TOPIC Html Plugin SYNOPSIS PScribo supports outputting hypertext markup language (.html) documents. DESCRIPTION PScribo can output HTML documents for rendering in a web broswer. KNOWN LIMITATIONS There are some restrictions emposed by Html documents which means that some PScribo functionality cannot either be partially or fully implemented: - Html output attempts to create a document-like experience. Paper sizes, page breaks and headers/footers are rendered, but page numbers cannot be faithfully recreated. - Html output does not support the 'Dash' bullet style. Dashes will be rendered using the the web broswer's defaults. - Html numbered lists only support the default '.' number style terminator/suffix. The use of custom number style terminators/suffixes i.e. ')', is not supported. PLUGIN OPTIONS The Html plugin accepts the following output customisation options: NoPageLayoutStyle [bool] : Removes the page layout style and renders the content the full width of the browser window. If not specified, defaults to '$true'. Output customisations are passed to the Export-Document cmdlet as a hashtable, e.g. PS> $document | Export-Document -Format Html -Options @{ NoPageLayoutStyle = $true } SEE ALSO about_PscriboPlugins about_TextPlugin about_JsonPlugin about_WordPlugin |