# en-US ConvertFrom-StringData @' ImportingFile = Importing file '{0}'. InvalidDirectoryPathError = Path '{0}' is not a valid directory path.' NoScriptBlockProvidedError = No PScribo section script block is provided (have you put the open curly brace on the next line?). InvalidHtmlColorError = Invalid Html color '{0}' specified. InvalidHtmlBackgroundColorError = Invalid Html background color '{0}' specified. UndefinedTableHeaderStyleError = Undefined table header style '{0}' specified. UndefinedTableRowStyleError = Undefined table row style '{0}' specified. UndefinedAltTableRowStyleError = Undefined table alternating row style '{0}' specified. InvalidTableBorderColorError = Invalid table border color '{0}' specified. UndefinedStyleError = Undefined style '{0}' specified. OpenPackageError = Error opening package '{0}'. Ensure the file in not in use by another process. IncorrectCharsInPathError = The incorrect char found in the Path. HeaderFooterDocumentRootError = The 'Header' and 'Footer' keywords can only be defined in the document root section. ParagraphRunRootError = The 'Text' keyword can only be defined within a 'Paragraph' section. ListRootError = The 'List' keyword can only be defined within a 'Paragraph' or 'Section' block. ItemRootError = The 'Item' keyword can only be defined within a 'List' section. InvalidCustomNumberStyleError = The custom number style '{0}' is invalid and must contain at least one '%'. MaxHeadingLevelWarning = Html5 supports a maximum of 6 heading levels. Reduce the number of nested Document sections to remove the unsupported tags in the resulting Html output. TableHeadersWithNoColumnsWarning = Table headers have been specified with no table columns/properties. Headers will be ignored. TableHeadersCountMismatchWarning = The number of table headers specified does not match the number of specified columns/properties. Headers will be ignored. ListTableColumnCountWarning = Table columns widths in list format must be 2. Column widths will be ignored. TableColumnWidthMismatchWarning = The specified number of table columns and column widths do not match. Column widths will be ignored. TableColumnWidthSumWarning = The table column widths total '{0}'%. Total column width must equal 100%. Column widths will be ignored. TableWidthOverflowWarning = The table width overflows the page margin and has been adjusted to '{0}mm'. ImageHeightPercentageError = The image height with '-AsPercent' cannot be less-than or equal to 0% and/or greater than 100%. ImageWidthPercentageError = The image width with '-AsPercent' cannot be less-than or equal to 0% and/or greater than 100%. UnexpectedObjectWarning = Unexpected/unsupported object in document/section '{0}'. UnexpectedObjectTypeWarning = Unexpected '{0}' object in document/section '{1}'. UnsupportedPScriboTypeWarning = PScribo type '{0}' is not supported in document/section '{1}'. CannotSetOrientationWarning = Orientation can only be set on a document root 'Section'. Section orientation will be ignored. ListTableCaptionRemovedWarning = List table captions are only supported on tables with a single row. Removing caption from table '{0}'. FirstPageHeaderOverwriteWarning = Existing first page header definition overwritten. DefaultHeaderOverwriteWarning = Existing default page header definition overwritten. FirstPageFooterOverwriteWarning = Existing first page footer definition overwritten. DefaultFooterOverwriteWarning = Existing default page footer definition overwritten. NoNewLineDeprecatedWarning = The '-NoNewLine' functionality has been deprecated. Use Paragraph runs (Text) to implement this functionality for all output formats. ValueParameterRemovedWarning = The 'Paragraph -Value' functionality has been removed and is no longer implemented. NoPriorListItemWarning = No 'Item' defined before nested 'List'; nested list will be ignored. DocumentProcessingStarted = Document '{0}' processing started. DocumentInvokePlugin = Invoking '{0}' plugin. DocumentExportPluginComplete = Plugin '{0}' complete. DocumentOptions = Setting global document options. DocumentOptionSpaceSeparator = Setting default space separator to '{0}'. DocumentOptionUppercaseHeadings = Enabling uppercase headings. DocumentOptionUppercaseSections = Enabling uppercase sections. DocumentOptionSectionNumbering = Enabling section/heading numbering. DocumentOptionPageTopMargin = Setting page top margin to '{0}'mm. DocumentOptionPageRightMargin = Setting page right margin to '{0}'mm. DocumentOptionPageBottomMargin = Setting page bottom margin to '{0}'mm. DocumentOptionPageLeftMargin = Setting page left margin to '{0}'mm. DocumentOptionPageSize = Setting page size to '{0}'. DocumentOptionPageOrientation = Setting page orientation to '{0}'. DocumentOptionPageHeight = Setting page height to '{0}'mm. DocumentOptionPageWidth = Setting page width to '{0}'mm. DocumentOptionDefaultFont = Setting default font(s) to '{0}'. ProcessingBlankLine = Processing blank line. ProcessingImage = Processing image '{0}'. ProcessingLineBreak = Processing line break. ProcessingPageBreak = Processing page break. ProcessingParagraph = Processing paragraph '{0}'. ProcessingSection = Processing section '{0}'. ProcessingSectionStarted = Processing section '{0}' started. ProcessingSectionCompleted = Processing section '{0}' completed. PluginProcessingSection = Processing {0} '{1}'. ProcessingStyle = Setting document style '{0}'. ProcessingTable = Processing table '{0}'. ProcessingTableStyle = Setting table style '{0}'. ProcessingTOC = Processing table of contents '{0}'. ProcessingDocumentPart = Processing document part '{0}'. WritingDocumentPart = Writing document part '{0}'. GeneratingPackageRelationships = Generating package relationships. PluginUnsupportedSection = Unsupported section '{0}'. DocumentProcessingCompleted = Document '{0}' processing completed. TotalProcessingTimeSeconds = Total processing time '{0:N2}' seconds. TotalProcessingTimeMinutes = Total processing time '{0:N2}' minutes. SavingFile = Saving file '{0}'. ProcessingHeaderStarted = Processing document header started. ProcessingHeaderCompleted = Processing document header completed. ProcessingFooterStarted = Processing document footer started. ProcessingFooterCompleted = Processing document footer completed. ProcessingParagraphRunsStarted = Processing paragraph run(s) started. ProcessingParagraphRunsCompleted = Processing paragraph run(s) completed. ProcessingParagraphRun = Processing paragraph run '{0}'. ProcessingList = Processing list '{0}'. ProcessingNumberStyle = Setting number style '{0}'. '@; |