[CmdletBinding()] param ( [System.String[]] $Format = 'Html', [System.String] $Path = '~\Desktop', [System.Management.Automation.SwitchParameter] $PassThru ) Import-Module PScribo -Force -Verbose:$false $example17 = Document -Name 'PScribo Example 17' { <# To create a multi-row table from hashtables, simply create a collection/ array of ordered hashtables. NOTE: You must ensure that the hashtable keys are the same on all hashtables in the collection/array as only the first object is enumerated. NOTE: If using 'ColumnWidths' parameter in combination with the 'List' and 'Key' parameters, make sure the ColumnWidth accounts for the additional column generated by the Key. For example, looking at the hashtable below, 4 ColumnWidths values would be required. The following example creates an table with a three rows from an array of ordered hashtables. #> $hashtableArray = @( [Ordered] @{ 'Column 1' = 'Some random text'; 'Column2' = 345; 'Custom Property' = $true; } [Ordered] @{ 'Column 1' = 'Random some text'; 'Column2' = 16; 'Custom Property' = $false; } [Ordered] @{ 'Column 1' = 'Text random some'; 'Column2' = 1GB; 'Custom Property' = $true; } ) Table -Hashtable $hashtableArray } $example17 | Export-Document -Path $Path -Format $Format -PassThru:$PassThru |