
Function Set-CumulocityConsoleSetting {
Set console settings to be used by the cli tool

Sensitive information:
When using -HideSensitive, the following information will be obfuscated when shown on the console
(tenant, username, password, base64 credentials)

Set-CumulocityConsoleSetting -HideSensitive

Hide any sensitive session information on the console. Settings like (tenant, username, password, base64 credentials)

        # Hide all sensitive session information (tenant, username, password, base64 encoded passwords etc.)
        [switch] $HideSensitive,

        # Show sensitive information (excepts clear-text passwords)
        [switch] $ShowSensitive

    if ($ShowSensitive) {
        Write-Host "Sensitive session information will be visible (except clear-text passwords)" -ForegroundColor Gray
        $env:C8Y_LOGGER_HIDE_SENSITIVE = $false

    if ($HideSensitive) {
        Write-Host "Sensitive session information will be hidden" -ForegroundColor Gray
        $env:C8Y_LOGGER_HIDE_SENSITIVE = $true