
    PScribo Examples

    Many examples are included in the module's \Examples folder with inline help and comments.

    Example01.ps1 - 'Document' and document backup
    Example02.ps1 - 'Export-Document' and output formats
    Example03.ps1 - 'DocumentOption' and page size with margins
    Example04.ps1 - 'Paragraph'
    Example05.ps1 - 'Style' custom styles
    Example06.ps1 - 'Section' document structure
    Example07.ps1 - 'DocumentOption' and section numbering
    Example08.ps1 - 'TOC' and section headings
    Example09.ps1 - 'PageBreak', 'LineBreak' and 'Blankline' breaks
    Example10.ps1 - 'Table' and objects
    Example11.ps1 - 'Table' and 'Select-Object'
    Example12.ps1 - 'Table' columns
    Example13.ps1 - 'Table' headers
    Example14.ps1 - 'Table' width
    Example15.ps1 - 'Table' column widths
    Example16.ps1 - 'Table' and hashtables
    Example17.ps1 - 'Table' and multiple hashtables
    Example18.ps1 - 'Table' and list tables
    Example19.ps1 - 'Table' and list tables with column widths
    Example20.ps1 - 'Table' and hashtable list tables
    Example21.ps1 - 'TableStyle' and basic table styling
    Example22.ps1 - 'TableStyle' borders
    Example23.ps1 - 'TableStyle' padding
    Example24.ps1 - 'TableStyle' custom styling and alternate row styling
    Example25.ps1 - 'TableStyle' custom styling and no alternate row styling
    Example26.ps1 - 'Set-Style' table row styling
    Example27.ps1 - 'Set-Style' hashtable table row styling
    Example28.ps1 - 'Set-Style' table cell styling
    Example29.ps1 - 'Set-Style' hashtable table cell styling
    Example30.ps1 - 'Export-Document' custom Html export options
    Example31.ps1 - 'Image' insertion
    Example32.ps1 - 'Section' and default page orientation
    Example33.ps1 - 'Table' and keyed list tables
    Example34.ps1 - 'Table' and table captions
    Example35.ps1 - 'Header' and 'Footer' first page and defaults
    Example36.ps1 - 'Header' and 'Footer' paragraph styling
    Example37.ps1 - 'Header' and 'Footer' tables
    Example38.ps1 - 'Paragraph' text run styling
    Example39.ps1 - 'List' single-level bullet lists
    Example40.ps1 - 'List' single-level numbered lists
    Example41.ps1 - 'List' and 'Item' multi-level bullet lists
    Example42.ps1 - 'List' and 'Item' multi-level numbered lists
    Example43.ps1 - 'NumberStyle' numbered list number formatting
    Example44.ps1 - 'NumberStyle' and custom number formatting styles
