
#Requires -Modules PartnerCenterCommunity
# Import-Module .\ -Force
# Import-Module ..\ -Force

# Create a web app (admin user -> web app) #
# Done once.
$WebApp = New-PartnerWebApp -DisplayName ('Test ' + (Get-Date -Format s)) -StayConnected
Write-Warning ('Remember to update the WebApp secret on {0}.' -f $WebApp.SecretExpiration)

# Get an authorization code (web app -> authorization code) #
# Get a refresh token (authorization code -> refresh token) #
# Need to be done once, or if the refresh token was not used for 90 days and expired.
Write-Warning 'Sleeping for 50 seconds to allow app creation on O365.'
Start-Sleep -Seconds 50
$RefreshToken = New-PartnerRefreshToken -Credential $WebApp.Credential

# Lets save our credentials so we can run the next part non-interactively #
# In this example to file, but preferably to something like a vault.
$ConnectionCredentials = @{
    Credential   = $WebApp.Credential
    RefreshToken = $RefreshToken
    Tenant       = $WebApp.Tenant
$ConnectionCredentials | Export-Clixml -Path (Join-Path ([Environment]::GetFolderPath('Desktop')) SaveMeSecurely.xml)

# Get an access token (refresh token -> access token) #
# Connecting will do this automatically (it will also regenerate a new RefreshToken when needed automatically)
# Use `-RefreshTokenScript` to save the now generated extended "refresh token" so it will not need to be renewed in 90 days.
$ConnectionCredentials = Import-Clixml -Path (Join-Path ([Environment]::GetFolderPath('Desktop')) SaveMeSecurely.xml)
$null = Connect-PartnerCenter @ConnectionCredentials -RefreshTokenScript {
    param ($AccessToken)
    Write-Debug ("Saving updated RefreshToken: {0}***{1}" -f $AccessToken.RefreshToken.Substring(0, 4), $AccessToken.RefreshToken.Substring($AccessToken.RefreshToken.Length - 4, 4)) #-Debug
    $ConnectionCredentials = Import-Clixml -Path (Join-Path ([Environment]::GetFolderPath('Desktop')) SaveMeSecurely.xml)
    $ConnectionCredentials.RefreshToken = $AccessToken.RefreshToken
    $ConnectionCredentials | Export-Clixml -Path (Join-Path ([Environment]::GetFolderPath('Desktop')) SaveMeSecurely.xml)
# Alternatively can be generated by:
$AccessToken = New-PartnerAccessToken @ConnectionCredentials

# Make a Partner Center API call #
# For example: