
function Find-WindowsUpdate
        Finds updates for windows and other products
        Finds updates for windows and other products that use the Microsoft Update system.

    # Update types
    [ValidateSet("Driver","Update", "Security", "Critical")]
    # If set, only finds recommended updates
    # If set, only finds optional updates
    # If set, applies all updates released before the date
    # If set, applies all updates released after the date
    # If set, will find updates that have been installed, not updates that are available
    # If set, will find updates that have been hidden (like rollups)
    process {
        $objServiceManager = New-Object -ComObject "Microsoft.Update.ServiceManager"
        $objSession = New-Object -ComObject "Microsoft.Update.Session"
        $objSearcher = $objSession.CreateUpdateSearcher()
        #check source of updates
        if($MicrosoftUpdate) {
            $objSearcher.ServerSelection = 2
            $serviceName = "Microsoft Update"
        } else {
            foreach ($objService in $objServiceManager.Services) {
                if($ServiceID) {
                    if($objService.ServiceID -eq $ServiceID) {
                        $objSearcher.ServiceID = $ServiceID
                        $objSearcher.ServerSelection = 3
                        $serviceName = $objService.Name
                } else {
                    if($objService.IsDefaultAUService -eq $True) {
                        $serviceName = $objService.Name
        $objCollection = New-Object -ComObject "Microsoft.Update.UpdateColl"
        try {
            $criterion = New-Object Collections.ArrayList
            if ($FindHidden) {
                $null = $criterion.Add("IsHidden=1")
                $null = $criterion.Add("IsHidden=0")
            if ($FindInstalled) {
                $null = $criterion.Add("IsInstalled=1")
                $null = $criterion.Add("IsInstalled=0")
            $criteria = $criterion -join ' or '
            $objResults = $objSearcher.Search($criteria)        
        } catch {
            if ($_ -match "HRESULT: 0x80072EE2") {
                Write-Error "Cannot connect to Windows Update"
        foreach($Update in $objResults.Updates) {
            if ($UpdateType -and 
                $UpdateType -notcontains $Update.Categories.Item(0).Name) {
            if ($Recommended) {
                if (-not $update.AutoSelectOnWebSites) { 
            if ($optionial) {
                if ($update.AutoSelectOnWebSites) { 
            if ($psBoundParameters.ContainsKey('ReleasedBefore')) {
                if ($update.LastDeploymentChangeTime -gt $ReleasedBefore) {
            if ($psBoundParameters.ContainsKey('ReleasedAfter')) {
                if ($update.LastDeploymentChangeTime -lt $ReleasedAfter) {