<# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves scan errors from the PDQ Inventory database. .DESCRIPTION By default, all errors will be output as an array of PSCustomObjects (up to -Limit). -Group is great for seeing what your most frequent scan errors are. .INPUTS None. .OUTPUTS -Group | -DisableGroupSorting | Type --------------------------------------------------------------------------- No | No | System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject Yes | No | System.Object[] Yes | Yes | System.Collections.Hashtable .EXAMPLE Get-PdqInventoryScanErrors -Group -Limit 500 Retrieve 500 scan errors and group them. #> function Get-PdqInventoryScanErrors { [CmdletBinding()] param ( # Remove computer names from the error messages, count the number of occurrences of each error message, # then output an array sorted by error message. [Switch]$Group, # Only effective if -Group is specified. Outputs a hashtable instead of a sorted array. [Switch]$DisableGroupSort, # The maximum number of errors to retrieve. [UInt32]$Limit = 10000, # The path to the currently active database will be retrieved by default. # You can use this parameter if you wish to run this function against a different database. [String]$DatabasePath ) $ScansWithErrorsQuery = @" SELECT Computers.Name , Computers.HostName , ComputerScans.ComputerScanId , ComputerScans.Started , ComputerScans.Error FROM ComputerScans INNER JOIN Computers USING (ComputerId) WHERE ComputerScans.Error != '' ORDER BY ComputerScans.ComputerScanId DESC LIMIT $Limit "@ $AllErrors = @{} Try { $CloseConnection = Open-PdqSqlConnection -Product 'Inventory' -DatabasePath $DatabasePath Invoke-SqlQuery -Query $ScansWithErrorsQuery -ConnectionName 'Inventory' -Stream | ForEach-Object { $Scan = $_ [XML]$ScanError = $Scan.Error if ( $Group ) { # Remove computer names so messages will group. $ScanErrorMessage = $ScanError.Error.Message.Replace($Scan.HostName, 'Computer') $AllErrors.$ScanErrorMessage ++ } else { # Format the final message. [PSCustomObject]@{ 'Name' = $Scan.Name 'ComputerScanId' = [UInt64]$Scan.ComputerScanId 'Started' = [DateTime]$Scan.Started 'Error' = $ScanError.Error.Message } } } if ( $Group ) { if ( $DisableGroupSort ) { $AllErrors } else { $AllErrors.GetEnumerator() | Sort-Object Name | Format-Table Value, Name } } } Finally { Close-PdqSqlConnection -Product 'Inventory' -CloseConnection $CloseConnection } } |