ($Format) { 'csv' { Out-PermissionDetailReport -Detail $SplitDetail -ReportObject $ReportObjects -DetailExport $DetailExports -Format $Format -OutputDir $FormatDir -Culture $Culture -DetailString $DetailStrings break } 'html' { Out-PermissionDetailReport -Detail $SplitDetail -ReportObject $ReportObjects -DetailExport $DetailExports -Format $Format -OutputDir $FormatDir -FileName $FileName -Culture $Culture -DetailString $DetailStrings break } 'js' { Out-PermissionDetailReport -Detail $SplitDetail -ReportObject $ReportObjects -DetailExport $DetailExports -Format $Format -OutputDir $FormatDir -FileName $FileName -Culture $Culture -DetailString $DetailStrings break } 'prtgxml' { # Output the full path of the XML file (result of the custom XML sensor for Paessler PRTG Network Monitor) to the Information stream #Write-Information $XmlFile # Save the XML file to disk #$null = Set-Content -LiteralPath $XmlFile -Value $XMLOutput break } 'xml' { break } } } } } } function Remove-CachedCimSession { param ( # Cache of CIM sessions and instances to reduce connections and queries [Hashtable]$CimCache = ([Hashtable]::Synchronized(@{})) ) ForEach ($CacheResult in $CimCache.Values) { if ($CacheResult) { $CimSession = $CacheResult['CimSession'] if ($CimSession) { $null = Remove-CimSession -CimSession $CimSession } } } } function Resolve-AccessControlList { # Wrapper to multithread Resolve-Acl # Resolve identities in access control lists to their SIDs and NTAccount names param ( # Cache of access control lists keyed by path [Hashtable]$ACLsByPath = [Hashtable]::Synchronized(@{}), # Output stream to send the log messages to [ValidateSet('Silent', 'Quiet', 'Success', 'Debug', 'Verbose', 'Output', 'Host', 'Warning', 'Error', 'Information', $null)] [String]$DebugOutputStream = 'Debug', # Maximum number of concurrent threads to allow [int]$ThreadCount = (Get-CimInstance -ClassName CIM_Processor | Measure-Object -Sum -Property NumberOfLogicalProcessors).Sum, # Cache of access control entries keyed by GUID generated in this function [Hashtable]$ACEsByGUID = ([Hashtable]::Synchronized(@{})), # Cache of access control entry GUIDs keyed by their resolved identities [Hashtable]$AceGUIDsByResolvedID = ([Hashtable]::Synchronized(@{})), # Cache of access control entry GUIDs keyed by their paths [Hashtable]$AceGUIDsByPath = ([Hashtable]::Synchronized(@{})), # Cache of CIM sessions and instances to reduce connections and queries [Hashtable]$CimCache = ([Hashtable]::Synchronized(@{})), <# Dictionary to cache directory entries to avoid redundant lookups Defaults to an empty thread-safe hashtable #> [Hashtable]$DirectoryEntryCache = ([Hashtable]::Synchronized(@{})), # Hashtable with known domain DNS names as keys and objects with Dns,NetBIOS,SID,DistinguishedName,AdsiProvider,Win32Accounts properties as values [Hashtable]$DomainsByFqdn = ([Hashtable]::Synchronized(@{})), # Hashtable with known domain NetBIOS names as keys and objects with Dns,NetBIOS,SID,DistinguishedName properties as values [Hashtable]$DomainsByNetbios = ([Hashtable]::Synchronized(@{})), # Hashtable with known domain SIDs as keys and objects with Dns,NetBIOS,SID,DistinguishedName properties as values [Hashtable]$DomainsBySid = ([Hashtable]::Synchronized(@{})), <# Hostname of the computer running this function. Can be provided as a string to avoid calls to HOSTNAME.EXE #> [String]$ThisHostName = (HOSTNAME.EXE), <# FQDN of the computer running this function. Can be provided as a string to avoid calls to HOSTNAME.EXE and [System.Net.Dns]::GetHostByName() #> [String]$ThisFqdn = ([System.Net.Dns]::GetHostByName((HOSTNAME.EXE)).HostName), # Username to record in log messages (can be passed to Write-LogMsg as a parameter to avoid calling an external process) [String]$WhoAmI = (whoami.EXE), # Log messages which have not yet been written to disk [Hashtable]$LogBuffer = ([Hashtable]::Synchronized(@{})), # ID of the parent progress bar under which to show progres [int]$ProgressParentId, # String translations indexed by value in the [System.Security.AccessControl.InheritanceFlags] enum # Parameter default value is on a single line as a workaround to a PlatyPS bug [string[]]$InheritanceFlagResolved = @('this folder but not subfolders', 'this folder and subfolders', 'this folder and files, but not subfolders', 'this folder, subfolders, and files') ) $Progress = @{ Activity = 'Resolve-AccessControlList' } if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('ProgressParentId')) { $Progress['ParentId'] = $ProgressParentId $Progress['Id'] = $ProgressParentId + 1 } else { $Progress['Id'] = 0 } $Paths = $ACLsByPath.Keys $Count = $Paths.Count Write-Progress @Progress -Status "0% (ACL 0 of $Count)" -CurrentOperation 'Initializing' -PercentComplete 0 $Log = @{ Buffer = $LogBuffer ThisHostname = $ThisHostname Type = $DebugOutputStream WhoAmI = $WhoAmI } $ACEPropertyName = (Get-Member -InputObject $ACLsByPath.Values.Access[0] -MemberType Property, CodeProperty, ScriptProperty, NoteProperty).Name $ResolveAclParams = @{ DirectoryEntryCache = $DirectoryEntryCache DomainsBySID = $DomainsBySID DomainsByNetbios = $DomainsByNetbios DomainsByFqdn = $DomainsByFqdn ThisHostName = $ThisHostName ThisFqdn = $ThisFqdn WhoAmI = $WhoAmI LogBuffer = $LogBuffer CimCache = $CimCache ACEsByGuid = $ACEsByGUID AceGUIDsByPath = $AceGUIDsByPath AceGUIDsByResolvedID = $AceGUIDsByResolvedID ACLsByPath = $ACLsByPath ACEPropertyName = $ACEPropertyName InheritanceFlagResolved = $InheritanceFlagResolved } if ($ThreadCount -eq 1) { [int]$ProgressInterval = [math]::max(($Count / 100), 1) $IntervalCounter = 0 $i = 0 ForEach ($ThisPath in $Paths) { $IntervalCounter++ if ($IntervalCounter -eq $ProgressInterval) { [int]$PercentComplete = $i / $Count * 100 Write-Progress @Progress -Status "$PercentComplete% (ACL $($i + 1) of $Count) Resolve-Acl" -CurrentOperation $ThisPath -PercentComplete $PercentComplete $IntervalCounter = 0 } $i++ # increment $i after Write-Progress to show progress conservatively rather than optimistically Write-LogMsg @Log -Text "Resolve-Acl -InputObject '$ThisPath' -ACLsByPath `$ACLsByPath -ACEsByGUID `$ACEsByGUID" Resolve-Acl -ItemPath $ThisPath @ResolveAclParams } } else { $SplitThreadParams = @{ Command = 'Resolve-Acl' InputObject = $Paths InputParameter = 'ItemPath' TodaysHostname = $ThisHostname WhoAmI = $WhoAmI LogBuffer = $LogBuffer Threads = $ThreadCount ProgressParentId = $Progress['Id'] AddParam = $ResolveAclParams #DebugOutputStream = 'Debug' } Write-LogMsg @Log -Text "Split-Thread -Command 'Resolve-Acl' -InputParameter InputObject -InputObject @('$($ACLsByPath.Keys -join "','")') -AddParam @{ACLsByPath=`$ACLsByPath;ACEsByGUID=`$ACEsByGUID}" Split-Thread @SplitThreadParams } Write-Progress @Progress -Completed } function Resolve-Folder { # Resolve the provided FolderPath to all of its associated UNC paths, including all DFS folder targets param ( # Path of the folder(s) to resolve to all their associated UNC paths [String]$TargetPath, # Cache of CIM sessions and instances to reduce connections and queries [Hashtable]$CimCache = ([Hashtable]::Synchronized(@{})), # Output stream to send the log messages to [ValidateSet('Silent', 'Quiet', 'Success', 'Debug', 'Verbose', 'Output', 'Host', 'Warning', 'Error', 'Information', $null)] [String]$DebugOutputStream = 'Debug', # Hostname to record in log messages (can be passed to Write-LogMsg as a parameter to avoid calling an external process) [String]$ThisHostname = (HOSTNAME.EXE), <# FQDN of the computer running this function. Can be provided as a string to avoid calls to HOSTNAME.EXE and [System.Net.Dns]::GetHostByName() #> [String]$ThisFqdn = ([System.Net.Dns]::GetHostByName((HOSTNAME.EXE)).HostName), # Username to record in log messages (can be passed to Write-LogMsg as a parameter to avoid calling an external process) [String]$WhoAmI = (whoami.EXE), # Log messages which have not yet been written to disk [Hashtable]$LogBuffer = ([Hashtable]::Synchronized(@{})) ) $Log = @{ Buffer = $LogBuffer ThisHostname = $ThisHostname Type = $DebugOutputstream WhoAmI = $WhoAmI } $LogSplat = @{ LogBuffer = $LogBuffer ThisHostname = $ThisHostname DebugOutputStream = $DebugOutputStream WhoAmI = $WhoAmI } $RegEx = '^(?<DriveLetter>\w):' if ($TargetPath -match $RegEx) { Write-LogMsg @Log -Text "Get-CachedCimInstance -ComputerName $ThisHostname -ClassName Win32_MappedLogicalDisk" $MappedNetworkDrives = Get-CachedCimInstance -ComputerName $ThisHostname -ClassName Win32_MappedLogicalDisk -KeyProperty DeviceID -CimCache $CimCache -ThisFqdn $ThisFqdn @LogSplat $MatchingNetworkDrive = $MappedNetworkDrives | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.DeviceID -eq "$($Matches.DriveLetter):" } if ($MatchingNetworkDrive) { # Resolve mapped network drives to their UNC path $UNC = $MatchingNetworkDrive.ProviderName } else { # Resolve local drive letters to their UNC paths using administrative shares $UNC = $TargetPath -replace $RegEx, "\\$(hostname)\$($Matches.DriveLetter)$" } if ($UNC) { # Replace hostname with FQDN in the path $Server = $UNC.split('\')[2] $FQDN = ConvertTo-DnsFqdn -ComputerName $Server @LogSplat $UNC -replace "^\\\\$Server\\", "\\$FQDN\" } } else { ## Workaround in place: Get-NetDfsEnum -Verbose parameter is not used due to errors when it is used with the PsRunspace module for multithreading ## ## Write-LogMsg @Log -Text "Get-NetDfsEnum -FolderPath '$TargetPath'" $AllDfs = Get-NetDfsEnum -FolderPath $TargetPath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if ($AllDfs) { $MatchingDfsEntryPaths = $AllDfs | Group-Object -Property DfsEntryPath | Where-Object -FilterScript { $TargetPath -match [regex]::Escape($_.Name) } # Filter out the DFS Namespace # TODO: I know this is an inefficient n2 algorithm, but my brain is fried...plez...halp...leeloo dallas multipass $RemainingDfsEntryPaths = $MatchingDfsEntryPaths | Where-Object -FilterScript { -not [bool]$( ForEach ($ThisEntryPath in $MatchingDfsEntryPaths) { if ($ThisEntryPath.Name -match "$([regex]::Escape("$($_.Name)")).+") { $true } } ) } | Sort-Object -Property Name $RemainingDfsEntryPaths | Select-Object -Last 1 -ExpandProperty Group | ForEach-Object { $_.FullOriginalQueryPath -replace [regex]::Escape($_.DfsEntryPath), $_.DfsTarget } } else { $Server = $TargetPath.split('\')[2] $FQDN = ConvertTo-DnsFqdn -ComputerName $Server @LogSplat $TargetPath -replace "^\\\\$Server\\", "\\$FQDN\" } } } function Resolve-PermissionTarget { # Resolve each target path to all of its associated UNC paths (including all DFS folder targets) param ( # Path to the NTFS folder whose permissions to export [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline)] [ValidateScript({ Test-Path $_ })] [System.IO.DirectoryInfo[]]$TargetPath, # Cache of CIM sessions and instances to reduce connections and queries [Hashtable]$CimCache = ([Hashtable]::Synchronized(@{})), # Output stream to send the log messages to [ValidateSet('Silent', 'Quiet', 'Success', 'Debug', 'Verbose', 'Output', 'Host', 'Warning', 'Error', 'Information', $null)] [String]$DebugOutputStream = 'Debug', # Hostname to record in log messages (can be passed to Write-LogMsg as a parameter to avoid calling an external process) [String]$ThisHostname = (HOSTNAME.EXE), <# FQDN of the computer running this function. Can be provided as a string to avoid calls to HOSTNAME.EXE and [System.Net.Dns]::GetHostByName() #> [String]$ThisFqdn = ([System.Net.Dns]::GetHostByName((HOSTNAME.EXE)).HostName), # Username to record in log messages (can be passed to Write-LogMsg as a parameter to avoid calling an external process) [String]$WhoAmI = (whoami.EXE), # Log messages which have not yet been written to disk [Hashtable]$LogBuffer = ([Hashtable]::Synchronized(@{})), [Hashtable]$Output = [Hashtable]::Synchronized(@{}), # ID of the parent progress bar under which to show progres [int]$ProgressParentId ) $Log = @{ Buffer = $LogBuffer ThisHostname = $ThisHostname Type = $DebugOutputstream WhoAmI = $WhoAmI } $ResolveFolderSplat = @{ DebugOutputStream = $DebugOutputStream CimCache = $CimCache ThisFqdn = $ThisFqdn } ForEach ($ThisTargetPath in $TargetPath) { Write-LogMsg @Log -Text "Resolve-Folder -TargetPath '$ThisTargetPath'" $Output[$ThisTargetPath] = Resolve-Folder -TargetPath $ThisTargetPath @Log @ResolveFolderSplat } } function Select-PermissionPrincipal { param ( # Cache of security principals keyed by resolved identity reference [Hashtable]$PrincipalByID = ([Hashtable]::Synchronized(@{})), # Regular expressions matching names of Users or Groups to exclude from the Html report [string[]]$ExcludeAccount, # Regular expressions matching names of Users or Groups to exclude from the Html report [string[]]$IncludeAccount, <# Domain(s) to ignore (they will be removed from the username) Intended when a user has matching SamAccountNames in multiple domains but you only want them to appear once on the report. Can also be used to remove all domains simply for brevity in the report. #> [string[]]$IgnoreDomain, [Hashtable]$IdByShortName = [Hashtable]::Synchronized(@{}), [Hashtable]$ShortNameByID = [Hashtable]::Synchronized(@{}), [Hashtable]$ExcludeClassFilterContents = @{}, [Hashtable]$ExcludeFilterContents = [Hashtable]::Synchronized(@{}), [Hashtable]$IncludeFilterContents = [Hashtable]::Synchronized(@{}), # ID of the parent progress bar under which to show progres [int]$ProgressParentId, # Unused parameter [String]$ThisHostName, # Unused parameter [String]$WhoAmI, # Unused parameter [Hashtable]$LogBuffer ) $Progress = @{ Activity = 'Select-PermissionPrincipal' } if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('ProgressParentId')) { $Progress['ParentId'] = $ProgressParentId $Progress['Id'] = $ProgressParentId + 1 } else { $Progress['Id'] = 0 } $IDs = $PrincipalByID.Keys $Count = $IDs.Count Write-Progress @Progress -Status "0% (principal 0 of $Count) Select principals as specified in parameters" -CurrentOperation 'Ignore domains, and include/exclude principals based on name or class' -PercentComplete 0 $Type = [string] ForEach ($ThisID in $IDs) { if ( # Exclude the objects whose names match the regular expressions specified in the parameters [bool]$( ForEach ($ClassToExclude in $ExcludeClass) { $Principal = $PrincipalByID[$ThisID] if ($Principal.SchemaClassName -eq $ClassToExclude) { $ExcludeClassFilterContents[$ThisID] = $true $true } } ) -or # Exclude the objects whose names match the regular expressions specified in the parameters [bool]$( ForEach ($RegEx in $ExcludeAccount) { if ($ThisID -match $RegEx) { #$ExcludeFilterContents[$ThisID] = $ThisID $true } } ) -or # Include the objects whose names match the regular expressions specified in the -IncludeAccount parameter -not [bool]$( if ($IncludeAccount.Count -eq 0) { # If no regular expressions were specified, then return $true here # This will be reversed into a $false by the -not operator above # Resulting in the 'continue' statement not being reached, therefore this principal not being filtered out $true } else { ForEach ($RegEx in $IncludeAccount) { if ($ThisID -match $RegEx) { # If the account name matches one of the regular expressions, then return $true here # This will be reversed into a $false by the -not operator above # Resulting in the 'continue' statement not being reached, therefore this principal not being filtered out $true } else { $IncludeFilterContents[$ThisID] = $true } } } ) ) { continue } $ShortName = $ThisID ForEach ($IgnoreThisDomain in $IgnoreDomain) { $ShortName = $ShortName -replace "^$IgnoreThisDomain\\", '' } Add-CacheItem -Cache $IdByShortName -Key $ShortName -Value $ThisID -Type $Type $ShortNameByID[$ThisID] = $ShortName } Write-Progress @Progress -Completed } # Add any custom C# classes as usable (exported) types $CSharpFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path "$PSScriptRoot\*.cs" ForEach ($ThisFile in $CSharpFiles) { Add-Type -Path $ThisFile.FullName -ErrorAction Stop } Export-ModuleMember -Function @('Add-CacheItem','ConvertTo-ItemBlock','Expand-Permission','Expand-PermissionTarget','Find-ResolvedIDsWithAccess','Find-ServerFqdn','Format-Permission','Format-TimeSpan','Get-AccessControlList','Get-CachedCimInstance','Get-CachedCimSession','Get-PermissionPrincipal','Get-PrtgXmlSensorOutput','Get-TimeZoneName','Initialize-Cache','Invoke-PermissionCommand','Out-Permission','Out-PermissionReport','Remove-CachedCimSession','Resolve-AccessControlList','Resolve-Folder','Resolve-PermissionTarget','Select-PermissionPrincipal') |