Function Invoke-CumulocityRequest { <# .SYNOPSIS Send a rest request using the c8y .EXAMPLE Invoke-CumulocityRequest -Uri "/inventory/managedObjects" -Method "post" -Data "name=test" Create a new managed object with the name "test" .EXAMPLE Invoke-CumulocityRequest -Uri "/alarm/alarms" -QueryParameters @{ pageSize = "100" } Get a list of alarms with page size of 100 .EXAMPLE Invoke-CumulocityRequest -Uri "/alarm/alarms?pageSize=100" Get a list of alarms with page size of 100 #> [cmdletbinding( SupportsShouldProcess = $true, ConfirmImpact = "None")] Param( # Uri (or partial uri). i.e. /application/applications [Parameter( Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)] [string] $Uri, # HostName to use which overrides the given host [string] $HostName, # Rest Method. Defaults to GET [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WebRequestMethod] $Method, # Request body [object] $Data, # Input file to be uploaded as FormData [string] $InFile, # Uri query parameters [hashtable] $QueryParameters, # Timeout in seconds [Parameter()] [double] $TimeoutSec, # Pretty print json response [Parameter()] [switch] $Pretty, # Include raw response including pagination information [Parameter()] [switch] $Raw, # Outputfile [Parameter()] [string] $OutputFile, # NoProxy [Parameter()] [switch] $NoProxy, # Session path [Parameter()] [string] $Session ) $c8y = Get-CumulocityBinary $c8yargs = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList $null = $c8yargs.Add("rest") if ($Method) { $null = $c8yargs.Add($Method) } if ($null -ne $QueryParameters) { $queryparams = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList foreach ($key in $QueryParameters.Keys) { $value = $QueryParameters[$key] if ($value) { $null = $queryparams.Add("${key}=${value}") } } if ($queryparams.Count -gt 0) { $str = $queryparams -join "&" if ($Uri.Contains("?")) { # uri already has some query parameters, so just append the new one to it $Uri = $Uri + "&" + $str } else { $Uri = $Uri + "?" + $str } } } $null = $c8yargs.Add($Uri) if ($null -ne $Data) { if ($Data -is [string]) { if (Test-Json -InputObject $Data -WarningAction SilentlyContinue) { $null = $c8yargs.AddRange(@("--data", (ConvertTo-JsonArgument $Data))) } else { # allow shortform strings (intepreted by c8y cli tool) $null = $c8yargs.AddRange(@("--data", $Data)) } } else { # Convert hashtables, psobject etc. $null = $c8yargs.AddRange(@("--data", (ConvertTo-JsonArgument $Data))) } } if ($HostName) { $null = $c8yargs.AddRange(@("--host", $HostName)) } if ($TimeoutSec) { # Convert to milliseconds (cast to an integer) [int] $TimeoutInMS = $TimeoutSec * 1000 $null = $c8yargs.AddRange(@("--timeout", $TimeoutInMS)) } if ($InFile) { $null = $c8yargs.AddRange(@("--file", $InFile)) } if ($OutputFile) { $null = $c8yargs.AddRange(@("--outputFile", $OutputFile)) } if ($Raw) { $null = $c8yargs.Add("--raw") } if ($Session) { $null = $c8yargs.AddRange(@("--session", $Session)) } if ($NoProxy) { $null = $c8yargs.Add("--noProxy") } $null = $c8yargs.Add("--pretty={0}" -f $Pretty.ToString().ToLower()) if ($VerbosePreference) { $null = $c8yargs.Add("--verbose") } if ($WhatIfPreference) { $null = $c8yargs.Add("--dry") } Write-Verbose ("{0} {1}" -f $c8y, ($c8yargs -join " ")) & $c8y $c8yargs } |