
Asks a PDQ API what the latest version number is.
The API returns multiple fields, not just the version number.
Get-PdqLatestVersion -ReleaseType 'Nightly'
Retrieves the version number for the latest Nightly build.

function Get-PdqLatestVersion {

    param (
        [ValidateSet('Deploy', 'Inventory')]
        # The PDQ application you would like to execute this function against.
        # Deploy and Inventory have been released simultaneously since, so you should never need to use this.
        [String]$Product = 'Deploy',
        [ValidateSet('Beta', 'Nightly', 'Release')]
        # The build type you would like to check.
        [String]$ReleaseType = 'Release',

        # The version number you would like to tell the API that you have installed.
        # In versions before 19.x there were breaking changes every now and then that required
        # updating to one version before another.
        # The API is aware of these and will give you the newest version that is safe to update to.
        # The version below is used when you run this on a computer that does not have Deploy or Inventory installed.
        [String]$InstalledVersion = ''

    # I used mitmproxy to see how Deploy and Inventory check for updates.
    # It's relatively simple. The only part I wasn't used to is having to build a block of JSON for the Body.
    $Params = @{
        'Method'      = 'Post'
        'Uri'         = ''
        'Body'        = @{
            'InstalledVersion' = $InstalledVersion
            'Product'          = $Product
            'ReleaseType'      = $ReleaseType
        } | ConvertTo-Json
        'ContentType' = 'application/json'
        'ErrorAction' = 'Stop'
    $Result = Invoke-RestMethod @Params

    # Make sure the API returned good data.
    $ErrorMessages = switch ( $Result ) {
        { $_.releaseType -ne $ReleaseType } {
            "releaseType did not match the expected value of: $ReleaseType"
        { -not $_.version } {
            'version is null'
        { $_.version -notmatch '\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+' } {
            'version did not match the pattern a.b.c.d'

    # Make the buildDate human readable.
    $Result.buildDate = ([DateTime]$Result.buildDate).ToString('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')

    if ( $ErrorMessages ) {

        foreach ( $ErrorMessage in $ErrorMessages ) {

            Write-Error $ErrorMessage


        # Log the API output to Verbose.
        $Result | Out-String | Write-Verbose

    } else {


