# TODO documentation of parameters function Request-OAuthLocalhost { [CmdletBinding()] <# .SYNOPSIS Requesting oAuth v2 flow for an app via localhost .DESCRIPTION Apteco PS Modules - PowerShell OAuthV2 flow .PARAMETER ClientID The client id that will be sent in this flow .PARAMETER ClientSecret The client secret that will be sent in this flow - this should be kept secret!!! .PARAMETER Scope Optionally used parameter to request specific rights. The scope that will be sent in the first step of the oauth flow .PARAMETER State The state is optionally used and normally uses a random string in multiple steps of this flow to prevent CSRF attacks .PARAMETER AuthUrl The auth url that will be used to initiate this flow .PARAMETER TokenUrl The token url that will be used to exchange the code into a token .PARAMETER RedirectUrl The redirect url that will be used after the first login, sth. like http://localhost:54321/ Please be sure to use the exact url with or without the slash in your app configuration .PARAMETER TimeoutForCode The timeout that you have time to complete the first step with logging in .PARAMETER SettingsFile The path to the json file where all settings from this flow are saved into .PARAMETER EncryptToken Should the token be saved encrypted in the resulting json file .PARAMETER SaveSeparateTokenFile Should the access token be saved in a separate file and not only in the json file? .PARAMETER TokenFile The path to the access token file, when the switch SaveSeparateTokenFile is set .PARAMETER SaveExchangedPayload Do you want to save the payload of the second call, which could contain important information .PARAMETER PayloadToSave If you want to save more information in the settingsfile, e.g. for refreshing the token, put it in here .EXAMPLE import-module PSOAuth -Verbose $oauthParam = [Hashtable]@{ "ClientId" = "ssCNo32SNf" "ClientSecret" = "" # ask for this at Apteco, if you don't have your own app "AuthUrl" = "" "TokenUrl" = "" "SaveSeparateTokenFile" = $true } Request-OAuthLocalhost @oauthParam .EXAMPLE TODO SALESFORCE EXAMPLE .INPUTS String .OUTPUTS $null .NOTES Author: #> param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][String]$ClientId ,[Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][String]$ClientSecret ,[Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][Uri]$AuthUrl ,[Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][Uri]$TokenUrl ,[Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][String]$Scope = "" # Supported since 0.0.6 ,[Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][String]$State = "" # Supported since 0.0.6 ,[Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][Uri]$RedirectUrl = "http://localhost:$( Get-Random -Minimum 49152 -Maximum 65535 )/" ,[Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][String]$SettingsFile = "./settings.json" ,[Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][String]$TokenFile = "./oauth.token" #,[Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][String]$CallbackFile = "$( $env:TEMP )\crcallback.txt" ,[Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][Switch]$SaveSeparateTokenFile = $false ,[Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][int]$TimeoutForCode = 360 ,[Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][Switch]$EncryptToken = $false ,[Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][PSCustomObject]$PayloadToSave = [PSCustomObject]@{} ,[Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][Switch]$SaveExchangedPayload = $false ) begin { #----------------------------------------------- # SET LOGFILE #----------------------------------------------- # Set log file here, otherwise it could interrupt the process when launched headless from .net in System32 Set-Logfile -Path "./psoauth.log" #----------------------------------------------- # ASK FOR SETTINGSFILE #----------------------------------------------- <# # Default file $settingsFileDefault = "./settings.json" # Ask for another path $settingsFile = Read-Host -Prompt "Where do you want the settings file to be saved? Just press Enter for this default [$( $settingsFileDefault )]" # ALTERNATIVE: The file dialog is not working from Visual Studio Code, but is working from PowerShell ISE or "normal" PowerShell Console #$settingsFile = Set-FileName -initialDirectory "$( $scriptPath )" -filter "JSON files (*.json)|*.json" # If prompt is empty, just use default path if ( $settingsFile -eq "" -or $null -eq $settingsFile) { $settingsFile = $settingsFileDefault } #> # Check if filename is valid if(Test-Path -LiteralPath $SettingsFile -IsValid ) { Write-Log "SettingsFile '$( $SettingsFile )' is valid" } else { Write-Log "SettingsFile '$( $SettingsFile )' contains invalid characters" } #----------------------------------------------- # ASK FOR TOKENFILE #----------------------------------------------- <# # Default file $tokenFileDefault = "./oauth.token" # Ask for another path $tokenFile = Read-Host -Prompt "Where do you want the token file to be saved? Just press Enter for this default [$( $tokenFileDefault )]" # ALTERNATIVE: The file dialog is not working from Visual Studio Code, but is working from PowerShell ISE or "normal" PowerShell Console #$settingsFile = Set-FileName -initialDirectory "$( $scriptPath )" -filter "JSON files (*.json)|*.json" # If prompt is empty, just use default path if ( $tokenFile -eq "" -or $null -eq $tokenFile) { $tokenFile = $tokenFileDefault } #> # Check if filename is valid if(Test-Path -LiteralPath $tokenFile -IsValid ) { Write-Log "SettingsFile '$( $tokenFile )' is valid" } else { Write-Log "SettingsFile '$( $tokenFile )' contains invalid characters" } } process { #----------------------------------------------- # CONFIRM FOR NEXT STEPS #----------------------------------------------- # Confirm you want to proceed $proceed = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice("New Token", "This will create a NEW token. Previous tokens will be invalid immediatly. Please confirm you are sure to proceed?", @('&Yes'; '&No'), 1) # Leave if answer is not yes If ( $proceed -eq 0 ) { Write-Log -message "Asked for confirmation of new token creation. Answer was 'yes'" } else { Write-Log -message "Asked for confirmation of new token creation. Answer was 'No'" Write-Log -message "Leaving the script now" exit 0 } #----------------------------------------------- # SETTINGS FOR THE TOKEN CREATION #----------------------------------------------- #$clientCred = New-Object PSCredential $ClientId,$ClientSecret #----------------------------------------------- # OAUTHv2 PROCESS - STEP 1 #----------------------------------------------- # STEP 1: Prepare the first call to let the user log into the service # SOURCE: $nvCollection = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::ParseQueryString([String]::Empty) $nvCollection.Add('response_type','code') $nvCollection.Add('client_id',$ClientId) $nvCollection.Add('grant',"basic") $nvCollection.Add('redirect_uri', $RedirectUrl) # a dummy url like is needed If ( $Scope.length -gt 0 ) { $nvCollection.Add('scope', $Scope) # Set only the scope, if it is filled } If ( $State.length -gt 0 ) { $nvCollection.Add('state', $State) # Set only the state, if it is filled } # Create the url $uriRequest = [System.UriBuilder]$AuthUrl $uriRequest.Query = $nvCollection.ToString() # Open the default browser with the generated url Write-Log -message "Opening the browser now to allow the access to the account" Write-Log -message "$( $uriRequest.Uri.OriginalString )" Write-Log -message "Please finish the process in your browser now" Write-Log -message "NOTE:" Write-Log -message " APTECO WILL NOT GET ACCESS TO YOUR DATA THROUGH THE APP!" Write-Log -message " ONLY THIS LOCAL GENERATED TOKEN CAN BE USED FOR ACCESS!" Start-Process $uriRequest.Uri.OriginalString #----------------------------------------------- # PREPARE WEBSERVER LISTENER FOR CALLBACK #----------------------------------------------- $webserverProcess = [scriptblock]{ param( [uri]$redirect ) Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Web $http = [System.Net.HttpListener]::new() # Hostname and port to listen on $http.Prefixes.Add($redirect) # Start the Http Server $http.Start() # Log ready message to terminal if ($http.IsListening) { #Write-Information -MessageData " HTTP Server Ready on '$( $http.Prefixes )'" } else { throw "There was an error starting the HTTP server, pleasy retry or choose another port" } # Let the webserver listen, this loop gets only executed when a request takes place #$r = $null $closeHttpListener = $false $code = "" do { # Get Request Url # When a request is made in a web browser the GetContext() method will return a request object $context = $http.GetContext() # Raw url if ($context.Request.HttpMethod -eq 'GET' -and $context.Request.RawUrl -eq '/') { # We can log the request to the terminal #write-host "$($context.Request.UserHostAddress) => $($context.Request.Url)" -f 'mag' # the html/data you want to send to the browser # you could replace this with: [string]$html = Get-Content "C:\some\path\index.html" -Raw [string]$html = "Waiting for Code." #resposed to the request $buffer = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($html) # convert htmtl to bytes $context.Response.ContentLength64 = $buffer.Length $context.Response.OutputStream.Write($buffer, 0, $buffer.Length) #stream to broswer $context.Response.OutputStream.Close() # close the response } # If the url contains the code if ( $context.request.RawUrl -like "*code=*" ) { #Write-Verbose "Got a code" -verbose # Looking for code in query $callbackUri = [uri]$context.Request.Url $callbackUriSegments = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::ParseQueryString($callbackUri.Query) $code = $callbackUriSegments["code"] $state = $callbackUriSegments["state"] #$r = $context $closeHttpListener = $true # We can log the request to the terminal #write-host "$($context.Request.UserHostAddress) => $($context.Request.Url)" -f 'mag' # the html/data you want to send to the browser # you could replace this with: [string]$html = Get-Content "C:\some\path\index.html" -Raw [string]$html = "<h1>Received code: $( $code )</h1>" #resposed to the request $buffer = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($html) # convert htmtl to bytes $context.Response.ContentLength64 = $buffer.Length $context.Response.OutputStream.Write($buffer, 0, $buffer.Length) #stream to broswer $context.Response.OutputStream.Close() # close the response } <# a few examples $context.Request.HttpMethod gives you the method like GET $context.Request.RawUrl $context.Request.UserHostAddress $context.Request.Url #> # powershell will continue looping and listen for new requests... } until ( $closeHttpListener -eq $true ) #$http.IsListening # return [Hashtable]@{ "code" = $code "state" = $state } } # Start the webserver in the background $u = $RedirectUrl #"http://localhost:$( Get-Random -Minimum 49152 -Maximum 65535 )/" Write-Log -Message "Listening on: '$( $u )'" #-InformationAction Continue $job = Start-Job -Name "ReceiveCodeViaHTTP" -ArgumentList $u -ScriptBlock $webserverProcess #| Wait-Job # Work out the maximum waiting time If ( $TimeoutForCode -le 0 ) { $maxSeconds = 360 # 5 minutes Write-Log "Using default waiting time of $( $maxSeconds ) seconds" } else { $maxSeconds = $TimeoutForCode } # Show a progress bar and wait for a result $waitingStart = [datetime]::Now Do { # Show the progress $ts = New-TimeSpan -Start $waitingStart -End ( [datetime]::now ) $secondsRemaining = [math]::Ceiling($maxSeconds - $ts.TotalSeconds) Write-Progress -Activity "Waiting for callback/redirect" -Status "$( $secondsRemaining ) seconds left" -SecondsRemaining $secondsRemaining -PercentComplete ([math]::Round($secondsRemaining/$maxSeconds*100)) # Wait Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 500 } While ( $ts.TotalSeconds -lt $maxSeconds -and $job.State -eq "Running") # Kill the job in case of error or timeout, if it not completed yet If ( $job.State -ne "Completed" ) { try { $job.StopJob() } catch { } } # Look for a result $webjob = Receive-Job -Job $job $code = $webjob.code # Check the code If ( $code.Length -gt 0 ) { #Write-Host $code } else { throw "Timeout reached or no usable code received" Exit 0 } # Check the state If ( $State.length -gt 0 ) { If ( $webjob.state -ne $State ) { throw "State of initial call does not match the returned state! Exit!" Exit 0 } else { Write-Log "State was accepted!" } } #----------------------------------------------- # OAUTHv2 PROCESS - STEP 2 #----------------------------------------------- # Prepare the second call to exchange the code quickly for a token $postParams = [Hashtable]@{ Method = "Post" Uri = $tokenUrl Body = [Hashtable]@{ "client_id" = $ClientId "client_secret" = $ClientSecret "redirect_uri" = $RedirectUrl #$redirectUri "grant_type" = "authorization_code" "code" = $code } Verbose = $true } $response = Invoke-RestMethod @postParams Write-Log -message "Got a token with scope '$( $response.scope )'" # Trying an API call <# try { $headers = @{ "Authorization" = "Bearer $( $response.access_token )" } $ttl = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "" -Method Get -ContentType "application/json; charset=utf-8" -Headers $headers Write-Log -message "Used token for API call successfully. Token expires at '$( $ )'" } catch { Write-Log -message "API call was not successful. Aborting the whole script now!" -severity ( [Logseverity]::WARNING ) throw $_.Exception } #> # Clear the variables straight away #$clientCred = $null If ( $SaveExchangedPayload -eq $true ) { ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $response -Depth 99 | Set-Content -path ".\exchange.json" -Encoding UTF8 -Force } #----------------------------------------------- # SAVE THE TOKENS #----------------------------------------------- # TODO the saving could be put into a separate function # Encrypt tokens, if wished $refreshToken = "" If ( $EncryptToken -eq $true) { $accessToken = Get-PlaintextToSecure $response.access_token If ( $null -ne $response.refresh_token ) { $refreshToken = Get-PlaintextToSecure $response.refresh_token } } else { $accessToken = $response.access_token If ( $null -ne $response.refresh_token ) { $refreshToken = $response.refresh_token } } # Parse the switch $separateTokenFile = $false If ( $SaveSeparateTokenFile -eq $true ) { $separateTokenFile = $true } # The settings to save for refreshing $set = @{ "accesstoken" = $accessToken "refreshtoken" = $refreshToken "tokenFile" = [IO.Path]::GetFullPath([IO.Path]::Combine((Get-Location -PSProvider "FileSystem").ProviderPath, $TokenFile)) "unixtime" = Get-Unixtime "saveSeparateTokenFile" = $separateTokenFile "payload" = $PayloadToSave #"refreshTokenAutomatically" = $true #"refreshTtl" = 604800 # seconds; refresh one week before expiration } # create json object $json = ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $set -Depth 99 # -compress # TODO implement PSNotify here for email notifications # rename settings file if it already exists If ( Test-Path -Path $SettingsFile ) { $backupPath = "$( $SettingsFile ).$( $timestamp.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss") )" Write-Log -message "Moving previous settings file to $( $backupPath )" -severity ( [Logseverity]::WARNING ) Move-Item -Path $SettingsFile -Destination $backupPath } else { Write-Log -message "There was no settings file existing yet" } # print settings to console #$json # save settings to file $json | Set-Content -path $SettingsFile -Encoding UTF8 #----------------------------------------------- # SAVE THE TOKENS AS SEPARATE FILE UNENCRYPTED #----------------------------------------------- If ( $SaveSeparateTokenFile -eq $true ) { Write-Log -message "Saving token to '$( $TokenFile )'" $response.access_token | Set-Content -path "$( $TokenFile )" -Encoding UTF8 -Force } } end { } } #----------------------------------------------- # TESTING HASHTABLES #----------------------------------------------- <# $leftHt = [hashtable]@{ "firstname" = "Florian" "lastname" = "Friedrichs" } $rightHt = [hashtable]@{ "lastname" = "von Bracht" "Street" = "Schaumainkai 87" } Join-Hashtable -Left $leftHt -right $rightHt -verbose -AddKeysFromRight #> |