
function Add-CustomFormatForDatetimeSorting {
        This function adds code to make the datatable columns sortable with different datetime formats.
        Day (of Month)
        D - 1 2 ... 30 31
        Do - 1st 2nd ... 30th 31st
        DD - 01 02 ... 30 31
        M - 1 2 ... 11 12
        Mo - 1st 2nd ... 11th 12th
        MM - 01 02 ... 11 12
        MMM - Jan Feb ... Nov Dec
        MMMM - January February ... November December
        YY - 70 71 ... 29 30
        YYYY - 1970 1971 ... 2029 2030
        H - 0 1 ... 22 23
        HH - 00 01 ... 22 23
        h - 1 2 ... 11 12
        hh - 01 02 ... 11 12
        m - 0 1 ... 58 59
        mm - 00 01 ... 58 59
        s - 0 1 ... 58 59
        ss - 00 01 ... 58 59
        More formats
    .PARAMETER CustomDateTimeFormat
        Array with strings of custom datetime format.
        The string is build from two parts. Format and locale. Locale is optional.
        format explanation:
        locale explanation:
        format explanation:
        locale explanation:
        Add-CustomFormatForDatetimeSorting -CustomDateFormat 'dddd, MMMM Do, YYYY','HH:mm MMM D, YY'
        Add-CustomFormatForDatetimeSorting -CustomDateFormat 'DD.MM.YYYY HH:mm:ss'

    if ($Script:Output) { Remove-Variable Output -Scope Script }

    if ($DateTimeSortingFormat) {
        [array]$Script:Output = foreach ($format in $DateTimeSortingFormat) {
            "$.fn.dataTable.moment( '$format' );"
    } else {
        # Default localized format
        $Script:Output = "$.fn.dataTable.moment( 'L' );"
    return $Script:Output

function Add-TableContent {
        [System.Collections.Generic.List[PSCustomObject]] $ContentRows,
        [System.Collections.Generic.List[PSCUstomObject]] $ContentStyle,
        [System.Collections.Generic.List[PSCUstomObject]] $ContentTop,
        [System.Collections.Generic.List[PSCUstomObject]] $ContentFormattingInline,
        [string[]] $HeaderNames,
        [Array] $Table

    # This converts inline conditonal formatting into style. It's intensive because it actually scans whole Table
    # During scan it tries to match things and when it finds a match it prepares it for ContentStyling feature
    if ($ContentFormattingInline.Count -gt 0) {
        [Array] $AddStyles = for ($RowCount = 1; $RowCount -lt $Table.Count; $RowCount++) {
            [string[]] $RowData = $Table[$RowCount] -replace '</td></tr>' -replace '<tr><td>' -split '</td><td>'

            for ($ColumnCount = 0; $ColumnCount -lt $RowData.Count; $ColumnCount++) {
                foreach ($ConditionalFormatting in $ContentFormattingInline) {
                    $ColumnIndexHeader = [array]::indexof($HeaderNames.ToUpper(), $($ConditionalFormatting.Name).ToUpper())
                    if ($ColumnIndexHeader -eq $ColumnCount) {

                        if ($ConditionalFormatting.Type -eq 'number' -or $ConditionalFormatting.Type -eq 'decimal') {
                            [decimal] $returnedValueLeft = 0
                            [bool]$resultLeft = [int]::TryParse($RowData[$ColumnCount], [ref]$returnedValueLeft)

                            [decimal]$returnedValueRight = 0
                            [bool]$resultRight = [int]::TryParse($ConditionalFormatting.Value, [ref]$returnedValueRight)

                            if ($resultLeft -and $resultRight) {
                                $SideLeft = $returnedValueLeft
                                $SideRight = $returnedValueRight
                            } else {
                                $SideLeft = $RowData[$ColumnCount]
                                $SideRight = $ConditionalFormatting.Value

                        } elseif ($ConditionalFormatting.Type -eq 'int') {
                            # Leaving this in althought only NUMBER is used.
                            [int] $returnedValueLeft = 0
                            [bool]$resultLeft = [int]::TryParse($RowData[$ColumnCount], [ref]$returnedValueLeft)

                            [int]$returnedValueRight = 0
                            [bool]$resultRight = [int]::TryParse($ConditionalFormatting.Value, [ref]$returnedValueRight)

                            if ($resultLeft -and $resultRight) {
                                $SideLeft = $returnedValueLeft
                                $SideRight = $returnedValueRight
                            } else {
                                $SideLeft = $RowData[$ColumnCount]
                                $SideRight = $ConditionalFormatting.Value
                        } else {
                            $SideLeft = $RowData[$ColumnCount]
                            $SideRight = $ConditionalFormatting.Value

                        if ($ConditionalFormatting.Operator -eq 'gt') {
                            $Pass = $SideLeft -gt $SideRight
                        } elseif ($ConditionalFormatting.Operator -eq 'lt') {
                            $Pass = $SideLeft -lt $SideRight
                        } elseif ($ConditionalFormatting.Operator -eq 'eq') {
                            $Pass = $SideLeft -eq $SideRight
                        } elseif ($ConditionalFormatting.Operator -eq 'le') {
                            $Pass = $SideLeft -le $SideRight
                        } elseif ($ConditionalFormatting.Operator -eq 'ge') {
                            $Pass = $SideLeft -ge $SideRight
                        } elseif ($ConditionalFormatting.Operator -eq 'ne') {
                            $Pass = $SideLeft -ne $SideRight
                        } elseif ($ConditionalFormatting.Operator -eq 'like') {
                            $Pass = $SideLeft -like $SideRight
                        } elseif ($ConditionalFormatting.Operator -eq 'contains') {
                            $Pass = $SideLeft -contains $SideRight
                        # This is generally risky, alternative way to do it, so doing above instead
                        # if (Invoke-Expression -Command "`"$($RowData[$ColumnCount])`" -$($ConditionalFormatting.Operator) `"$($ConditionalFormatting.Value)`"") {

                        if ($Pass) {
                            # if ($RowData[$ColumnCount] -eq $ConditionalFormatting.Value) {
                            # If we want to make conditional formatting for for row it requires a bit diff approach
                            if ($ConditionalFormatting.Row) {
                                for ($i = 0; $i -lt $RowData.Count; $i++) {
                                        RowIndex    = $RowCount
                                        ColumnIndex = ($i + 1)
                                        # Since it's 0 based index and we count from 1 we need to add 1
                                        Style       = $ConditionalFormatting.Style
                            } else {
                                    RowIndex    = $RowCount
                                    ColumnIndex = ($ColumnIndexHeader + 1)
                                    # Since it's 0 based index and we count from 1 we need to add 1
                                    Style       = $ConditionalFormatting.Style
        # This makes conditional forwarding a ContentStyle
        foreach ($Style in $AddStyles) {

    # Prepopulate hashtable with rows
    $TableRows = @{ }
    if ($ContentStyle) {
        for ($RowIndex = 0; $RowIndex -lt $Table.Count; $RowIndex++) {
            $TableRows[$RowIndex] = @{ }

    # Find rows in hashtable and add column to it
    foreach ($Content in $ContentStyle) {
        if ($Content.RowIndex -and $Content.ColumnIndex) {

            # This takes care of Content by Column Nr
            foreach ($ColumnIndex in $Content.ColumnIndex) {

                # Column Index given by user is from 1 to infinity, Column Index is counted from 0
                # We need to address this by doing - 1
                foreach ($RowIndex in $Content.RowIndex) {
                    $TableRows[$RowIndex][$ColumnIndex - 1] = @{
                        Style = $Content.Style
                    if ($Content.Text) {
                        if ($Content.Used) {
                            $TableRows[$RowIndex][$ColumnIndex - 1]['Text'] = ''
                            $TableRows[$RowIndex][$ColumnIndex - 1]['Remove'] = $true
                        } else {
                            $TableRows[$RowIndex][$ColumnIndex - 1]['Text'] = $Content.Text
                            $TableRows[$RowIndex][$ColumnIndex - 1]['Remove'] = $false
                            $TableRows[$RowIndex][$ColumnIndex - 1]['ColSpan'] = $($Content.ColumnIndex).Count
                            $TableRows[$RowIndex][$ColumnIndex - 1]['RowSpan'] = $($Content.RowIndex).Count
                            $Content.Used = $true
        } elseif ($Content.RowIndex -and $Content.Name) {
            # This takes care of Content by Column Names (Header Names)
            foreach ($ColumnName in $Content.Name) {
                $ColumnIndex = ([array]::indexof($HeaderNames.ToUpper(), $ColumnName.ToUpper()))
                foreach ($RowIndex in $Content.RowIndex) {
                    $TableRows[$RowIndex][$ColumnIndex] = @{
                        Style = $Content.Style
                    if ($Content.Text) {
                        if ($Content.Used) {
                            $TableRows[$RowIndex][$ColumnIndex]['Text'] = ''
                            $TableRows[$RowIndex][$ColumnIndex]['Remove'] = $true
                        } else {
                            $TableRows[$RowIndex][$ColumnIndex]['Text'] = $Content.Text
                            $TableRows[$RowIndex][$ColumnIndex]['Remove'] = $false
                            $TableRows[$RowIndex][$ColumnIndex]['ColSpan'] = $($Content.ColumnIndex).Count
                            $TableRows[$RowIndex][$ColumnIndex]['RowSpan'] = $($Content.RowIndex).Count
                            $Content.Used = $true
        } elseif ($Content.RowIndex -and (-not $Content.ColumnIndex -and -not $Content.Name)) {
            # Just ROW INDEX
            for ($ColumnIndex = 0; $ColumnIndex -lt $HeaderNames.Count; $ColumnIndex++) {
                foreach ($RowIndex in $Content.RowIndex) {
                    $TableRows[$RowIndex][$ColumnIndex] = @{
                        Style = $Content.Style
        } elseif (-not $Content.RowIndex -and ($Content.ColumnIndex -or $Content.Name)) {
            for ($RowIndex = 1; $RowIndex -lt $($Table.Count); $RowIndex++) {
                if ($Content.ColumnIndex) {
                    # JUST COLUMN INDEX
                    foreach ($ColumnIndex in $Content.ColumnIndex) {
                        $TableRows[$RowIndex][$ColumnIndex - 1] = @{
                            Style = $Content.Style
                } else {
                    # JUST COLUMN NAMES
                    foreach ($ColumnName in $Content.Name) {
                        $ColumnIndex = [array]::indexof($HeaderNames.ToUpper(), $ColumnName.ToUpper())
                        $TableRows[$RowIndex][$ColumnIndex] = @{
                            Style = $Content.Style

    # Row 0 = Table Header
    # This builds table from scratch, skipping rows untouched by styling
    [Array] $NewTable = for ($RowCount = 0; $RowCount -lt $Table.Count; $RowCount++) {
        # No conditional formatting we can process just styling since we don't need values
        # We have column index and row index and that's enough
        # In case of conditional formatting it's different as it works on values
        if ($TableRows[$RowCount]) {
            [string[]] $RowData = $Table[$RowCount] -replace '</td></tr>' -replace '<tr><td>' -split '</td><td>'
            New-HTMLTag -Tag 'tr' {
                for ($ColumnCount = 0; $ColumnCount -lt $RowData.Count; $ColumnCount++) {
                    if ($TableRows[$RowCount][$ColumnCount]) {
                        if (-not $TableRows[$RowCount][$ColumnCount]['Remove']) {
                            if ($TableRows[$RowCount][$ColumnCount]['Text']) {
                                New-HTMLTag -Tag 'td' -Value { $TableRows[$RowCount][$ColumnCount]['Text'] } -Attributes @{
                                    style   = $TableRows[$RowCount][$ColumnCount]['Style']
                                    colspan = if ($TableRows[$RowCount][$ColumnCount]['ColSpan'] -gt 1) { $TableRows[$RowCount][$ColumnCount]['ColSpan'] } else { }
                                    rowspan = if ($TableRows[$RowCount][$ColumnCount]['RowSpan'] -gt 1) { $TableRows[$RowCount][$ColumnCount]['RowSpan'] } else { }

                                # Version 1 - Alternative version to workaround DataTables.NET
                                # New-HTMLTag -Tag 'td' -Value { $TableRows[$RowCount][$ColumnCount]['Text'] } -Attributes @{
                                # style = $TableRows[$RowCount][$ColumnCount]['Style']
                                # }

                            } else {
                                New-HTMLTag -Tag 'td' -Value { $RowData[$ColumnCount] } -Attributes @{
                                    style = $TableRows[$RowCount][$ColumnCount]['Style']
                        } else {
                            # RowSpan/ColSpan doesn't work in for content.
                            # This means that this functionality is only good for Non-JS.
                            # Normally you would just remove TD/TD and everything shopuld work
                            # And it does work but only for NON-JS solution

                            # Version 1
                            # Alternative Approach - this assumes the text will be zeroed
                            # From visibility side it will look like an empty cells
                            # However content will be stored only in first cell.
                            # requires removal of colspan/rowspan

                            # New-HTMLTag -Tag 'td' -Value { '' } -Attributes @{
                            # style = $TableRows[$RowCount][$ColumnCount]['Style']
                            # }

                            # Version 2
                            # Below code was suggested as a workaround - it doesn't wrok
                            # New-HTMLTag -Tag 'td' -Value { } -Attributes @{
                            # style = "display: none;"
                            # }
                    } else {
                        New-HTMLTag -Tag 'td' -Value { $RowData[$ColumnCount] }
        } else {
function Add-TableFiltering {
        [bool] $Filtering,
        [ValidateSet('Top', 'Bottom', 'Both')][string]$FilteringLocation = 'Bottom',
        [string] $DataTableName
    $Output = @{ }
    if ($Filtering) {

        if ($FilteringLocation -eq 'Bottom') {

            $Output.FilteringTopCode = @"
                // Setup - add a text input to each footer cell
                `$('#$DataTableName tfoot th').each(function () {
                    var title = `$(this).text();
                    `$(this).html('<input type="text" placeholder="' + title + '" />');

            $Output.FilteringBottomCode = @"
                // Apply the search for footer cells
                table.columns().every(function () {
                    var that = this;
                    `$('input', this.footer()).on('keyup change', function () {
                        if ( !== this.value) {

        } elseif ($FilteringLocation -eq 'Both') {

            $Output.FilteringTopCode = @"
                // Setup - add a text input to each header cell
                `$('#$DataTableName thead th').each(function () {
                    var title = `$(this).text();
                    `$(this).html('<input type="text" placeholder="' + title + '" />');
                // Setup - add a text input to each footer cell
                `$('#$DataTableName tfoot th').each(function () {
                    var title = `$(this).text();
                    `$(this).html('<input type="text" placeholder="' + title + '" />');

            $Output.FilteringBottomCode = @"
                // Apply the search for header cells
                table.columns().eq(0).each(function (colIdx) {
                    `$('input', table.column(colIdx).header()).on('keyup change', function () {
                    `$('input', table.column(colIdx).header()).on('click', function (e) {
                // Apply the search for footer cells
                table.columns().every(function () {
                    var that = this;
                    `$('input', this.footer()).on('keyup change', function () {
                        if ( !== this.value) {

        } else {
            # top headers
            $Output.FilteringTopCode = @"
                // Setup - add a text input to each header cell
                `$('#$DataTableName thead th').each(function () {
                    var title = `$(this).text();
                    `$(this).html('<input type="text" placeholder="' + title + '" />');

            $Output.FilteringBottomCode = @"
                // Apply the search for header cells
                table.columns().eq(0).each(function (colIdx) {
                    `$('input', table.column(colIdx).header()).on('keyup change', function () {
                    `$('input', table.column(colIdx).header()).on('click', function (e) {

    } else {
        $Output.FilteringTopCode = $Output.FilteringBottomCode = '' # assign multiple same values trick
    return $Output
function Add-TableHeader {
        [System.Collections.Generic.List[PSCustomObject]] $HeaderRows,
        [System.Collections.Generic.List[PSCUstomObject]] $HeaderStyle,
        [System.Collections.Generic.List[PSCUstomObject]] $HeaderTop,
        [System.Collections.Generic.List[PSCUstomObject]] $HeaderResponsiveOperations,
        [string[]] $HeaderNames
    if ($HeaderRows.Count -eq 0 -and $HeaderStyle.Count -eq 0 -and $HeaderTop.Count -eq 0 -and $HeaderResponsiveOperations.Count -eq 0) {

    # Prepares for styles to merged headers
    [Array] $MergeColumns = foreach ($Row in $HeaderRows) {
        $Index = foreach ($R in $Row.Names) {
            [array]::indexof($HeaderNames.ToUpper(), $R.ToUpper())
        if ($Index -contains -1) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Table Header can't be processed properly. Names on the list to merge were not found in Table Header."
        } else {
                Index = $Index
                Title = $Row.Title
                Count = $Index.Count
                Style = $Row.Style
                Used  = $false

    $ResponsiveOperations = @{ }
    foreach ($Row in $HeaderResponsiveOperations) {
        foreach ($_ in $Row.Names) {
            $Index = [array]::indexof($HeaderNames.ToUpper(), $_.ToUpper())
            $ResponsiveOperations[$Index] = @{
                Index                = $Index
                ResponsiveOperations = $Row.ResponsiveOperations
                Used                 = $false

    # Prepares for styles to standard header rows
    $Styles = @{ }
    foreach ($Row in $HeaderStyle) {
        foreach ($_ in $Row.Names) {
            $Index = [array]::indexof($HeaderNames.ToUpper(), $_.ToUpper())
            $Styles[$Index] = @{
                Index = $Index
                Title = $Row.Title
                Count = $Index.Count
                Style = $Row.Style
                Used  = $false

    if ($HeaderTop.Count -gt 0) {
        $UsedColumns = 0
        $ColumnsTotal = $HeaderNames.Count
        $TopHeader = New-HTMLTag -Tag 'tr' {
            foreach ($_ in $HeaderTop) {
                if ($_.ColumnCount -eq 0) {
                    $UsedColumns = $ColumnsTotal - $UsedColumns
                    New-HTMLTag -Tag 'th' -Attributes @{ colspan = $UsedColumns; style = ($_.Style) } -Value { $_.Title }
                } else {
                    if ($_.ColumnCount -le $ColumnsTotal) {
                        $UsedColumns = $UsedColumns + $_.ColumnCount
                    } else {
                        $UsedColumns = - ($ColumnsTotal - $_.ColumnCount)
                    New-HTMLTag -Tag 'th' -Attributes @{ colspan = $_.ColumnCount; style = ($_.Style) } -Value { $_.Title }


    $AddedHeader = @(
        $NewHeader = [System.Collections.Generic.List[string]]::new()
        New-HTMLTag -Tag 'tr' {
            for ($i = 0; $i -lt $HeaderNames.Count; $i++) {
                $Found = $false
                foreach ($_ in $MergeColumns) {
                    if ($_.Index -contains $i) {
                        if ($_.Used -eq $false) {
                            New-HTMLTag -Tag 'th' -Attributes @{ colspan = $_.Count; style = ($_.Style); class = $ResponsiveOperations[$i] } -Value { $_.Title }
                            $_.Used = $true
                            $Found = $true
                        } else {
                            $Found = $true
                            # Do Nothing
                if (-not $Found) {
                    if ($MergeColumns.Count -eq 0) {
                        # if there are no columns that are supposed to get a Title (merged Title over 2 or more columns) we remove rowspan completly and just apply style
                        # the style will apply, however if Style will be empty it will be removed by New-HTMLTag function
                        New-HTMLTag -Tag 'th' { $HeaderNames[$i] } -Attributes @{ style = $Styles[$i].Style; class = $ResponsiveOperations[$i].ResponsiveOperations }
                    } else {
                        # Since we're adding Title we need to use Rowspan. Rowspan = 2 means spaning row over 2 rows
                        New-HTMLTag -Tag 'th' { $HeaderNames[$i] } -Attributes @{ rowspan = 2; style = $Styles[$i].Style; class = $ResponsiveOperations[$i].ResponsiveOperations }
                } else {
                    $Head = New-HTMLTag -Tag 'th' { $HeaderNames[$i] } -Attributes @{ style = $Styles[$i].Style; class = $ResponsiveOperations[$i].ResponsiveOperations }
        if ($NewHeader.Count) {
            New-HTMLTag -Tag 'tr' {
    return $AddedHeader
function Add-TableState {
        [bool] $Filtering,
        [bool] $SavedState,
        [string] $DataTableName,
        [ValidateSet('Top', 'Bottom', 'Both')][string]$FilteringLocation = 'Bottom'
    if ($Filtering -and $SavedState) {
        if ($FilteringLocation -eq 'Top') {
            $Output = @"
                // Setup - Looading text input from SavedState
                `$('#$DataTableName').on('stateLoaded.dt', function(e, settings, data) {
                    settings.aoPreSearchCols.forEach(function(col, index) {
                        if (col.sSearch) setTimeout(function() {
                            `$('#$DataTableName thead th:eq('+index+') input').val(col.sSearch)
                        }, 50)

        } elseif ($FilteringLocation -eq 'Both') {
            $Output = @"
                // Setup - Looading text input from SavedState
                `$('#$DataTableName').on('stateLoaded.dt', function(e, settings, data) {
                    settings.aoPreSearchCols.forEach(function(col, index) {
                        if (col.sSearch) setTimeout(function() {
                            `$('#$DataTableName thead th:eq('+index+') input').val(col.sSearch)
                        }, 50)
                // Setup - Looading text input from SavedState
                `$('#$DataTableName').on('stateLoaded.dt', function(e, settings, data) {
                    settings.aoPreSearchCols.forEach(function(col, index) {
                        if (col.sSearch) setTimeout(function() {
                            `$('#$DataTableName tfoot th:eq('+index+') input').val(col.sSearch)
                        }, 50)

        } else {
            $Output = @"
                // Setup - Looading text input from SavedState
                `$('#$DataTableName').on('stateLoaded.dt', function(e, settings, data) {
                    settings.aoPreSearchCols.forEach(function(col, index) {
                        if (col.sSearch) setTimeout(function() {
                            `$('#$DataTableName tfoot th:eq('+index+') input').val(col.sSearch)
                        }, 50)

    } else {
        $Output = ''
    return $Output
function Convert-ImagesToBinary {
        [string[]] $Content,
        [string] $Search,
        [string] $ReplacePath
    if ($Content -like "*$Search*") {
        $Replace = "data:image/$FileType;base64," + [Convert]::ToBase64String((Get-Content -LiteralPath $ReplacePath -Encoding Byte))
        $Content = $Content.Replace($Search, $Replace)

function Convert-Image {
        [string] $Image

    $ImageFile = Get-ImageFile -Image $Image
    if ($ImageFile) {
        Convert-ImageToBinary -ImageFile $ImageFile

function Get-ImageFile {
        [uri] $Image
    if (-not $Image.IsFile) {
        $Extension = ($Image.OriginalString).Substring(($Image.OriginalString).Length - 4)

        if ($Extension -notin @('.png', '.jpg', 'jpeg', '.svg')) {
        $Extension = $Extension.Replace('.', '')
        $ImageFile = Get-FileName -Extension $Extension -Temporary
        Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $Image -OutFile $ImageFile
    } else {


function Convert-ImageToBinary {
        [System.IO.FileInfo] $ImageFile

    if ($ImageFile.Extension -eq '.jpg') {
        $FileType = 'jpeg'
    } else {
        $FileType = $ImageFile.Extension.Replace('.', '')
    Write-Verbose "Converting $($ImageFile.FullName) to base64 ($FileType)"

    if ($PSEdition -eq 'Core') {
        $ImageContent = Get-Content -AsByteStream -LiteralPath $ImageFile.FullName
    } else {
        $ImageContent = Get-Content -LiteralPath $ImageFile.FullName -Encoding Byte
    $Output = "data:image/$FileType;base64," + [Convert]::ToBase64String(($ImageContent))
function Convert-StyleContent {
        [string[]] $CSS,
        [string] $ImagesPath,
        [string] $SearchPath

    #Get-ObjectType -Object $CSS -VerboseOnly -Verbose

    $ImageFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path (Join-Path $ImagesPath '\*') -Include *.jpg, *.png, *.bmp #-Recurse
    foreach ($Image in $ImageFiles) {
        $CSS = Convert-ImagesToBinary -Content $CSS -Search "$SearchPath$($Image.Name)" -ReplacePath $Image.FullName
    return $CSS


#Convert-StyleContent -ImagesPath "$PSScriptRoot\Resources\Images\DataTables" -SearchPath "DataTables-1.10.18/images/"
function Convert-StyleContent1 {
        [PSCustomObject] $Options
    # Replace PNG / JPG files in Styles
    if ($null -ne $Options.StyleContent) {
        Write-Verbose "Logos: $($Options.Logos.Keys -join ',')"
        foreach ($Logo in $Options.Logos.Keys) {
            $Search = "../images/$Logo.png", "DataTables-1.10.18/images/$Logo.png"
            $Replace = $Options.Logos[$Logo]
            foreach ($S in $Search) {
                Write-Verbose "Logos - replacing $S with binary representation"
                $Options.StyleContent = ($Options.StyleContent).Replace($S, $Replace)
function ConvertTo-CSS {
        [string] $ClassName,
        [System.Collections.IDictionary] $Attributes
    $Css = @(
        ".$ClassName {"
        foreach ($_ in $Attributes.Keys) {
            if ($null -ne $Attributes[$_]) {
                "$($_): $($Attributes[$_]);"
    ) -join "`n"
function ConvertTo-HTMLStyle {
        [nullable[RGBColors]] $Color,
        [nullable[RGBColors]] $BackGroundColor,
        [int] $FontSize,
        [ValidateSet('normal', 'bold', 'bolder', 'lighter', '100', '200', '300', '400', '500', '600', '700', '800', '900')][string] $FontWeight,
        [ValidateSet('normal', 'italic', 'oblique')][string] $FontStyle,
        [ValidateSet('normal', 'small-caps')][string] $FontVariant,
        [string] $FontFamily,
        [ValidateSet('left', 'center', 'right', 'justify')][string]  $Alignment,
        [ValidateSet('none', 'line-through', 'overline', 'underline')][string]  $TextDecoration,
        [ValidateSet('uppercase', 'lowercase', 'capitalize')][string]  $TextTransform,
        [ValidateSet('rtl')][string] $Direction,
        [switch] $LineBreak
    if ($FontSize -eq 0) {
        $Size = ''
    } else {
        $size = "$($FontSize)px"
    $Style = @{
        'color'            = ConvertFrom-Color -Color $Color
        'background-color' = ConvertFrom-Color -Color $BackGroundColor
        'font-size'        = $Size
        'font-weight'      = $FontWeight
        'font-variant'     = $FontVariant
        'font-family'      = $FontFamily
        'font-style'       = $FontStyle
        'text-align'       = $Alignment

        'text-decoration'  = $TextDecoration
        'text-transform'   = $TextTransform
    # Removes empty, not needed values from hashtable. It's much easier then using if/else to verify for null/empty string
    Remove-EmptyValues -Hashtable $Style
    return $Style
function Get-FeaturesInUse {
    Short description
    Long description
    .PARAMETER PriorityFeatures
    Define priority features - important for ordering when CSS or JS has to be processed in certain order
    Get-FeaturesInUse -PriorityFeatures 'Jquery', 'DataTables', 'Tabs', 'Test'
    General notes

        [string[]] $PriorityFeatures
    [Array] $Features = foreach ($Key in $Script:HTMLSchema.Features.Keys) {
        if ($Script:HTMLSchema.Features[$Key]) {
    [Array] $TopFeatures = foreach ($Feature in $PriorityFeatures) {
        if ($Features -contains $Feature) {
    [Array] $RemainingFeatures = foreach ($Feature in $Features) {
        if ($TopFeatures -notcontains $Feature) {
    [Array] $AllFeatures = $TopFeatures + $RemainingFeatures
Function Get-HTMLLogos {
            Get Base64 HTML

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [string]$LeftLogoName = "Sample",
        [string]$RightLogoName = "Alternate",

    $LogoSources = @{ }
    $LogoPath = @(
        if ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($RightLogoString) -eq $false -or [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($LeftLogoString) -eq $false) {
            if ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($RightLogoString) -eq $false) {
                $LogoSources.Add($RightLogoName, $RightLogoString)
            if ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($LeftLogoString) -eq $false) {
                $LogoSources.Add($LeftLogoName, $LeftLogoString)
        } else {
    $ImageFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path (Join-Path $LogoPath '\*') -Include *.jpg, *.png, *.bmp -Recurse
    foreach ($ImageFile in $ImageFiles) {
        if ($ImageFile.Extension -eq '.jpg') {
            $FileType = 'jpeg'
        } else {
            $FileType = $ImageFile.Extension.Replace('.', '')
        Write-Verbose "Converting $($ImageFile.FullName) to base64 ($FileType)"

        if ($PSEdition -eq 'Core') {
            $ImageContent = Get-Content -AsByteStream -LiteralPath $ImageFile.FullName
        } else {
            $ImageContent = Get-Content -LiteralPath $ImageFile.FullName -Encoding Byte
        $LogoSources.Add($ImageFile.BaseName, "data:image/$FileType;base64," + [Convert]::ToBase64String(($ImageContent)))
    Write-Output $LogoSources

#$t = 'C:\Support\GitHub\PSWriteHTML\Private\Get-HTMLLogos.ps1'
#$t -as [System.IO.FileInfo]
function Get-HTMLPartContent {
        [Array] $Content,
        [string] $Start,
        [string] $End,
        [ValidateSet('Before', 'Between', 'After')] $Type = 'Between'
    $NrStart = $Content.IndexOf($Start)
    $NrEnd = $Content.IndexOf($End)   
    #Write-Color $NrStart, $NrEnd, $Type -Color White, Yellow, Blue

    if ($Type -eq 'Between') {
        if ($NrStart -eq -1) {
            # return nothing
    if ($Type -eq 'After') {
        if ($NrStart -eq -1) {
            # Returns untouched content
            return $Content
        $Content[($NrEnd + 1)..($Content.Count - 1)]

    if ($Type -eq 'Before') {
        if ($NrStart -eq -1) {
            # return nothing
function Get-Resources {
        [switch] $UseCssLinks,
        [switch] $UseJavaScriptLinks,
        [switch] $NoScript,
        [ValidateSet('Header', 'Footer', 'HeaderAlways', 'FooterAlways')][string] $Location
    DynamicParam {
        # Defines Features Parameter Dynamically
        $Names = $Script:Configuration.Features.Keys
        $ParamAttrib = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute
        $ParamAttrib.Mandatory = $true
        $ParamAttrib.ParameterSetName = '__AllParameterSets'

        $ReportAttrib = New-Object  System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Attribute]
        $ReportAttrib.Add((New-Object System.Management.Automation.ValidateSetAttribute($Names)))
        $ReportRuntimeParam = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter('Features', [string[]], $ReportAttrib)
        $RuntimeParamDic = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary
        $RuntimeParamDic.Add('Features', $ReportRuntimeParam)
        return $RuntimeParamDic
    Process {
        [string[]] $Features = $PSBoundParameters.Features

        foreach ($Feature in $Features) {

            Write-Verbose "Get-Resources - Location: $Location - Feature: $Feature UseCssLinks: $UseCssLinks UseJavaScriptLinks: $UseJavaScriptLinks"
            if ($UseCssLinks) {
                New-HTMLResourceCSS -Link $Script:Configuration.Features.$Feature.$Location.'CssLink' -ResourceComment $Script:Configuration.Features.$Feature.Comment
            } else {
                $CSSOutput = New-HTMLResourceCSS `
                    -FilePath $Script:Configuration.Features.$Feature.$Location.'Css' `
                    -ResourceComment $Script:Configuration.Features.$Feature.Comment `
                    -Replace $Script:Configuration.Features.$Feature.CustomActionsReplace
                Convert-StyleContent -CSS $CSSOutput -ImagesPath "$PSScriptRoot\Resources\Images\DataTables" -SearchPath "DataTables-1.10.18/images/"
            if ($UseJavaScriptLinks) {
                New-HTMLResourceJS -Link $Script:Configuration.Features.$Feature.$Location.'JsLink' -ResourceComment $Script:Configuration.Features.$Feature.Comment
            } else {
                New-HTMLResourceJS -FilePath $Script:Configuration.Features.$Feature.$Location.'Js' -ResourceComment $Script:Configuration.Features.$Feature.Comment -ReplaceData $Script:Configuration.Features.$Feature.CustomActionsReplace

            if ($NoScript) {
                [Array] $Output = @(
                    if ($UseCssLinks) {
                        New-HTMLResourceCSS -Link $Script:Configuration.Features.$Feature.$Location.'CssLinkNoScript' -ResourceComment $Script:Configuration.Features.$Feature.Comment
                    } else {
                        $CSSOutput = New-HTMLResourceCSS -FilePath $Script:Configuration.Features.$Feature.$Location.'CssNoScript' -ResourceComment $Script:Configuration.Features.$Feature.Comment -ReplaceData $Script:Configuration.Features.$Feature.CustomActionsReplace
                        Convert-StyleContent -CSS $CSSOutput -ImagesPath "$PSScriptRoot\Resources\Images\DataTables" -SearchPath "DataTables-1.10.18/images/"
                if (($Output.Count -gt 0) -and ($null -ne $Output[0])) {
                    New-HTMLTag -Tag 'noscript' {
function New-ApexChart {
        [System.Collections.IDictionary] $Options
    $Script:HTMLSchema.Features.ChartsApex = $true
    [string] $ID = "ChartID-" + (Get-RandomStringName -Size 8)
    $Div = New-HTMLTag -Tag 'div' -Attributes @{ id = $ID; }
    $Script = New-HTMLTag -Tag 'script' -Value {
        # Convert Dictionary to JSON and return chart within SCRIPT tag
        # Make sure to return with additional empty string
        $JSON = $Options | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 5 | ForEach-Object { [System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex]::Unescape($_) }
        "var options = $JSON"
        "var chart = new ApexCharts(document.querySelector('#$ID'),

    } -NewLine
    # we need to move it to the end of the code therefore using additional vesel
function New-ChartAxisX {
    [alias('ChartCategory', 'ChartAxisX', 'New-ChartCategory')]
        [alias('Name')][Array] $Names,
        [alias('Title')][string] $TitleText,
        [ValidateSet('datetime', 'category', 'numeric')][string] $Type = 'category',
        [int] $MinValue,
        [int] $MaxValue
        #[ValidateSet('top', 'topRight', 'left', 'right', 'bottom', '')][string] $LegendPosition = '',
        # [RGBColors[]] $Color
    [PSCustomObject] @{
        ObjectType = 'ChartAxisX'
        ChartAxisX = @{
            Names     = $Names
            Type      = $Type
            TitleText = $TitleText
            Min       = $MinValue
            Max       = $MaxValue

        # LegendPosition = $LegendPosition
        # Color = $Color


<# We can build this:
   xaxis: {
        type: 'category',
        categories: [],
        labels: {
            show: true,
            rotate: -45,
            rotateAlways: false,
            hideOverlappingLabels: true,
            showDuplicates: false,
            trim: true,
            minHeight: undefined,
            maxHeight: 120,
            style: {
                colors: [],
                fontSize: '12px',
                fontFamily: 'Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif',
                cssClass: 'apexcharts-xaxis-label',
            offsetX: 0,
            offsetY: 0,
            format: undefined,
            formatter: undefined,
            datetimeFormatter: {
                year: 'yyyy',
                month: "MMM 'yy",
                day: 'dd MMM',
                hour: 'HH:mm',
        axisBorder: {
            show: true,
            color: '#78909C',
            height: 1,
            width: '100%',
            offsetX: 0,
            offsetY: 0
        axisTicks: {
            show: true,
            borderType: 'solid',
            color: '#78909C',
            height: 6,
            offsetX: 0,
            offsetY: 0
        tickAmount: undefined,
        tickPlacement: 'between',
        min: undefined,
        max: undefined,
        range: undefined,
        floating: false,
        position: 'bottom',
        title: {
            text: undefined,
            offsetX: 0,
            offsetY: 0,
            style: {
                color: undefined,
                fontSize: '12px',
                fontFamily: 'Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif',
                cssClass: 'apexcharts-xaxis-title',
        crosshairs: {
            show: true,
            width: 1,
            position: 'back',
            opacity: 0.9,
            stroke: {
                color: '#b6b6b6',
                width: 0,
                dashArray: 0,
            fill: {
                type: 'solid',
                color: '#B1B9C4',
                gradient: {
                    colorFrom: '#D8E3F0',
                    colorTo: '#BED1E6',
                    stops: [0, 100],
                    opacityFrom: 0.4,
                    opacityTo: 0.5,
            dropShadow: {
                enabled: false,
                top: 0,
                left: 0,
                blur: 1,
                opacity: 0.4,
        tooltip: {
            enabled: true,
            formatter: undefined,
            offsetY: 0,

function New-ChartAxisY {
        [switch] $Show,
        [switch] $ShowAlways,
        [string] $TitleText,
        [ValidateSet('90', '270')][string] $TitleRotate = '90',
        [int] $TitleOffsetX = 0,
        [int] $TitleOffsetY = 0,
        [RGBColors] $TitleStyleColor = [RGBColors]::None,
        [int] $TitleStyleFontSize = 12,
        [string] $TitleStylefontFamily = 'Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif',
        [int] $MinValue,
        [int] $MaxValue
        #[ValidateSet('top', 'topRight', 'left', 'right', 'bottom', '')][string] $LegendPosition = '',
        # [RGBColors[]] $Color
    [PSCustomObject] @{
        ObjectType = 'ChartAxisY'
        ChartAxisY = @{
            Show                 = $Show.IsPresent
            ShowAlways           = $ShowAlways.IsPresent
            TitleText            = $TitleText
            TitleRotate          = $TitleRotate
            TitleOffsetX         = $TitleOffsetX
            TitleOffsetY         = $TitleOffsetY
            TitleStyleColor      = $TitleStyleColor
            TitleStyleFontSize   = $TitleStyleFontSize
            TitleStylefontFamily = $TitleStylefontFamily
            Min                  = $MinValue
            Max                  = $MaxValue


<# We can build this
    yaxis: {
        show: true,
        showAlways: true,
        seriesName: undefined,
        opposite: false,
        reversed: false,
        logarithmic: false,
        tickAmount: 6,
        min: 6,
        max: 6,
        forceNiceScale: false,
        floating: false,
        decimalsInFloat: undefined,
        labels: {
            show: true,
            align: 'right',
            minWidth: 0,
            maxWidth: 160,
            style: {
                color: undefined,
                fontSize: '12px',
                fontFamily: 'Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif',
                cssClass: 'apexcharts-yaxis-label',
            offsetX: 0,
            offsetY: 0,
            rotate: 0,
            formatter: (value) => { return val },
        axisBorder: {
            show: true,
            color: '#78909C',
            offsetX: 0,
            offsetY: 0
        axisTicks: {
            show: true,
            borderType: 'solid',
            color: '#78909C',
            width: 6,
            offsetX: 0,
            offsetY: 0
        title: {
            text: undefined,
            rotate: -90,
            offsetX: 0,
            offsetY: 0,
            style: {
                color: undefined,
                fontSize: '12px',
                fontFamily: 'Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif',
                cssClass: 'apexcharts-yaxis-title',
        crosshairs: {
            show: true,
            position: 'back',
            stroke: {
                color: '#b6b6b6',
                width: 1,
                dashArray: 0,
        tooltip: {
            enabled: true,
            offsetX: 0,

function New-ChartBar {
        [string] $Name,
        [object] $Value
    [PSCustomObject] @{
        ObjectType = 'Bar'
        Name       = $Name
        Value      = $Value

function New-ChartBarOptions {
        [ValidateSet('bar', 'barStacked', 'barStacked100Percent')] $Type = 'bar',
        [bool] $DataLabelsEnabled = $true,
        [int] $DataLabelsOffsetX = -6,
        [string] $DataLabelsFontSize = '12px',
        [nullable[RGBColors]] $DataLabelsColor,
        [alias('PatternedColors')][switch] $Patterned,
        [alias('GradientColors')][switch] $Gradient,
        [switch] $Distributed,
        [switch] $Vertical


    if ($null -ne $PSBoundParameters.Patterned) {
        $PatternedColors = $Patterned.IsPresent
    } else {
        $PatternedColors = $null
    if ($null -ne $PSBoundParameters.Gradient) {
        $GradientColors = $Gradient.IsPresent
    } else {
        $GradientColors = $null

    [PSCustomObject] @{
        ObjectType         = 'BarOptions'
        Type               = $Type
        Title              = $Title
        TitleAlignment     = $TitleAlignment
        Horizontal         = -not $Vertical.IsPresent
        DataLabelsEnabled  = $DataLabelsEnabled
        DataLabelsOffsetX  = $DataLabelsOffsetX
        DataLabelsFontSize = $DataLabelsFontSize
        DataLabelsColor    = $DataLabelsColor
        PatternedColors    = $PatternedColors
        GradientColors     = $GradientColors
        Distributed        = $Distributed.IsPresent
function New-ChartDonut {
        [string] $Name,
        [object] $Value,
        [RGBColors] $Color

    [PSCustomObject] @{
        ObjectType = 'Donut'
        Name       = $Name
        Value      = $Value
        Color      = $Color

function New-ChartGrid {
        [switch] $Show,
        [RGBColors] $BorderColor = [RGBColors]::None,
        [int] $StrokeDash, #: 0,
        [ValidateSet('front', 'back', 'default')][string] $Position = 'default',
        [switch] $xAxisLinesShow,
        [switch] $yAxisLinesShow,
        [RGBColors[]] $RowColors,
        [double] $RowOpacity = 0.5, # valid range 0 - 1
        [RGBColors[]] $ColumnColors,
        [double] $ColumnOpacity = 0.5, # valid range 0 - 1
        [int] $PaddingTop,
        [int] $PaddingRight,
        [int] $PaddingBottom,
        [int] $PaddingLeft
    [PSCustomObject] @{
        ObjectType = 'ChartGrid'
        Grid       = @{
            Show           = $Show.IsPresent
            BorderColor    = $BorderColor
            StrokeDash     = $StrokeDash
            Position       = $Position
            xAxisLinesShow = $xAxisLinesShow.IsPresent
            yAxisLinesShow = $yAxisLinesShow.IsPresent
            RowColors      = $RowColors
            RowOpacity     = $RowOpacity
            ColumnColors   = $ColumnColors
            ColumnOpacity  = $ColumnOpacity
            PaddingTop     = $PaddingTop
            PaddingRight   = $PaddingRight
            PaddingBottom  = $PaddingBottom
            PaddingLeft    = $PaddingLeft
function New-ChartInternalArea {
        [System.Collections.IDictionary] $Options,

        [Array] $Data,
        [Array] $DataNames,
        [Array] $DataLegend,

        #[bool] $DataLabelsEnabled = $true,
        #[int] $DataLabelsOffsetX = -6,
        #[string] $DataLabelsFontSize = '12px',
        #[nullable[RGBColors]] $DataLabelsColor,
        [ValidateSet('datetime', 'category', 'numeric')][string] $DataCategoriesType = 'category'

    # Chart defintion type, size
    $Options.chart = @{
        type = 'area'

    $Options.series = @( New-ChartInternalDataSet -Data $Data -DataNames $DataNames )

    $Options.xaxis = [ordered] @{ }
    if ($DataCategoriesType -ne '') {
        $Options.xaxis.type = $DataCategoriesType
    if ($DataCategories.Count -gt 0) {
        $Options.xaxis.categories = $DataCategories

function New-ChartInternalAxisX {
        [System.Collections.IDictionary] $Options,
        [string] $TitleText,
        [int] $Min,
        [int] $Max,
        [ValidateSet('datetime', 'category', 'numeric')][string] $Type = 'category',
        [Array] $Names

    if (-not $Options.Contains('xaxis')) {
        $Options.xaxis = @{ }
    if ($TitleText -ne '') {
        $Options.xaxis.title = @{ }
        $Options.xaxis.title.text = $TitleText
    if ($MinValue -gt 0) {
        $Options.xaxis.min = $Min
    if ($MinValue -gt 0) {
        $Options.xaxis.max = $Max
    if ($Type -ne '') {
        $Options.xaxis.type = $Type
    if ($Names.Count -gt 0) {
        $Options.xaxis.categories = $Names
function New-ChartInternalAxisY {
        [System.Collections.IDictionary] $Options,
        [string] $TitleText,
        [int] $Min,
        [int] $Max,
        [bool] $Show,
        [bool] $ShowAlways,
        [ValidateSet('90', '270')][string] $TitleRotate = '90',
        [int] $TitleOffsetX = 0,
        [int] $TitleOffsetY = 0,
        [RGBColors] $TitleStyleColor = [RGBColors]::None,
        [int] $TitleStyleFontSize = 12,
        [string] $TitleStylefontFamily = 'Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif'
    if (-not $Options.Contains('yaxis')) {
        $Options.yaxis = @{ }

    #if ($Show) {
    $ = $Show
    $Options.yaxis.showAlways = $ShowAlways
    # }

    if ($TitleText -ne '') {
        $Options.yaxis.title = [ordered] @{ }
        $Options.yaxis.title.text = $TitleText
        $Options.yaxis.title.rotate = [int] $TitleRotate
        $Options.yaxis.title.offsetX = $TitleOffsetX
        $Options.yaxis.title.offsetY = $TitleOffsetY
        $ = [ordered] @{ }

        $Color = ConvertFrom-Color -Color $TitleStyleColor
        if ($null -ne $Color) {
            $ = $Coor
        $ = $TitleStyleFontSize
        $ = $TitleStylefontFamily
    if ($Min -gt 0) {
        $Options.yaxis.min = $Min
    if ($Min -gt 0) {
        $Options.yaxis.max = $Max


<# We can build this
    yaxis: {
        show: true,
        showAlways: true,
        seriesName: undefined,
        opposite: false,
        reversed: false,
        logarithmic: false,
        tickAmount: 6,
        min: 6,
        max: 6,
        forceNiceScale: false,
        floating: false,
        decimalsInFloat: undefined,
        labels: {
            show: true,
            align: 'right',
            minWidth: 0,
            maxWidth: 160,
            style: {
                color: undefined,
                fontSize: '12px',
                fontFamily: 'Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif',
                cssClass: 'apexcharts-yaxis-label',
            offsetX: 0,
            offsetY: 0,
            rotate: 0,
            formatter: (value) => { return val },
        axisBorder: {
            show: true,
            color: '#78909C',
            offsetX: 0,
            offsetY: 0
        axisTicks: {
            show: true,
            borderType: 'solid',
            color: '#78909C',
            width: 6,
            offsetX: 0,
            offsetY: 0
        title: {
            text: undefined,
            rotate: -90,
            offsetX: 0,
            offsetY: 0,
            style: {
                color: undefined,
                fontSize: '12px',
                fontFamily: 'Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif',
                cssClass: 'apexcharts-yaxis-title',
        crosshairs: {
            show: true,
            position: 'back',
            stroke: {
                color: '#b6b6b6',
                width: 1,
                dashArray: 0,
        tooltip: {
            enabled: true,
            offsetX: 0,

Function New-ChartInternalBar {
        [System.Collections.IDictionary] $Options,
        [bool] $Horizontal = $true,
        [bool] $DataLabelsEnabled = $true,
        [int] $DataLabelsOffsetX = -6,
        [string] $DataLabelsFontSize = '12px',
        [RGBColors[]] $DataLabelsColor,
        [string] $Title,
        [ValidateSet('center', 'left', 'right', 'default')][string] $TitleAlignment = 'default',
        [string] $Formatter,
        [ValidateSet('bar', 'barStacked', 'barStacked100Percent')] $Type = 'bar',
        #[RGBColors[]] $Colors,

        [switch] $Distributed,

        [Array] $Data,
        [Array] $DataNames,
        [Array] $DataLegend

    if ($Type -eq 'bar') {
        $Options.chart = [ordered] @{
            type = 'bar'
    } elseif ($Type -eq 'barStacked') {
        $Options.chart = [ordered] @{
            type    = 'bar'
            stacked = $true
    } else {
        $Options.chart = [ordered] @{
            type      = 'bar'
            stacked   = $true
            stackType = '100%'

    $Options.plotOptions = @{
        bar = @{
            horizontal = $Horizontal
    if ($Distributed) {
        $ = $Distributed.IsPresent
    $Options.dataLabels = [ordered] @{
        enabled = $DataLabelsEnabled
        offsetX = $DataLabelsOffsetX
        style   = @{
            fontSize = $DataLabelsFontSize
    if ($null -ne $DataLabelsColor) {
        $RGBColorLabel = ConvertFrom-Color -Color $DataLabelsColor
        $ = @($RGBColorLabel)
    $Options.series = @(New-ChartInternalDataSet -Data $Data -DataNames $DataLegend)

    $Options.xaxis = [ordered] @{ }
    # if ($DataCategoriesType -ne '') {
    # $Options.xaxis.type = $DataCategoriesType
    if ($DataNames.Count -gt 0) {
        $Options.xaxis.categories = $DataNames
        # Need to figure out how to conver to json and leave function without ""
        #if ($Formatter -ne '') {
        #$Options.xaxis.labels = @{
        #formatter = "function(val) { return val + `"$Formatter`" }"

function New-ChartInternalColors {
        [System.Collections.IDictionary] $Options,

    if ($Colors.Count -gt 0) {
        $RGBColor = ConvertFrom-Color -Color $Colors
        $Options.colors = @($RGBColor)
function New-ChartInternalDataLabels {
        [System.Collections.IDictionary] $Options,
        [bool] $DataLabelsEnabled = $true,
        [int] $DataLabelsOffsetX = -6,
        [string] $DataLabelsFontSize = '12px',
        [RGBColors[]] $DataLabelsColor

    $Options.dataLabels = [ordered] @{
        enabled = $DataLabelsEnabled
        offsetX = $DataLabelsOffsetX
        style   = @{
            fontSize = $DataLabelsFontSize
    if ($DataLabelsColor.Count -gt 0) {
        $ = @(ConvertFrom-Color -Color $DataLabelsColor)

function New-ChartInternalDataSet {
        [Array] $Data,
        [Array] $DataNames

    if ($null -ne $Data -and $null -ne $DataNames) {
        if ($Data[0] -is [System.Collections.ICollection]) {
            # If it's array of Arrays
            if ($Data[0].Count -eq $DataNames.Count) {
                for ($a = 0; $a -lt $Data.Count; $a++) {
                    [ordered] @{
                        name = $DataNames[$a]
                        data = $Data[$a]
            } elseif ($Data.Count -eq $DataNames.Count) {
                for ($a = 0; $a -lt $Data.Count; $a++) {
                    [ordered] @{
                        name = $DataNames[$a]
                        data = $Data[$a]
            } else {
                # rerun with just data (so it checks another if)
                New-ChartInternalDataSet -Data $Data

        } else {
            if ($null -ne $DataNames) {
                # If it's just int in Array
                [ordered] @{
                    name = $DataNames
                    data = $Data
            } else {
                [ordered]  @{
                    data = $Data

    } elseif ($null -ne $Data) {
        # No names given
        if ($Data[0] -is [System.Collections.ICollection]) {
            # If it's array of Arrays
            foreach ($D in $Data) {
                [ordered] @{
                    data = $D
        } else {
            # If it's just int in Array
            [ordered] @{
                data = $Data
    } else {
        Write-Warning -Message "New-ChartInternalDataSet - No Data provided. Unabled to create dataset."
        return [ordered] @{ }
function New-ChartInternalGradient {

    $Options.fill = [ordered] @{
        type     = 'gradient'
        gradient = [ordered] @{
            shade            = 'dark'
            type             = 'horizontal'
            shadeIntensity   = 0.5
            gradientToColors = @('#ABE5A1')
            inverseColors    = $true
            opacityFrom      = 1
            opacityTo        = 1
            stops            = @(0, 100)

function New-ChartInternalGrid {
        [System.Collections.IDictionary] $Options,
        [bool] $Show,
        [RGBColors] $BorderColor = [RGBColors]::None,
        [int] $StrokeDash, #: 0,
        [ValidateSet('front', 'back', 'default')][string] $Position = 'default',
        [nullable[bool]] $xAxisLinesShow = $null,
        [nullable[bool]] $yAxisLinesShow = $null,
        [alias('GridColors')][RGBColors[]] $RowColors,
        [alias('GridOpacity')][double] $RowOpacity = 0.5, # valid range 0 - 1
        [RGBColors[]] $ColumnColors ,
        [double] $ColumnOpacity = 0.5, # valid range 0 - 1
        [int] $PaddingTop,
        [int] $PaddingRight,
        [int] $PaddingBottom,
        [int] $PaddingLeft

    <# Build this
        grid: {
            show: true,
            borderColor: '#90A4AE',
            strokeDashArray: 0,
            position: 'back',
            xaxis: {
                lines: {,
                    show: false
            yaxis: {
                lines: {,
                    show: false
            row: {
                colors: undefined,
                opacity: 0.5
            column: {
                colors: undefined,
                opacity: 0.5
            padding: {
                top: 0,
                right: 0,
                bottom: 0,
                left: 0

    $Options.grid = [ordered] @{ }
    $Options.grid.Show = $Show
    if ($BorderColor -ne [RGBColors]::None) {
        $options.grid.borderColor = @(ConvertFrom-Color -Color $BorderColor)
    if ($StrokeDash -gt 0) {
        $Options.grid.strokeDashArray = $StrokeDash
    if ($Position -ne 'Default') {
        $Options.grid.position = $Position

    if ($null -ne $xAxisLinesShow) {
        $Options.grid.xaxis = @{ }
        $Options.grid.xaxis.lines = @{ }

        $ = $xAxisLinesShow
    if ($null -ne $yAxisLinesShow) {
        $Options.grid.yaxis = @{ }
        $Options.grid.yaxis.lines = @{ }
        $ = $yAxisLinesShow

    if ($RowColors.Count -gt 0 -or $RowOpacity -ne 0) {
        $Options.grid.row = @{ }
        if ($RowColors.Count -gt 0) {
            $Options.grid.row.colors = @(ConvertFrom-Color -Color $RowColors)
        if ($RowOpacity -ne 0) {
            $Options.grid.row.opacity = $RowOpacity
    if ($ColumnColors.Count -gt 0 -or $ColumnOpacity -ne 0) {
        $Options.grid.column = @{ }
        if ($ColumnColors.Count -gt 0) {
            $Options.grid.column.colors = @(ConvertFrom-Color -Color $ColumnColors)
        if ($ColumnOpacity -ne 0) {
            $Options.grid.column.opacity = $ColumnOpacitys
    if ($PaddingTop -gt 0 -or $PaddingRight -gt 0 -or $PaddingBottom -gt 0 -or $PaddingLeft -gt 0) {
        # Padding options
        $Options.grid.padding = @{ }
        if ($PaddingTop -gt 0) {
            $Options.grid.padding.PaddingTop = $PaddingTop
        if ($PaddingRight -gt 0) {
            $Options.grid.padding.PaddingRight = $PaddingRight
        if ($PaddingBottom -gt 0) {
            $Options.grid.padding.PaddingBottom = $PaddingBottom
        if ($PaddingLeft -gt 0) {
            $Options.grid.padding.PaddingLeft = $PaddingLeft

function New-ChartInternalLegend {
        [System.Collections.IDictionary] $Options,
        [ValidateSet('top', 'topRight', 'left', 'right', 'bottom', 'default')][string] $LegendPosition = 'default'
    # legend
    if ($LegendPosition -eq 'default' -or $LegendPosition -eq 'bottom') {
        # Do nothing
    } elseif ($LegendPosition -eq 'right') {
        $Options.legend = [ordered]@{
            position = 'right'
            offsetY  = 100
            height   = 230
    } elseif ($LegendPosition -eq 'top') {
        $Options.legend = [ordered]@{
            position        = 'top'
            horizontalAlign = 'left'
            offsetX         = 40
    } elseif ($LegendPosition -eq 'topRight') {
        $Options.legend = [ordered]@{
            position        = 'top'
            horizontalAlign = 'right'
            floating        = true
            offsetY         = -25
            offsetX         = -5
function New-ChartInternalLine {
        [System.Collections.IDictionary] $Options,

        [Array] $Data,
        [Array] $DataNames,
        #[Array] $DataLegend,

        # [bool] $DataLabelsEnabled = $true,
        #[int] $DataLabelsOffsetX = -6,
        #[string] $DataLabelsFontSize = '12px',
        # [nullable[RGBColors]] $DataLabelsColor,
        [ValidateSet('datetime', 'category', 'numeric')][string] $DataCategoriesType = 'category'

        # $Type
    # Chart defintion type, size
    $Options.chart = @{
        type = 'line'

    $Options.series = @( New-ChartInternalDataSet -Data $Data -DataNames $DataNames )

    $Options.xaxis = [ordered] @{ }
    if ($DataCategoriesType -ne '') {
        $Options.xaxis.type = $DataCategoriesType
    if ($DataCategories.Count -gt 0) {
        $Options.xaxis.categories = $DataCategories

function New-ChartInternalMarker {
        [System.Collections.IDictionary] $Options,
        [int] $MarkerSize
    if ($MarkerSize -gt 0) {
        $Options.markers = @{
            size = $MarkerSize
function New-ChartInternalPattern {

    $Options.fill = [ordered]@{
        type    = 'pattern'
        opacity = 1
        pattern = [ordered]@{
            style = @('circles', 'slantedLines', 'verticalLines', 'horizontalLines')
function New-ChartInternalPie {
        [System.Collections.IDictionary] $Options,
        [Array] $Values,
        [Array] $Names,
        [string] $Type
    # Chart defintion type, size
    $Options.chart = @{
        type = $Type.ToLower()
    $Options.series = @($Values)
    $Options.labels = @($Names)
function New-ChartInternalRadial {
        [System.Collections.IDictionary] $Options,
        [Array] $Values,
        [Array] $Names,
    # Chart defintion type, size
    $Options.chart = @{
        type = 'radialBar'

    if ($Type -eq '1') {
        New-ChartInternalRadialType1 -Options $Options
    } elseif ($Type -eq '2') {
        New-ChartInternalRadialType2 -Options $Options

    $Options.series = @($Values)
    $Options.labels = @($Names)

function New-ChartInternalRadialCircleType {
        [System.Collections.IDictionary] $Options,
        [ValidateSet('FullCircleTop', 'FullCircleBottom', 'FullCircleBottomLeft', 'FullCircleLeft', 'Speedometer', 'SemiCircleGauge')] $CircleType
    if ($CircleType -eq 'SemiCircleGauge') {
        $Options.plotOptions.radialBar = [ordered] @{
            startAngle = -90
            endAngle   = 90
    } elseif ($CircleType -eq 'FullCircleBottom') {
        $Options.plotOptions.radialBar = [ordered] @{
            startAngle = -180
            endAngle   = 180
    } elseif ($CircleType -eq 'FullCircleLeft') {
        $Options.plotOptions.radialBar = [ordered] @{
            startAngle = -90
            endAngle   = 270
    } elseif ($CircleType -eq 'FullCircleBottomLeft') {
        $Options.plotOptions.radialBar = [ordered] @{
            startAngle = -135
            endAngle   = 225
    } elseif ($CircleType -eq 'Speedometer') {
        $Options.plotOptions.radialBar = [ordered] @{
            startAngle = -135
            endAngle   = 135
    } else {
function New-ChartInternalRadialDataLabels {
        [System.Collections.IDictionary] $Options,
        [string] $LabelAverage = 'Average'
    if ($LabelAverage -ne '') {
        $Options.plotOptions.radialBar.dataLabels = @{
            showOn = 'always'

            name   = @{
                # fontSize = '16px'
                # color = 'undefined'
                #offsetY = 120
            value  = @{
                #offsetY = 76
                # fontSize = '22px'
                # color = 'undefined'
                # formatter = 'function (val) { return val + "%" }'

            total  = @{
                show  = $true
                label = $LabelAverage


function New-ChartInternalRadialType1 {
        [System.Collections.IDictionary] $Options,
        [Array] $Values,
        [Array] $Names

    $Options.plotOptions = @{
        radialBar = [ordered] @{
            #startAngle = -135
            #endAngle = 225

            #startAngle = -135
            #endAngle = 135

            hollow = [ordered] @{
                margin       = 0
                size         = '70%'
                background   = '#fff'
                image        = 'undefined'
                imageOffsetX = 0
                imageOffsetY = 0
                position     = 'front'
                dropShadow   = @{
                    enabled = $true
                    top     = 3
                    left    = 0
                    blur    = 4
                    opacity = 0.24
            track  = [ordered] @{
                background  = '#fff'
                strokeWidth = '70%'
                margin      = 0  #// margin is in pixels
                dropShadow  = [ordered] @{
                    enabled = $true
                    top     = -3
                    left    = 0
                    blur    = 4
                    opacity = 0.35
            dataLabels = @{
                showOn = 'always'
                name = @{
                    # fontSize = '16px'
                    # color = 'undefined'
                    #offsetY = 120
                value = @{
                    #offsetY = 76
                    # fontSize = '22px'
                    # color = 'undefined'
                    # formatter = 'function (val) { return val + "%" }'
                total = @{
                    show = $false
                    label = 'Average'


    $Options.fill = [ordered] @{
        type     = 'gradient'
        gradient = [ordered] @{
            shade            = 'dark'
            type             = 'horizontal'
            shadeIntensity   = 0.5
            gradientToColors = @('#ABE5A1')
            inverseColors    = $true
            opacityFrom      = 1
            opacityTo        = 1
            stops            = @(0, 100)
    <# Gradient
        $Options.stroke = @{
        lineCap = 'round'

    $Options.fill = @{
        type = 'gradient'
        gradient = @{
            shade = 'dark'
            shadeIntensity = 0.15
            inverseColors = $false
            opacityFrom = 1
            opacityTo = 1
            stops = @(0, 50, 65, 91)

    $Options.stroke = [ordered] @{
        dashArray = 4

function New-ChartInternalRadialType2 {
        [System.Collections.IDictionary] $Options,
        [Array] $Values,
        [Array] $Names
    $Options.plotOptions = @{
        radialBar = [ordered] @{

            #startAngle = -135
            #endAngle = 225

            #startAngle = -135
            #endAngle = 135

            hollow = [ordered] @{
                margin       = 0
                size         = '70%'
                background   = '#fff'
                image        = 'undefined'
                imageOffsetX = 0
                imageOffsetY = 0
                position     = 'front'
                dropShadow   = @{
                    enabled = $true
                    top     = 3
                    left    = 0
                    blur    = 4
                    opacity = 0.24
            track = @{
                background = '#fff'
                strokeWidth = '70%'
                margin = 0 #// margin is in pixels
                dropShadow = @{
                    enabled = $true
                    top = -3
                    left = 0
                    blur = 4
                    opacity = 0.35
            dataLabels = @{
                showOn = 'always'
                name = @{
                    # fontSize = '16px'
                    # color = 'undefined'
                    offsetY = 120
                value = @{
                    offsetY = 76
                    # fontSize = '22px'
                    # color = 'undefined'
                    # formatter = 'function (val) { return val + "%" }'
                total = @{
                    show = $false
                    label = 'Average'


function New-ChartInternalSize {
        [System.Collections.IDictionary] $Options,
        [nullable[int]] $Height = 350,
        [nullable[int]] $Width
    if ($null -ne $Height) {
        $Options.chart.height = $Height
    if ($null -ne $Width) {
        $Options.chart.width = $Width
function New-ChartInternalSpark {
        [System.Collections.IDictionary] $Options,
        [nullable[RGBColors]] $Color,
        [string] $Title,
        [string] $SubTitle,
        [int] $FontSizeTitle = 24,
        [int] $FontSizeSubtitle = 14,
        [Array] $Values
    if ($Values.Count -eq 0) {
        Write-Warning 'Get-ChartSpark - Values Empty'

    if ($null -ne $Color) {
        $ColorRGB = ConvertFrom-Color -Color $Color
        $Options.colors = @($ColorRGB)
    $Options.chart = [ordered] @{
        type      = 'area'
        sparkline = @{
            enabled = $true
    $Options.stroke = @{
        curve = 'straight'
    $Options.title = [ordered] @{
        text    = $Title
        offsetX = 0
        style   = @{
            fontSize = "$($FontSizeTitle)px"
            cssClass = 'apexcharts-yaxis-title'
    $Options.subtitle = [ordered] @{
        text    = $SubTitle
        offsetX = 0
        style   = @{
            fontSize = "$($FontSizeSubtitle)px"
            cssClass = 'apexcharts-yaxis-title'
    $Options.yaxis = @{
        min = 0
    $Options.fill = @{
        opacity = 0.3
    $Options.series = @(
        # Checks if it's multiple array passed or just one. If one it will draw one line, if more then one it will draw line per each array
        if ($Values[0] -is [Array]) {
            foreach ($Value in $Values) {
                    data = @($Value)
        } else {
                data = @($Values)
function New-ChartInternalStrokeDefinition {
        [System.Collections.IDictionary] $Options,
        [bool] $LineShow = $true,
        [ValidateSet('straight', 'smooth', 'stepline')][string[]] $LineCurve,
        [int[]] $LineWidth,
        [ValidateSet('butt', 'square', 'round')][string[]] $LineCap,
        [RGBColors[]] $LineColor,
        [int[]] $LineDash
    # LINE Definition
    $Options.stroke = [ordered] @{
        show = $LineShow
    if ($LineCurve.Count -gt 0) {
        $Options.stroke.curve = $LineCurve
    if ($LineWidth.Count -gt 0) {
        $Options.stroke.width = $LineWidth
    if ($LineColor.Count -gt 0) {
        $Options.stroke.colors = @(ConvertFrom-Color -Color $LineColor)
    if ($LineCap.Count -gt 0) {
        $Options.stroke.lineCap = $LineCap
    if ($LineDash.Count -gt 0) {
        $Options.stroke.dashArray = $LineDash
  theme: {
      mode: 'light',
      palette: 'palette1',
      monochrome: {
          enabled: false,
          color: '#255aee',
          shadeTo: 'light',
          shadeIntensity: 0.65

function New-ChartInternalTheme {
        [System.Collections.IDictionary] $Options,
        [ValidateSet('light', 'dark')][string] $Mode,
        ][string] $Palette = 'palette1',
        [switch] $Monochrome,
        [RGBColors] $Color = [RGBColors]::DodgerBlue,
        [ValidateSet('light', 'dark')][string] $ShadeTo = 'light',
        [double] $ShadeIntensity = 0.65

    $RGBColor = ConvertFrom-Color -Color $Color

    $Options.theme = [ordered] @{
        mode       = $Mode
        palette    = $Palette
        monochrome = [ordered] @{
            enabled        = $Monochrome.IsPresent
            color          = $RGBColor
            shadeTo        = $ShadeTo
            shadeIntensity = $ShadeIntensity
function New-ChartInternalTitle {
        [System.Collections.IDictionary] $Options,
        [string] $Title,
        [ValidateSet('center', 'left', 'right', 'default')][string] $TitleAlignment = 'default'
    # title
    $Options.title = [ordered] @{ }
    if ($TitleText -ne '') {
        $Options.title.text = $Title
    if ($TitleAlignment -ne 'default') {
        $Options.title.align = $TitleAlignment
function New-ChartInternalToolbar {
        [System.Collections.IDictionary] $Options,
        [bool] $Show = $false,
        [bool] $Download = $false,
        [bool] $Selection = $false,
        [bool] $Zoom = $false,
        [bool] $ZoomIn = $false,
        [bool] $ZoomOut = $false,
        [bool] $Pan = $false,
        [bool] $Reset = $false,
        [ValidateSet('zoom', 'selection', 'pan')][string] $AutoSelected = 'zoom'
    $Options.chart.toolbar = [ordered] @{
        show         = $show
        tools        = [ordered] @{
            download  = $Download
            selection = $Selection
            zoom      = $Zoom
            zoomin    = $ZoomIn
            zoomout   = $ZoomOut
            pan       = $Pan
            reset     = $Reset
        autoSelected = $AutoSelected
function New-ChartInternalZoom {
        [System.Collections.IDictionary] $Options,
        [switch] $Enabled
    if ($Enabled) {
        $Options.chart.zoom = @{
            type    = 'x'
            enabled = $Enabled.IsPresent
function New-ChartLegend {
        [Array] $Names,
        [ValidateSet('top', 'topRight', 'left', 'right', 'bottom', 'default')][string] $LegendPosition = 'default',
        [RGBColors[]] $Color

    #$Colors = [System.Collections.Generic.List[RGBColors]]::new()
    #foreach ($_ in $Color) {
    # $Colors.Add($Color)
    [PSCustomObject] @{
        ObjectType     = 'Legend'
        Names          = $Names
        LegendPosition = $LegendPosition
        Color          = $Color
function New-ChartLine {
        [string] $Name,
        [object] $Value,
        [RGBColors] $Color,
        [ValidateSet('straight', 'smooth', 'stepline')] $Curve = 'straight',
        [int] $Width = 6,
        [ValidateSet('butt', 'square', 'round')][string] $Cap = 'butt',
        [int] $Dash = 0
    [PSCustomObject] @{
        ObjectType = 'Line'
        Name       = $Name
        Value      = $Value
        LineColor  = $Color
        LineCurve  = $Curve
        LineWidth  = $Width
        LineCap    = $Cap
        LineDash   = $Dash

function New-ChartPie {
        [string] $Name,
        [object] $Value,
        [RGBColors] $Color

    [PSCustomObject] @{
        ObjectType = 'Pie'
        Name       = $Name
        Value      = $Value
        Color      = $Color

function New-ChartRadial {
        [string] $Name,
        [object] $Value,
        [RGBColors] $Color

    [PSCustomObject] @{
        ObjectType = 'Radial'
        Name       = $Name
        Value      = $Value
        Color      = $Color
function New-ChartSpark {
        [string] $Name,
        [object] $Value,
        [RGBColors] $Color

    [PSCustomObject] @{
        ObjectType = 'Spark'
        Name       = $Name
        Value      = $Value
        Color      = $Color
function New-ChartTheme {
        [ValidateSet('light', 'dark')][string] $Mode = 'light',
        ][string] $Palette = 'palette1',
        [switch] $Monochrome,
        [RGBColors] $Color = [RGBColors]::DodgerBlue,
        [ValidateSet('light', 'dark')][string] $ShadeTo = 'light',
        [double] $ShadeIntensity = 0.65

    [PSCustomObject] @{
        ObjectType = 'Theme'
        Theme      = @{
            Mode           = $Mode
            Palette        = $Palette
            Monochrome     = $Monochrome.IsPresent
            Color          = $Color
            ShadeTo        = $ShadeTo
            ShadeIntensity = $ShadeIntensity
function New-ChartToolbar {
        [switch] $Download,
        [switch] $Selection,
        [switch] $Zoom,
        [switch] $ZoomIn,
        [switch] $ZoomOut,
        [switch] $Pan,
        [switch] $Reset,
        [ValidateSet('zoom', 'selection', 'pan')][string] $AutoSelected = 'zoom'

    [PSCustomObject] @{
        ObjectType = 'Toolbar'
        Toolbar    = @{
            #Show = $Show.IsPresent
            #tools = [ordered] @{
            download     = $Download.IsPresent
            selection    = $Selection.IsPresent
            zoom         = $Zoom.IsPresent
            zoomin       = $ZoomIn.IsPresent
            zoomout      = $ZoomOut.IsPresent
            pan          = $Pan.IsPresent
            reset        = $Reset.IsPresent
            autoSelected = $AutoSelected
function New-DiagramLink {
    [alias('DiagramEdge', 'DiagramEdges', 'New-DiagramEdge', 'DiagramLink')]
        [string[]] $From,
        [string[]] $To,
        [string] $Label,
        [bool]$ArrowsToEnabled = $false,
        [int] $ArrowsToScaleFactor = 1,
        [ValidateSet('arrow', 'bar', 'circle')][string] $ArrowsToType = 'arrow',
        [bool]$ArrowsMiddleEnabled = $false,
        [int]$ArrowsMiddleScaleFactor = 1,
        [ValidateSet('arrow', 'bar', 'circle')][string] $ArrowsMiddleType = 'arrow',
        [bool]$ArrowsFromEnabled = $false,
        [int] $ArrowsFromScaleFactor = 1,
        [ValidateSet('arrow', 'bar', 'circle')][string] $ArrowsFromType = 'arrow',
        [bool]$ArrowStrikethrough = $true,
        [bool] $Chosen = $true,
        [RGBColors] $Color = [RGBColors]::None,
        [RGBColors] $ColorHighlight = [RGBColors]::None,
        [RGBColors] $ColorHover = [RGBColors]::None,
        [ValidateSet('true', 'false', 'from', 'to', 'both')][string]$ColorInherit = 'from',
        [double] $ColorOpacity = 1.0, # range between 0 and 1
        [bool] $Dashes = $false,

        [RGBColors] $FontColor = [RGBColors]::None,
        [int] $FontSize = 14, #// px
        [string] $FontName = 'arial',
        [RGBColors] $FontBackground = [RGBColors]::None,
        [int] $FontStrokeWidth = 0, #// px
        [RGBColors] $FontStrokeColor = [RGBColors]::None,
        [ValidateSet('center', 'left')][string] $FontAlign = 'center',
        [ValidateSet('false', 'true', 'markdown', 'html')][string]$FontMulti,
        [int] $FontVAdjust = 0
    $Object = [PSCustomObject] @{
        Type     = 'DiagramLink'
        Settings = @{
            from = $From
            to   = $To
        Edges    = @{
            label              = $Label
            arrows             = [ordered]@{
                to     = [ordered]@{
                    enabled     = $ArrowsToEnabled
                    scaleFactor = $ArrowsToScaleFactor
                    type        = $ArrowsToType
                middle = [ordered]@{
                    enabled     = $ArrowsMiddleEnabled
                    scaleFactor = $ArrowsMiddleScaleFactor
                    type        = $ArrowsMiddleType
                from   = [ordered]@{
                    enabled     = $ArrowsFromEnabled
                    scaleFactor = $ArrowsFromScaleFactor
                    type        = $ArrowsFromType
            arrowStrikethrough = $ArrowStrikethrough
            chosen             = $Chosen
            color              = [ordered]@{
                color     = ConvertFrom-Color -Color $Color
                highlight = ConvertFrom-Color -Color $ColorHighlight
                hover     = ConvertFrom-Color -Color $ColorHover
                inherit   = $ColorInherit
                opacity   = $ColorOpacity
            font               = [ordered]@{
                color       = ConvertFrom-Color -Color $FontColor
                size        = $FontSize #// px
                face        = $FontName
                background  = ConvertFrom-Color -Color $FontBackground
                strokeWidth = $FontStrokeWidth #// px
                strokeColor = ConvertFrom-Color -Color $FontStrokeColor
                align       = $FontAlign
                multi       = $FontMulti
                vadjust     = $FontVAdjust
            dashes             = $Dashes
    Remove-EmptyValues -Hashtable $Object.Settings -Recursive
    Remove-EmptyValues -Hashtable $Object.Edges -Recursive -Rerun 2

  // these are all options in full.
  var options = {
      arrows: {
        to: {enabled: false, scaleFactor:1, type:'arrow'},
        middle: {enabled: false, scaleFactor:1, type:'arrow'},
        from: {enabled: false, scaleFactor:1, type:'arrow'}
      arrowStrikethrough: true,
      chosen: true,
      color: {
        hover: '#848484',
        inherit: 'from',
      dashes: false,
      font: {
        color: '#343434',
        size: 14, // px
        face: 'arial',
        background: 'none',
        strokeWidth: 2, // px
        strokeColor: '#ffffff',
        align: 'horizontal',
        multi: false,
        vadjust: 0,
        bold: {
          color: '#343434',
          size: 14, // px
          face: 'arial',
          vadjust: 0,
          mod: 'bold'
        ital: {
          color: '#343434',
          size: 14, // px
          face: 'arial',
          vadjust: 0,
          mod: 'italic',
        boldital: {
          color: '#343434',
          size: 14, // px
          face: 'arial',
          vadjust: 0,
          mod: 'bold italic'
        mono: {
          color: '#343434',
          size: 15, // px
          face: 'courier new',
          vadjust: 2,
          mod: ''
      hidden: false,
      hoverWidth: 1.5,
      label: undefined,
      labelHighlightBold: true,
      length: undefined,
      physics: true,
        min: 1,
        max: 15,
        label: {
          enabled: true,
          min: 14,
          max: 30,
          maxVisible: 30,
          drawThreshold: 5
        customScalingFunction: function (min,max,total,value) {
          if (max === min) {
            return 0.5;
          else {
            var scale = 1 / (max - min);
            return Math.max(0,(value - min)*scale);
      selectionWidth: 1,
        enabled: false,
        color: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.5)',
      smooth: {
        enabled: true,
        type: "dynamic",
        roundness: 0.5
      value: undefined,
      width: 1,
      widthConstraint: false

function New-DiagramNode {
    [CmdLetBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Shape')]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesomeBrands")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesomeRegular")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesomeSolid")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "Image")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "Shape")][string] $Id,
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesomeBrands")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesomeRegular")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesomeSolid")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "Image")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "Shape")] [string] $Label,
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesomeBrands")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesomeRegular")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesomeSolid")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "Image")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "Shape")][string[]] $To,
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "Shape")][string][ValidateSet(
            'circle', 'dot', 'diamond', 'ellipse', 'database', 'box', 'square', 'triangle', 'triangleDown', 'text', 'star', 'hexagon')] $Shape = 'ellipse',
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "Image")][ValidateSet('squareImage', 'circularImage')][string] $ImageType = 'circularImage',
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "Image")][uri] $Image,
        #[string] $BrokenImage,
        #[string] $ImagePadding,
        #[string] $ImagePaddingLeft,
        #[string] $ImagePaddingRight,
        #[string] $ImagePaddingTop,
        #[string] $ImagePaddingBottom,
        #[string] $UseImageSize,
        #[alias('BackgroundColor')][RGBColors] $Color,
        #[RGBColors] $Border,
        #[RGBColors] $HighlightBackground,
        #[RGBColors] $HighlightBorder,
        #[RGBColors] $HoverBackground,
        #[RGBColors] $HoverBorder,
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesomeBrands")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesomeRegular")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesomeSolid")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "Image")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "Shape")][int] $BorderWidth = 1,
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesomeBrands")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesomeRegular")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesomeSolid")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "Image")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "Shape")][int] $BorderWidthSelected = 2,
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "Image")][string] $BrokenImages,
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesomeBrands")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesomeRegular")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesomeSolid")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "Image")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "Shape")][bool] $Chosen = $true,
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "Image")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "Shape")][RGBColors] $ColorBorder = [RGBColors]::None,
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "Image")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "Shape")][RGBColors] $ColorBackground = [RGBColors]::None,
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "Image")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "Shape")][RGBColors] $ColorHighlightBorder = [RGBColors]::None,
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "Image")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "Shape")][RGBColors] $ColorHighlightBackground = [RGBColors]::None,
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "Image")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "Shape")][RGBColors] $ColorHoverBorder = [RGBColors]::None,
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "Image")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "Shape")][RGBColors] $ColorHoverBackground = [RGBColors]::None,
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesomeBrands")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesomeRegular")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesomeSolid")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "Image")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "Shape")][bool]$FixedX = $false,
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesomeBrands")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesomeRegular")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesomeSolid")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "Image")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "Shape")][bool]$FixedY = $false,
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesomeBrands")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesomeRegular")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesomeSolid")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "Image")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "Shape")][RGBColors] $FontColor = [RGBColors]::None,
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesomeBrands")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesomeRegular")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesomeSolid")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "Image")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "Shape")][int] $FontSize = 14, #// px
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesomeBrands")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesomeRegular")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesomeSolid")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "Image")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "Shape")][string] $FontName = 'arial',
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesomeBrands")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesomeRegular")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesomeSolid")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "Image")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "Shape")][RGBColors] $FontBackground = [RGBColors]::None,
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesomeBrands")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesomeRegular")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesomeSolid")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "Image")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "Shape")][int] $FontStrokeWidth = 0, #// px
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesomeBrands")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesomeRegular")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesomeSolid")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "Image")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "Shape")][RGBColors] $FontStrokeColor = [RGBColors]::None,
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesomeBrands")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesomeRegular")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesomeSolid")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "Image")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "Shape")][ValidateSet('center', 'left')][string] $FontAlign = 'center',
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesomeBrands")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesomeRegular")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesomeSolid")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "Image")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "Shape")][ValidateSet('false', 'true', 'markdown', 'html')][string]$FontMulti,
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesomeBrands")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesomeRegular")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesomeSolid")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "Image")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "Shape")][int] $FontVAdjust = 0,
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesomeBrands")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesomeRegular")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesomeSolid")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "Image")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "Shape")][int] $Size = 25,
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesomeBrands")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesomeRegular")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesomeSolid")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "Image")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "Shape")][bool]$WidthConstraint = $false,
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesomeBrands")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesomeRegular")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesomeSolid")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "Image")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "Shape")][nullable[int]] $X,
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesomeBrands")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesomeRegular")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesomeSolid")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "Image")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "Shape")][nullable[int]] $Y,
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesomeBrands")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesomeRegular")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesomeSolid")][switch] $IconAsImage,
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesomeBrands")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesomeRegular")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesomeSolid")][RGBColors] $IconColor = [RGBColors]::None,
        # ICON BRANDS
                param($CommandName, $ParameterName, $WordToComplete, $CommandAst, $FakeBoundParameters)
                $_ -in (($Global:HTMLIcons.FontAwesomeBrands.Keys))
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesomeBrands")]
        [string] $IconBrands,

        # ICON REGULAR
                param($CommandName, $ParameterName, $WordToComplete, $CommandAst, $FakeBoundParameters)
                $_ -in (($Global:HTMLIcons.FontAwesomeRegular.Keys))
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesomeRegular")]
        [string] $IconRegular,

        # ICON SOLID
                param($CommandName, $ParameterName, $WordToComplete, $CommandAst, $FakeBoundParameters)
                $_ -in (($Global:HTMLIcons.FontAwesomeSolid.Keys))
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesomeSolid")]
        [string] $IconSolid

    if (-not $Label) {
        Write-Warning 'New-DiagramNode - Label is required. Skipping node.'

    $Object = [PSCustomObject] @{
        Type     = 'DiagramNode'
        Settings = @{ }
        Edges    = @{ }
    $Icon = @{ } # Reset value, just in case

    # If ID is not defined use label
    if (-not $ID) {
        $ID = $Label

    if ($IconBrands -or $IconRegular -or $IconSolid) {
        if ($IconBrands) {
            if (-not $IconAsImage) {
                # Workaround using image for Fonts
                <# Until all Icons work, using images instead. Currently only Brands work fine / Solid/Regular is weird #>
                $NodeShape = 'icon'
                $icon = @{
                    face   = '"Font Awesome 5 Brands"'
                    code   = -join ('\u', $Global:HTMLIcons.FontAwesomeBrands[$IconBrands])    # "\uf007"
                    color  = ConvertFrom-Color -Color $IconColor
                    weight = 'bold'

            } else {
                $NodeShape = 'image'
                $Image = -join ($Script:Configuration.Features.FontsAwesome.Other.Link, 'brands/', $IconBrands, '.svg')
        } elseif ($IconRegular) {
            if (-not $IconAsImage) {
                $NodeShape = 'icon'
                $icon = @{
                    face   = '"Font Awesome 5 Free"'
                    code   = -join ('\u', $Global:HTMLIcons.FontAwesomeRegular[$IconRegular])    # "\uf007"
                    color  = ConvertFrom-Color -Color $IconColor
                    weight = 'bold'
            } else {
                $NodeShape = 'image'
                $Image = -join ($Script:Configuration.Features.FontsAwesome.Other.Link, 'regular/', $IconRegular, '.svg')
        } else {
            if (-not $IconAsImage) {
                $NodeShape = 'icon'
                $icon = @{
                    face   = '"Font Awesome 5 Free"'
                    code   = -join ('\u', $Global:HTMLIcons.FontAwesomeSolid[$IconSolid])    # "\uf007"
                    color  = ConvertFrom-Color -Color $IconColor
                    weight = 'bold'

            } else {
                $NodeShape = 'image'
                $Image = -join ($Script:Configuration.Features.FontsAwesome.Other.Link, 'solid/', $IconSolid, '.svg')
    } elseif ($Image) {
        if ($ImageType -eq 'squareImage') {
            $NodeShape = 'image'
        } else {
            $NodeShape = 'circularImage'
    } else {
        $NodeShape = $Shape

    if ($To) {
        $Object.Edges = @{
            from = if ($To) { $Id } else { '' }
            to   = if ($To) { $To } else { '' }
    $Object.Settings = [ordered] @{
        id                  = $Id
        label               = $Label
        shape               = $NodeShape

        image               = $Image
        icon                = $icon

        borderWidth         = $BorderWidth
        borderWidthSelected = $BorderWidthSelected
        brokenImage         = $BrokenImage

        chosen              = $Chosen
        color               = [ordered]@{
            border     = ConvertFrom-Color -Color $ColorBorder
            background = ConvertFrom-Color -Color $ColorBackground
            highlight  = [ordered]@{
                border     = ConvertFrom-Color -Color $ColorHighlightBorder
                background = ConvertFrom-Color -Color $ColorHighlightBackground
            hover      = [ordered]@{
                border     = ConvertFrom-Color -Color $ColorHoverBorder
                background = ConvertFrom-Color -Color $ColorHoverBackground
        fixed               = [ordered]@{
            x = $FixedX
            y = $FixedY
        font                = [ordered]@{
            color       = ConvertFrom-Color -Color $FontColor
            size        = $FontSize #// px
            face        = $FontName
            background  = ConvertFrom-Color -Color $FontBackground
            strokeWidth = $FontStrokeWidth #// px
            strokeColor = ConvertFrom-Color -Color $FontStrokeColor
            align       = $FontAlign
            multi       = $FontMulti
            vadjust     = $FontVAdjust
        size                = $Size
        widthConstraint     = $WidthConstrain
        x                   = $X
        y                   = $Y

    Remove-EmptyValues -Hashtable $Object.Settings -Recursive -Rerun 2
    Remove-EmptyValues -Hashtable $Object.Edges -Recursive

// these are all options in full.
var options = {
    borderWidth: 1,
    borderWidthSelected: 2,
    chosen: true,
    color: {
      border: '#2B7CE9',
      background: '#97C2FC',
      highlight: {
        border: '#2B7CE9',
        background: '#D2E5FF'
      hover: {
        border: '#2B7CE9',
        background: '#D2E5FF'
    fixed: {
    font: {
      color: '#343434',
      size: 14, // px
      face: 'arial',
      background: 'none',
      strokeWidth: 0, // px
      strokeColor: '#ffffff',
      align: 'center',
      multi: false,
      vadjust: 0,
      bold: {
        color: '#343434',
        size: 14, // px
        face: 'arial',
        vadjust: 0,
        mod: 'bold'
      ital: {
        color: '#343434',
        size: 14, // px
        face: 'arial',
        vadjust: 0,
        mod: 'italic',
      boldital: {
        color: '#343434',
        size: 14, // px
        face: 'arial',
        vadjust: 0,
        mod: 'bold italic'
      mono: {
        color: '#343434',
        size: 15, // px
        face: 'courier new',
        vadjust: 2,
        mod: ''
    group: undefined,
    heightConstraint: false,
    hidden: false,
    icon: {
      face: 'FontAwesome',
      code: undefined,
      size: 50, //50,
    image: undefined,
    imagePadding: {
      left: 0,
      top: 0,
      bottom: 0,
      right: 0
    label: undefined,
    labelHighlightBold: true,
    level: undefined,
    mass: 1,
    physics: true,
    scaling: {
      min: 10,
      max: 30,
      label: {
        enabled: false,
        min: 14,
        max: 30,
        maxVisible: 30,
        drawThreshold: 5
      customScalingFunction: function (min,max,total,value) {
        if (max === min) {
          return 0.5;
        else {
          let scale = 1 / (max - min);
          return Math.max(0,(value - min)*scale);
      enabled: false,
      color: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.5)',
    shape: 'ellipse',
    shapeProperties: {
      borderDashes: false, // only for borders
      borderRadius: 6, // only for box shape
      interpolation: false, // only for image and circularImage shapes
      useImageSize: false, // only for image and circularImage shapes
      useBorderWithImage: false // only for image shape
    size: 25,
    title: undefined,
    value: undefined,
    widthConstraint: false,
    x: undefined,
    y: undefined

function New-DiagramOptionsInteraction {
    Short description
    Long description
    .PARAMETER DragNodes
    Parameter description
    .PARAMETER DragView
    Parameter description
    .PARAMETER HideEdgesOnDrag
    Parameter description
    .PARAMETER HideEdgesOnZoom
    Parameter description
    .PARAMETER HideNodesOnDrag
    Parameter description
    .PARAMETER Hover
    Parameter description
    .PARAMETER HoverConnectedEdges
    Parameter description
    .PARAMETER KeyboardEnabled
    Parameter description
    .PARAMETER KeyboardSpeedX
    Parameter description
    .PARAMETER KeyboardSpeedY
    Parameter description
    .PARAMETER KeyboardSpeedZoom
    Parameter description
    .PARAMETER KeyboardBindToWindow
    Parameter description
    .PARAMETER Multiselect
    Parameter description
    .PARAMETER NavigationButtons
    Parameter description
    .PARAMETER Selectable
    Parameter description
    .PARAMETER SelectConnectedEdges
    Parameter description
    .PARAMETER TooltipDelay
    Parameter description
    .PARAMETER ZoomView
    Parameter description
    An example
    Based on options

        [bool] $DragNodes = $true,
        [bool] $DragView = $true,
        [bool] $HideEdgesOnDrag = $false,
        [bool] $HideEdgesOnZoom = $false,
        [bool] $HideNodesOnDrag = $false,
        [bool] $Hover = $false,
        [bool] $HoverConnectedEdges = $true,
        [bool] $KeyboardEnabled = $false,
        [int] $KeyboardSpeedX = 10,
        [int] $KeyboardSpeedY = 10,
        [decimal] $KeyboardSpeedZoom = 0.02,
        [bool] $KeyboardBindToWindow = $true,
        [bool] $Multiselect = $false,
        [bool] $NavigationButtons = $false,
        [bool] $Selectable = $true,
        [bool] $SelectConnectedEdges = $true,
        [int] $TooltipDelay = 300,
        [bool] $ZoomView = $true

    $Object = [PSCustomObject] @{
        Type     = 'DiagramOptionsInteraction'
        Settings = @{
            interaction = [ordered] @{
                dragNodes            = $DragNodes
                dragView             = $DragView
                hideEdgesOnDrag      = $HideEdgesOnDrag
                hideEdgesOnZoom      = $HideEdgesOnZoom
                hideNodesOnDrag      = $HideNodesOnDrag
                hover                = $Hover
                hoverConnectedEdges  = $HoverConnectedEdges
                keyboard             = @{
                    enabled      = $KeyboardEnabled
                    speed        = @{
                        x    = $KeyboardSpeedX
                        y    = $KeyboardSpeedY
                        zoom = $KeyboardSpeedZoom
                    bindToWindow = $KeyboardBindToWindow
                multiselect          = $Multiselect
                navigationButtons    = $NavigationButtons
                selectable           = $Selectable
                selectConnectedEdges = $SelectConnectedEdges
                tooltipDelay         = $TooltipDelay
                zoomView             = $ZoomView
    Remove-EmptyValues -Hashtable $Object.Settings -Recursive 
    var options = {
        nodes: {
          borderWidthSelected: 8,
          color: {
            border: 'white',
            background: 'black',
            highlight: {
              border: 'black',
              background: 'white'
            hover: {
              border: 'orange',
              background: 'grey'
          shapeProperties: {
        edges: {
          color: 'lightgray'

function New-DiagramOptionsLayout {
        [nullable[int]] $RandomSeed,
        [bool] $ImprovedLayout = $true,
        [int] $ClusterThreshold = 150,
        [bool] $HierarchicalEnabled = $false,
        [int] $HierarchicalLevelSeparation = 150,
        [int] $HierarchicalNodeSpacing = 100,
        [int] $HierarchicalTreeSpacing = 200,
        [bool] $HierarchicalBlockShifting = $true,
        [bool] $HierarchicalEdgeMinimization = $true,
        [bool] $HierarchicalParentCentralization = $true,
        [ValidateSet('UD', 'DU', 'LR', 'RL')] $HierarchicalDirection = 'UD',
        [ValidateSet('hubsize', 'directed')] $HierarchicalSortMethod = 'hubsize'
    $Object = [PSCustomObject] @{
        Type     = 'DiagramOptionsLayout'
        Settings = @{
            layout = [ordered] @{
                randomSeed       = $RandomSeed
                improvedLayout   = $ImprovedLayout
                clusterThreshold = $ClusterThreshold
                hierarchical     = @{
                    enabled              = $HierarchicalEnabled
                    levelSeparation      = $HierarchicalLevelSeparation
                    nodeSpacing          = $HierarchicalNodeSpacing
                    treeSpacing          = $HierarchicalTreeSpacing
                    blockShifting        = $HierarchicalBlockShifting
                    edgeMinimization     = $HierarchicalEdgeMinimization
                    parentCentralization = $HierarchicalParentCentralization
                    direction            = $HierarchicalDirection # // UD, DU, LR, RL
                    sortMethod           = $HierarchicalSortMethod #// hubsize, directed
    Remove-EmptyValues -Hashtable $Object.Settings -Recursive 

// these are all options in full.
var options = {
  layout = {
    randomSeed = undefined,
    improvedLayout = true,
    clusterThreshold = 150,
    hierarchical = {
      enabled = false,
      levelSeparation = 150,
      nodeSpacing = 100,
      treeSpacing = 200,
      blockShifting = true,
      edgeMinimization = true,
      parentCentralization = true,
      direction = 'UD', // UD, DU, LR, RL
      sortMethod = 'hubsize' // hubsize, directed

function New-DiagramOptionsLinks {
    [alias('DiagramOptionsEdges', 'New-DiagramOptionsEdges', 'DiagramOptionsLinks')]
        [bool]$ArrowsToEnabled = $false,
        [int] $ArrowsToScaleFactor = 1,
        [ValidateSet('arrow', 'bar', 'circle')][string] $ArrowsToType = 'arrow',
        [bool]$ArrowsMiddleEnabled = $false,
        [int]$ArrowsMiddleScaleFactor = 1,
        [ValidateSet('arrow', 'bar', 'circle')][string] $ArrowsMiddleType = 'arrow',
        [bool]$ArrowsFromEnabled = $false,
        [int] $ArrowsFromScaleFactor = 1,
        [ValidateSet('arrow', 'bar', 'circle')][string] $ArrowsFromType = 'arrow',
        [bool]$ArrowStrikethrough = $true,
        [bool] $Chosen = $true,
        [RGBColors] $Color = [RGBColors]::None,
        [RGBColors] $ColorHighlight = [RGBColors]::None,
        [RGBColors] $ColorHover = [RGBColors]::None,
        [ValidateSet('true', 'false', 'from', 'to', 'both')][string]$ColorInherit = 'from',
        [double] $ColorOpacity = 1.0, # range between 0 and 1
        [bool] $Dashes = $false
    $Object = [PSCustomObject] @{
        Type     = 'DiagramOptionsEdges'
        Settings = @{
            edges = [ordered] @{
                arrows             = [ordered]@{
                    to     = [ordered]@{
                        enabled     = $ArrowsToEnabled
                        scaleFactor = $ArrowsToScaleFactor
                        type        = $ArrowsToType
                    middle = [ordered]@{
                        enabled     = $ArrowsMiddleEnabled
                        scaleFactor = $ArrowsMiddleScaleFactor
                        type        = $ArrowsMiddleType
                    from   = [ordered]@{
                        enabled     = $ArrowsFromEnabled
                        scaleFactor = $ArrowsFromScaleFactor
                        type        = $ArrowsFromType
                arrowStrikethrough = $ArrowStrikethrough
                chosen             = $Chosen
                color              = [ordered]@{
                    color     = ConvertFrom-Color -Color $Color
                    highlight = ConvertFrom-Color -Color $ColorHighlight
                    hover     = ConvertFrom-Color -Color $ColorHover
                    inherit   = $ColorInherit
                    opacity   = $ColorOpacity
                dashes             = $Dashes
    Remove-EmptyValues -Hashtable $Object.Settings -Recursive
// these are all options in full.
var options = {
    arrows: {
      to: {enabled: false, scaleFactor:1, type:'arrow'},
      middle: {enabled: false, scaleFactor:1, type:'arrow'},
      from: {enabled: false, scaleFactor:1, type:'arrow'}
    arrowStrikethrough: true,
    chosen: true,
    color: {
      hover: '#848484',
      inherit: 'from',
    dashes: false,
    font: {
      color: '#343434',
      size: 14, // px
      face: 'arial',
      background: 'none',
      strokeWidth: 2, // px
      strokeColor: '#ffffff',
      align: 'horizontal',
      multi: false,
      vadjust: 0,
      bold: {
        color: '#343434',
        size: 14, // px
        face: 'arial',
        vadjust: 0,
        mod: 'bold'
      ital: {
        color: '#343434',
        size: 14, // px
        face: 'arial',
        vadjust: 0,
        mod: 'italic',
      boldital: {
        color: '#343434',
        size: 14, // px
        face: 'arial',
        vadjust: 0,
        mod: 'bold italic'
      mono: {
        color: '#343434',
        size: 15, // px
        face: 'courier new',
        vadjust: 2,
        mod: ''
    hidden: false,
    hoverWidth: 1.5,
    label: undefined,
    labelHighlightBold: true,
    length: undefined,
    physics: true,
      min: 1,
      max: 15,
      label: {
        enabled: true,
        min: 14,
        max: 30,
        maxVisible: 30,
        drawThreshold: 5
      customScalingFunction: function (min,max,total,value) {
        if (max === min) {
          return 0.5;
        else {
          var scale = 1 / (max - min);
          return Math.max(0,(value - min)*scale);
    selectionWidth: 1,
      enabled: false,
      color: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.5)',
    smooth: {
      enabled: true,
      type: "dynamic",
      roundness: 0.5
    value: undefined,
    width: 1,
    widthConstraint: false

function New-DiagramOptionsManipulation {
    Short description
    Long description
    .PARAMETER InitiallyActive
    Parameter description
    .PARAMETER AddNode
    Parameter description
    .PARAMETER AddEdge
    Parameter description
    .PARAMETER EditNode
    Parameter description
    .PARAMETER EditEdge
    Parameter description
    .PARAMETER DeleteNode
    Parameter description
    .PARAMETER DeleteEdge
    Parameter description
    An example
    Based on
    It's incomplete

        [bool] $InitiallyActive = $false,
        [bool] $AddNode = $true,
        [bool] $AddEdge = $true,
        [bool] $EditNode = $true,
        [bool] $EditEdge = $true,
        [bool] $DeleteNode = $true,
        [bool] $DeleteEdge = $true

    $Object = [PSCustomObject] @{
        Type     = 'DiagramOptionsManipulation'
        Settings = @{
            manipulation = [ordered] @{
                enabled         = $true
                initiallyActive = $InitiallyActive
                addNode         = $AddNode
                addEdge         = $AddEdge
                editNode        = $EditNode
                editEdge        = $EditEdge
                deleteNode      = $DeleteNode
                deleteEdge      = $DeleteEdge
    Remove-EmptyValues -Hashtable $Object.Settings -Recursive 
function New-DiagramOptionsNodes {
        [int] $BorderWidth = 1,
        [int] $BorderWidthSelected = 2,
        [string] $BrokenImage,
        [bool] $Chosen = $true,                     
        [RGBColors] $ColorBorder = [RGBColors]::None,
        [RGBColors] $ColorBackground = [RGBColors]::None,     
        [RGBColors] $ColorHighlightBorder = [RGBColors]::None,
        [RGBColors] $ColorHighlightBackground = [RGBColors]::None,
        [RGBColors] $ColorHoverBorder = [RGBColors]::None,
        [RGBColors] $ColorHoverBackground = [RGBColors]::None,
        [bool]$FixedX = $false,
        [bool]$FixedY = $false,
        [RGBColors] $FontColor = [RGBColors]::None,
        [int] $FontSize = 14, #// px
        [string] $FontName = 'arial',
        [RGBColors] $FontBackground = [RGBColors]::None,
        [int] $FontStrokeWidth = 0, #// px
        [RGBColors] $FontStrokeColor = [RGBColors]::None,
        [ValidateSet('center', 'left')][string] $FontAlign = 'center',
        [ValidateSet('false', 'true', 'markdown', 'html')][string]$FontMulti,
        [int] $FontVAdjust = 0,    
        [int] $Size = 25,
        [bool]$WidthConstraint = $false
    $Object = [PSCustomObject] @{
        Type     = 'DiagramOptionsNodes'
        Settings = @{
            nodes = [ordered] @{
                borderWidth         = $BorderWidth
                borderWidthSelected = $BorderWidthSelected
                brokenImage         = $BrokenImage
                chosen              = $Chosen
                color               = [ordered]@{
                    border     = ConvertFrom-Color -Color $ColorBorder
                    background = ConvertFrom-Color -Color $ColorBackground
                    highlight  = [ordered]@{
                        border     = ConvertFrom-Color -Color $ColorHighlightBorder
                        background = ConvertFrom-Color -Color $ColorHighlightBackground
                    hover      = [ordered]@{
                        border     = ConvertFrom-Color -Color $ColorHoverBorder
                        background = ConvertFrom-Color -Color $ColorHoverBackground
                fixed               = [ordered]@{
                    x = $FixedX
                    y = $FixedY
                font                = [ordered]@{
                    color       = ConvertFrom-Color -Color $FontColor
                    size        = $FontSize #// px
                    face        = $FontName
                    background  = ConvertFrom-Color -Color $FontBackground
                    strokeWidth = $FontStrokeWidth #// px
                    strokeColor = ConvertFrom-Color -Color $FontStrokeColor
                    align       = $FontAlign
                    multi       = $FontMulti
                    vadjust     = $FontVAdjust
                size                = $Size
                widthConstraint     = $WidthConstraint
    Remove-EmptyValues -Hashtable $Object.Settings -Recursive 

// these are all options in full.
var options = {
    borderWidth: 1,
    borderWidthSelected: 2,
    chosen: true,
    color: {
      border: '#2B7CE9',
      background: '#97C2FC',
      highlight: {
        border: '#2B7CE9',
        background: '#D2E5FF'
      hover: {
        border: '#2B7CE9',
        background: '#D2E5FF'
    fixed: {
    font: {
      color: '#343434',
      size: 14, // px
      face: 'arial',
      background: 'none',
      strokeWidth: 0, // px
      strokeColor: '#ffffff',
      align: 'center',
      multi: false,
      vadjust: 0,
      bold: {
        color: '#343434',
        size: 14, // px
        face: 'arial',
        vadjust: 0,
        mod: 'bold'
      ital: {
        color: '#343434',
        size: 14, // px
        face: 'arial',
        vadjust: 0,
        mod: 'italic',
      boldital: {
        color: '#343434',
        size: 14, // px
        face: 'arial',
        vadjust: 0,
        mod: 'bold italic'
      mono: {
        color: '#343434',
        size: 15, // px
        face: 'courier new',
        vadjust: 2,
        mod: ''
    group: undefined,
    heightConstraint: false,
    hidden: false,
    icon: {
      face: 'FontAwesome',
      code: undefined,
      size: 50, //50,
    image: undefined,
    imagePadding: {
      left: 0,
      top: 0,
      bottom: 0,
      right: 0
    label: undefined,
    labelHighlightBold: true,
    level: undefined,
    mass: 1,
    physics: true,
    scaling: {
      min: 10,
      max: 30,
      label: {
        enabled: false,
        min: 14,
        max: 30,
        maxVisible: 30,
        drawThreshold: 5
      customScalingFunction: function (min,max,total,value) {
        if (max === min) {
          return 0.5;
        else {
          let scale = 1 / (max - min);
          return Math.max(0,(value - min)*scale);
      enabled: false,
      color: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.5)',
    shape: 'ellipse',
    shapeProperties: {
      borderDashes: false, // only for borders
      borderRadius: 6, // only for box shape
      interpolation: false, // only for image and circularImage shapes
      useImageSize: false, // only for image and circularImage shapes
      useBorderWithImage: false // only for image shape
    size: 25,
    title: undefined,
    value: undefined,
    widthConstraint: false,
    x: undefined,
    y: undefined

function New-DiagramOptionsPhysics {
        [bool] $Enabled = $true,
        [bool] $StabilizationEnabled = $true,
        [int] $Stabilizationiterations = 1000,
        [int] $StabilizationupdateInterval = 100,
        [bool] $StabilizationonlyDynamicEdges = $false,
        [bool] $Stabilizationfit = $true,
        [int] $MaxVelocity = 50,
        [int] $MinVelocity = 0.1,
        [int] $Timestep = 0.5,
        [bool] $AdaptiveTimestep = $true  
    $Object = [PSCustomObject] @{
        Type     = 'DiagramOptionsPhysics'
        Settings = @{
            physics = [ordered] @{
                enabled          = $Enabled
                stabilization    = @{
                    enabled          = $StabilizationEnabled
                    iterations       = $Stabilizationiterations
                    updateInterval   = $StabilizationupdateInterval
                    onlyDynamicEdges = $StabilizationonlyDynamicEdges
                    fit              = $Stabilizationfit
                maxVelocity      = $MaxVelocity
                minVelocity      = $MinVelocity
                timestep         = $Timestep
                adaptiveTimestep = $AdaptiveTimestep
    Remove-EmptyValues -Hashtable $Object.Settings -Recursive 

// these are all options in full.
var options = {
    enabled: true,
    barnesHut: {
      gravitationalConstant: -2000,
      centralGravity: 0.3,
      springLength: 95,
      springConstant: 0.04,
      damping: 0.09,
      avoidOverlap: 0
    forceAtlas2Based: {
      gravitationalConstant: -50,
      centralGravity: 0.01,
      springConstant: 0.08,
      springLength: 100,
      damping: 0.4,
      avoidOverlap: 0
    repulsion: {
      centralGravity: 0.2,
      springLength: 200,
      springConstant: 0.05,
      nodeDistance: 100,
      damping: 0.09
    hierarchicalRepulsion: {
      centralGravity: 0.0,
      springLength: 100,
      springConstant: 0.01,
      nodeDistance: 120,
      damping: 0.09
    maxVelocity: 50,
    minVelocity: 0.1,
    solver: 'barnesHut',
    stabilization: {
      enabled: true,
      iterations: 1000,
      updateInterval: 100,
      onlyDynamicEdges: false,
      fit: true
    timestep: 0.5,
    adaptiveTimestep: true

Function New-HTML {
        [alias('Content')][Parameter(Position = 0)][ValidateNotNull()][ScriptBlock] $HtmlData = $(Throw "Have you put the open curly brace on the next line?"),
        [switch] $UseCssLinks,
        [switch] $UseJavaScriptLinks,
        [alias('Name', 'Title')][String] $TitleText,
        [string] $Author,
        [string] $DateFormat = 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss',
        [int] $AutoRefresh,
        # save HTML options
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)][string]$FilePath,
        [alias('Show', 'Open')][Parameter(Mandatory = $false)][switch]$ShowHTML,
        [ValidateSet('Unknown', 'String', 'Unicode', 'Byte', 'BigEndianUnicode', 'UTF8', 'UTF7', 'UTF32', 'Ascii', 'Default', 'Oem', 'BigEndianUTF32')] $Encoding = 'UTF8'
    [string] $CurrentDate = (Get-Date).ToString($DateFormat)
    $Script:HTMLSchema = @{
        TabsHeaders       = [System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Collections.IDictionary]]::new() # tracks / stores headers
        TabsHeadersNested = [System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Collections.IDictionary]]::new() # tracks / stores headers
        Features          = @{ } # tracks features for CSS/JS implementation
        Charts            = [System.Collections.Generic.List[string]]::new()
        Diagrams          = [System.Collections.Generic.List[string]]::new()

        # Tab settings
        TabOptions        = @{
            SlimTabs = $false

        CustomCSS         = [System.Collections.Generic.List[Array]]::new()

    [Array] $TempOutputHTML = Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $HtmlData
    if ($null -ne $TempOutputHTML -and $TempOutputHTML.Count -gt 0) {
        $Logo = Get-HTMLPartContent -Content $TempOutputHTML -Start '<!-- START LOGO -->' -End '<!-- END LOGO -->' -Type Between
        $TempOutputHTML = Get-HTMLPartContent -Content $TempOutputHTML -Start '<!-- START LOGO -->' -End '<!-- END LOGO -->' -Type After
    $Features = Get-FeaturesInUse -PriorityFeatures 'JQuery', 'DataTables', 'Tabs'
    # this gets rid of any non-strings
    # it's added here to track nested tabs
    $OutputHTML = foreach ($_ in $TempOutputHTML) {
        if ($_ -isnot [System.Collections.IDictionary]) {
    # This removes Nested Tabs from primary Tabs
    foreach ($_ in $Script:HTMLSchema.TabsHeadersNested) {
        $null = $Script:HTMLSchema.TabsHeaders.Remove($_)

    $HTML = @(
        '<!DOCTYPE html>'
        New-HTMLTag -Tag 'html' {
            '<!-- HEADER -->'
            New-HTMLTag -Tag 'head' {
                New-HTMLTag -Tag 'meta' -Attributes @{ charset = "utf-8" } -SelfClosing
                New-HTMLTag -Tag 'meta' -Attributes @{ name = 'viewport'; content = 'width=device-width, initial-scale=1' } -SelfClosing
                New-HTMLTag -Tag 'meta' -Attributes @{ name = 'author'; content = $Author } -SelfClosing
                New-HTMLTag -Tag 'meta' -Attributes @{ name = 'revised'; content = $CurrentDate } -SelfClosing
                New-HTMLTag -Tag 'title' { $TitleText }
                if ($Autorefresh -gt 0) {
                    New-HTMLTag -Tag 'meta' -Attributes @{ 'http-equiv' = 'refresh'; content = $Autorefresh } -SelfClosing
                Get-Resources -UseCssLinks:$true -UseJavaScriptLinks:$true -Location 'HeaderAlways' -Features Default, DefaultHeadings, Fonts, FontsAwesome
                Get-Resources -UseCssLinks:$false -UseJavaScriptLinks:$false -Location 'HeaderAlways' -Features Default, DefaultHeadings
                if ($null -ne $Features) {
                    Get-Resources -UseCssLinks:$true -UseJavaScriptLinks:$true -Location 'HeaderAlways' -Features $Features -NoScript
                    Get-Resources -UseCssLinks:$false -UseJavaScriptLinks:$false -Location 'HeaderAlways' -Features $Features -NoScript
                    Get-Resources -UseCssLinks:$UseCssLinks -UseJavaScriptLinks:$UseJavaScriptLinks -Location 'Header' -Features $Features

            New-HTMLCustomCSS -Css $Script:HTMLSchema.CustomCSS

            '<!-- END HEADER -->'
            '<!-- BODY -->'
            New-HTMLTag -Tag 'body' {
                # Add logo if there is one
                # Add tabs header if there is one
                if ($Script:HTMLSchema.TabsHeaders) {
                    New-HTMLTag -Tag 'div' -Attributes @{ 'data-panes' = 'true' } {
                        # Add remaining data
                } else {
                    # Add remaining data
                # Add charts scripts if those are there
                foreach ($Chart in $Script:HTMLSchema.Charts) {
                foreach ($Diagram in $Script:HTMLSchema.Diagrams) {
            '<!-- END BODY -->'
            '<!-- FOOTER -->'
            New-HTMLTag -Tag 'footer' {
                if ($null -ne $Features) {
                    # FooterAlways means we're not able to provide consistent output with and without links and we prefer those to be included
                    # either as links or from file per required features
                    Get-Resources -UseCssLinks:$true -UseJavaScriptLinks:$true -Location 'FooterAlways' -Features $Features
                    Get-Resources -UseCssLinks:$false -UseJavaScriptLinks:$false -Location 'FooterAlways' -Features $Features
                    # standard footer features
                    Get-Resources -UseCssLinks:$UseCssLinks -UseJavaScriptLinks:$UseJavaScriptLinks -Location 'Footer' -Features $Features
            '<!-- END FOOTER -->'
    if ($FilePath -ne '') {
        Save-HTML -HTML $HTML -FilePath $FilePath -ShowHTML:$ShowHTML -Encoding $Encoding
    } else {
function New-HTMLAnchor {
    Short description
    Long description
    Parameter description
    Parameter description
    .PARAMETER Target
    Parameter description
    .PARAMETER Class
    Parameter description
    .PARAMETER HrefLink
    Parameter description
    .PARAMETER OnClick
    Parameter description
    .PARAMETER Style
    Parameter description
    Parameter description
    New-HTMLAnchor -Target _parent
    New-HTMLAnchor -Id "show_$RandomNumber" -Href '#' -OnClick "show('$RandomNumber');" -Style "color: #ffffff; display:none;" -Text 'Show'
    <a target = "_parent" />
    General notes


        [alias('AnchorName')][string] $Name,
        [string] $Id,
        [string] $Target, # "_blank|_self|_parent|_top|framename"
        [string] $Class,
        [alias('Url', 'Link', 'UrlLink', 'Href')][string] $HrefLink,
        [string] $OnClick,
        [string] $Style,
        [alias('AnchorText', 'Value')][string] $Text
    $Attributes = [ordered]@{
        'id'      = $Id
        'name'    = $Name
        'class'   = $Class
        'target'  = $Target
        'href'    = $HrefLink
        'onclick' = $OnClick
        'style'   = $Style
    New-HTMLTag -Tag 'a' -Attributes $Attributes {
Function New-HTMLAnchorLink {
    Creates Hyperlink for an Anchor
    Long description
    .PARAMETER AnchorName
    The Actual name of the Anchor (Hidden)
    .PARAMETER AnchorText
    The HyperLink text. Will default to $AnchorNname if not specified
    Get-HTMLAnchorLink -AnchorName 'test'
    General notes

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][String] $AnchorName,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)][String] $AnchorText
    if ($AnchorText -eq $null -or $AnchorText -eq '') {
        $AnchorText = $AnchorName
    New-HTMLAnchor -Name $AnchorName -HrefLink '#' -Class 'alink' -Text $AnchorText
Function New-HTMLAnchorName {
    Creates an anchor
    Long description
    .PARAMETER AnchorName
    Parameter description
    An example
    General notes

    Param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][String] $AnchorName
    New-HTMLAnchor -Name $AnchorName
function New-HTMLCanvas {
        [alias('Value')][Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 0)][ValidateNotNull()][ScriptBlock] $Content = $(Throw "Open curly brace with Content"),
        [string] $ID,
        [string] $Width,
        [string] $Height,
        [string] $Style
    $Canvas = [Ordered] @{
        Tag         = 'canvas'
        Attributes  = [ordered]@{
            'id'     = $Id
            'width'  = $Width
            'height' = $Height
            'style'  = $Style
        SelfClosing = $false
        Value       = Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $Content
    $HTML = Set-Tag -HtmlObject $Canvas
    return $HTML
function New-HTMLChart {
        [ScriptBlock] $ChartSettings,
        [string] $Title,
        [ValidateSet('center', 'left', 'right', 'default')][string] $TitleAlignment = 'default',
        [nullable[int]] $Height = 350,
        [nullable[int]] $Width,
        [alias('GradientColors')][switch] $Gradient,
        [alias('PatternedColors')][switch] $Patterned

    # Datasets Bar/Line
    $DataSet = [System.Collections.Generic.List[object]]::new()
    $DataName = [System.Collections.Generic.List[object]]::new()

    # Legend Variables
    $Colors = [System.Collections.Generic.List[RGBColors]]::new()

    # Line Variables
    # $LineColors = [System.Collections.Generic.List[RGBColors]]::new()
    $LineCurves = [System.Collections.Generic.List[string]]::new()
    $LineWidths = [System.Collections.Generic.List[int]]::new()
    $LineDashes = [System.Collections.Generic.List[int]]::new()
    $LineCaps = [System.Collections.Generic.List[string]]::new()

    #$RadialColors = [System.Collections.Generic.List[RGBColors]]::new()
    #$SparkColors = [System.Collections.Generic.List[RGBColors]]::new()

    # Bar default definitions
    [bool] $BarHorizontal = $true
    [bool] $BarDataLabelsEnabled = $true
    [int] $BarDataLabelsOffsetX = -6
    [string] $BarDataLabelsFontSize = '12px'
    [bool] $BarDistributed = $false

    [string] $LegendPosition = 'default'
    [string] $Type = ''

    [Array] $Settings = & $ChartSettings
    foreach ($Setting in $Settings) {
        if ($Setting.ObjectType -eq 'Bar') {
            # For Bar Charts
            if (-not $Type) {
                # thiss makes sure type is not set if BarOptions is used which already set type to BarStacked or similar
                $Type = $Setting.ObjectType

        } elseif ($Setting.ObjectType -eq 'Pie' -or $Setting.ObjectType -eq 'Donut') {
            # For Pie Charts
            $Type = $Setting.ObjectType

            if ($Setting.Color) {
        } elseif ($Setting.ObjectType -eq 'Spark') {
            # For Spark Charts
            $Type = $Setting.ObjectType

            if ($Setting.Color) {
        } elseif ($Setting.ObjectType -eq 'Radial') {
            $Type = $Setting.ObjectType

            if ($Setting.Color) {
        } elseif ($Setting.ObjectType -eq 'Legend') {
            # For Bar Charts
            $DataLegend = $Setting.Names
            $LegendPosition = $Setting.LegendPosition
            if ($null -ne $Setting.Color) {
                $Colors = $Setting.Color
        } elseif ($Setting.ObjectType -eq 'BarOptions') {
            # For Bar Charts
            $Type = $Setting.Type
            $BarHorizontal = $Setting.Horizontal
            $BarDataLabelsEnabled = $Setting.DataLabelsEnabled
            $BarDataLabelsOffsetX = $Setting.DataLabelsOffsetX
            $BarDataLabelsFontSize = $Setting.DataLabelsFontSize
            $BarDataLabelsColor = $Setting.DataLabelsColor
            $BarDistributed = $Setting.Distributed

            # This is required to support legacy ChartBarOptions - Gradient -Patterned
            if ($null -ne $Setting.PatternedColors) {
                $Patterned = $Setting.PatternedColors
            if ($null -ne $Setting.GradientColors) {
                $Gradient = $Setting.GradientColors
        } elseif ($Setting.ObjectType -eq 'Toolbar') {
            # For All Charts
            $Toolbar = $Setting.Toolbar
        } elseif ($Setting.ObjectType -eq 'Theme') {
            # For All Charts
            $Theme = $Setting.Theme
        } elseif ($Setting.ObjectType -eq 'Line') {
            # For Line Charts
            $Type = $Setting.ObjectType
            if ($Setting.LineColor) {
            if ($Setting.LineCurve) {
            if ($Setting.LineWidth) {
            if ($Setting.LineDash) {
            if ($Setting.LineCap) {
        } elseif ($Setting.ObjectType -eq 'ChartAxisX') {
            $ChartAxisX = $Setting.ChartAxisX
            #$DataCategory = $ChartAxisX.Names

        } elseif ($Setting.ObjectType -eq 'ChartGrid') {
            $GridOptions = $Setting.Grid
        } elseif ($Setting.ObjectType -eq 'ChartAxisY') {
            $ChartAxisY = $Setting.ChartAxisY

    if ($Type -in @('bar', 'barStacked', 'barStacked100Percent')) {
        if ($DataLegend.Count -lt $DataSet[0].Count) {
            Write-Warning -Message "Chart Legend count doesn't match values count. Skipping."
        # Fixes dataset/dataname to format expected by New-HTMLChartBar
        $HashTable = [ordered] @{ }
        $ArrayCount = $DataSet[0].Count
        if ($ArrayCount -eq 1) {
            $HashTable.1 = $DataSet
        } else {
            for ($i = 0; $i -lt $ArrayCount; $i++) {
                $HashTable.$i = [System.Collections.Generic.List[object]]::new()
            foreach ($Value in $DataSet) {
                for ($h = 0; $h -lt $Value.Count; $h++) {

        New-HTMLChartBar `
            -Data $($HashTable.Values) `
            -DataNames $DataName `
            -DataLegend $DataLegend `
            -LegendPosition $LegendPosition `
            -Type $Type `
            -Title $Title `
            -TitleAlignment $TitleAlignment `
            -Horizontal:$BarHorizontal `
            -DataLabelsEnabled $BarDataLabelsEnabled `
            -DataLabelsOffsetX $BarDataLabelsOffsetX `
            -DataLabelsFontSize $BarDataLabelsFontSize `
            -Distributed:$BarDistributed `
            -DataLabelsColor $BarDataLabelsColor `
            -Height $Height `
            -Width $Width `
            -Colors $Colors `
            -Theme $Theme -Toolbar $Toolbar -GridOptions $GridOptions -PatternedColors:$Patterned -GradientColors:$Gradient
    } elseif ($Type -eq 'Line') {
        if (-not $ChartAxisX) {
            Write-Warning -Message 'Chart Category (Chart Axis X) is missing.'
        New-HTMLChartLine -Data $DataSet `
            -DataNames $DataName `
            -DataLabelsEnabled $BarDataLabelsEnabled `
            -DataLabelsOffsetX $BarDataLabelsOffsetX `
            -DataLabelsFontSize $BarDataLabelsFontSize `
            -DataLabelsColor $BarDataLabelsColor `
            -LineColor $Colors `
            -LineCurve $LineCurves `
            -LineWidth $LineWidths `
            -LineDash $LineDashes `
            -LineCap $LineCaps `
            -ChartAxisX $ChartAxisX `
            -ChartAxisY $ChartAxisY `
            -Title $Title -TitleAlignment $TitleAlignment `
            -Height $Height -Width $Width `
            -Theme $Theme -Toolbar $Toolbar -GridOptions $GridOptions -PatternedColors:$Patterned -GradientColors:$Gradient

    } elseif ($Type -eq 'Pie' -or $Type -eq 'Donut') {
        New-HTMLChartPie `
            -Type $Type `
            -Data $DataSet `
            -DataNames $DataName `
            -Colors $Colors `
            -Title $Title -TitleAlignment $TitleAlignment `
            -Height $Height -Width $Width `
            -Theme $Theme -Toolbar $Toolbar -GridOptions $GridOptions -PatternedColors:$Patterned -GradientColors:$Gradient
    } elseif ($Type -eq 'Spark') {
        New-HTMLChartSpark `
            -Data $DataSet `
            -DataNames $DataName `
            -Colors $Colors `
            -Title $Title -TitleAlignment $TitleAlignment `
            -Height $Height -Width $Width `
            -Theme $Theme -Toolbar $Toolbar -GridOptions $GridOptions -PatternedColors:$Patterned -GradientColors:$Gradient
    } elseif ($Type -eq 'Radial') {
        New-HTMLChartRadial `
            -Data $DataSet `
            -DataNames $DataName `
            -Colors $Colors `
            -Title $Title -TitleAlignment $TitleAlignment `
            -Height $Height -Width $Width `
            -Theme $Theme -Toolbar $Toolbar -GridOptions $GridOptions -PatternedColors:$Patterned -GradientColors:$Gradient
function New-HTMLChartArea {
        [nullable[int]] $Height = 350,

        [bool] $DataLabelsEnabled = $true,
        [int] $DataLabelsOffsetX = -6,
        [string] $DataLabelsFontSize = '12px',
        [RGBColors[]] $DataLabelsColor,
        [ValidateSet('datetime', 'category', 'numeric')][string] $DataCategoriesType = 'category',

        [ValidateSet('straight', 'smooth', 'stepline')] $LineCurve = 'straight',
        [int] $LineWidth,
        [RGBColors[]] $LineColor,

        [RGBColors[]] $GridColors,
        [double] $GridOpacity,

        [ValidateSet('top', 'topRight', 'left', 'right', 'bottom', 'default')][string] $LegendPosition = 'default',

        [string] $TitleX,
        [string] $TitleY,

        [int] $MarkerSize,

        [Array] $Data,
        [Array] $DataNames,
        [Array] $DataLegend,

        [switch] $Zoom,

        [string] $Title,
        [ValidateSet('center', 'left', 'right', 'default')][string] $TitleAlignment = 'default',
        [switch] $PatternedColors,
        [switch] $GradientColors,
        [System.Collections.IDictionary] $GridOptions,
        [System.Collections.IDictionary] $Toolbar,
        [System.Collections.IDictionary] $Theme

    $Options = [ordered] @{ }
    New-ChartInternalArea -Options $Options -Data $Data -DataNames $DataNames

    New-ChartInternalStrokeDefinition -Options $Options `
        -LineShow $true `
        -LineCurve $LineCurve `
        -LineWidth $LineWidth `
        -LineColor $LineColor

    New-ChartInternalDataLabels -Options $Options `
        -DataLabelsEnabled $DataLabelsEnabled `
        -DataLabelsOffsetX $DataLabelsOffsetX `
        -DataLabelsFontSize $DataLabelsFontSize `
        -DataLabelsColor $DataLabelsColor

    New-ChartInternalAxisX -Options $Options `
        -Title $TitleX `
        -DataCategoriesType $DataCategoriesType `
        -DataCategories $DataLegend

    New-ChartInternalAxisY -Options $Options -Title $TitleY
    New-ChartInternalMarker -Options $Options -MarkerSize $MarkerSize
    New-ChartInternalZoom -Options $Options -Enabled:$Zoom
    New-ChartInternalLegend -Options $Options -LegendPosition $LegendPosition

    # Default for all charts
    if ($PatternedColors) { New-ChartInternalPattern }
    if ($GradientColors) { New-ChartInternalGradient }
    New-ChartInternalTitle -Options $Options -Title $Title -TitleAlignment $TitleAlignment
    New-ChartInternalSize -Options $Options -Height $Height -Width $Width
    if ($GridOptions) { New-ChartInternalGrid -Options $Options @GridOptions }
    if ($Theme) { New-ChartInternalTheme -Options $Options @Theme }
    if ($Toolbar) { New-ChartInternalToolbar -Options $Options @Toolbar -Show $true }
    New-ApexChart -Options $Options

function New-HTMLChartBar {
        [nullable[int]] $Height = 350,
        [nullable[int]] $Width,
        [ValidateSet('bar', 'barStacked', 'barStacked100Percent')] $Type = 'bar',
        [RGBColors[]] $Colors,

        [bool] $Horizontal = $true,
        [bool] $DataLabelsEnabled = $true,
        [int] $DataLabelsOffsetX = -6,
        [string] $DataLabelsFontSize = '12px',
        [nullable[RGBColors]] $DataLabelsColor,

        [switch] $Distributed,

        [ValidateSet('top', 'topRight', 'left', 'right', 'bottom', 'default')][string] $LegendPosition = 'default',

        [Array] $Data,
        [Array] $DataNames,
        [Array] $DataLegend,

        [string] $Title,
        [ValidateSet('center', 'left', 'right', 'default')][string] $TitleAlignment = 'default',
        [switch] $PatternedColors,
        [switch] $GradientColors,
        [System.Collections.IDictionary] $GridOptions,
        [System.Collections.IDictionary] $Toolbar,
        [System.Collections.IDictionary] $Theme

    $Options = [ordered] @{ }
    New-ChartInternalBar -Options $Options -Horizontal $Horizontal -DataLabelsEnabled $DataLabelsEnabled `
        -DataLabelsOffsetX $DataLabelsOffsetX -DataLabelsFontSize $DataLabelsFontSize -DataLabelsColor $DataLabelsColor `
        -Data $Data -DataNames $DataNames -DataLegend $DataLegend -Title $Title -TitleAlignment $TitleAlignment `
        -Type $Type -Distributed:$Distributed

    New-ChartInternalColors -Options $Options -Colors $Colors
    New-ChartInternalLegend -Options $Options -LegendPosition $LegendPosition

    # Default for all charts
    if ($PatternedColors) { New-ChartInternalPattern }
    if ($GradientColors) { New-ChartInternalGradient }
    New-ChartInternalTitle -Options $Options -Title $Title -TitleAlignment $TitleAlignment
    New-ChartInternalSize -Options $Options -Height $Height -Width $Width
    if ($GridOptions) { New-ChartInternalGrid -Options $Options @GridOptions }
    if ($Theme) { New-ChartInternalTheme -Options $Options @Theme }
    if ($Toolbar) { New-ChartInternalToolbar -Options $Options @Toolbar -Show $true }
    New-ApexChart -Options $Options
function New-HTMLChartLine {
        [nullable[int]] $Height = 350,
        [nullable[int]] $Width,

        [bool] $DataLabelsEnabled = $true,
        [int] $DataLabelsOffsetX = -6,
        [string] $DataLabelsFontSize = '12px',
        [RGBColors[]] $DataLabelsColor,
        # [ValidateSet('datetime', 'category', 'numeric')][string] $DataCategoriesType = 'category',

        [ValidateSet('straight', 'smooth', 'stepline')][string[]] $LineCurve,
        [int[]] $LineWidth,
        [RGBColors[]] $LineColor,
        [int[]] $LineDash,
        [ValidateSet('butt', 'square', 'round')][string[]] $LineCap,

        #[RGBColors[]] $GridColors,
        #[double] $GridOpacity,

        [ValidateSet('top', 'topRight', 'left', 'right', 'bottom', 'default')][string] $LegendPosition = 'default',

        #[string] $TitleX,
        #[string] $TitleY,

        [int] $MarkerSize,

        [Array] $Data,
        [Array] $DataNames,
        #[Array] $DataLegend,
        [System.Collections.IDictionary] $ChartAxisX,
        [System.Collections.IDictionary] $ChartAxisY,

        [string] $Title,
        [ValidateSet('center', 'left', 'right', 'default')][string] $TitleAlignment = 'default',
        [switch] $PatternedColors,
        [switch] $GradientColors,
        [System.Collections.IDictionary] $GridOptions,
        [System.Collections.IDictionary] $Toolbar,
        [System.Collections.IDictionary] $Theme

    $Options = [ordered] @{ }

    New-ChartInternalLine -Options $Options -Data $Data -DataNames $DataNames

    if ($LineCurve.Count -eq 0 -or ($LineCurve.Count -ne $DataNames.Count)) {
        $LineCurve = for ($i = $LineCurve.Count; $i -le $DataNames.Count; $i++) {

    if ($LineCap.Count -eq 0 -or ($LineCap.Count -ne $DataNames.Count)) {
        $LineCap = for ($i = $LineCap.Count; $i -le $DataNames.Count; $i++) {
    if ($LineDash.Count -eq 0) {


    New-ChartInternalStrokeDefinition -Options $Options `
        -LineShow $true `
        -LineCurve $LineCurve `
        -LineWidth $LineWidth `
        -LineColor $LineColor `
        -LineCap $LineCap `
        -LineDash $LineDash
    # line colors (stroke colors ) doesn't cover legend - we need to make sure it's the same even thou lines are already colored
    New-ChartInternalColors -Options $Options -Colors $LineColor
    New-ChartInternalDataLabels -Options $Options `
        -DataLabelsEnabled $DataLabelsEnabled `
        -DataLabelsOffsetX $DataLabelsOffsetX `
        -DataLabelsFontSize $DataLabelsFontSize `
        -DataLabelsColor $DataLabelsColor
    if ($ChartAxisX) {
        New-ChartInternalAxisX -Options $Options @ChartAxisX
    if ($ChartAxisY) {
        New-ChartInternalAxisY -Options $Options @ChartAxisY
    New-ChartInternalMarker -Options $Options -MarkerSize $MarkerSize
    New-ChartInternalLegend -Options $Options -LegendPosition $LegendPosition

    # Default for all charts
    if ($PatternedColors) { New-ChartInternalPattern }
    if ($GradientColors) { New-ChartInternalGradient }
    New-ChartInternalTitle -Options $Options -Title $Title -TitleAlignment $TitleAlignment
    New-ChartInternalSize -Options $Options -Height $Height -Width $Width
    if ($GridOptions) { New-ChartInternalGrid -Options $Options @GridOptions }
    if ($Theme) { New-ChartInternalTheme -Options $Options @Theme }
    if ($Toolbar) { New-ChartInternalToolbar -Options $Options @Toolbar -Show $true }
    New-ApexChart -Options $Options

function New-HTMLChartPie {
        [string] $Type,
        [nullable[int]] $Height = 350,
        [nullable[int]] $Width,

        [bool] $DataLabelsEnabled = $true,
        [int] $DataLabelsOffsetX = -6,
        [string] $DataLabelsFontSize = '12px',
        [RGBColors[]] $DataLabelsColor,
        [Array] $Data,
        [Array] $DataNames,

        [ValidateSet('top', 'topRight', 'left', 'right', 'bottom', 'default')][string] $LegendPosition = 'default',

        [RGBColors[]] $Colors,
        [string] $Title,
        [ValidateSet('center', 'left', 'right', 'default')][string] $TitleAlignment = 'default',
        [switch] $PatternedColors,
        [switch] $GradientColors,
        [System.Collections.IDictionary] $GridOptions,
        [System.Collections.IDictionary] $Toolbar,
        [System.Collections.IDictionary] $Theme


    $Options = [ordered] @{ }
    New-ChartInternalPie -Options $Options -Names $DataNames -Values $Data -Type $Type

    New-ChartInternalColors -Options $Options -Colors $Colors
    # Default for all charts
    if ($PatternedColors) { New-ChartInternalPattern }
    if ($GradientColors) { New-ChartInternalGradient }
    New-ChartInternalTitle -Options $Options -Title $Title -TitleAlignment $TitleAlignment
    New-ChartInternalSize -Options $Options -Height $Height -Width $Width
    if ($GridOptions) { New-ChartInternalGrid -Options $Options @GridOptions }
    if ($Theme) { New-ChartInternalTheme -Options $Options @Theme }
    if ($Toolbar) { New-ChartInternalToolbar -Options $Options @Toolbar -Show $true }
    New-ApexChart -Options $Options
function New-HTMLChartRadial {
        [nullable[int]] $Height = 350,
        [nullable[int]] $Width,

        [Array] $DataNames,
        [Array] $Data,
        [string] $Type,
        [ValidateSet('FullCircleTop', 'FullCircleBottom', 'FullCircleBottomLeft', 'FullCircleLeft', 'Speedometer', 'SemiCircleGauge')] $CircleType = 'FullCircleTop',
        [string] $LabelAverage,

        [RGBColors[]] $Colors,
        [string] $Title,
        [ValidateSet('center', 'left', 'right', 'default')][string] $TitleAlignment = 'default',
        [switch] $PatternedColors,
        [switch] $GradientColors,
        [System.Collections.IDictionary] $GridOptions,
        [System.Collections.IDictionary] $Toolbar,
        [System.Collections.IDictionary] $Theme

    $Options = [ordered] @{ }

    New-ChartInternalRadial -Options $Options -Names $DataNames -Values $Data -Type $Type
    # This controls how the circle starts / left , right and so on
    New-ChartInternalRadialCircleType -Options $Options -CircleType $CircleType
    # This added label. It's useful if there's more then one data
    New-ChartInternalRadialDataLabels -Options $Options -Label $LabelAverage

    New-ChartInternalColors -Options $Options -Colors $Colors
    # Default for all charts
    if ($PatternedColors) { New-ChartInternalPattern }
    if ($GradientColors) { New-ChartInternalGradient }
    New-ChartInternalTitle -Options $Options -Title $Title -TitleAlignment $TitleAlignment
    New-ChartInternalSize -Options $Options -Height $Height -Width $Width
    if ($GridOptions) { New-ChartInternalGrid -Options $Options @GridOptions }
    if ($Theme) { New-ChartInternalTheme -Options $Options @Theme }
    if ($Toolbar) { New-ChartInternalToolbar -Options $Options @Toolbar -Show $true }
    New-ApexChart -Options $Options
function New-HTMLChartSpark {
        [nullable[int]] $Height = 350,
        [nullable[int]] $Width,

        [string] $Title,
        [ValidateSet('center', 'left', 'right', 'default')][string] $TitleAlignment = 'default',

        # Data to display in Spark
        [Array] $Data,
        [Array] $DataNames,
        [string] $TitleText,
        [string] $SubTitleText,
        [int] $FontSizeTitle = 24,
        [int] $FontSizeSubtitle = 14,
        [nullable[RGBColors]] $Color,

        [switch] $PatternedColors,
        [switch] $GradientColors,
        [System.Collections.IDictionary] $GridOptions,
        [System.Collections.IDictionary] $Toolbar,
        [System.Collections.IDictionary] $Theme

    $Options = [ordered] @{ }

    New-ChartInternalSpark -Options $Options -Color $Color -Title $TitleText -SubTitle $SubTitleText -FontSizeTitle $FontSizeTitle -FontSizeSubtitle $FontSizeSubtitle -Values $Data

    # Default for all charts
    if ($PatternedColors) { New-ChartInternalPattern }
    if ($GradientColors) { New-ChartInternalGradient }
    New-ChartInternalTitle -Options $Options -Title $Title -TitleAlignment $TitleAlignment
    New-ChartInternalSize -Options $Options -Height $Height -Width $Width
    if ($GridOptions) { New-ChartInternalGrid -Options $Options @GridOptions }
    if ($Theme) { New-ChartInternalTheme -Options $Options @Theme }
    if ($Toolbar) { New-ChartInternalToolbar -Options $Options @Toolbar -Show $true }
    New-ApexChart -Options $Options

Function New-HTMLCodeBlock {
    Param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][String] $Code,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]

        [String] $Style = 'powershell',
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        )][String] $Theme,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)][String] $Group,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)][String] $Title,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)][String[]] $Highlight,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)][nullable[bool]] $ShowLineNumbers,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)][String] $LineOffset
    $Script:HTMLSchema.Features.CodeBlocks = $true
    <# Explanation to fields:
        data-enlighter-language (string) - The language of the codeblock - overrides the global default setting | Block+Inline Content option
        data-enlighter-theme (string) - The theme of the codeblock - overrides the global default setting | Block+Inline Content option
        data-enlighter-group (string) - The identifier of the codegroup where the codeblock belongs to | Block Content option
        data-enlighter-title (string) - The title/name of the tab | Block Content option
        data-enlighter-linenumbers (boolean) - Show/Hide the linenumbers of a codeblock (Values: "true", "false") | Block Content option
        data-enlighter-highlight (string) - A List of lines to point out, comma seperated (ranges are supported) e.g. "2,3,6-10" | Block Content option
        data-enlighter-lineoffset (number) - Start value of line-numbering e.g. "5" to start with line 5 - attribute start of the ol tag is set | Block Content option

    if ($null -eq $ShowLineNumbers -and $Highlight) {
        $ShowLineNumbers = $true

    $Attributes = [ordered]@{
        'data-enlighter-language'    = "$Style".ToLower()
        'data-enlighter-theme'       = "$Theme".ToLower()
        'data-enlighter-group'       = "$Group".ToLower()
        'data-enlighter-title'       = "$Title"
        'data-enlighter-linenumbers' = "$ShowLineNumbers"
        'data-enlighter-highlight'   = "$Highlight"
        'data-enlighter-lineoffset'  = "$LineOffset".ToLower()

    # Cleanup code (if there are spaces before code it fixes that)
    $ExtraCode = $Code.Split([System.Environment]::NewLine)
    [int] $Length = 5000
    $NewCode = foreach ($Line in $ExtraCode) {
        if ($Line.Trim() -ne '') {
            [int] $TempLength = $Line.Length - (($Line -replace '^(\s+)').Length)
            #$TempLength = ($line -replace '^(\s+).+$', '$1').Length
            if ($TempLength -le $Length) {
                $Length = $TempLength
    $FixedCode = foreach ($Line in $NewCode) {
    $FinalCode = $FixedCode -join [System.Environment]::NewLine
    # Prepare HTML
    New-HTMLTag -Tag 'pre' -Attributes $Attributes {

function New-HTMLContainer {
        [alias('Content')][Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 0)][ScriptBlock] $HTML,
        [string] $Width,
        [string] $Margin

    if ($Width -or $Margin) {
        [string] $ClassName = "flexElement$(Get-RandomStringName -Size 8 -LettersOnly)"
        $Attributes = @{
            'flex-basis' = if ($Width) { $Width } else { '100%' }
            'margin'     = if ($Margin) { $Margin }
        $Css = ConvertTo-CSS -ClassName $ClassName -Attributes $Attributes

        [string] $Class = "$ClassName overflowHidden"
    } else {
        [string] $Class = 'flexElement overflowHidden'
    New-HTMLTag -Tag 'div' -Attributes @{ class = $Class } {
        if ($HTML) {
            Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $HTML
function New-HTMLCustomCSS {
        [System.Collections.IList] $CSS
    foreach ($_ in $CSS) {
        if ($_) {
            New-HTMLTag -Tag 'style' -Attributes @{ type = 'text/css' } {
            } -NewLine
function New-HTMLDiagram {
        [ScriptBlock] $Diagram,
        [string] $Height,
        [string] $Width,
        [switch] $BundleImages,
        [uri] $BackGroundImage,
        [string] $BackgroundSize = '100% 100%'
    if (-not $Script:HTMLSchema.Features) {
        Write-Warning 'New-HTMLDiagram - Creation of HTML aborted. Most likely New-HTML is missing.'

    $DataEdges = [System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Collections.IDictionary]]::new()
    $DataNodes = [ordered] @{ }

    [Array] $Settings = & $Diagram
    foreach ($Node in $Settings) {
        if ($Node.Type -eq 'DiagramNode') {
            $ID = $Node.Settings['id']
            $DataNodes[$ID] = $Node.Settings
            foreach ($From in $Node.Edges.From) {
                foreach ($To in $Node.Edges.To) {
                    $Edge = $Node.Edges.Clone()
                    $Edge['from'] = $From
                    $Edge['to'] = $To
        } elseif ($Node.Type -eq 'DiagramOptionsInteraction') {
            $DiagramOptionsInteraction = $Node.Settings
        } elseif ($Node.Type -eq 'DiagramOptionsManipulation') {
            $DiagramOptionsManipulation = $Node.Settings
        } elseif ($Node.Type -eq 'DiagramOptionsPhysics') {
            $DiagramOptionsPhysics = $Node.Settings
        } elseif ($Node.Type -eq 'DiagramOptionsLayout') {
            $DiagramOptionsLayout = $Node.Settings
        } elseif ($Node.Type -eq 'DiagramOptionsNodes') {
            $DiagramOptionsNodes = $Node.Settings
        } elseif ($Node.Type -eq 'DiagramOptionsEdges') {
            $DiagramOptionsEdges = $Node.Settings
        } elseif ($Node.Type -eq 'DiagramLink') {
            if ($Node.Settings.From -and $Node.Settings.To) {
                foreach ($From in $Node.Settings.From) {
                    foreach ($To in $Node.Settings.To) {
                        $Edge = $Node.Edges.Clone()
                        $Edge['from'] = $From
                        $Edge['to'] = $To
    {id: 14, shape: 'circularImage', image: DIR + '14.png'},
    {id: 15, shape: 'circularImage', image: DIR + 'missing.png', brokenImage: DIR + 'missingBrokenImage.png', label:"when images\nfail\nto load"},
    {id: 16, shape: 'circularImage', image: DIR + 'anotherMissing.png', brokenImage: DIR + '9.png', label:"fallback image in action"}
    {id: 5, label:'colorObject', color: {background:'pink', border:'purple'}},
    {id: 6, label:'colorObject + highlight', color: {background:'#F03967', border:'#713E7F',highlight:{background:'red',border:'black'}}},
    {id: 7, label:'colorObject + highlight + hover', color: {background:'cyan', border:'blue',highlight:{background:'red',border:'blue'},hover:{background:'white',border:'red'}}}
    {id: 1,label: 'User 1',group: 'users'},
    {id: 2,label: 'User 2',group: 'users'},
    {id: 3,label: 'Usergroup 1',group: 'usergroups'}
    nodes.push({id: 1, label: 'Main', image: DIR + 'Network-Pipe-icon.png', shape: 'image'});
    nodes.push({id: 2, label: 'Office', image: DIR + 'Network-Pipe-icon.png', shape: 'image'});
    nodes.push({id: 3, label: 'Wireless', image: DIR + 'Network-Pipe-icon.png', shape: 'image'});
    {id: 3, shape: 'image', image: DIR + '3.png', label: "imagePadding{2,10,8,20}+size", imagePadding: { left: 2, top: 10, right: 8, bottom: 20}, size: 40, color: { border: 'green', background: 'yellow', highlight: { border: 'yellow', background: 'green' }, hover: { border: 'orange', background: 'grey' } } },
    {id: 9, shape: 'image', image: DIR + '9.png', label: "useImageSize + imagePadding:15", shapeProperties: { useImageSize: true }, imagePadding: 30, color: { border: 'blue', background: 'orange', highlight: { border: 'orange', background: 'blue' }, hover: { border: 'orange', background: 'grey' } } },
    var url = "data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf-8,"+ encodeURIComponent(svg);
    {id: 2, label: 'Using SVG', image: url, shape: 'image'}

    [Array] $Nodes = foreach ($_ in $DataNodes.Keys) {
        if ($DataNodes[$_]['image']) {
            if ($BundleImages) {
                $DataNodes[$_]['image'] = Convert-Image -Image $DataNodes[$_]['image']
        $NodeJson = $DataNodes[$_] | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 5 #| ForEach-Object { [System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex]::Unescape($_) }

        # We need to fix wrong escaped chars, Unescape breaks other parts
        $Replace = @{
            '"\"Font Awesome 5 Solid\""'        = "'`"Font Awesome 5 Solid`"'"
            '"\"Font Awesome 5 Brands\""'       = "'`"Font Awesome 5 Brands`"'"
            '"\"Font Awesome 5 Regular\""'      = "'`"Font Awesome 5 Regular`"'"
            '"\"Font Awesome 5 Free\""'         = "'`"Font Awesome 5 Free`"'"
            '"\"Font Awesome 5 Free Regular\""' = "'`"Font Awesome 5 Free Regular`"'"
            '"\"Font Awesome 5 Free Solid\""'   = "'`"Font Awesome 5 Free Solid`"'"
            '"\"Font Awesome 5 Free Brands\""'  = "'`"Font Awesome 5 Free Brands`"'"
            '"\\u'                              = '"\u'
        foreach ($R in $Replace.Keys) {
            $NodeJson = $NodeJson.Replace($R, $Replace[$R])
    [Array] $Edges = foreach ($_ in $DataEdges) {
        #if ($_.From -and $_.To) {
        # foreach ($SingleTo in $_.To) {
        # [ordered] @{
        # from = $_.From
        # to = $SingleTo
        # } | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 5
        $_ | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 5 #| ForEach-Object { [System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex]::Unescape($_) }

    $Options = @{ }
    if ($DiagramOptionsInteraction) {
        if ($DiagramOptionsInteraction['interaction']) {
            $Options['interaction'] = $DiagramOptionsInteraction['interaction']
    if ($DiagramOptionsManipulation) {
        if ($DiagramOptionsManipulation['manipulation']) {
            $Options['manipulation'] = $DiagramOptionsManipulation['manipulation']
    if ($DiagramOptionsPhysics) {
        if ($DiagramOptionsPhysics['physics']) {
            $Options['physics'] = $DiagramOptionsPhysics['physics']
    if ($DiagramOptionsLayout) {
        if ($DiagramOptionsLayout['layout']) {
            $Options['layout'] = $DiagramOptionsLayout['layout']
    if ($DiagramOptionsEdges) {
        if ($DiagramOptionsEdges['edges']) {
            $Options['edges'] = $DiagramOptionsEdges['edges']
    if ($DiagramOptionsNodes) {
        if ($DiagramOptionsNodes['nodes']) {
            $Options['nodes'] = $DiagramOptionsNodes['nodes']

    if ($BundleImages -and $BackGroundImage) {
        $Image = Convert-Image -Image $BackGroundImage
    } else {
        $Image = $BackGroundImage

    New-InternalDiagram -Nodes $Nodes -Edges $Edges -Options $Options -Width $Width -Height $Height -BackgroundImage $Image

Function New-HTMLHeading {
    Param (
        [validateset('h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6', 'h7')][string]$Heading,
        # [validateset('default', 'central')][string] $Type = 'default',
        [switch] $Underline,
        [nullable[RGBColors]] $Color
    if ($null -ne $Color) {
        $RGBcolor = ConvertFrom-Color -Color $Color
        $Attributes = @{
            style = "color: $RGBcolor;"
    } else {
        $Attributes = @{ }
    # if ($Type -eq 'central') {
    # $Attributes.Class = 'central'
    # }
    if ($Underline) {
        $Attributes.Class = "$($Attributes.Class) underline"

    New-HTMLTag -Tag $Heading -Attributes $Attributes {
function New-HTMLHorizontalLine {
    New-HTMLTag -Tag 'hr' -SelfClosing
function New-HTMLImage {
    Short description
    Long description
    .PARAMETER Source
    Parameter description
    .PARAMETER UrlLink
    Parameter description
    .PARAMETER AlternativeText
    Parameter description
    .PARAMETER Class
    Parameter description
    .PARAMETER Target
    Parameter description
    .PARAMETER Width
    Parameter description
    .PARAMETER Height
    Parameter description
    New-HTMLImage -Source '' -UrlLink '' -AlternativeText 'My other text' -Class 'otehr' -Width '100%'
    General notes

        [string] $Source,
        [Uri] $UrlLink = '',
        [string] $AlternativeText = '',
        [string] $Class = 'Logo',
        [string] $Target = '_blank',
        [string] $Width,
        [string] $Height

    New-HTMLTag -Tag 'div' -Attributes @{ class = $Class.ToLower() } {
        $AAttributes = [ordered]@{
            'target' = $Target
            'href'   = $UrlLink
        New-HTMLTag -Tag 'a' -Attributes $AAttributes {
            $ImgAttributes = [ordered]@{
                'src'    = "$Source"
                'alt'    = "$AlternativeText"
                'width'  = "$Height"
                'height' = "$Width"
            New-HTMLTag -Tag 'img' -Attributes $ImgAttributes
function New-HTMLList {
        [ValidateSet('Unordered', 'Ordered')] [string] $Type = 'Unordered',
        [RGBColors] $Color,
        [RGBColors] $BackGroundColor,
        [int] $FontSize,
        [ValidateSet('normal', 'bold', 'bolder', 'lighter', '100', '200', '300', '400', '500', '600', '700', '800', '900')][string] $FontWeight,
        [ValidateSet('normal', 'italic', 'oblique')][string] $FontStyle,
        [ValidateSet('normal', 'small-caps')][string] $FontVariant,
        [string] $FontFamily,
        [ValidateSet('left', 'center', 'right', 'justify')][string] $Alignment,
        [ValidateSet('none', 'line-through', 'overline', 'underline')][string] $TextDecoration,
        [ValidateSet('uppercase', 'lowercase', 'capitalize')][string] $TextTransform,
        [ValidateSet('rtl')][string] $Direction,
        [switch] $LineBreak

    $newHTMLSplat = @{ }
    if ($Alignment) {
        $newHTMLSplat.Alignment = $Alignment
    if ($FontSize) {
        $newHTMLSplat.FontSize = $FontSize
    if ($TextTransform) {
        $newHTMLSplat.TextTransform = $TextTransform
    if ($Color) {
        $newHTMLSplat.Color = $Color
    if ($FontFamily) {
        $newHTMLSplat.FontFamily = $FontFamily
    if ($Direction) {
        $newHTMLSplat.Direction = $Direction
    if ($FontStyle) {
        $newHTMLSplat.FontStyle = $FontStyle
    if ($TextDecoration) {
        $newHTMLSplat.TextDecoration = $TextDecoration
    if ($BackGroundColor) {
        $newHTMLSplat.BackGroundColor = $BackGroundColor
    if ($FontVariant) {
        $newHTMLSplat.FontVariant = $FontVariant
    if ($FontWeight) {
        $newHTMLSplat.FontWeight = $FontWeight
    if ($LineBreak) {
        $newHTMLSplat.LineBreak = $LineBreak

    [bool] $SpanRequired = $false
    foreach ($Entry in $newHTMLSplat.GetEnumerator()) {
        if ((Get-ObjectCount -Object $Entry.Value) -gt 0) {
            $SpanRequired = $true

    if ($SpanRequired) {
        New-HTMLSpanStyle @newHTMLSplat {
            if ($Type -eq 'Unordered') {
                New-HTMLTag -Tag 'ul' {
                    Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $ListItems
            } else {
                New-HTMLTag -Tag 'ol' {
                    Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $ListItems
    } else {
        if ($Type -eq 'Unordered') {
            New-HTMLTag -Tag 'ul' {
                Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $ListItems
        } else {
            New-HTMLTag -Tag 'ol' {
                Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $ListItems
function New-HTMLListItem {
        [string[]] $Text,
        [RGBColors[]] $Color = @(),
        [RGBColors[]] $BackGroundColor = @(),
        [int[]] $FontSize = @(),
        [ValidateSet('normal', 'bold', 'bolder', 'lighter', '100', '200', '300', '400', '500', '600', '700', '800', '900')][string[]] $FontWeight = @(),
        [ValidateSet('normal', 'italic', 'oblique')][string[]] $FontStyle = @(),
        [ValidateSet('normal', 'small-caps')][string[]] $FontVariant = @(),
        [string[]] $FontFamily = @(),
        [ValidateSet('left', 'center', 'right', 'justify')][string[]] $Alignment = @(),
        [ValidateSet('none', 'line-through', 'overline', 'underline')][string[]] $TextDecoration = @(),
        [ValidateSet('uppercase', 'lowercase', 'capitalize')][string[]] $TextTransform = @(),
        [ValidateSet('rtl')][string[]] $Direction = @(),
        [switch] $LineBreak

    $newHTMLTextSplat = @{
        Alignment       = $Alignment
        FontSize        = $FontSize
        TextTransform   = $TextTransform
        Text            = $Text
        Color           = $Color
        FontFamily      = $FontFamily
        Direction       = $Direction
        FontStyle       = $FontStyle
        TextDecoration  = $TextDecoration
        BackGroundColor = $BackGroundColor
        FontVariant     = $FontVariant
        FontWeight      = $FontWeight
        LineBreak       = $LineBreak

    if (($FontSize.Count -eq 0) -or ($FontSize -eq 0)) {
        $Size = ''
    } else {
        $size = "$($FontSize)px"
    $Style = @{
        style = @{
            'color'            = ConvertFrom-Color -Color $Color
            'background-color' = ConvertFrom-Color -Color $BackGroundColor
            'font-size'        = $Size
            'font-weight'      = $FontWeight
            'font-variant'     = $FontVariant
            'font-family'      = $FontFamily
            'font-style'       = $FontStyle
            'text-align'       = $Alignment

            'text-decoration'  = $TextDecoration
            'text-transform'   = $TextTransform
            'direction'        = $Direction

    New-HTMLTag -Tag 'li' -Attributes $Style -Value {
        New-HTMLText @newHTMLTextSplat -SkipParagraph
function New-HTMLLogo {
        [String] $LogoPath,
        [string] $LeftLogoName = "Sample",
        [string] $RightLogoName = "Alternate",
        [string] $LeftLogoString,
        [string] $RightLogoString,
        [switch] $HideLogos

    $LogoSources = Get-HTMLLogos `
        -RightLogoName $RightLogoName `
        -LeftLogoName $LeftLogoName  `
        -LeftLogoString $LeftLogoString `
        -RightLogoString $RightLogoString

    Convert-StyleContent1 -Options $Options

    $Options = [PSCustomObject] @{
        Logos        = $LogoSources
        ColorSchemes = $ColorSchemes

    if ($HideLogos -eq $false) {
        $Leftlogo = $Options.Logos[$LeftLogoName]
        $Rightlogo = $Options.Logos[$RightLogoName]
        '<!-- START LOGO -->'
        $LogoContent = @"
            <td class="clientlogo"><img src="$Leftlogo" /></td>
            <td class="MainLogo"><img src="$Rightlogo" /></td>

        '<!-- END LOGO -->'


    <td class="clientlogo"><img src="$Leftlogo" /></td>
    <td class="MainLogo"><img src="$Rightlogo" /></td>

$Attributes = @{
    src = "https://$Rightlogo"
    style = @{
        color = 'red'
        'background-color' = 'yellow'
New-HTMLTag -Tag 'Table' {
    New-HTMLTag -Tag 'tbody' {
        New-HTMLTag -Tag 'tr' {
            New-HTMLTag -Tag 'td' -Attributes @{ class = 'clientLogo' } {
                New-HTMLTag -Tag 'img' -Attributes $Attributes
            New-HTMLTag -Tag 'td' -Attributes @{ class = 'MainLogo' } {
                New-HTMLTag -Tag 'img' -Attributes @{ src = "https://$Rightlogo" }

Function New-HTMLPanel {
    [alias('New-HTMLColumn', 'Panel')]
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 0)][ValidateNotNull()][ScriptBlock] $Content = $(Throw "Open curly brace with Content"),
        #[alias('ColumnCount', 'Columns')][ValidateSet('1', '2', '3', '4', '5 ', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', '11', '12')][string] $Count = 1,
        [alias('BackgroundShade')][RGBColors]$BackgroundColor = [RGBColors]::None,
        [switch] $Invisible,
        [alias('flex-basis')][string] $Width,
        [string] $Margin #,
        # [int] $Height
    #if ($Height -ne 0) {
    # $StyleHeight = "height: $($Height)px"
    # $StyleWidth = "width: calc(100% / $Count - 10px)"

    if ($BackgroundColor -ne [RGBColors]::None) {
        $BackGroundColorFromRGB = ConvertFrom-Color -Color $BackgroundColor
        $DivColumnStyle = "background-color:$BackGroundColorFromRGB;"
    } else {
        $DivColumnStyle = ""
    if ($Invisible) {
        $DivColumnStyle = "$DivColumnStyle box-shadow: unset !important;"

    if ($Width -or $Margin) {
        [string] $ClassName = "flexPanel$(Get-RandomStringName -Size 8 -LettersOnly)"
        $Attributes = @{
            'flex-basis' = if ($Width) { $Width } else { '100%' }
            'margin'     = if ($Margin) { $Margin }
        $Css = ConvertTo-CSS -ClassName $ClassName -Attributes $Attributes

        [string] $Class = "$ClassName overflowHidden"
    } else {
        [string] $Class = 'flexPanel overflowHidden'

    # New-HTMLTag -Tag 'div' -Attributes @{ class = "flexPanel roundedCorners"; style = $DivColumnStyle } {
    New-HTMLTag -Tag 'div' -Attributes @{ class = "$Class roundedCorners overflowHidden"; style = $DivColumnStyle } {
        Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $Content
function New-HTMLResourceCSS {
    [alias('New-ResourceCSS', 'New-CSS')]
        [alias('ScriptContent')][Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 0)][ValidateNotNull()][ScriptBlock] $Content,
        [string] $Link,
        [string] $ResourceComment,
        [string[]] $FilePath,
        [System.Collections.IDictionary] $ReplaceData

    $Output = @(
        "<!-- CSS $ResourceComment START -->"
        foreach ($File in $FilePath) {
            if ($File -ne '') {
                if (Test-Path -LiteralPath $File) {
                    New-HTMLTag -Tag 'style' -Attributes @{ type = 'text/css' } {
                        Write-Verbose "New-HTMLResourceCSS - Reading file from $File"
                        # Replaces stuff based on $Script:Configuration CustomActionReplace Entry
                        $FileContent = Get-Content -LiteralPath $File
                        if ($null -ne $ReplaceData) {
                            foreach ($_ in $ReplaceData.Keys) {
                                $FileContent = $FileContent -replace $_, $ReplaceData[$_]
                    } -NewLine
        foreach ($L in $Link) {
            if ($L -ne '') {
                Write-Verbose "New-HTMLResourceCSS - Adding link $L"
                New-HTMLTag -Tag 'link' -Attributes @{ rel = "stylesheet"; type = "text/css"; href = $L } -SelfClosing -NewLine
        "<!-- CSS $ResourceComment END -->"
    if ($Output.Count -gt 2) {
        # Outputs only if more than comments
function New-HTMLResourceJS {
    [alias('New-ResourceJS', 'New-JavaScript')]
        [alias('ScriptContent')][Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 0)][ValidateNotNull()][ScriptBlock] $Content,
        [string[]] $Link,
        [string] $ResourceComment,
        [string[]] $FilePath,
        [System.Collections.IDictionary] $ReplaceData
    $Output = @(
        "<!-- JS $ResourceComment START -->"
        foreach ($File in $FilePath) {
            if ($File -ne '') {
                if (Test-Path -LiteralPath $File) {
                    New-HTMLTag -Tag 'script' -Attributes @{ type = 'text/javascript' } {
                        # Replaces stuff based on $Script:Configuration CustomActionReplace Entry
                        $FileContent = Get-Content -LiteralPath $File
                        if ($null -ne $ReplaceData) {
                            foreach ($_ in $ReplaceData.Keys) {
                                $FileContent = $FileContent -replace $_, $ReplaceData[$_]
                    } -NewLine
                } else {
        foreach ($L in $Link) {
            if ($L -ne '') {
                New-HTMLTag -Tag 'script' -Attributes @{ type = "text/javascript"; src = $L } -NewLine
            } else {
        "<!-- JS $ResourceComment END -->"
    if ($Output.Count -gt 2) {
        # Outputs only if more than comments
Function New-HTMLSection {
    [alias('New-HTMLContent', 'Section')]
    Param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 0)][ValidateNotNull()][ScriptBlock] $Content = $(Throw "Open curly brace"),
        [alias('Name')][Parameter(Mandatory = $false)][string]$HeaderText,
        [alias('TextColor')][RGBColors]$HeaderTextColor = [RGBColors]::White,
        [alias('TextAlignment')][string][ValidateSet('center', 'left', 'right', 'justify')] $HeaderTextAlignment = 'center',
        [alias('TextBackGroundColor')][RGBColors]$HeaderBackGroundColor = [RGBColors]::DeepSkyBlue,
        [alias('BackgroundShade')][RGBColors]$BackgroundColor = [RGBColors]::None,
        [alias('Collapsable')][Parameter(Mandatory = $false)][switch] $CanCollapse,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)][switch] $IsHidden,
        [switch] $Collapsed,
        [int] $Height,
        [switch] $Invisible,
        # Following are based on
        [string][ValidateSet('wrap', 'nowrap', 'wrap-reverse')] $Wrap,
        [string][ValidateSet('row', 'row-reverse', 'column', 'column-reverse')] $Direction,
        [string][ValidateSet('flex-start', 'flex-end', 'center', 'space-between', 'space-around', 'stretch')] $AlignContent,
        [string][ValidateSet('stretch', 'flex-start', 'flex-end', 'center', 'baseline')] $AlignItems

    $RandomNumber = Get-Random
    $TextHeaderColorFromRGB = ConvertFrom-Color -Color $HeaderTextColor

    $HiddenDivStyle = @{ }

    if ($CanCollapse) {
        $Script:HTMLSchema.Features.HideSection = $true
        if ($IsHidden) {
            $ShowStyle = "color: $TextHeaderColorFromRGB;" # shows Show button
            $HideStyle = "color: $TextHeaderColorFromRGB; display:none;" # hides Hide button
        } else {
            if ($Collapsed) {
                $HideStyle = "color: $TextHeaderColorFromRGB; display:none;" # hides Show button
                $ShowStyle = "color: $TextHeaderColorFromRGB;" # shows Hide button
                # $HiddenDivStyle = 'display:none; '
                $HiddenDivStyle['display'] = 'none'
            } else {
                $ShowStyle = "color: $TextHeaderColorFromRGB; display:none;" # hides Show button
                $HideStyle = "color: $TextHeaderColorFromRGB;" # shows Hide button
    } else {
        if ($IsHidden) {
            $ShowStyle = "color: $TextHeaderColorFromRGB;" # shows Show button
            $HideStyle = "color: $TextHeaderColorFromRGB; display:none;" # hides Hide button
        } else {
            $ShowStyle = "color: $TextHeaderColorFromRGB; display:none;" # hides Show button
            $HideStyle = "color: $TextHeaderColorFromRGB; display:none;" # hides Show button
    if ($IsHidden) {
        $DivContentStyle = @{
            "display"          = 'none'
            #"width" = "calc(100% / $Count - 15px)"
            #"height" = if ($Height -ne 0) { "$($Height)px" } else { '' }
            "background-color" = ConvertFrom-Color -Color $BackgroundColor
    } else {
        $DivContentStyle = @{
            # "width" = "calc(100% / $Count - 15px)"
            #"height" = if ($Height -ne 0) { "$($Height)px" } else { '' }
            "background-color" = ConvertFrom-Color -Color $BackgroundColor

    $HiddenDivStyle['height'] = if ($Height -ne 0) { "$($Height)px" } else { '' }

    .flexParent {
        display: flex;
        flex-wrap: nowrap;
        justify-content: space-between;
        padding: 2px;
        overflow: hidden;
        overflow-x: hidden;
        overflow-y: hidden;

    if ($Wrap -or $Direction) {
        [string] $ClassName = "flexParent$(Get-RandomStringName -Size 8 -LettersOnly)"
        $Attributes = @{
            'display'        = 'flex'
            'flex-wrap'      = if ($Wrap) { $Wrap } else { }
            'flex-direction' = if ($Direction) { $Direction } else { }
            'align-content'  = if ($AlignContent) { $AlignContent } else { }
            'align-items'    = if ($AlignItems) { $AlignItems } else { }
        $Css = ConvertTo-CSS -ClassName $ClassName -Attributes $Attributes

    } else {
        [string] $ClassName = 'flexParent'

    $DivHeaderStyle = @{
        "text-align"       = $HeaderTextAlignment
        "background-color" = ConvertFrom-Color -Color $HeaderBackGroundColor
    $HeaderStyle = "color: $TextHeaderColorFromRGB;"
    if ($Invisible) {
        #New-HTMLTag -Tag 'div' -Attributes @{ class = 'flexParentInvisible' } -Value {
        New-HTMLTag -Tag 'div' -Attributes @{ class = $ClassName } -Value {
            New-HTMLTag -Tag 'div' -Attributes @{ class = "$ClassName flexElement overflowHidden" } -Value {
                # New-HTMLTag -Tag 'div' -Attributes @{ class = 'flexParentInvisible flexElement' } -Value {
                $Object = Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $Content
                if ($null -ne $Object) {
    } else {
        # return this HTML
        New-HTMLTag -Tag 'div' -Attributes @{ 'class' = "defaultSection roundedCorners overflowHidden"; 'style' = $DivContentStyle } -Value {
            New-HTMLTag -Tag 'div' -Attributes @{ 'class' = "defaultHeader"; 'style' = $DivHeaderStyle } -Value {
                New-HTMLAnchor -Name $HeaderText -Text "$HeaderText " -Style $HeaderStyle
                New-HTMLAnchor -Id "show_$RandomNumber" -Href 'javascript:void(0)' -OnClick "show('$RandomNumber');" -Style $ShowStyle -Text '(Show)'
                New-HTMLAnchor -Id "hide_$RandomNumber" -Href 'javascript:void(0)' -OnClick "hide('$RandomNumber');" -Style $HideStyle -Text '(Hide)'
            New-HTMLTag -Tag 'div' -Attributes @{ class = "$ClassName overflowHidden"; id = $RandomNumber; Style = $HiddenDivStyle } -Value {
                New-HTMLTag -Tag 'div' -Attributes @{ class = "$ClassName flexElement collapsable overflowHidden"; id = $RandomNumber; } -Value {
                    $Object = Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $Content
                    if ($null -ne $Object) {

function New-HTMLSpanStyle {
        [ScriptBlock] $Content,
        [nullable[RGBColors]] $Color,
        [nullable[RGBColors]] $BackGroundColor,
        [int] $FontSize,
        [ValidateSet('normal', 'bold', 'bolder', 'lighter', '100', '200', '300', '400', '500', '600', '700', '800', '900')][string] $FontWeight,
        [ValidateSet('normal', 'italic', 'oblique')][string] $FontStyle,
        [ValidateSet('normal', 'small-caps')][string] $FontVariant,
        [string] $FontFamily,
        [ValidateSet('left', 'center', 'right', 'justify')][string]  $Alignment,
        [ValidateSet('none', 'line-through', 'overline', 'underline')][string]  $TextDecoration,
        [ValidateSet('uppercase', 'lowercase', 'capitalize')][string]  $TextTransform,
        [ValidateSet('rtl')][string] $Direction,
        [switch] $LineBreak
    if ($FontSize -eq 0) {
        $Size = ''
    } else {
        $size = "$($FontSize)px"
    $Style = @{
        style = @{
            'color'            = ConvertFrom-Color -Color $Color
            'background-color' = ConvertFrom-Color -Color $BackGroundColor
            'font-size'        = $Size
            'font-weight'      = $FontWeight
            'font-variant'     = $FontVariant
            'font-family'      = $FontFamily
            'font-style'       = $FontStyle
            'text-align'       = $Alignment

            'text-decoration'  = $TextDecoration
            'text-transform'   = $TextTransform
            'direction'        = $Direction

    if ($Alignment) {
        $StyleDiv = @{ }
        $StyleDiv.Align = $Alignment

        New-HTMLTag -Tag 'div' -Attributes $StyleDiv {
            New-HTMLTag -Tag 'span' -Attributes $Style {
                Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $Content
    } else {
        New-HTMLTag -Tag 'span' -Attributes $Style {
            Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $Content
    # if ($LineBreak) {
    # Write-Verbose 'New-SpanStyle - BR'
    # New-HTMLTag -Tag 'br' -SelfClosing
    # }

function New-HTMLStatus {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 0)][alias('')][ScriptBlock] $Content
    $Script:HTMLSchema.Features.StatusButtonical = $true
    New-HTMLTag -Tag 'div' -Attributes @{ class = 'buttonicalService' } {
        #New-HTMLTag -Tag 'div' -Attributes @{ class = 'buttonical-align' } {
        Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $Content
        # }

function New-HTMLStatusItem {
        [string] $ServiceName,
        [string] $ServiceStatus,
        [ValidateSet('Dead', 'Bad', 'Good')]$Icon = 'Good',
        [ValidateSet('0%', '10%', '30%', '70%', '100%')][string] $Percentage = '100%'
    #$Script:HTMLSchema.Features.StatusButtonical = $true
    if ($Icon -eq 'Dead') {
        $IconType = 'performanceDead'
    } elseif ($Icon -eq 'Bad') {
        $IconType = 'performanceProblem'
    } elseif ($Icon -eq 'Good') {
        #$IconType = 'performance'

    if ($Percentage -eq '100%') {
        $Colors = 'background-color: #0ef49b;'
    } elseif ($Percentage -eq '70%') {
        $Colors = 'background-color: #d2dc69;'
    } elseif ($Percentage -eq '30%') {
        $Colors = 'background-color: #faa04b;'
    } elseif ($Percentage -eq '10%') {
        $Colors = 'background-color: #ff9035;'
    } elseif ($Percentage -eq '0%') {
        $Colors = 'background-color: #ff5a64;'

    New-HTMLTag -Tag 'div' -Attributes @{ class = 'buttonical'; style = $Colors } -Value {
        New-HTMLTag -Tag 'div' -Attributes @{ class = 'label' } {
            New-HTMLTag -Tag 'span' -Attributes @{ class = 'performance' } {
        New-HTMLTag -Tag 'div' -Attributes @{ class = 'middle' }
        New-HTMLTag -Tag 'div' -Attributes @{ class = 'status' } {
            New-HTMLTag -Tag 'input' -Attributes @{ name = Get-Random; type = 'radio'; value = 'other-item'; checked = 'true' } -SelfClosing
            New-HTMLTag -Tag 'span' -Attributes @{ class = "performance $IconType" } {
function New-HTMLTab {
    [CmdLetBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'FontAwesomeBrands')]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesomeBrands")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesomeRegular")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesomeSolid")]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 0)][ValidateNotNull()][ScriptBlock] $HtmlData = $(Throw "No curly brace?)"),
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesomeBrands")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesomeRegular")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesomeSolid")]
        [alias('TabHeading')][Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 1)][String]$Heading,
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesomeBrands")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesomeRegular")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesomeSolid")]
        [alias('TabName')][string] $Name = 'Tab',

        # ICON BRANDS
                param($CommandName, $ParameterName, $WordToComplete, $CommandAst, $FakeBoundParameters)
                $_ -in (($Global:HTMLIcons.FontAwesomeBrands.Keys))
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesomeBrands")][string] $IconBrands,

        # ICON REGULAR
                param($CommandName, $ParameterName, $WordToComplete, $CommandAst, $FakeBoundParameters)
                $_ -in (($Global:HTMLIcons.FontAwesomeRegular.Keys))
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesomeRegular")][string] $IconRegular,

        # ICON SOLID
                param($CommandName, $ParameterName, $WordToComplete, $CommandAst, $FakeBoundParameters)
                $_ -in (($Global:HTMLIcons.FontAwesomeSolid.Keys))
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesomeSolid")][string] $IconSolid,

        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesomeBrands")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesomeRegular")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesomeSolid")][int] $TextSize,
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesomeBrands")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesomeRegular")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesomeSolid")][RGBColors] $TextColor = [RGBColors]::None,
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesomeBrands")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesomeRegular")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesomeSolid")][int] $IconSize,
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesomeBrands")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesomeRegular")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesomeSolid")][RGBColors] $IconColor = [RGBColors]::None
    if (-not $Script:HTMLSchema.Features) {
        Write-Warning 'New-HTMLTab - Creation of HTML aborted. Most likely New-HTML is missing.'
    [string] $Icon = ''
    if ($IconBrands) {
        $Icon = "fab fa-$IconBrands" # fa-$($FontSize)x"
    } elseif ($IconRegular) {
        $Icon = "far fa-$IconRegular" # fa-$($FontSize)x"
    } elseif ($IconSolid) {
        $Icon = "fas fa-$IconSolid" # fa-$($FontSize)x"

    $StyleText = @{ }
    if ($TextSize -ne 0) {
        $StyleText.'font-size' = "$($TextSize)px"
    if ($TextColor -ne [RGBColors]::None) {
        $StyleText.'color' = ConvertFrom-Color -Color $TextColor

    $StyleIcon = @{ }
    if ($IconSize -ne 0) {
        $StyleIcon.'font-size' = "$($IconSize)px"
    if ($IconColor -ne [RGBColors]::None) {
        $StyleIcon.'color' = ConvertFrom-Color -Color $IconColor
    $Script:HTMLSchema.Features.Tabbis = $true

    # Reset all Tabs Headers to make sure there are no Current Tab Set
    # This is required for New-HTMLTable

    foreach ($Tab in $Script:HTMLSchema.TabsHeaders) {
        $Tab.Current = $false

    # Start Tab Tracking
    $Tab = [ordered] @{ }
    $Tab.ID = "Tab-$(Get-RandomStringName -Size 8)"
    $Tab.Name = " $Name"
    $Tab.StyleIcon = $StyleIcon
    $Tab.StyleText = $StyleText
    #$Tab.Used = $true
    $Tab.Current = $true

    # if ($Script:HTMLSchema.TabsHeaders | Where-Object { $_.Active -eq $true }) {
    # $Tab.Active = $false
    # } else {
    # $Tab.Active = $true

    # $Tab.Active = $true
    # $Tab.Active = $true
    $Tab.Icon = $Icon
    # End Tab Tracking

    # This is building HTML

    #if ($Tab.Active) {
    # $Class = 'active'
    #} else {
    # $Class = ''
    #New-HTMLTag -Tag 'div' -Attributes @{ id = $Tab.ID; class = $Class } {
    New-HTMLTag -Tag 'div' -Attributes @{ id = $Tab.ID } { # class = $Class } {
        if (-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Heading)) {
            New-HTMLTag -Tag 'h7' {
        $OutputHTML = Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $HtmlData
        [Array] $TabsCollection = foreach ($_ in $OutputHTML) {
            if ($_ -is [System.Collections.IDictionary]) {
        [Array] $HTML = foreach ($_ in $OutputHTML) {
            if ($_ -isnot [System.Collections.IDictionary]) {
        if ($TabsCollection.Count -gt 0) {
            New-HTMLTabHead -TabsCollection $TabsCollection
            New-HTMLTag -Tag 'div' -Attributes @{ 'data-panes' = 'true' } {
                # Add remaining data

        } else {
function New-HTMLTabHead {
    Param (
        [Array] $TabsCollection

    if ($Script:HTMLSchema.TabOptions.SlimTabs) {
        $Style = 'display: inline-block;' # makes tabs wrapperr slim/small
    } else {
        $Style = '' # makes it full-width
    New-HTMLTag -Tag 'div' -Attributes @{ class = 'tabsWrapper' } {
        New-HTMLTag -Tag 'div' -Attributes @{ class = 'tabs' ; style = $Style } {
            New-HTMLTag -Tag 'div' -Attributes @{ class = 'selector' }
            foreach ($Tab in $Script:HTMLSchema.TabsHeaders) {
                $AttributesA = @{
                    'href' = 'javascript:void(0)'
                    'data-id' = "$($Tab.Id)"
                if ($Tab.Active) {
                    $AttributesA.class = 'active'
                } else {
                    $AttributesA.class = ''
                New-HTMLTag -Tag 'a' -Attributes $AttributesA {
                    New-HTMLTag -Tag 'div' -Attributes @{ class = $($Tab.Icon); style = $($Tab.StyleIcon) }
                    New-HTMLTag -Tag 'span' -Attributes @{ style = $($Tab.StyleText ) } -Value { $Tab.Name }

    if ($TabsCollection.Count -gt 0) {
        $Tabs = $TabsCollection
    } else {
        $Tabs = $Script:HTMLSchema.TabsHeaders
    New-HTMLTag -Tag 'div' -Attributes @{ class = 'tabsWrapper' } {
        New-HTMLTag -Tag 'div' -Attributes @{ class = 'tabs' ; style = $Style } {
            New-HTMLTag -Tag 'div' -Attributes @{ 'data-tabs' = 'true' } {
                foreach ($Tab in $Tabs) {
                    New-HTMLTag -Tag 'div' -Attributes @{ id = $Tab.ID } {
                        New-HTMLTag -Tag 'div' -Attributes @{ class = $($Tab.Icon); style = $($Tab.StyleIcon) }
                        New-HTMLTag -Tag 'span' -Attributes @{ style = $($Tab.StyleText ) } -Value { $Tab.Name }

function New-HTMLTable {
    [alias('Table', 'EmailTable')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 0)][ScriptBlock] $HTML,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 1)][ScriptBlock] $PreContent,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 2)][ScriptBlock] $PostContent,
        [alias('ArrayOfObjects', 'Object', 'Table')][Array] $DataTable,
        [string[]][ValidateSet('copyHtml5', 'excelHtml5', 'csvHtml5', 'pdfHtml5', 'pageLength')] $Buttons = @('copyHtml5', 'excelHtml5', 'csvHtml5', 'pdfHtml5', 'pageLength'),
        [string[]][ValidateSet('numbers', 'simple', 'simple_numbers', 'full', 'full_numbers', 'first_last_numbers')] $PagingStyle = 'full_numbers',
        [int[]]$PagingOptions = @(15, 25, 50, 100),
        [ValidateSet('Top', 'Bottom', 'Both')][string]$FilteringLocation = 'Bottom',
        [string[]][ValidateSet('display', 'cell-border', 'compact', 'hover', 'nowrap', 'order-column', 'row-border', 'stripe')] $Style = @('display', 'compact'),
        [string]$TextWhenNoData = 'No data available.',
        [int] $ScreenSizePercent = 0,
        [string[]] $DefaultSortColumn,
        [int[]] $DefaultSortIndex,
        [ValidateSet('Ascending', 'Descending')][string] $DefaultSortOrder = 'Ascending',
        [string[]] $DateTimeSortingFormat,
        [switch] $InvokeHTMLTags,
        [switch] $DisableNewLine,
        [switch] $ScrollX,
        [switch] $ScrollY,
        [int] $ScrollSizeY = 500,
        [int] $FreezeColumnsLeft,
        [int] $FreezeColumnsRight,
        [switch] $FixedHeader,
        [switch] $FixedFooter,
        [string[]] $ResponsivePriorityOrder,
        [int[]] $ResponsivePriorityOrderIndex,
        [string[]] $PriorityProperties,
        [alias('DataTableName')][string] $DataTableID,
        [switch] $ImmediatelyShowHiddenDetails,
        [alias('RemoveShowButton')][switch] $HideShowButton,
        [switch] $AllProperties,
        [switch] $Compare,
        [alias('CompareWithColors')][switch] $HighlightDifferences,
        [int] $First,
        [int] $Last,
        [alias('Replace')][Array] $CompareReplace
    if (-not $Script:HTMLSchema.Features) {
        Write-Warning 'New-HTMLTable - Creation of HTML aborted. Most likely New-HTML is missing.'
    # Theme creator
    $ConditionalFormatting = [System.Collections.Generic.List[PSCustomObject]]::new()
    $CustomButtons = [System.Collections.Generic.List[PSCustomObject]]::new()
    $HeaderRows = [System.Collections.Generic.List[PSCustomObject]]::new()
    $HeaderStyle = [System.Collections.Generic.List[PSCustomObject]]::new()
    $HeaderTop = [System.Collections.Generic.List[PSCustomObject]]::new()
    $HeaderResponsiveOperations = [System.Collections.Generic.List[PSCustomObject]]::new()
    $ContentRows = [System.Collections.Generic.List[PSCustomObject]]::new()
    $ContentStyle = [System.Collections.Generic.List[PSCustomObject]]::new()
    $ContentTop = [System.Collections.Generic.List[PSCustomObject]]::new()
    $ContentFormattingInline = [System.Collections.Generic.List[PSCustomObject]]::new()
    $ReplaceCompare = [System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Collections.IDictionary]]::new()

    if ($HTML) {
        [Array] $Output = & $HTML

        if ($Output.Count -gt 0) {
            foreach ($Parameters in $Output) {
                if ($Parameters.Type -eq 'TableButtonPDF') {
                } elseif ($Parameters.Type -eq 'TableButtonCSV') {
                } elseif ($Parameters.Type -eq 'TableButtonPageLength') {
                } elseif ($Parameters.Type -eq 'TableButtonExcel') {
                } elseif ($Parameters.Type -eq 'TableButtonPDF') {
                } elseif ($Parameters.Type -eq 'TableButtonPrint') {
                } elseif ($Parameters.Type -eq 'TableButtonCopy') {
                } elseif ($Parameters.Type -eq 'TableCondition') {
                } elseif ($Parameters.Type -eq 'TableHeaderMerge') {
                } elseif ($Parameters.Type -eq 'TableHeaderStyle') {
                } elseif ($Parameters.Type -eq 'TableHeaderFullRow') {
                } elseif ($Parameters.Type -eq 'TableContentMerge') {
                } elseif ($Parameters.Type -eq 'TableContentStyle') {
                } elseif ($Parameters.Type -eq 'TableContentFullRow') {
                } elseif ($Parameters.Type -eq 'TableConditionInline') {
                } elseif ($Parameters.Type -eq 'TableHeaderResponsiveOperations') {
                } elseif ($Parameters.Type -eq 'TableReplaceCompare') {

    # Limit objects count First or Last
    if ($First -or $Last) {
        $DataTable = $DataTable | Select-Object -First $First -Last $Last

    if ($Compare) {
        $Splitter = "`r`n"

        if ($ReplaceCompare) {
            foreach ($R in $CompareReplace) {

        $DataTable = Compare-MultipleObjects -Objects $DataTable -Summary -Splitter $Splitter -FormatOutput -AllProperties:$AllProperties -Replace $ReplaceCompare

        if ($HighlightDifferences) {
            $Highlight = for ($i = 0; $i -lt $DataTable.Count; $i++) {
                if ($DataTable[$i].Status -eq $false) {
                    # Different row
                    foreach ($DifferenceColumn in $DataTable[$i].Different) {
                        $DataSame = $DataTable[$i]."$DifferenceColumn-Same" -join $Splitter
                        $DataAdd = $DataTable[$i]."$DifferenceColumn-Add" -join $Splitter
                        $DataRemove = $DataTable[$i]."$DifferenceColumn-Remove" -join $Splitter

                        if ($DataSame -ne '') {
                            $DataSame = "$DataSame$Splitter"
                        if ($DataAdd -ne '') {
                            $DataAdd = "$DataAdd$Splitter"
                        if ($DataRemove -ne '') {
                            $DataRemove = "$DataRemove$Splitter"
                        $Text = New-HTMLText -Text $DataSame, $DataRemove, $DataAdd -Color Black, Red, Blue -TextDecoration none, line-through, none -FontWeight normal, bold, bold
                        New-HTMLTableContent -ColumnName "$DifferenceColumn" -RowIndex ($i + 1) -Text "$Text"
                } else {
                    # Same row
                    # New-HTMLTableContent -RowIndex ($i + 1) -BackGroundColor Green -Color White
        $Properties = Select-Properties -Objects $DataTable -ExcludeProperty '*-*', 'Same', 'Different'
        $DataTable = $DataTable | Select-Object -Property $Properties

        if ($HighlightDifferences) {
            foreach ($Parameter in $Highlight.Output) {

    if ($AllProperties) {
        $Properties = Select-Properties -Objects $DataTable -AllProperties:$AllProperties
        $DataTable = $DataTable | Select-Object -Property $Properties

    # This is more direct way of PriorityProperties that will work also on Scroll and in other circumstances
    if ($PriorityProperties) {
        if ($DataTable.Count -gt 0) {
            $Properties = $DataTable[0].PSObject.Properties.Name
            # $Properties = Select-Properties -Objects $DataTable -AllProperties:$AllProperties
            $RemainingProperties = foreach ($Property in $Properties) {
                if ($PriorityProperties -notcontains $Property) {
            $BoundedProperties = $PriorityProperties + $RemainingProperties
            $DataTable = $DataTable | Select-Object -Property $BoundedProperties

    # This option disable paging if number of elements is less or equal count of elements in DataTable
    $PagingOptions = $PagingOptions | Sort-Object -Unique
    if ($DataTable.Count -le $PagingOptions[0]) {
        $DisablePaging = $true

    # Building HTML Table / Script
    if (-not $DataTableID) {
        # Only define this if user failed to deliver as per
        $DataTableID = "DT-$(Get-RandomStringName -Size 8 -LettersOnly)" # this builds table ID
    if ($null -eq $DataTable -or $DataTable.Count -eq 0) {
        #return ''
        $Filtering = $false # setting it to false because it's not nessecary
        $HideFooter = $true
        $DataTable = $TextWhenNoData
    if ($DataTable[0] -is [System.Collections.IDictionary]) {
        Write-Verbose 'New-HTMLTable - Working with IDictionary'
        [Array ] $Table = $($DataTable).GetEnumerator() | Select-Object Name, Value | ConvertTo-Html -Fragment | Select-Object -SkipLast 1 | Select-Object -Skip 2 # This removes table tags (open/closing)
    } elseif ($DataTable[0] -is [string]) {
        [Array] $Table = $DataTable | ForEach-Object { [PSCustomObject]@{ 'Name' = $_ } } | ConvertTo-Html -Fragment | Select-Object -SkipLast 1 | Select-Object -Skip 2
    } else {
        Write-Verbose 'New-HTMLTable - Working with Objects'
        [Array] $Table = $DataTable | ConvertTo-Html -Fragment | Select-Object -SkipLast 1 | Select-Object -Skip 2 # This removes table tags (open/closing)
    [string] $Header = $Table | Select-Object -First 1 # this gets header
    [string[]] $HeaderNames = $Header -replace '</th></tr>' -replace '<tr><th>' -split '</th><th>'
    $AddedHeader = Add-TableHeader -HeaderRows $HeaderRows -HeaderNames $HeaderNames -HeaderStyle $HeaderStyle -HeaderTop $HeaderTop -HeaderResponsiveOperations $HeaderResponsiveOperations

    # This modifies Table content.
    # It basically goes thru every single row and checks if values to add styles or inline conditional formatting
    # It's heavier then JS, so use when nessecary
    if ($ContentRows.Capacity -gt 0 -or $ContentStyle.Count -gt 0 -or $ContentTop.Count -gt 0 -or $ContentFormattingInline.Count -gt 0) {
        $Table = Add-TableContent -ContentRows $ContentRows -ContentStyle $ContentStyle -ContentTop $ContentTop -ContentFormattingInline $ContentFormattingInline -Table $Table -HeaderNames $HeaderNames

    $Table = $Table | Select-Object -Skip 1 # this gets actuall table content
    $Options = [ordered] @{
        <# DOM Definition:
            l - length changing input control
            f - filtering input
            t - The table!
            i - Table information summary
            p - pagination control
            r - processing display element
            B - Buttons
            S - Select

        dom              = 'Bfrtip'
        #buttons = @($Buttons)
        buttons          = @(
            if ($CustomButtons) {
            } else {
                foreach ($button in $Buttons) {
                    if ($button -ne 'pdfHtml5') {
                            extend = $button
                    } else {
                            extend      = 'pdfHtml5'
                            pageSize    = 'A3'
                            orientation = 'landscape'
        "colReorder"     = -not $DisableColumnReorder.IsPresent

        "paging"         = -not $DisablePaging
        "scrollCollapse" = $ScrollCollapse.IsPresent

        <# Paging Type
            numbers - Page number buttons only
            simple - 'Previous' and 'Next' buttons only
            simple_numbers - 'Previous' and 'Next' buttons, plus page numbers
            full - 'First', 'Previous', 'Next' and 'Last' buttons
            full_numbers - 'First', 'Previous', 'Next' and 'Last' buttons, plus page numbers
            first_last_numbers - 'First' and 'Last' buttons, plus page numbers

        "pagingType"     = $PagingStyle
        "lengthMenu"     = @(
            , @($PagingOptions + (-1))
            , @($PagingOptions + "All")
        "ordering"       = -not $DisableOrdering.IsPresent
        "order"          = @() # this makes sure there's no default ordering upon start (usually it would be 1st column)
        "info"           = -not $DisableInfo.IsPresent
        "procesing"      = -not $DisableProcessing.IsPresent
        "select"         = -not $DisableSelect.IsPresent
        "searching"      = -not $DisableSearch.IsPresent
        "stateSave"      = -not $DisableStateSave.IsPresent
    if ($ScrollX) {
        $Options.'scrollX' = $true
        # disabling responsive table because it won't work with ScrollX
        $DisableResponsiveTable = $true
    if ($ScrollY) {
        $Options.'scrollY' = "$($ScrollSizeY)px"

    if ($FreezeColumnsLeft -or $FreezeColumnsRight) {
        $Options.fixedColumns = [ordered] @{ }
        if ($FreezeColumnsLeft) {
            $Options.fixedColumns.leftColumns = $FreezeColumnsLeft
        if ($FreezeColumnsRight) {
            $Options.fixedColumns.rightColumns = $FreezeColumnsRight
    if ($FixedHeader -or $FixedFooter) {
        # Using FixedHeader/FixedFooter won't work with ScrollY.
        $Options.fixedHeader = [ordered] @{ }
        if ($FixedHeader) {
            $Options.fixedHeader.header = $FixedHeader.IsPresent
        if ($FixedFooter) {
            $Options.fixedHeader.footer = $FixedFooter.IsPresent

    # this was due to:
    if (-not $DisableResponsiveTable) {
        $Options["responsive"] = @{ }
        $Options["responsive"]['details'] = @{ }
        if ($ImmediatelyShowHiddenDetails) {
            $Options["responsive"]['details']['display'] = '$.fn.dataTable.Responsive.display.childRowImmediate'
        if ($HideShowButton) {
            $Options["responsive"]['details']['type'] = 'none' # this makes button invisible
        } else {
            $Options["responsive"]['details']['type'] = 'inline' # this adds a button
    } else {
        # HideSHowButton doesn't work
        # ImmediatelyShowHiddenDetails doesn't work
        # Maybe I should communicate this??
        # Better would be with parametersets but don't want to play now

    if ($OrderMulti) {
        $Options.orderMulti = $OrderMulti.IsPresent
    if ($Find -ne '') {
        $ = @{
            search = $Find

    # Sorting
    if ($DefaultSortOrder -eq 'Ascending') {
        $Sort = 'asc'
    } else {
        $Sort = 'desc'
    if ($DefaultSortColumn.Count -gt 0) {
        $ColumnsOrder = foreach ($Column in $DefaultSortColumn) {
            $DefaultSortingNumber = ($HeaderNames).ToLower().IndexOf($Column.ToLower())
            if ($DefaultSortingNumber -ne - 1) {
                , @($DefaultSortingNumber, $Sort)

    if ($DefaultSortIndex.Count -gt 0 -and $DefaultSortColumn.Count -eq 0) {
        $ColumnsOrder = foreach ($Column in $DefaultSortIndex) {
            if ($Column -ne - 1) {
                , @($Column, $Sort)
    if ($ColumnsOrder.Count -gt 0) {
        $Options."order" = @($ColumnsOrder)
        # there seems to be a bug in ordering and colReorder plugin
        # Disabling colReorder
        $Options.colReorder = $false

    # Overwriting table size - screen size in percent. With added Section/Panels it shouldn't be more than 90%
    if ($ScreenSizePercent -gt 0) {
        $Options."scrollY" = "$($ScreenSizePercent)vh"
    if ($null -ne $ConditionalFormatting) {
        $Options.createdRow = ''

    if ($ResponsivePriorityOrderIndex -or $ResponsivePriorityOrder) {

        $PriorityOrder = 0

        [Array] $PriorityOrderBinding = @(
            foreach ($_ in $ResponsivePriorityOrder) {
                $Index = [array]::indexof($HeaderNames.ToUpper(), $_.ToUpper())
                if ($Index -ne -1) {
                    @{ responsivePriority = 0; targets = $Index }
            foreach ($_ in $ResponsivePriorityOrderIndex) {
                @{ responsivePriority = 0; targets = $_ }
        $Options.columnDefs = @(
            foreach ($_ in $PriorityOrderBinding) {
                $_.responsivePriority = $PriorityOrder

    $Options = $Options | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 6

    # cleans up $Options for ImmediatelyShowHiddenDetails
    # Since it's JavaScript inside we're basically removing double quotes from JSON in favor of no quotes at all
    # Before: "display": "$.fn.dataTable.Responsive.display.childRowImmediate"
    # After: "display": $.fn.dataTable.Responsive.display.childRowImmediate
    $Options = $Options -replace '"(\$\.fn\.dataTable\.Responsive\.display\.childRowImmediate)"', '$1'

    # Process Conditional Formatting. Ugly JS building
    $Options = New-TableConditionalFormatting -Options $Options -ConditionalFormatting $ConditionalFormatting -Header $HeaderNames

    [Array] $Tabs = ($Script:HTMLSchema.TabsHeaders | Where-Object { $_.Current -eq $true })
    if ($Tabs.Count -eq 0) {
        # There are no tabs in use, pretend there is only one Active Tab
        $Tab = @{ Active = $true }
    } else {
        # Get First Tab
        $Tab = $Tabs[0]

    # return data
    if (-not $Simplify) {
        $Script:HTMLSchema.Features.DataTables = $true
        $Script:HTMLSchema.Features.DataTablesPDF = $true
        $Script:HTMLSchema.Features.DataTablesExcel = $true

        if ($ScrollX) {
            $TableAttributes = @{ id = $DataTableID; class = "$($Style -join ' ')"; width = '100%' }
        } else {
            $TableAttributes = @{ id = $DataTableID; class = "$($Style -join ' ')"; width = '100%' }

        # Enable Custom Date fromat sorting
        $SortingFormatDateTime = Add-CustomFormatForDatetimeSorting -DateTimeSortingFormat $DateTimeSortingFormat
        $FilteringOutput = Add-TableFiltering -Filtering $Filtering -FilteringLocation $FilteringLocation -DataTableName $DataTableID
        $FilteringTopCode = $FilteringOutput.FilteringTopCode
        $FilteringBottomCode = $FilteringOutput.FilteringBottomCode
        $LoadSavedState = Add-TableState -DataTableName $DataTableID -Filtering $Filtering -FilteringLocation $FilteringLocation -SavedState (-not $DisableStateSave)

        if ($Tab.Active -eq $true) {
            New-HTMLTag -Tag 'script' {
                `$(document).ready(function() {
                    // Table code
                    var table = `$('#$DataTableID').DataTable(


        } else {
            [string] $TabName = $Tab.Id
            New-HTMLTag -Tag 'script' {
                    `$(document).ready(function() {
                        `$('.tabs').on('click', 'a', function (event) {
                            if (`$(event.currentTarget).attr("data-id") == "$TabName" && !$.fn.dataTable.isDataTable("#$DataTableID")) {
                                // Table code
                                var table = `$('#$DataTableID').DataTable(

    } else {
        $TableAttributes = @{ class = 'simplify' }
        $Script:HTMLSchema.Features.DataTablesSimplify = $true

    if ($InvokeHTMLTags) {
        # By default HTML tags are displayed, in this case we're converting tags into real tags
        $Table = $Table -replace '&lt;', '<' -replace '&gt;', '>' -replace '&amp;nbsp;', ' ' -replace '&quot;', '"' -replace '&#39;', "'"
    if (-not $DisableNewLine) {
        # Finds new lines and adds HTML TAG BR
        #$Table = $Table -replace '(?m)\s+$', "`r`n<BR>"
        $Table = $Table -replace '(?m)\s+$', "<BR>"

    if ($OtherHTML) {
        $BeforeTableCode = Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $OtherHTML
    } else {
        $BeforeTableCode = ''

    if ($PreContent) {
        $BeforeTable = Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $PreContent
    } else {
        $BeforeTable = ''
    if ($PostContent) {
        $AfterTable = Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $PostContent
    } else {
        $AfterTable = ''

    New-HTMLTag -Tag 'div' -Attributes @{ class = 'flexElement overflowHidden' } -Value {
        # Build HTML TABLE
        New-HTMLTag -Tag 'table' -Attributes $TableAttributes {
            New-HTMLTag -Tag 'thead' {
                if ($AddedHeader) {
                } else {
            New-HTMLTag -Tag 'tbody' {
            if (-not $HideFooter) {
                New-HTMLTag -Tag 'tfoot' {
function New-HTMLTableButtonCopy {
    [alias('TableButtonCopy', 'EmailTableButtonCopy')]

    [PSCustomObject] @{
        Type   = 'TableButtonCopy'
        Output = @{
            extend = 'copyHtml5'
function New-HTMLTableButtonCSV {
    [alias('TableButtonCSV', 'EmailTableButtonCSV')]
    [PSCustomObject] @{
        Type   = 'TableButtonCSV'
        Output = @{
            extend = 'csvHtml5'
function New-HTMLTableButtonExcel {
    [alias('TableButtonExcel', 'EmailTableButtonExcel')]
    [PSCustomObject] @{
        Type   = 'TableButtonExcel'
        Output = @{
            extend = 'excelHtml5'
function New-HTMLTableButtonPageLength {
    [alias('TableButtonPageLength', 'EmailTableButtonPageLength')]
    [PSCustomObject] @{
        Type   = 'TableButtonPageLength'
        Output = @{
            extend = 'pageLength'
function New-HTMLTableButtonPDF {
    Allows more control when adding buttons to Table
    Allows more control when adding buttons to Table. Works only within Table or New-HTMLTable scriptblock.
    .PARAMETER Title
    Document title (appears above the table in the generated PDF). The special character * is automatically replaced with the value read from the host document's title tag.
    .PARAMETER DisplayName
    The button's display text. The text can be configured using this option
    .PARAMETER MessageBottom
    Message to be shown at the bottom of the table, or the caption tag if displayed at the bottom of the table.
    .PARAMETER MessageTop
    Message to be shown at the top of the table, or the caption tag if displayed at the top of the table.
    .PARAMETER FileName
    File name to give the created file (plus the extension defined by the extension option). The special character * is automatically replaced with the value read from the host document's title tag.
    .PARAMETER Extension
    The extension to give the created file name. (default .pdf)
    .PARAMETER PageSize
    Paper size for the created PDF. This can be A3, A4, A5, LEGAL, LETTER or TABLOID. Other options are available.
    .PARAMETER Orientation
    Paper orientation for the created PDF. This can be portrait or landscape
    .PARAMETER Header
    Indicate if the table header should be included in the exported data or not.
    .PARAMETER Footer
    Indicate if the table footer should be included in the exported data or not.
    Dashboard -Name 'Dashimo Test' -FilePath $PSScriptRoot\DashboardEasy05.html -Show {
        Section -Name 'Test' -Collapsable {
            Container {
                Panel {
                    Table -DataTable $Process {
                    } -Buttons @() -DisableSearch -DisablePaging -HideFooter
                Panel {
                    Table -DataTable $Process -Buttons @() -DisableSearch -DisablePaging -HideFooter
                Panel {
                    Table -DataTable $Process {
                        TableButtonPDF -PageSize A10 -Orientation landscape
                    } -Buttons @() -DisableSearch -DisablePaging -HideFooter
    Options are based on this URL:

    [alias('TableButtonPDF', 'EmailTableButtonPDF')]
        [string] $Title,
        [string] $DisplayName,
        [string] $MessageBottom,
        [string] $MessageTop,
        [string] $FileName,
        [string] $Extension,
        [string][ValidateSet('4A0', '2A0', 'A0', 'A1', 'A2', 'A3', 'A4', 'A5', 'A6', 'A7', 'A8', 'A9', 'A10',
            'B0', 'B1', 'B2', 'B3', 'B4', 'B5', 'B6', 'B7', 'B8', 'B9', 'B10',
            'C0', 'C1', 'C2', 'C3', 'C4', 'C5', 'C6', 'C7', 'C8', 'C9', 'C10',
            'RA0', 'RA1', 'RA2', 'RA3', 'RA4',
            'SRA0', 'SRA1', 'SRA2', 'SRA3', 'SRA4',
            'EXECUTIVE', 'FOLIO', 'LEGAL', 'LETTER', 'TABLOID')] $PageSize = 'A3',
        [string][ValidateSet('portrait', 'landscape')] $Orientation = 'landscape',
        [switch] $Header,
        [switch] $Footer
    $Button = @{ }
    $Button.extend = 'pdfHtml5'
    $Button.pageSize = $PageSize
    $Button.orientation = $Orientation
    if ($MessageBottom) {
        $Button.messageBottom = $MessageBottom
    if ($MessageTop) {
        $Button.messageTop = $MessageTop
    if ($DisplayName) {
        $Button.text = $DisplayName
    if ($Title) {
        $Button.title = $Title
    if ($FileName) {
        $Button.filename = $FileName
    if ($Extension) {
        $Button.extension = $Extension
    if ($Header) {
        $Button.header = $Header.IsPresent
    if ($Footer) {
        $Button.footer = $Footer.IsPresent

    [PSCustomObject] @{
        Type   = 'TableButtonPDF'
        Output = $Button

function New-HTMLTableButtonPrint {
    [alias('TableButtonPrint', 'EmailTableButtonPrint')]
    $Button = @{
        extend = 'print'
    [PSCustomObject] @{
        Type   = 'TableButtonPrint'
        Output = $Button
function New-HTMLTableCondition {
    [alias('EmailTableCondition', 'TableConditionalFormatting')]
        [alias('ColumnName')][string] $Name,
        [alias('Type')][ValidateSet('number', 'string')][string] $ComparisonType,
        [ValidateSet('lt', 'le', 'eq', 'ge', 'gt', 'ne', 'contains', 'like')][string] $Operator,
        [Object] $Value,
        [switch] $Row,
        [nullable[RGBColors]] $Color,
        [nullable[RGBColors]] $BackgroundColor,
        [int] $FontSize,
        [ValidateSet('normal', 'bold', 'bolder', 'lighter', '100', '200', '300', '400', '500', '600', '700', '800', '900')][string] $FontWeight,
        [ValidateSet('normal', 'italic', 'oblique')][string] $FontStyle,
        [ValidateSet('normal', 'small-caps')][string] $FontVariant,
        [string] $FontFamily,
        [ValidateSet('left', 'center', 'right', 'justify')][string] $Alignment,
        [ValidateSet('none', 'line-through', 'overline', 'underline')][string] $TextDecoration,
        [ValidateSet('uppercase', 'lowercase', 'capitalize')][string] $TextTransform,
        [ValidateSet('rtl')][string] $Direction,
        [switch] $Inline

    $Style = @{
        Color           = $Color
        BackGroundColor = $BackGroundColor
        FontSize        = $FontSize
        FontWeight      = $FontWeight
        FontStyle       = $FontStyle
        FontVariant     = $FontVariant
        FontFamily      = $FontFamily
        Alignment       = $Alignment
        TextDecoration  = $TextDecoration
        TextTransform   = $TextTransform
        Direction       = $Direction
    Remove-EmptyValues -Hashtable $Style

    $TableCondition = [PSCustomObject] @{
        Row             = $Row
        Type            = if (-not $ComparisonType) { 'string' } else { $ComparisonType }
        Name            = $Name
        Operator        = if (-not $Operator) { 'eq' } else { $Operator }
        Value           = $Value
        Color           = $Color
        BackgroundColor = $BackgroundColor
        Style           = ConvertTo-HTMLStyle @Style
    [PSCustomObject] @{
        Type   = if ($Inline) { 'TableConditionInline' } else { 'TableCondition' }
        Output = $TableCondition
function New-HTMLTableContent {
    [alias('TableContent', 'EmailTableContent')]
        [alias('ColumnNames', 'Names', 'Name')][string[]] $ColumnName,
        [int[]] $ColumnIndex,
        [int[]] $RowIndex,
        [string[]] $Text,
        [RGBColors] $Color,
        [RGBColors] $BackGroundColor,
        [int] $FontSize,
        [ValidateSet('normal', 'bold', 'bolder', 'lighter', '100', '200', '300', '400', '500', '600', '700', '800', '900')][string] $FontWeight,
        [ValidateSet('normal', 'italic', 'oblique')][string] $FontStyle,
        [ValidateSet('normal', 'small-caps')][string] $FontVariant,
        [string] $FontFamily,
        [ValidateSet('left', 'center', 'right', 'justify')][string] $Alignment,
        [ValidateSet('none', 'line-through', 'overline', 'underline')][string] $TextDecoration,
        [ValidateSet('uppercase', 'lowercase', 'capitalize')][string] $TextTransform,
        [ValidateSet('rtl')][string] $Direction

    $Style = @{
        Color           = $Color
        BackGroundColor = $BackGroundColor
        FontSize        = $FontSize
        FontWeight      = $FontWeight
        FontStyle       = $FontStyle
        FontVariant     = $FontVariant
        FontFamily      = $FontFamily
        Alignment       = $Alignment
        TextDecoration  = $TextDecoration
        TextTransform   = $TextTransform
        Direction       = $Direction
    Remove-EmptyValues -Hashtable $Style

        Type   = 'TableContentStyle'
        Output = @{
            Name        = $ColumnName
            Text        = $Text
            RowIndex    = $RowIndex | Sort-Object
            ColumnIndex = $ColumnIndex | Sort-Object
            Style       = ConvertTo-HTMLStyle @Style
            Used        = $false
function New-HTMLTableHeader {
    [alias('TableHeader', 'EmailTableHeader')]
        [string[]] $Names,
        [string] $Title,
        [RGBColors] $Color,
        [RGBColors] $BackGroundColor,
        [int] $FontSize,
        [ValidateSet('normal', 'bold', 'bolder', 'lighter', '100', '200', '300', '400', '500', '600', '700', '800', '900')][string] $FontWeight,
        [ValidateSet('normal', 'italic', 'oblique')][string] $FontStyle,
        [ValidateSet('normal', 'small-caps')][string] $FontVariant,
        [string] $FontFamily,
        [ValidateSet('left', 'center', 'right', 'justify')][string] $Alignment,
        [ValidateSet('none', 'line-through', 'overline', 'underline')][string] $TextDecoration,
        [ValidateSet('uppercase', 'lowercase', 'capitalize')][string] $TextTransform,
        [ValidateSet('rtl')][string] $Direction,
        [switch] $AddRow,
        [int] $ColumnCount,
        )][string] $ResponsiveOperations

    if ($AddRow) {
        Write-Warning "New-HTMLTableHeader - Using AddRow switch is deprecated. It's not nessecary anymore. Just use Title alone. It will be removed later on."

    $Style = @{
        Color           = $Color
        BackGroundColor = $BackGroundColor
        FontSize        = $FontSize
        FontWeight      = $FontWeight
        FontStyle       = $FontStyle
        FontVariant     = $FontVariant
        FontFamily      = $FontFamily
        Alignment       = $Alignment
        TextDecoration  = $TextDecoration
        TextTransform   = $TextTransform
        Direction       = $Direction
    Remove-EmptyValues -Hashtable $Style

    if (($AddRow -and $Title) -or ($Title -and -not $Names)) {
        $Type = 'TableHeaderFullRow'
    } elseif ((-not $AddRow -and $Title) -or ($Title -and $Names)) {
        $Type = 'TableHeaderMerge'
    } elseif ($Names -and $ResponsiveOperations) {
        $Type = 'TableHeaderResponsiveOperations'
    } elseif ($ResponsiveOperations) {
        Write-Warning 'New-HTMLTableHeader - ResponsiveOperations require Names (ColumnNames) to apply operation to.'
    } else {
        $Type = 'TableHeaderStyle'

        Type   = $Type
        Output = @{
            Names                = $Names
            ResponsiveOperations = $ResponsiveOperations
            Title                = $Title
            Style                = ConvertTo-HTMLStyle @Style
            ColumnCount          = $ColumnCount
function New-HTMLTableReplace {
    [alias('TableReplace', 'EmailTableReplace')]
        [string] $FieldName,
        [string[]] $Replacements

        Type   = 'TableReplaceCompare'
        Output = @{
            $FieldName = $Replacements
function New-HTMLTabOptions {
        [switch] $SlimTabs,
        [RGBColors] $SelectorColor = [RGBColors]::None,
        [RGBColors] $SelectorColorTarget = [RGBColors]::None,
        [switch] $Transition,
        [switch] $LinearGradient

    if (-not $Script:HTMLSchema) {
        Write-Warning 'New-HTMLTabOptions - Creation of HTML aborted. Most likely New-HTML is missing.'
    #$Script:HTMLSchema.TabOptions = @{ }
    $Script:HTMLSchema.TabOptions.SlimTabs = $SlimTabs.IsPresent
    if ($SelectorColor -ne [RGBColors]::None) {
        # $Script:HTMLSchema.TabOptions.SelectorColor = ConvertFrom-Color -Color $SelectorColor
        $Script:Configuration.Features.Tabs.CustomActionsReplace.ColorSelector = ConvertFrom-Color -Color $SelectorColor
        $Script:Configuration.Features.TabsGradient.CustomActionsReplace.ColorSelector = ConvertFrom-Color -Color $SelectorColor
        # $Script:Configuration.Features.TabsTransition.CustomActionsReplace.ColorSelector = ConvertFrom-Color -Color $SelectorColor
    if ($SelectorColorTarget -ne [RGBColors]::None) {
        $Script:Configuration.Features.Tabs.CustomActionsReplace.ColorTarget = ConvertFrom-Color -Color $SelectorColorTarget
        $Script:Configuration.Features.TabsGradient.CustomActionsReplace.ColorTarget = ConvertFrom-Color -Color $SelectorColorTarget
    $Script:HTMLSchema.Features.TabsGradient = $LinearGradient.IsPresent
    $Script:HTMLSchema.Features.TabsTransition = $Transition.IsPresent

function New-HTMLTag {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 0)][alias('Content')][ScriptBlock] $Value,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 1)][string] $Tag,
        [System.Collections.IDictionary] $Attributes,
        [switch] $SelfClosing,
        [switch] $NewLine
    $HTMLTag = [Ordered] @{
        Tag         = $Tag
        Attributes  = $Attributes
        Value       = if ($null -eq $Value) { '' } else { Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $Value }
        SelfClosing = $SelfClosing
    $HTML = Set-Tag -HtmlObject $HTMLTag -NewLine:$NewLine
    return $HTML
function New-HTMLText {
    [alias('HTMLText', 'Text')]
        [string[]] $Text,
        [RGBColors[]] $Color = @(),
        [RGBColors[]] $BackGroundColor = @(),
        [int[]] $FontSize = @(),
        [ValidateSet('normal', 'bold', 'bolder', 'lighter', '100', '200', '300', '400', '500', '600', '700', '800', '900')][string[]] $FontWeight = @(),
        [ValidateSet('normal', 'italic', 'oblique')][string[]] $FontStyle = @(),
        [ValidateSet('normal', 'small-caps')][string[]] $FontVariant = @(),
        [string[]] $FontFamily = @(),
        [ValidateSet('left', 'center', 'right', 'justify')][string[]] $Alignment = @(),
        [ValidateSet('none', 'line-through', 'overline', 'underline')][string[]] $TextDecoration = @(),
        [ValidateSet('uppercase', 'lowercase', 'capitalize')][string[]] $TextTransform = @(),
        [ValidateSet('rtl')][string[]] $Direction = @(),
        [switch] $LineBreak,
        [switch] $SkipParagraph #,
        #[bool[]] $NewLine = @()
    #Write-Verbose 'New-HTMLText - Processing...'
    $DefaultColor = $Color[0]
    $DefaultFontSize = $FontSize[0]
    $DefaultFontWeight = if ($null -eq $FontWeight[0] ) { '' } else { $FontWeight[0] }
    $DefaultBackGroundColor = $BackGroundColor[0]
    $DefaultFontFamily = if ($null -eq $FontFamily[0] ) { '' } else { $FontFamily[0] }
    $DefaultFontStyle = if ($null -eq $FontStyle[0] ) { '' } else { $FontStyle[0] }
    $DefaultTextDecoration = if ($null -eq $TextDecoration[0]) { '' } else { $TextDecoration[0] }
    $DefaultTextTransform = if ($null -eq $TextTransform[0]) { '' } else { $TextTransform[0] }
    $DefaultFontVariant = if ($null -eq $FontVariant[0]) { '' } else { $FontVariant }
    $DefaultDirection = if ($null -eq $Direction[0]) { '' } else { $Direction[0] }
    $DefaultAlignment = if ($null -eq $Alignment[0]) { '' } else { $Alignment[0] }
    # $DefaultNewLine = if ($null -eq $NewLine[0]) { $false } else { $NewLine[0] }

    $Output = for ($i = 0; $i -lt $Text.Count; $i++) {
        if ($null -eq $FontWeight[$i]) {
            $ParamFontWeight = $DefaultFontWeight
        } else {
            $ParamFontWeight = $FontWeight[$i]
        if ($null -eq $FontSize[$i]) {
            $ParamFontSize = $DefaultFontSize
        } else {
            $ParamFontSize = $FontSize[$i]
        if ($null -eq $Color[$i]) {
            $ParamColor = $DefaultColor
        } else {
            $ParamColor = $Color[$i]
        if ($null -eq $BackGroundColor[$i]) {
            $ParamBackGroundColor = $DefaultBackGroundColor
        } else {
            $ParamBackGroundColor = $BackGroundColor[$i]
        if ($null -eq $FontFamily[$i]) {
            $ParamFontFamily = $DefaultFontFamily
        } else {
            $ParamFontFamily = $FontFamily[$i]
        if ($null -eq $FontStyle[$i]) {
            $ParamFontStyle = $DefaultFontStyle
        } else {
            $ParamFontStyle = $FontStyle[$i]

        if ($null -eq $TextDecoration[$i]) {
            $ParamTextDecoration = $DefaultTextDecoration
        } else {
            $ParamTextDecoration = $TextDecoration[$i]

        if ($null -eq $TextTransform[$i]) {
            $ParamTextTransform = $DefaultTextTransform
        } else {
            $ParamTextTransform = $TextTransform[$i]

        if ($null -eq $FontVariant[$i]) {
            $ParamFontVariant = $DefaultFontVariant
        } else {
            $ParamFontVariant = $FontVariant[$i]
        if ($null -eq $Direction[$i]) {
            $ParamDirection = $DefaultDirection
        } else {
            $ParamDirection = $Direction[$i]
        if ($null -eq $Alignment[$i]) {
            $ParamAlignment = $DefaultAlignment
        } else {
            $ParamAlignment = $Alignment[$i]

        $newSpanTextSplat = @{ }
        $newSpanTextSplat.Color = $ParamColor
        $newSpanTextSplat.BackGroundColor = $ParamBackGroundColor

        $newSpanTextSplat.FontSize = $ParamFontSize
        if ($ParamFontWeight -ne '') {
            $newSpanTextSplat.FontWeight = $ParamFontWeight
        $newSpanTextSplat.FontFamily = $ParamFontFamily
        if ($ParamFontStyle -ne '') {
            $newSpanTextSplat.FontStyle = $ParamFontStyle
        if ($ParamFontVariant -ne '') {
            $newSpanTextSplat.FontVariant = $ParamFontVariant
        if ($ParamTextDecoration -ne '') {
            $newSpanTextSplat.TextDecoration = $ParamTextDecoration
        if ($ParamTextTransform -ne '') {
            $newSpanTextSplat.TextTransform = $ParamTextTransform
        if ($ParamDirection -ne '') {
            $newSpanTextSplat.Direction = $ParamDirection
        if ($ParamAlignment -ne '') {
            $newSpanTextSplat.Alignment = $ParamAlignment

        $newSpanTextSplat.LineBreak = $LineBreak
        New-HTMLSpanStyle @newSpanTextSplat {
            if ($Text[$i] -match "\[([^\[]*)\)") {
                # Covers markdown LINK "[somestring]("
                $RegexBrackets1 = [regex] "\[([^\[]*)\]" # catch 'sometstring'
                $RegexBrackets2 = [regex] "\(([^\[]*)\)" # catch link
                $RegexBrackets3 = [regex] "\[([^\[]*)\)" # catch both somestring and link
                $Text1 = $RegexBrackets1.match($Text[$i]).Groups[1].value
                $Text2 = $RegexBrackets2.match($Text[$i]).Groups[1].value
                $Text3 = $RegexBrackets3.match($Text[$i]).Groups[0].value
                if ($Text1 -ne '' -and $Text2 -ne '') {
                    $Link = New-HTMLAnchor -HrefLink $Text2 -Text $Text1
                    $Text[$i].Replace($Text3, $Link)
            } else {
                # Default
                # if ($NewLine[$i]) {
                # '<br>'

    if ($SkipParagraph) {
        $Output -join ''
    } else {
        New-HTMLTag -Tag 'div' {
    if ($LineBreak) {
        New-HTMLTag -Tag 'br' -SelfClosing
function New-HTMLTimeline {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 0)][alias('TimeLineItems')][ScriptBlock] $Content
    $Script:HTMLSchema.Features.TimeLine = $true
    New-HTMLTag -Tag 'div' -Attributes @{ class = 'timelineSimpleContainer' } {
        if ($null -eq $Value) { '' } else { Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $Content }
function New-HTMLTimelineItem {
        [DateTime] $Date = (Get-Date),
        [string] $HeadingText,
        [string] $Text,
        [nullable[RGBColors]] $Color
    $Attributes = @{
        class     = 'timelineSimple-item'
        "date-is" = $Date

    if ($null -ne $Color) {
        $RGBcolor = ConvertFrom-Color -Color $Color
        $Style = "color: $RGBcolor;"
    } else {
        $Style = ''
    # $Script:HTMLSchema.Features.TimeLine = $true
    New-HTMLTag -Tag 'div' -Attributes $Attributes -Value {
        New-HTMLTag -Tag 'h1' -Attributes @{ class = 'timelineSimple'; style = $style } {
        New-HTMLTag -Tag 'p' -Attributes @{ class = 'timelineSimple' } {
            $Text -Replace [Environment]::NewLine, '<br>' -replace '\n', '<br>'
function New-HTMLToast {
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesomeBrands")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesomeRegular")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesomeSolid")][string] $TextHeader,

        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesomeBrands")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesomeRegular")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesomeSolid")][RGBColors] $TextHeaderColor = [RGBColors]::None,

        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesomeBrands")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesomeRegular")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesomeSolid")][string] $Text,

        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesomeBrands")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesomeRegular")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesomeSolid")][RGBColors] $TextColor = [RGBColors]::None,

        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesomeBrands")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesomeRegular")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesomeSolid")][int] $IconSize = 30,

        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesomeBrands")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesomeRegular")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesomeSolid")][RGBColors] $IconColor = [RGBColors]::Blue,

        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesomeBrands")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesomeRegular")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesomeSolid")][RGBColors] $BarColorLeft = [RGBColors]::Blue,

        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesomeBrands")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesomeRegular")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesomeSolid")][RGBColors] $BarColorRight = [RGBColors]::None,

        # ICON BRANDS
                param($CommandName, $ParameterName, $WordToComplete, $CommandAst, $FakeBoundParameters)
                $_ -in (($Global:HTMLIcons.FontAwesomeBrands.Keys))
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesomeBrands")][string] $IconBrands,

        # ICON REGULAR
                param($CommandName, $ParameterName, $WordToComplete, $CommandAst, $FakeBoundParameters)
                $_ -in (($Global:HTMLIcons.FontAwesomeRegular.Keys))
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesomeRegular")][string] $IconRegular,

        # ICON SOLID
                param($CommandName, $ParameterName, $WordToComplete, $CommandAst, $FakeBoundParameters)
                $_ -in (($Global:HTMLIcons.FontAwesomeSolid.Keys))
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesomeSolid")][string] $IconSolid

    [string] $Icon = ''
    if ($IconBrands) {
        $Icon = "fab fa-$IconBrands" # fa-$($FontSize)x"
    } elseif ($IconRegular) {
        $Icon = "far fa-$IconRegular" # fa-$($FontSize)x"
    } elseif ($IconSolid) {
        $Icon = "fas fa-$IconSolid" # fa-$($FontSize)x"

    $Script:HTMLSchema.Features.Toasts = $true

    [string] $DivClass = "toast"

    $StyleText = @{ }
    if ($TextColor -ne [RGBColors]::None) {
        $StyleText.'color' = ConvertFrom-Color -Color $TextColor

    $StyleTextHeader = @{ }
    if ($TextHeaderColor -ne [RGBColors]::None) {
        $StyleTextHeader.'color' = ConvertFrom-Color -Color $TextHeaderColor

    $StyleIcon = @{ }
    if ($IconSize -ne 0) {
        $StyleIcon.'font-size' = "$($IconSize)px"

    if ($IconColor -ne [RGBColors]::None) {
        $StyleIcon.'color' = ConvertFrom-Color -Color $IconColor

    $StyleBarLeft = @{ }
    if ($BarColorLeft -ne [RGBColors]::None) {
        $StyleBarLeft.'background-color' = ConvertFrom-Color -Color $BarColorLeft

    $StyleBarRight = @{ }
    if ($BarColorRight -ne [RGBColors]::None) {
        $StyleBarRight.'background-color' = ConvertFrom-Color -Color $BarColorRight

    New-HTMLTag -Tag 'div' -Attributes @{ class = $DivClass } {
        New-HTMLTag -Tag 'div' -Attributes @{ class = 'toastBorderLeft'; style = $StyleBarLeft }
        New-HTMLTag -Tag 'div' -Attributes @{ class = "toastIcon $Icon"; style = $StyleIcon }
        New-HTMLTag -Tag 'div' -Attributes @{ class = 'toastContent' } {
            New-HTMLTag -Tag 'p' -Attributes @{ class = 'toastTextHeader'; style = $StyleTextHeader } {
            New-HTMLTag -Tag 'p' -Attributes @{ class = 'toastText'; style = $StyleText } {
        New-HTMLTag -Tag 'div' -Attributes @{ class = 'toastBorderRight'; style = $StyleBarRight }
function New-InternalDiagram {
        [System.Collections.IList] $Nodes,
        [System.Collections.IList] $Edges,
        [System.Collections.IDictionary] $Options,
        [string] $Height,
        [string] $Width,
        [string] $BackgroundImage,
        [string] $BackgroundSize = '100% 100%'
    $Script:HTMLSchema.Features.VisNetwork = $true

    $Style = @{ }
    if ($Width -or $Height) {
        $Style['width'] = $Width
        $Style['height'] = $Height
    if ($BackgroundImage) {
        $Style['background'] = "url('$BackgroundImage')"
        $Style['background-size'] = $BackgroundSize

    [string] $ID = "Diagram-" + (Get-RandomStringName -Size 8)
    $Div = New-HTMLTag -Tag 'div' -Attributes @{ id = $ID; class = 'diagram'; style = $Style }

    $ConvertedNodes = $Nodes -join ', '
    $ConvertedEdges = $Edges -join ', '

    $Script = New-HTMLTag -Tag 'script' -Value {
        # Convert Dictionary to JSON and return chart within SCRIPT tag
        # Make sure to return with additional empty string

        '// create an array with nodes'
        "var nodes = new vis.DataSet([$ConvertedNodes]); "

        '// create an array with edges'
        "var edges = new vis.DataSet([$ConvertedEdges]); "

        '// create a network'
        "var Container = document.getElementById('$ID'); "
        "var data = { "
        " nodes: nodes, "
        " edges: edges"
        " }; "

        if ($Options) {
            $ConvertedOptions = $Options | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 5 | ForEach-Object { [System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex]::Unescape($_) }
            "var options = $ConvertedOptions; "
        } else {
            "var options = { }; "
        'var network = new vis.Network(Container, data, options); '
    } -NewLine

function New-TableConditionalFormatting {
        [string] $Options,
        [Array] $ConditionalFormatting,
        [string[]] $Header

    if ($ConditionalFormatting.Count -gt 0) {
        # Conditional - changes PowerShellOperator into JS operator
        foreach ($Formatting in $ConditionalFormatting) {
            if ($Formatting.Operator -eq 'gt') {
                $Formatting.Operator = '>'
            } elseif ($Formatting.Operator -eq 'lt') {
                $Formatting.Operator = '<'
            } elseif ($Formatting.Operator -eq 'eq') {
                $Formatting.Operator = '=='
            } elseif ($Formatting.Operator -eq 'le') {
                $Formatting.Operator = '<='
            } elseif ($Formatting.Operator -eq 'ge') {
                $Formatting.Operator = '>='
            } elseif ($Formatting.Operator -eq 'ne') {
                $Formatting.Operator = '!='
            # Operator like/contains are taken care of below
        $Condition = @(
            '"createdRow": function (row, data, dataIndex, column) {'

            foreach ($Condition in $ConditionalFormatting) {
                $ConditionHeaderNr = $Header.ToLower().IndexOf($($Condition.Name.ToLower()))
                $Style = $Condition.Style | ConvertTo-Json
                [string] $StyleDefinition = ".css($Style)"
                if ($null -eq $Condition.Type -or $Condition.Type -eq 'number' -or $Condition.Type -eq 'int' -or $Condition.Type -eq 'decimal') {
                    "if (data[$ConditionHeaderNr] $($Condition.Operator) $($Condition.Value)) {"
                } elseif ($Condition.Type -eq 'string') {
                    switch ($Condition.Operator) {
                        "contains" {
                            "if (data[$($ConditionHeaderNr)].includes('$($Condition.Value)')) {"
                        "like" {
                            "if (data[$($ConditionHeaderNr)].includes('$($Condition.Value)')) {"
                        default {
                            "if (data[$ConditionHeaderNr] $($Condition.Operator) '$($Condition.Value)') {"
                } elseif ($Condition.Type -eq 'date') {
                    "if (new Date(data[$ConditionHeaderNr]) $($Condition.Operator) new Date('$($Condition.Value)')) {"
                if ($null -ne $Condition.Row -and $Condition.Row -eq $true) {
                } else {

        if ($PSEdition -eq 'Desktop') {
            $TextToFind = '"createdRow": ""'
        } else {
            $TextToFind = '"createdRow": ""'
        $Options = $Options -Replace ($TextToFind, $Condition)
    return $Options
function Out-HtmlView {
    Small function that allows to send output to HTML
    Small function that allows to send output to HTML. When displaying in HTML it allows data to output to EXCEL, CSV and PDF. It allows sorting, searching and so on.
    .PARAMETER Table
    Data you want to display
    .PARAMETER Title
    Title of HTML Window
    .PARAMETER DefaultSortColumn
    Sort by Column Name
    .PARAMETER DefaultSortIndex
    Sort by Column Index
    Get-Process | Select-Object -First 5 | Out-HtmlView
    General notes

    [alias('Out-GridHtml', 'ohv')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 0)][ScriptBlock] $HTML,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 1)][ScriptBlock] $PreContent,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 2)][ScriptBlock] $PostContent,
        [alias('ArrayOfObjects', 'Object', 'DataTable')][Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true, Mandatory = $true)] $Table,
        [string] $FilePath,
        [string] $Title = 'Out-HTMLView',
        [switch] $PassThru,
        [string[]][ValidateSet('copyHtml5', 'excelHtml5', 'csvHtml5', 'pdfHtml5')] $Buttons = @('copyHtml5', 'excelHtml5', 'csvHtml5', 'pdfHtml5', 'pageLength'),
        [string[]][ValidateSet('numbers', 'simple', 'simple_numbers', 'full', 'full_numbers', 'first_last_numbers')] $PagingStyle = 'full_numbers',
        [int[]]$PagingOptions = @(15, 25, 50, 100),
        [ValidateSet('Top', 'Bottom', 'Both')][string]$FilteringLocation = 'Bottom',
        [string[]][ValidateSet('display', 'cell-border', 'compact', 'hover', 'nowrap', 'order-column', 'row-border', 'stripe')] $Style = @('display', 'compact'),
        [string]$TextWhenNoData = 'No data available.',
        [int] $ScreenSizePercent = 0,
        [string[]] $DefaultSortColumn,
        [int[]] $DefaultSortIndex,
        [ValidateSet('Ascending', 'Descending')][string] $DefaultSortOrder = 'Ascending',
        [switch] $InvokeHTMLTags,
        [switch] $DisableNewLine,
        [switch] $ScrollX,
        [switch] $ScrollY,
        [int] $ScrollSizeY = 500,
        [int] $FreezeColumnsLeft,
        [int] $FreezeColumnsRight,
        [switch] $FixedHeader,
        [switch] $FixedFooter,
        [string[]] $ResponsivePriorityOrder,
        [int[]] $ResponsivePriorityOrderIndex,
        [string[]] $PriorityProperties,
        [switch] $ImmediatelyShowHiddenDetails,
        [alias('RemoveShowButton')][switch] $HideShowButton,
        [switch] $AllProperties,
        [switch] $Compare,
        [alias('CompareWithColors')][switch] $HighlightDifferences,
        [int] $First,
        [int] $Last,
        [alias('Replace')][Array] $CompareReplace
    Begin {
        $DataTable = [System.Collections.Generic.List[Object]]::new()
        if ($FilePath -eq '') {
            $FilePath = Get-FileName -Extension 'html' -Temporary
    Process {
        if ($null -ne $Table) {
            foreach ($T in $Table) {
    End {
        if ($null -ne $Table) {
            # HTML generation part
            New-HTML -FilePath $FilePath -UseCssLinks -UseJavaScriptLinks -TitleText $Title -ShowHTML {
                New-HTMLTable -DataTable $DataTable `
                    -HideFooter:$HideFooter `
                    -Buttons $Buttons -PagingStyle $PagingStyle -PagingOptions $PagingOptions `
                    -DisablePaging:$DisablePaging -DisableOrdering:$DisableOrdering -DisableInfo:$DisableInfo -DisableColumnReorder:$DisableColumnReorder -DisableProcessing:$DisableProcessing `
                    -DisableResponsiveTable:$DisableResponsiveTable -DisableSelect:$DisableSelect -DisableStateSave:$DisableStateSave -DisableSearch:$DisableSearch -ScrollCollapse:$ScrollCollapse `
                    -Style $Style -TextWhenNoData:$TextWhenNoData -ScreenSizePercent $ScreenSizePercent `
                    -HTML $HTML -PreContent $PreContent -PostContent $PostContent `
                    -DefaultSortColumn $DefaultSortColumn -DefaultSortIndex $DefaultSortIndex -DefaultSortOrder $DefaultSortOrder `
                    -DateTimeSortingFormat $DateTimeSortingFormat -Find $Find -OrderMulti:$OrderMulti `
                    -Filtering:$Filtering -FilteringLocation $FilteringLocation `
                    -InvokeHTMLTags:$InvokeHTMLTags -DisableNewLine:$DisableNewLine -ScrollX:$ScrollX -ScrollY:$ScrollY -ScrollSizeY $ScrollSizeY `
                    -FreezeColumnsLeft $FreezeColumnsLeft -FreezeColumnsRight $FreezeColumnsRight `
                    -FixedHeader:$FixedHeader -FixedFooter:$FixedFooter -ResponsivePriorityOrder $ResponsivePriorityOrder `
                    -ResponsivePriorityOrderIndex $ResponsivePriorityOrderIndex -PriorityProperties $PriorityProperties -AllProperties:$AllProperties `
                    -Compare:$Compare -HighlightDifferences:$HighlightDifferences -First $First -Last $Last `
                    -ImmediatelyShowHiddenDetails:$ImmediatelyShowHiddenDetails -Simplify:$Simplify -HideShowButton:$HideShowButton -CompareReplace $CompareReplace
            if ($PassThru) {
                # This isn't really real PassThru but just passing final object further down the pipe when needed
                # real PassThru requires significant work - if you're up to it, let me know.
        } else {
            Write-Warning 'Out-HtmlView - No data available.'
$Script:Configuration = [ordered] @{
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            <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
            <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
            <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
            <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
            <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
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# Another way to access

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        'dochub'                         = 'f394'
        'docker'                         = 'f395'
        'draft2digital'                  = 'f396'
        'dribbble'                       = 'f17d'
        'dribbble-square'                = 'f397'
        'dropbox'                        = 'f16b'
        'drupal'                         = 'f1a9'
        'dyalog'                         = 'f399'
        'earlybirds'                     = 'f39a'
        'ebay'                           = 'f4f4'
        'edge'                           = 'f282'
        'elementor'                      = 'f430'
        'ello'                           = 'f5f1'
        'ember'                          = 'f423'
        'empire'                         = 'f1d1'
        'envira'                         = 'f299'
        'erlang'                         = 'f39d'
        'ethereum'                       = 'f42e'
        'etsy'                           = 'f2d7'
        'evernote'                       = 'f839'
        'expeditedssl'                   = 'f23e'
        'facebook'                       = 'f09a'
        'facebook-f'                     = 'f39e'
        'facebook-messenger'             = 'f39f'
        'facebook-square'                = 'f082'
        'fantasy-flight-games'           = 'f6dc'
        'fedex'                          = 'f797'
        'fedora'                         = 'f798'
        'figma'                          = 'f799'
        'firefox'                        = 'f269'
        'first-order'                    = 'f2b0'
        'first-order-alt'                = 'f50a'
        'firstdraft'                     = 'f3a1'
        'flickr'                         = 'f16e'
        'flipboard'                      = 'f44d'
        'fly'                            = 'f417'
        'font-awesome'                   = 'f2b4'
        'font-awesome-alt'               = 'f35c'
        'font-awesome-flag'              = 'f425'
        'fonticons'                      = 'f280'
        'fonticons-fi'                   = 'f3a2'
        'fort-awesome'                   = 'f286'
        'fort-awesome-alt'               = 'f3a3'
        'forumbee'                       = 'f211'
        'foursquare'                     = 'f180'
        'free-code-camp'                 = 'f2c5'
        'freebsd'                        = 'f3a4'
        'fulcrum'                        = 'f50b'
        'galactic-republic'              = 'f50c'
        'galactic-senate'                = 'f50d'
        'get-pocket'                     = 'f265'
        'gg'                             = 'f260'
        'gg-circle'                      = 'f261'
        'git'                            = 'f1d3'
        'git-alt'                        = 'f841'
        'git-square'                     = 'f1d2'
        'github'                         = 'f09b'
        'github-alt'                     = 'f113'
        'github-square'                  = 'f092'
        'gitkraken'                      = 'f3a6'
        'gitlab'                         = 'f296'
        'gitter'                         = 'f426'
        'glide'                          = 'f2a5'
        'glide-g'                        = 'f2a6'
        'gofore'                         = 'f3a7'
        'goodreads'                      = 'f3a8'
        'goodreads-g'                    = 'f3a9'
        'google'                         = 'f1a0'
        'google-drive'                   = 'f3aa'
        'google-play'                    = 'f3ab'
        'google-plus'                    = 'f2b3'
        'google-plus-g'                  = 'f0d5'
        'google-plus-square'             = 'f0d4'
        'google-wallet'                  = 'f1ee'
        'gratipay'                       = 'f184'
        'grav'                           = 'f2d6'
        'gripfire'                       = 'f3ac'
        'grunt'                          = 'f3ad'
        'gulp'                           = 'f3ae'
        'hacker-news'                    = 'f1d4'
        'hacker-news-square'             = 'f3af'
        'hackerrank'                     = 'f5f7'
        'hips'                           = 'f452'
        'hire-a-helper'                  = 'f3b0'
        'hooli'                          = 'f427'
        'hornbill'                       = 'f592'
        'hotjar'                         = 'f3b1'
        'houzz'                          = 'f27c'
        'html5'                          = 'f13b'
        'hubspot'                        = 'f3b2'
        'imdb'                           = 'f2d8'
        'instagram'                      = 'f16d'
        'intercom'                       = 'f7af'
        'internet-explorer'              = 'f26b'
        'invision'                       = 'f7b0'
        'ioxhost'                        = 'f208'
        'itch-io'                        = 'f83a'
        'itunes'                         = 'f3b4'
        'itunes-note'                    = 'f3b5'
        'java'                           = 'f4e4'
        'jedi-order'                     = 'f50e'
        'jenkins'                        = 'f3b6'
        'jira'                           = 'f7b1'
        'joget'                          = 'f3b7'
        'joomla'                         = 'f1aa'
        'js'                             = 'f3b8'
        'js-square'                      = 'f3b9'
        'jsfiddle'                       = 'f1cc'
        'kaggle'                         = 'f5fa'
        'keybase'                        = 'f4f5'
        'keycdn'                         = 'f3ba'
        'kickstarter'                    = 'f3bb'
        'kickstarter-k'                  = 'f3bc'
        'korvue'                         = 'f42f'
        'laravel'                        = 'f3bd'
        'lastfm'                         = 'f202'
        'lastfm-square'                  = 'f203'
        'leanpub'                        = 'f212'
        'less'                           = 'f41d'
        'line'                           = 'f3c0'
        'linkedin'                       = 'f08c'
        'linkedin-in'                    = 'f0e1'
        'linode'                         = 'f2b8'
        'linux'                          = 'f17c'
        'lyft'                           = 'f3c3'
        'magento'                        = 'f3c4'
        'mailchimp'                      = 'f59e'
        'mandalorian'                    = 'f50f'
        'markdown'                       = 'f60f'
        'mastodon'                       = 'f4f6'
        'maxcdn'                         = 'f136'
        'mdb'                            = 'f8ca'
        'medapps'                        = 'f3c6'
        'medium'                         = 'f23a'
        'medium-m'                       = 'f3c7'
        'medrt'                          = 'f3c8'
        'meetup'                         = 'f2e0'
        'megaport'                       = 'f5a3'
        'mendeley'                       = 'f7b3'
        'microsoft'                      = 'f3ca'
        'mix'                            = 'f3cb'
        'mixcloud'                       = 'f289'
        'mizuni'                         = 'f3cc'
        'modx'                           = 'f285'
        'monero'                         = 'f3d0'
        'napster'                        = 'f3d2'
        'neos'                           = 'f612'
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        'node-js'                        = 'f3d3'
        'npm'                            = 'f3d4'
        'ns8'                            = 'f3d5'
        'nutritionix'                    = 'f3d6'
        'odnoklassniki'                  = 'f263'
        'odnoklassniki-square'           = 'f264'
        'old-republic'                   = 'f510'
        'opencart'                       = 'f23d'
        'openid'                         = 'f19b'
        'opera'                          = 'f26a'
        'optin-monster'                  = 'f23c'
        'orcid'                          = 'f8d2'
        'osi'                            = 'f41a'
        'page4'                          = 'f3d7'
        'pagelines'                      = 'f18c'
        'palfed'                         = 'f3d8'
        'patreon'                        = 'f3d9'
        'paypal'                         = 'f1ed'
        'penny-arcade'                   = 'f704'
        'periscope'                      = 'f3da'
        'phabricator'                    = 'f3db'
        'phoenix-framework'              = 'f3dc'
        'phoenix-squadron'               = 'f511'
        'php'                            = 'f457'
        'pied-piper'                     = 'f2ae'
        'pied-piper-alt'                 = 'f1a8'
        'pied-piper-hat'                 = 'f4e5'
        'pied-piper-pp'                  = 'f1a7'
        'pinterest'                      = 'f0d2'
        'pinterest-p'                    = 'f231'
        'pinterest-square'               = 'f0d3'
        'playstation'                    = 'f3df'
        'product-hunt'                   = 'f288'
        'pushed'                         = 'f3e1'
        'python'                         = 'f3e2'
        'qq'                             = 'f1d6'
        'quinscape'                      = 'f459'
        'quora'                          = 'f2c4'
        'r-project'                      = 'f4f7'
        'raspberry-pi'                   = 'f7bb'
        'ravelry'                        = 'f2d9'
        'react'                          = 'f41b'
        'reacteurope'                    = 'f75d'
        'readme'                         = 'f4d5'
        'rebel'                          = 'f1d0'
        'red-river'                      = 'f3e3'
        'reddit'                         = 'f1a1'
        'reddit-alien'                   = 'f281'
        'reddit-square'                  = 'f1a2'
        'redhat'                         = 'f7bc'
        'renren'                         = 'f18b'
        'replyd'                         = 'f3e6'
        'researchgate'                   = 'f4f8'
        'resolving'                      = 'f3e7'
        'rev'                            = 'f5b2'
        'rocketchat'                     = 'f3e8'
        'rockrms'                        = 'f3e9'
        'safari'                         = 'f267'
        'salesforce'                     = 'f83b'
        'sass'                           = 'f41e'
        'schlix'                         = 'f3ea'
        'scribd'                         = 'f28a'
        'searchengin'                    = 'f3eb'
        'sellcast'                       = 'f2da'
        'sellsy'                         = 'f213'
        'servicestack'                   = 'f3ec'
        'shirtsinbulk'                   = 'f214'
        'shopware'                       = 'f5b5'
        'simplybuilt'                    = 'f215'
        'sistrix'                        = 'f3ee'
        'sith'                           = 'f512'
        'sketch'                         = 'f7c6'
        'skyatlas'                       = 'f216'
        'skype'                          = 'f17e'
        'slack'                          = 'f198'
        'slack-hash'                     = 'f3ef'
        'slideshare'                     = 'f1e7'
        'snapchat'                       = 'f2ab'
        'snapchat-ghost'                 = 'f2ac'
        'snapchat-square'                = 'f2ad'
        'soundcloud'                     = 'f1be'
        'sourcetree'                     = 'f7d3'
        'speakap'                        = 'f3f3'
        'speaker-deck'                   = 'f83c'
        'spotify'                        = 'f1bc'
        'squarespace'                    = 'f5be'
        'stack-exchange'                 = 'f18d'
        'stack-overflow'                 = 'f16c'
        'stackpath'                      = 'f842'
        'staylinked'                     = 'f3f5'
        'steam'                          = 'f1b6'
        'steam-square'                   = 'f1b7'
        'steam-symbol'                   = 'f3f6'
        'sticker-mule'                   = 'f3f7'
        'strava'                         = 'f428'
        'stripe'                         = 'f429'
        'stripe-s'                       = 'f42a'
        'studiovinari'                   = 'f3f8'
        'stumbleupon'                    = 'f1a4'
        'stumbleupon-circle'             = 'f1a3'
        'superpowers'                    = 'f2dd'
        'supple'                         = 'f3f9'
        'suse'                           = 'f7d6'
        'swift'                          = 'f8e1'
        'symfony'                        = 'f83d'
        'teamspeak'                      = 'f4f9'
        'telegram'                       = 'f2c6'
        'telegram-plane'                 = 'f3fe'
        'tencent-weibo'                  = 'f1d5'
        'the-red-yeti'                   = 'f69d'
        'themeco'                        = 'f5c6'
        'themeisle'                      = 'f2b2'
        'think-peaks'                    = 'f731'
        'trade-federation'               = 'f513'
        'trello'                         = 'f181'
        'tripadvisor'                    = 'f262'
        'tumblr'                         = 'f173'
        'tumblr-square'                  = 'f174'
        'twitch'                         = 'f1e8'
        'twitter'                        = 'f099'
        'twitter-square'                 = 'f081'
        'typo3'                          = 'f42b'
        'uber'                           = 'f402'
        'ubuntu'                         = 'f7df'
        'uikit'                          = 'f403'
        'umbraco'                        = 'f8e8'
        'uniregistry'                    = 'f404'
        'untappd'                        = 'f405'
        'ups'                            = 'f7e0'
        'usb'                            = 'f287'
        'usps'                           = 'f7e1'
        'ussunnah'                       = 'f407'
        'vaadin'                         = 'f408'
        'viacoin'                        = 'f237'
        'viadeo'                         = 'f2a9'
        'viadeo-square'                  = 'f2aa'
        'viber'                          = 'f409'
        'vimeo'                          = 'f40a'
        'vimeo-square'                   = 'f194'
        'vimeo-v'                        = 'f27d'
        'vine'                           = 'f1ca'
        'vk'                             = 'f189'
        'vnv'                            = 'f40b'
        'vuejs'                          = 'f41f'
        'waze'                           = 'f83f'
        'weebly'                         = 'f5cc'
        'weibo'                          = 'f18a'
        'weixin'                         = 'f1d7'
        'whatsapp'                       = 'f232'
        'whatsapp-square'                = 'f40c'
        'whmcs'                          = 'f40d'
        'wikipedia-w'                    = 'f266'
        'windows'                        = 'f17a'
        'wix'                            = 'f5cf'
        'wizards-of-the-coast'           = 'f730'
        'wolf-pack-battalion'            = 'f514'
        'wordpress'                      = 'f19a'
        'wordpress-simple'               = 'f411'
        'wpbeginner'                     = 'f297'
        'wpexplorer'                     = 'f2de'
        'wpforms'                        = 'f298'
        'wpressr'                        = 'f3e4'
        'xbox'                           = 'f412'
        'xing'                           = 'f168'
        'xing-square'                    = 'f169'
        'y-combinator'                   = 'f23b'
        'yahoo'                          = 'f19e'
        'yammer'                         = 'f840'
        'yandex'                         = 'f413'
        'yandex-international'           = 'f414'
        'yarn'                           = 'f7e3'
        'yelp'                           = 'f1e9'
        'yoast'                          = 'f2b1'
        'youtube'                        = 'f167'
        'youtube-square'                 = 'f431'
        'zhihu'                          = 'f63f'
    FontAwesomeRegular = [ordered] @{
        'address-book'           = 'f2b9'
        'address-card'           = 'f2bb'
        'angry'                  = 'f556'
        'arrow-alt-circle-down'  = 'f358'
        'arrow-alt-circle-left'  = 'f359'
        'arrow-alt-circle-right' = 'f35a'
        'arrow-alt-circle-up'    = 'f35b'
        'bell'                   = 'f0f3'
        'bell-slash'             = 'f1f6'
        'bookmark'               = 'f02e'
        'building'               = 'f1ad'
        'calendar'               = 'f133'
        'calendar-alt'           = 'f073'
        'calendar-check'         = 'f274'
        'calendar-minus'         = 'f272'
        'calendar-plus'          = 'f271'
        'calendar-times'         = 'f273'
        'caret-square-down'      = 'f150'
        'caret-square-left'      = 'f191'
        'caret-square-right'     = 'f152'
        'caret-square-up'        = 'f151'
        'chart-bar'              = 'f080'
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        'check-square'           = 'f14a'
        'circle'                 = 'f111'
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        'clock'                  = 'f017'
        'clone'                  = 'f24d'
        'closed-captioning'      = 'f20a'
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        'comment-dots'           = 'f4ad'
        'comments'               = 'f086'
        'compass'                = 'f14e'
        'copy'                   = 'f0c5'
        'copyright'              = 'f1f9'
        'credit-card'            = 'f09d'
        'dizzy'                  = 'f567'
        'dot-circle'             = 'f192'
        'edit'                   = 'f044'
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        'envelope-open'          = 'f2b6'
        'eye'                    = 'f06e'
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        'file-audio'             = 'f1c7'
        'file-code'              = 'f1c9'
        'file-excel'             = 'f1c3'
        'file-image'             = 'f1c5'
        'file-pdf'               = 'f1c1'
        'file-powerpoint'        = 'f1c4'
        'file-video'             = 'f1c8'
        'file-word'              = 'f1c2'
        'flag'                   = 'f024'
        'flushed'                = 'f579'
        'folder'                 = 'f07b'
        'folder-open'            = 'f07c'
        'frown'                  = 'f119'
        'frown-open'             = 'f57a'
        'futbol'                 = 'f1e3'
        'gem'                    = 'f3a5'
        'grimace'                = 'f57f'
        'grin'                   = 'f580'
        'grin-alt'               = 'f581'
        'grin-beam'              = 'f582'
        'grin-beam-sweat'        = 'f583'
        'grin-hearts'            = 'f584'
        'grin-squint'            = 'f585'
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        'grin-stars'             = 'f587'
        'grin-tears'             = 'f588'
        'grin-tongue'            = 'f589'
        'grin-tongue-squint'     = 'f58a'
        'grin-tongue-wink'       = 'f58b'
        'grin-wink'              = 'f58c'
        'hand-lizard'            = 'f258'
        'hand-paper'             = 'f256'
        'hand-peace'             = 'f25b'
        'hand-point-down'        = 'f0a7'
        'hand-point-left'        = 'f0a5'
        'hand-point-right'       = 'f0a4'
        'hand-point-up'          = 'f0a6'
        'hand-pointer'           = 'f25a'
        'hand-rock'              = 'f255'
        'hand-scissors'          = 'f257'
        'hand-spock'             = 'f259'
        'handshake'              = 'f2b5'
        'hdd'                    = 'f0a0'
        'heart'                  = 'f004'
        'hospital'               = 'f0f8'
        'hourglass'              = 'f254'
        'id-badge'               = 'f2c1'
        'id-card'                = 'f2c2'
        'image'                  = 'f03e'
        'images'                 = 'f302'
        'keyboard'               = 'f11c'
        'kiss'                   = 'f596'
        'kiss-beam'              = 'f597'
        'kiss-wink-heart'        = 'f598'
        'laugh'                  = 'f599'
        'laugh-beam'             = 'f59a'
        'laugh-squint'           = 'f59b'
        'laugh-wink'             = 'f59c'
        'lemon'                  = 'f094'
        'life-ring'              = 'f1cd'
        'lightbulb'              = 'f0eb'
        'list-alt'               = 'f022'
        'map'                    = 'f279'
        'meh'                    = 'f11a'
        'meh-blank'              = 'f5a4'
        'meh-rolling-eyes'       = 'f5a5'
        'minus-square'           = 'f146'
        'money-bill-alt'         = 'f3d1'
        'moon'                   = 'f186'
        'newspaper'              = 'f1ea'
        'object-group'           = 'f247'
        'object-ungroup'         = 'f248'
        'paper-plane'            = 'f1d8'
        'pause-circle'           = 'f28b'
        'play-circle'            = 'f144'
        'plus-square'            = 'f0fe'
        'question-circle'        = 'f059'
        'registered'             = 'f25d'
        'sad-cry'                = 'f5b3'
        'sad-tear'               = 'f5b4'
        'save'                   = 'f0c7'
        'share-square'           = 'f14d'
        'smile'                  = 'f118'
        'smile-beam'             = 'f5b8'
        'smile-wink'             = 'f4da'
        'snowflake'              = 'f2dc'
        'square'                 = 'f0c8'
        'star'                   = 'f005'
        'star-half'              = 'f089'
        'sticky-note'            = 'f249'
        'stop-circle'            = 'f28d'
        'sun'                    = 'f185'
        'surprise'               = 'f5c2'
        'thumbs-down'            = 'f165'
        'thumbs-up'              = 'f164'
        'times-circle'           = 'f057'
        'tired'                  = 'f5c8'
        'trash-alt'              = 'f2ed'
        'user'                   = 'f007'
        'user-circle'            = 'f2bd'
        'window-close'           = 'f410'
        'window-maximize'        = 'f2d0'
        'window-minimize'        = 'f2d1'
        'window-restore'         = 'f2d2'
    FontAwesomeSolid   = [ordered] @{
        'ad'                                  = 'f641'
        'address-book'                        = 'f2b9'
        'address-card'                        = 'f2bb'
        'adjust'                              = 'f042'
        'air-freshener'                       = 'f5d0'
        'align-center'                        = 'f037'
        'align-justify'                       = 'f039'
        'align-left'                          = 'f036'
        'align-right'                         = 'f038'
        'allergies'                           = 'f461'
        'ambulance'                           = 'f0f9'
        'american-sign-language-interpreting' = 'f2a3'
        'anchor'                              = 'f13d'
        'angle-double-down'                   = 'f103'
        'angle-double-left'                   = 'f100'
        'angle-double-right'                  = 'f101'
        'angle-double-up'                     = 'f102'
        'angle-down'                          = 'f107'
        'angle-left'                          = 'f104'
        'angle-right'                         = 'f105'
        'angle-up'                            = 'f106'
        'angry'                               = 'f556'
        'ankh'                                = 'f644'
        'apple-alt'                           = 'f5d1'
        'archive'                             = 'f187'
        'archway'                             = 'f557'
        'arrow-alt-circle-down'               = 'f358'
        'arrow-alt-circle-left'               = 'f359'
        'arrow-alt-circle-right'              = 'f35a'
        'arrow-alt-circle-up'                 = 'f35b'
        'arrow-circle-down'                   = 'f0ab'
        'arrow-circle-left'                   = 'f0a8'
        'arrow-circle-right'                  = 'f0a9'
        'arrow-circle-up'                     = 'f0aa'
        'arrow-down'                          = 'f063'
        'arrow-left'                          = 'f060'
        'arrow-right'                         = 'f061'
        'arrow-up'                            = 'f062'
        'arrows-alt'                          = 'f0b2'
        'arrows-alt-h'                        = 'f337'
        'arrows-alt-v'                        = 'f338'
        'assistive-listening-systems'         = 'f2a2'
        'asterisk'                            = 'f069'
        'at'                                  = 'f1fa'
        'atlas'                               = 'f558'
        'atom'                                = 'f5d2'
        'audio-description'                   = 'f29e'
        'award'                               = 'f559'
        'baby'                                = 'f77c'
        'baby-carriage'                       = 'f77d'
        'backspace'                           = 'f55a'
        'backward'                            = 'f04a'
        'bacon'                               = 'f7e5'
        'balance-scale'                       = 'f24e'
        'balance-scale-left'                  = 'f515'
        'balance-scale-right'                 = 'f516'
        'ban'                                 = 'f05e'
        'band-aid'                            = 'f462'
        'barcode'                             = 'f02a'
        'bars'                                = 'f0c9'
        'baseball-ball'                       = 'f433'
        'basketball-ball'                     = 'f434'
        'bath'                                = 'f2cd'
        'battery-empty'                       = 'f244'
        'battery-full'                        = 'f240'
        'battery-half'                        = 'f242'
        'battery-quarter'                     = 'f243'
        'battery-three-quarters'              = 'f241'
        'bed'                                 = 'f236'
        'beer'                                = 'f0fc'
        'bell'                                = 'f0f3'
        'bell-slash'                          = 'f1f6'
        'bezier-curve'                        = 'f55b'
        'bible'                               = 'f647'
        'bicycle'                             = 'f206'
        'biking'                              = 'f84a'
        'binoculars'                          = 'f1e5'
        'biohazard'                           = 'f780'
        'birthday-cake'                       = 'f1fd'
        'blender'                             = 'f517'
        'blender-phone'                       = 'f6b6'
        'blind'                               = 'f29d'
        'blog'                                = 'f781'
        'bold'                                = 'f032'
        'bolt'                                = 'f0e7'
        'bomb'                                = 'f1e2'
        'bone'                                = 'f5d7'
        'bong'                                = 'f55c'
        'book'                                = 'f02d'
        'book-dead'                           = 'f6b7'
        'book-medical'                        = 'f7e6'
        'book-open'                           = 'f518'
        'book-reader'                         = 'f5da'
        'bookmark'                            = 'f02e'
        'border-all'                          = 'f84c'
        'border-none'                         = 'f850'
        'border-style'                        = 'f853'
        'bowling-ball'                        = 'f436'
        'box'                                 = 'f466'
        'box-open'                            = 'f49e'
        'boxes'                               = 'f468'
        'braille'                             = 'f2a1'
        'brain'                               = 'f5dc'
        'bread-slice'                         = 'f7ec'
        'briefcase'                           = 'f0b1'
        'briefcase-medical'                   = 'f469'
        'broadcast-tower'                     = 'f519'
        'broom'                               = 'f51a'
        'brush'                               = 'f55d'
        'bug'                                 = 'f188'
        'building'                            = 'f1ad'
        'bullhorn'                            = 'f0a1'
        'bullseye'                            = 'f140'
        'burn'                                = 'f46a'
        'bus'                                 = 'f207'
        'bus-alt'                             = 'f55e'
        'business-time'                       = 'f64a'
        'calculator'                          = 'f1ec'
        'calendar'                            = 'f133'
        'calendar-alt'                        = 'f073'
        'calendar-check'                      = 'f274'
        'calendar-day'                        = 'f783'
        'calendar-minus'                      = 'f272'
        'calendar-plus'                       = 'f271'
        'calendar-times'                      = 'f273'
        'calendar-week'                       = 'f784'
        'camera'                              = 'f030'
        'camera-retro'                        = 'f083'
        'campground'                          = 'f6bb'
        'candy-cane'                          = 'f786'
        'cannabis'                            = 'f55f'
        'capsules'                            = 'f46b'
        'car'                                 = 'f1b9'
        'car-alt'                             = 'f5de'
        'car-battery'                         = 'f5df'
        'car-crash'                           = 'f5e1'
        'car-side'                            = 'f5e4'
        'caret-down'                          = 'f0d7'
        'caret-left'                          = 'f0d9'
        'caret-right'                         = 'f0da'
        'caret-square-down'                   = 'f150'
        'caret-square-left'                   = 'f191'
        'caret-square-right'                  = 'f152'
        'caret-square-up'                     = 'f151'
        'caret-up'                            = 'f0d8'
        'carrot'                              = 'f787'
        'cart-arrow-down'                     = 'f218'
        'cart-plus'                           = 'f217'
        'cash-register'                       = 'f788'
        'cat'                                 = 'f6be'
        'certificate'                         = 'f0a3'
        'chair'                               = 'f6c0'
        'chalkboard'                          = 'f51b'
        'chalkboard-teacher'                  = 'f51c'
        'charging-station'                    = 'f5e7'
        'chart-area'                          = 'f1fe'
        'chart-bar'                           = 'f080'
        'chart-line'                          = 'f201'
        'chart-pie'                           = 'f200'
        'check'                               = 'f00c'
        'check-circle'                        = 'f058'
        'check-double'                        = 'f560'
        'check-square'                        = 'f14a'
        'cheese'                              = 'f7ef'
        'chess'                               = 'f439'
        'chess-bishop'                        = 'f43a'
        'chess-board'                         = 'f43c'
        'chess-king'                          = 'f43f'
        'chess-knight'                        = 'f441'
        'chess-pawn'                          = 'f443'
        'chess-queen'                         = 'f445'
        'chess-rook'                          = 'f447'
        'chevron-circle-down'                 = 'f13a'
        'chevron-circle-left'                 = 'f137'
        'chevron-circle-right'                = 'f138'
        'chevron-circle-up'                   = 'f139'
        'chevron-down'                        = 'f078'
        'chevron-left'                        = 'f053'
        'chevron-right'                       = 'f054'
        'chevron-up'                          = 'f077'
        'child'                               = 'f1ae'
        'church'                              = 'f51d'
        'circle'                              = 'f111'
        'circle-notch'                        = 'f1ce'
        'city'                                = 'f64f'
        'clinic-medical'                      = 'f7f2'
        'clipboard'                           = 'f328'
        'clipboard-check'                     = 'f46c'
        'clipboard-list'                      = 'f46d'
        'clock'                               = 'f017'
        'clone'                               = 'f24d'
        'closed-captioning'                   = 'f20a'
        'cloud'                               = 'f0c2'
        'cloud-download-alt'                  = 'f381'
        'cloud-meatball'                      = 'f73b'
        'cloud-moon'                          = 'f6c3'
        'cloud-moon-rain'                     = 'f73c'
        'cloud-rain'                          = 'f73d'
        'cloud-showers-heavy'                 = 'f740'
        'cloud-sun'                           = 'f6c4'
        'cloud-sun-rain'                      = 'f743'
        'cloud-upload-alt'                    = 'f382'
        'cocktail'                            = 'f561'
        'code'                                = 'f121'
        'code-branch'                         = 'f126'
        'coffee'                              = 'f0f4'
        'cog'                                 = 'f013'
        'cogs'                                = 'f085'
        'coins'                               = 'f51e'
        'columns'                             = 'f0db'
        'comment'                             = 'f075'
        'comment-alt'                         = 'f27a'
        'comment-dollar'                      = 'f651'
        'comment-dots'                        = 'f4ad'
        'comment-medical'                     = 'f7f5'
        'comment-slash'                       = 'f4b3'
        'comments'                            = 'f086'
        'comments-dollar'                     = 'f653'
        'compact-disc'                        = 'f51f'
        'compass'                             = 'f14e'
        'compress'                            = 'f066'
        'compress-arrows-alt'                 = 'f78c'
        'concierge-bell'                      = 'f562'
        'cookie'                              = 'f563'
        'cookie-bite'                         = 'f564'
        'copy'                                = 'f0c5'
        'copyright'                           = 'f1f9'
        'couch'                               = 'f4b8'
        'credit-card'                         = 'f09d'
        'crop'                                = 'f125'
        'crop-alt'                            = 'f565'
        'cross'                               = 'f654'
        'crosshairs'                          = 'f05b'
        'crow'                                = 'f520'
        'crown'                               = 'f521'
        'crutch'                              = 'f7f7'
        'cube'                                = 'f1b2'
        'cubes'                               = 'f1b3'
        'cut'                                 = 'f0c4'
        'database'                            = 'f1c0'
        'deaf'                                = 'f2a4'
        'democrat'                            = 'f747'
        'desktop'                             = 'f108'
        'dharmachakra'                        = 'f655'
        'diagnoses'                           = 'f470'
        'dice'                                = 'f522'
        'dice-d20'                            = 'f6cf'
        'dice-d6'                             = 'f6d1'
        'dice-five'                           = 'f523'
        'dice-four'                           = 'f524'
        'dice-one'                            = 'f525'
        'dice-six'                            = 'f526'
        'dice-three'                          = 'f527'
        'dice-two'                            = 'f528'
        'digital-tachograph'                  = 'f566'
        'directions'                          = 'f5eb'
        'divide'                              = 'f529'
        'dizzy'                               = 'f567'
        'dna'                                 = 'f471'
        'dog'                                 = 'f6d3'
        'dollar-sign'                         = 'f155'
        'dolly'                               = 'f472'
        'dolly-flatbed'                       = 'f474'
        'donate'                              = 'f4b9'
        'door-closed'                         = 'f52a'
        'door-open'                           = 'f52b'
        'dot-circle'                          = 'f192'
        'dove'                                = 'f4ba'
        'download'                            = 'f019'
        'drafting-compass'                    = 'f568'
        'dragon'                              = 'f6d5'
        'draw-polygon'                        = 'f5ee'
        'drum'                                = 'f569'
        'drum-steelpan'                       = 'f56a'
        'drumstick-bite'                      = 'f6d7'
        'dumbbell'                            = 'f44b'
        'dumpster'                            = 'f793'
        'dumpster-fire'                       = 'f794'
        'dungeon'                             = 'f6d9'
        'edit'                                = 'f044'
        'egg'                                 = 'f7fb'
        'eject'                               = 'f052'
        'ellipsis-h'                          = 'f141'
        'ellipsis-v'                          = 'f142'
        'envelope'                            = 'f0e0'
        'envelope-open'                       = 'f2b6'
        'envelope-open-text'                  = 'f658'
        'envelope-square'                     = 'f199'
        'equals'                              = 'f52c'
        'eraser'                              = 'f12d'
        'ethernet'                            = 'f796'
        'euro-sign'                           = 'f153'
        'exchange-alt'                        = 'f362'
        'exclamation'                         = 'f12a'
        'exclamation-circle'                  = 'f06a'
        'exclamation-triangle'                = 'f071'
        'expand'                              = 'f065'
        'expand-arrows-alt'                   = 'f31e'
        'external-link-alt'                   = 'f35d'
        'external-link-square-alt'            = 'f360'
        'eye'                                 = 'f06e'
        'eye-dropper'                         = 'f1fb'
        'eye-slash'                           = 'f070'
        'fan'                                 = 'f863'
        'fast-backward'                       = 'f049'
        'fast-forward'                        = 'f050'
        'fax'                                 = 'f1ac'
        'feather'                             = 'f52d'
        'feather-alt'                         = 'f56b'
        'female'                              = 'f182'
        'fighter-jet'                         = 'f0fb'
        'file'                                = 'f15b'
        'file-alt'                            = 'f15c'
        'file-archive'                        = 'f1c6'
        'file-audio'                          = 'f1c7'
        'file-code'                           = 'f1c9'
        'file-contract'                       = 'f56c'
        'file-csv'                            = 'f6dd'
        'file-download'                       = 'f56d'
        'file-excel'                          = 'f1c3'
        'file-export'                         = 'f56e'
        'file-image'                          = 'f1c5'
        'file-import'                         = 'f56f'
        'file-invoice'                        = 'f570'
        'file-invoice-dollar'                 = 'f571'
        'file-medical'                        = 'f477'
        'file-medical-alt'                    = 'f478'
        'file-pdf'                            = 'f1c1'
        'file-powerpoint'                     = 'f1c4'
        'file-prescription'                   = 'f572'
        'file-signature'                      = 'f573'
        'file-upload'                         = 'f574'
        'file-video'                          = 'f1c8'
        'file-word'                           = 'f1c2'
        'fill'                                = 'f575'
        'fill-drip'                           = 'f576'
        'film'                                = 'f008'
        'filter'                              = 'f0b0'
        'fingerprint'                         = 'f577'
        'fire'                                = 'f06d'
        'fire-alt'                            = 'f7e4'
        'fire-extinguisher'                   = 'f134'
        'first-aid'                           = 'f479'
        'fish'                                = 'f578'
        'fist-raised'                         = 'f6de'
        'flag'                                = 'f024'
        'flag-checkered'                      = 'f11e'
        'flag-usa'                            = 'f74d'
        'flask'                               = 'f0c3'
        'flushed'                             = 'f579'
        'folder'                              = 'f07b'
        'folder-minus'                        = 'f65d'
        'folder-open'                         = 'f07c'
        'folder-plus'                         = 'f65e'
        'font'                                = 'f031'
        'football-ball'                       = 'f44e'
        'forward'                             = 'f04e'
        'frog'                                = 'f52e'
        'frown'                               = 'f119'
        'frown-open'                          = 'f57a'
        'funnel-dollar'                       = 'f662'
        'futbol'                              = 'f1e3'
        'gamepad'                             = 'f11b'
        'gas-pump'                            = 'f52f'
        'gavel'                               = 'f0e3'
        'gem'                                 = 'f3a5'
        'genderless'                          = 'f22d'
        'ghost'                               = 'f6e2'
        'gift'                                = 'f06b'
        'gifts'                               = 'f79c'
        'glass-cheers'                        = 'f79f'
        'glass-martini'                       = 'f000'
        'glass-martini-alt'                   = 'f57b'
        'glass-whiskey'                       = 'f7a0'
        'glasses'                             = 'f530'
        'globe'                               = 'f0ac'
        'globe-africa'                        = 'f57c'
        'globe-americas'                      = 'f57d'
        'globe-asia'                          = 'f57e'
        'globe-europe'                        = 'f7a2'
        'golf-ball'                           = 'f450'
        'gopuram'                             = 'f664'
        'graduation-cap'                      = 'f19d'
        'greater-than'                        = 'f531'
        'greater-than-equal'                  = 'f532'
        'grimace'                             = 'f57f'
        'grin'                                = 'f580'
        'grin-alt'                            = 'f581'
        'grin-beam'                           = 'f582'
        'grin-beam-sweat'                     = 'f583'
        'grin-hearts'                         = 'f584'
        'grin-squint'                         = 'f585'
        'grin-squint-tears'                   = 'f586'
        'grin-stars'                          = 'f587'
        'grin-tears'                          = 'f588'
        'grin-tongue'                         = 'f589'
        'grin-tongue-squint'                  = 'f58a'
        'grin-tongue-wink'                    = 'f58b'
        'grin-wink'                           = 'f58c'
        'grip-horizontal'                     = 'f58d'
        'grip-lines'                          = 'f7a4'
        'grip-lines-vertical'                 = 'f7a5'
        'grip-vertical'                       = 'f58e'
        'guitar'                              = 'f7a6'
        'h-square'                            = 'f0fd'
        'hamburger'                           = 'f805'
        'hammer'                              = 'f6e3'
        'hamsa'                               = 'f665'
        'hand-holding'                        = 'f4bd'
        'hand-holding-heart'                  = 'f4be'
        'hand-holding-usd'                    = 'f4c0'
        'hand-lizard'                         = 'f258'
        'hand-middle-finger'                  = 'f806'
        'hand-paper'                          = 'f256'
        'hand-peace'                          = 'f25b'
        'hand-point-down'                     = 'f0a7'
        'hand-point-left'                     = 'f0a5'
        'hand-point-right'                    = 'f0a4'
        'hand-point-up'                       = 'f0a6'
        'hand-pointer'                        = 'f25a'
        'hand-rock'                           = 'f255'
        'hand-scissors'                       = 'f257'
        'hand-spock'                          = 'f259'
        'hands'                               = 'f4c2'
        'hands-helping'                       = 'f4c4'
        'handshake'                           = 'f2b5'
        'hanukiah'                            = 'f6e6'
        'hard-hat'                            = 'f807'
        'hashtag'                             = 'f292'
        'hat-cowboy'                          = 'f8c0'
        'hat-cowboy-side'                     = 'f8c1'
        'hat-wizard'                          = 'f6e8'
        'haykal'                              = 'f666'
        'hdd'                                 = 'f0a0'
        'heading'                             = 'f1dc'
        'headphones'                          = 'f025'
        'headphones-alt'                      = 'f58f'
        'headset'                             = 'f590'
        'heart'                               = 'f004'
        'heart-broken'                        = 'f7a9'
        'heartbeat'                           = 'f21e'
        'helicopter'                          = 'f533'
        'highlighter'                         = 'f591'
        'hiking'                              = 'f6ec'
        'hippo'                               = 'f6ed'
        'history'                             = 'f1da'
        'hockey-puck'                         = 'f453'
        'holly-berry'                         = 'f7aa'
        'home'                                = 'f015'
        'horse'                               = 'f6f0'
        'horse-head'                          = 'f7ab'
        'hospital'                            = 'f0f8'
        'hospital-alt'                        = 'f47d'
        'hospital-symbol'                     = 'f47e'
        'hot-tub'                             = 'f593'
        'hotdog'                              = 'f80f'
        'hotel'                               = 'f594'
        'hourglass'                           = 'f254'
        'hourglass-end'                       = 'f253'
        'hourglass-half'                      = 'f252'
        'hourglass-start'                     = 'f251'
        'house-damage'                        = 'f6f1'
        'hryvnia'                             = 'f6f2'
        'i-cursor'                            = 'f246'
        'ice-cream'                           = 'f810'
        'icicles'                             = 'f7ad'
        'icons'                               = 'f86d'
        'id-badge'                            = 'f2c1'
        'id-card'                             = 'f2c2'
        'id-card-alt'                         = 'f47f'
        'igloo'                               = 'f7ae'
        'image'                               = 'f03e'
        'images'                              = 'f302'
        'inbox'                               = 'f01c'
        'indent'                              = 'f03c'
        'industry'                            = 'f275'
        'infinity'                            = 'f534'
        'info'                                = 'f129'
        'info-circle'                         = 'f05a'
        'italic'                              = 'f033'
        'jedi'                                = 'f669'
        'joint'                               = 'f595'
        'journal-whills'                      = 'f66a'
        'kaaba'                               = 'f66b'
        'key'                                 = 'f084'
        'keyboard'                            = 'f11c'
        'khanda'                              = 'f66d'
        'kiss'                                = 'f596'
        'kiss-beam'                           = 'f597'
        'kiss-wink-heart'                     = 'f598'
        'kiwi-bird'                           = 'f535'
        'landmark'                            = 'f66f'
        'language'                            = 'f1ab'
        'laptop'                              = 'f109'
        'laptop-code'                         = 'f5fc'
        'laptop-medical'                      = 'f812'
        'laugh'                               = 'f599'
        'laugh-beam'                          = 'f59a'
        'laugh-squint'                        = 'f59b'
        'laugh-wink'                          = 'f59c'
        'layer-group'                         = 'f5fd'
        'leaf'                                = 'f06c'
        'lemon'                               = 'f094'
        'less-than'                           = 'f536'
        'less-than-equal'                     = 'f537'
        'level-down-alt'                      = 'f3be'
        'level-up-alt'                        = 'f3bf'
        'life-ring'                           = 'f1cd'
        'lightbulb'                           = 'f0eb'
        'link'                                = 'f0c1'
        'lira-sign'                           = 'f195'
        'list'                                = 'f03a'
        'list-alt'                            = 'f022'
        'list-ol'                             = 'f0cb'
        'list-ul'                             = 'f0ca'
        'location-arrow'                      = 'f124'
        'lock'                                = 'f023'
        'lock-open'                           = 'f3c1'
        'long-arrow-alt-down'                 = 'f309'
        'long-arrow-alt-left'                 = 'f30a'
        'long-arrow-alt-right'                = 'f30b'
        'long-arrow-alt-up'                   = 'f30c'
        'low-vision'                          = 'f2a8'
        'luggage-cart'                        = 'f59d'
        'magic'                               = 'f0d0'
        'magnet'                              = 'f076'
        'mail-bulk'                           = 'f674'
        'male'                                = 'f183'
        'map'                                 = 'f279'
        'map-marked'                          = 'f59f'
        'map-marked-alt'                      = 'f5a0'
        'map-marker'                          = 'f041'
        'map-marker-alt'                      = 'f3c5'
        'map-pin'                             = 'f276'
        'map-signs'                           = 'f277'
        'marker'                              = 'f5a1'
        'mars'                                = 'f222'
        'mars-double'                         = 'f227'
        'mars-stroke'                         = 'f229'
        'mars-stroke-h'                       = 'f22b'
        'mars-stroke-v'                       = 'f22a'
        'mask'                                = 'f6fa'
        'medal'                               = 'f5a2'
        'medkit'                              = 'f0fa'
        'meh'                                 = 'f11a'
        'meh-blank'                           = 'f5a4'
        'meh-rolling-eyes'                    = 'f5a5'
        'memory'                              = 'f538'
        'menorah'                             = 'f676'
        'mercury'                             = 'f223'
        'meteor'                              = 'f753'
        'microchip'                           = 'f2db'
        'microphone'                          = 'f130'
        'microphone-alt'                      = 'f3c9'
        'microphone-alt-slash'                = 'f539'
        'microphone-slash'                    = 'f131'
        'microscope'                          = 'f610'
        'minus'                               = 'f068'
        'minus-circle'                        = 'f056'
        'minus-square'                        = 'f146'
        'mitten'                              = 'f7b5'
        'mobile'                              = 'f10b'
        'mobile-alt'                          = 'f3cd'
        'money-bill'                          = 'f0d6'
        'money-bill-alt'                      = 'f3d1'
        'money-bill-wave'                     = 'f53a'
        'money-bill-wave-alt'                 = 'f53b'
        'money-check'                         = 'f53c'
        'money-check-alt'                     = 'f53d'
        'monument'                            = 'f5a6'
        'moon'                                = 'f186'
        'mortar-pestle'                       = 'f5a7'
        'mosque'                              = 'f678'
        'motorcycle'                          = 'f21c'
        'mountain'                            = 'f6fc'
        'mouse'                               = 'f8cc'
        'mouse-pointer'                       = 'f245'
        'mug-hot'                             = 'f7b6'
        'music'                               = 'f001'
        'network-wired'                       = 'f6ff'
        'neuter'                              = 'f22c'
        'newspaper'                           = 'f1ea'
        'not-equal'                           = 'f53e'
        'notes-medical'                       = 'f481'
        'object-group'                        = 'f247'
        'object-ungroup'                      = 'f248'
        'oil-can'                             = 'f613'
        'om'                                  = 'f679'
        'otter'                               = 'f700'
        'outdent'                             = 'f03b'
        'pager'                               = 'f815'
        'paint-brush'                         = 'f1fc'
        'paint-roller'                        = 'f5aa'
        'palette'                             = 'f53f'
        'pallet'                              = 'f482'
        'paper-plane'                         = 'f1d8'
        'paperclip'                           = 'f0c6'
        'parachute-box'                       = 'f4cd'
        'paragraph'                           = 'f1dd'
        'parking'                             = 'f540'
        'passport'                            = 'f5ab'
        'pastafarianism'                      = 'f67b'
        'paste'                               = 'f0ea'
        'pause'                               = 'f04c'
        'pause-circle'                        = 'f28b'
        'paw'                                 = 'f1b0'
        'peace'                               = 'f67c'
        'pen'                                 = 'f304'
        'pen-alt'                             = 'f305'
        'pen-fancy'                           = 'f5ac'
        'pen-nib'                             = 'f5ad'
        'pen-square'                          = 'f14b'
        'pencil-alt'                          = 'f303'
        'pencil-ruler'                        = 'f5ae'
        'people-carry'                        = 'f4ce'
        'pepper-hot'                          = 'f816'
        'percent'                             = 'f295'
        'percentage'                          = 'f541'
        'person-booth'                        = 'f756'
        'phone'                               = 'f095'
        'phone-alt'                           = 'f879'
        'phone-slash'                         = 'f3dd'
        'phone-square'                        = 'f098'
        'phone-square-alt'                    = 'f87b'
        'phone-volume'                        = 'f2a0'
        'photo-video'                         = 'f87c'
        'piggy-bank'                          = 'f4d3'
        'pills'                               = 'f484'
        'pizza-slice'                         = 'f818'
        'place-of-worship'                    = 'f67f'
        'plane'                               = 'f072'
        'plane-arrival'                       = 'f5af'
        'plane-departure'                     = 'f5b0'
        'play'                                = 'f04b'
        'play-circle'                         = 'f144'
        'plug'                                = 'f1e6'
        'plus'                                = 'f067'
        'plus-circle'                         = 'f055'
        'plus-square'                         = 'f0fe'
        'podcast'                             = 'f2ce'
        'poll'                                = 'f681'
        'poll-h'                              = 'f682'
        'poo'                                 = 'f2fe'
        'poo-storm'                           = 'f75a'
        'poop'                                = 'f619'
        'portrait'                            = 'f3e0'
        'pound-sign'                          = 'f154'
        'power-off'                           = 'f011'
        'pray'                                = 'f683'
        'praying-hands'                       = 'f684'
        'prescription'                        = 'f5b1'
        'prescription-bottle'                 = 'f485'
        'prescription-bottle-alt'             = 'f486'
        'print'                               = 'f02f'
        'procedures'                          = 'f487'
        'project-diagram'                     = 'f542'
        'puzzle-piece'                        = 'f12e'
        'qrcode'                              = 'f029'
        'question'                            = 'f128'
        'question-circle'                     = 'f059'
        'quidditch'                           = 'f458'
        'quote-left'                          = 'f10d'
        'quote-right'                         = 'f10e'
        'quran'                               = 'f687'
        'radiation'                           = 'f7b9'
        'radiation-alt'                       = 'f7ba'
        'rainbow'                             = 'f75b'
        'random'                              = 'f074'
        'receipt'                             = 'f543'
        'record-vinyl'                        = 'f8d9'
        'recycle'                             = 'f1b8'
        'redo'                                = 'f01e'
        'redo-alt'                            = 'f2f9'
        'registered'                          = 'f25d'
        'remove-format'                       = 'f87d'
        'reply'                               = 'f3e5'
        'reply-all'                           = 'f122'
        'republican'                          = 'f75e'
        'restroom'                            = 'f7bd'
        'retweet'                             = 'f079'
        'ribbon'                              = 'f4d6'
        'ring'                                = 'f70b'
        'road'                                = 'f018'
        'robot'                               = 'f544'
        'rocket'                              = 'f135'
        'route'                               = 'f4d7'
        'rss'                                 = 'f09e'
        'rss-square'                          = 'f143'
        'ruble-sign'                          = 'f158'
        'ruler'                               = 'f545'
        'ruler-combined'                      = 'f546'
        'ruler-horizontal'                    = 'f547'
        'ruler-vertical'                      = 'f548'
        'running'                             = 'f70c'
        'rupee-sign'                          = 'f156'
        'sad-cry'                             = 'f5b3'
        'sad-tear'                            = 'f5b4'
        'satellite'                           = 'f7bf'
        'satellite-dish'                      = 'f7c0'
        'save'                                = 'f0c7'
        'school'                              = 'f549'
        'screwdriver'                         = 'f54a'
        'scroll'                              = 'f70e'
        'sd-card'                             = 'f7c2'
        'search'                              = 'f002'
        'search-dollar'                       = 'f688'
        'search-location'                     = 'f689'
        'search-minus'                        = 'f010'
        'search-plus'                         = 'f00e'
        'seedling'                            = 'f4d8'
        'server'                              = 'f233'
        'shapes'                              = 'f61f'
        'share'                               = 'f064'
        'share-alt'                           = 'f1e0'
        'share-alt-square'                    = 'f1e1'
        'share-square'                        = 'f14d'
        'shekel-sign'                         = 'f20b'
        'shield-alt'                          = 'f3ed'
        'ship'                                = 'f21a'
        'shipping-fast'                       = 'f48b'
        'shoe-prints'                         = 'f54b'
        'shopping-bag'                        = 'f290'
        'shopping-basket'                     = 'f291'
        'shopping-cart'                       = 'f07a'
        'shower'                              = 'f2cc'
        'shuttle-van'                         = 'f5b6'
        'sign'                                = 'f4d9'
        'sign-in-alt'                         = 'f2f6'
        'sign-language'                       = 'f2a7'
        'sign-out-alt'                        = 'f2f5'
        'signal'                              = 'f012'
        'signature'                           = 'f5b7'
        'sim-card'                            = 'f7c4'
        'sitemap'                             = 'f0e8'
        'skating'                             = 'f7c5'
        'skiing'                              = 'f7c9'
        'skiing-nordic'                       = 'f7ca'
        'skull'                               = 'f54c'
        'skull-crossbones'                    = 'f714'
        'slash'                               = 'f715'
        'sleigh'                              = 'f7cc'
        'sliders-h'                           = 'f1de'
        'smile'                               = 'f118'
        'smile-beam'                          = 'f5b8'
        'smile-wink'                          = 'f4da'
        'smog'                                = 'f75f'
        'smoking'                             = 'f48d'
        'smoking-ban'                         = 'f54d'
        'sms'                                 = 'f7cd'
        'snowboarding'                        = 'f7ce'
        'snowflake'                           = 'f2dc'
        'snowman'                             = 'f7d0'
        'snowplow'                            = 'f7d2'
        'socks'                               = 'f696'
        'solar-panel'                         = 'f5ba'
        'sort'                                = 'f0dc'
        'sort-alpha-down'                     = 'f15d'
        'sort-alpha-down-alt'                 = 'f881'
        'sort-alpha-up'                       = 'f15e'
        'sort-alpha-up-alt'                   = 'f882'
        'sort-amount-down'                    = 'f160'
        'sort-amount-down-alt'                = 'f884'
        'sort-amount-up'                      = 'f161'
        'sort-amount-up-alt'                  = 'f885'
        'sort-down'                           = 'f0dd'
        'sort-numeric-down'                   = 'f162'
        'sort-numeric-down-alt'               = 'f886'
        'sort-numeric-up'                     = 'f163'
        'sort-numeric-up-alt'                 = 'f887'
        'sort-up'                             = 'f0de'
        'spa'                                 = 'f5bb'
        'space-shuttle'                       = 'f197'
        'spell-check'                         = 'f891'
        'spider'                              = 'f717'
        'spinner'                             = 'f110'
        'splotch'                             = 'f5bc'
        'spray-can'                           = 'f5bd'
        'square'                              = 'f0c8'
        'square-full'                         = 'f45c'
        'square-root-alt'                     = 'f698'
        'stamp'                               = 'f5bf'
        'star'                                = 'f005'
        'star-and-crescent'                   = 'f699'
        'star-half'                           = 'f089'
        'star-half-alt'                       = 'f5c0'
        'star-of-david'                       = 'f69a'
        'star-of-life'                        = 'f621'
        'step-backward'                       = 'f048'
        'step-forward'                        = 'f051'
        'stethoscope'                         = 'f0f1'
        'sticky-note'                         = 'f249'
        'stop'                                = 'f04d'
        'stop-circle'                         = 'f28d'
        'stopwatch'                           = 'f2f2'
        'store'                               = 'f54e'
        'store-alt'                           = 'f54f'
        'stream'                              = 'f550'
        'street-view'                         = 'f21d'
        'strikethrough'                       = 'f0cc'
        'stroopwafel'                         = 'f551'
        'subscript'                           = 'f12c'
        'subway'                              = 'f239'
        'suitcase'                            = 'f0f2'
        'suitcase-rolling'                    = 'f5c1'
        'sun'                                 = 'f185'
        'superscript'                         = 'f12b'
        'surprise'                            = 'f5c2'
        'swatchbook'                          = 'f5c3'
        'swimmer'                             = 'f5c4'
        'swimming-pool'                       = 'f5c5'
        'synagogue'                           = 'f69b'
        'sync'                                = 'f021'
        'sync-alt'                            = 'f2f1'
        'syringe'                             = 'f48e'
        'table'                               = 'f0ce'
        'table-tennis'                        = 'f45d'
        'tablet'                              = 'f10a'
        'tablet-alt'                          = 'f3fa'
        'tablets'                             = 'f490'
        'tachometer-alt'                      = 'f3fd'
        'tag'                                 = 'f02b'
        'tags'                                = 'f02c'
        'tape'                                = 'f4db'
        'tasks'                               = 'f0ae'
        'taxi'                                = 'f1ba'
        'teeth'                               = 'f62e'
        'teeth-open'                          = 'f62f'
        'temperature-high'                    = 'f769'
        'temperature-low'                     = 'f76b'
        'tenge'                               = 'f7d7'
        'terminal'                            = 'f120'
        'text-height'                         = 'f034'
        'text-width'                          = 'f035'
        'th'                                  = 'f00a'
        'th-large'                            = 'f009'
        'th-list'                             = 'f00b'
        'theater-masks'                       = 'f630'
        'thermometer'                         = 'f491'
        'thermometer-empty'                   = 'f2cb'
        'thermometer-full'                    = 'f2c7'
        'thermometer-half'                    = 'f2c9'
        'thermometer-quarter'                 = 'f2ca'
        'thermometer-three-quarters'          = 'f2c8'
        'thumbs-down'                         = 'f165'
        'thumbs-up'                           = 'f164'
        'thumbtack'                           = 'f08d'
        'ticket-alt'                          = 'f3ff'
        'times'                               = 'f00d'
        'times-circle'                        = 'f057'
        'tint'                                = 'f043'
        'tint-slash'                          = 'f5c7'
        'tired'                               = 'f5c8'
        'toggle-off'                          = 'f204'
        'toggle-on'                           = 'f205'
        'toilet'                              = 'f7d8'
        'toilet-paper'                        = 'f71e'
        'toolbox'                             = 'f552'
        'tools'                               = 'f7d9'
        'tooth'                               = 'f5c9'
        'torah'                               = 'f6a0'
        'torii-gate'                          = 'f6a1'
        'tractor'                             = 'f722'
        'trademark'                           = 'f25c'
        'traffic-light'                       = 'f637'
        'train'                               = 'f238'
        'tram'                                = 'f7da'
        'transgender'                         = 'f224'
        'transgender-alt'                     = 'f225'
        'trash'                               = 'f1f8'
        'trash-alt'                           = 'f2ed'
        'trash-restore'                       = 'f829'
        'trash-restore-alt'                   = 'f82a'
        'tree'                                = 'f1bb'
        'trophy'                              = 'f091'
        'truck'                               = 'f0d1'
        'truck-loading'                       = 'f4de'
        'truck-monster'                       = 'f63b'
        'truck-moving'                        = 'f4df'
        'truck-pickup'                        = 'f63c'
        'tshirt'                              = 'f553'
        'tty'                                 = 'f1e4'
        'tv'                                  = 'f26c'
        'umbrella'                            = 'f0e9'
        'umbrella-beach'                      = 'f5ca'
        'underline'                           = 'f0cd'
        'undo'                                = 'f0e2'
        'undo-alt'                            = 'f2ea'
        'universal-access'                    = 'f29a'
        'university'                          = 'f19c'
        'unlink'                              = 'f127'
        'unlock'                              = 'f09c'
        'unlock-alt'                          = 'f13e'
        'upload'                              = 'f093'
        'user'                                = 'f007'
        'user-alt'                            = 'f406'
        'user-alt-slash'                      = 'f4fa'
        'user-astronaut'                      = 'f4fb'
        'user-check'                          = 'f4fc'
        'user-circle'                         = 'f2bd'
        'user-clock'                          = 'f4fd'
        'user-cog'                            = 'f4fe'
        'user-edit'                           = 'f4ff'
        'user-friends'                        = 'f500'
        'user-graduate'                       = 'f501'
        'user-injured'                        = 'f728'
        'user-lock'                           = 'f502'
        'user-md'                             = 'f0f0'
        'user-minus'                          = 'f503'
        'user-ninja'                          = 'f504'
        'user-nurse'                          = 'f82f'
        'user-plus'                           = 'f234'
        'user-secret'                         = 'f21b'
        'user-shield'                         = 'f505'
        'user-slash'                          = 'f506'
        'user-tag'                            = 'f507'
        'user-tie'                            = 'f508'
        'user-times'                          = 'f235'
        'users'                               = 'f0c0'
        'users-cog'                           = 'f509'
        'utensil-spoon'                       = 'f2e5'
        'utensils'                            = 'f2e7'
        'vector-square'                       = 'f5cb'
        'venus'                               = 'f221'
        'venus-double'                        = 'f226'
        'venus-mars'                          = 'f228'
        'vial'                                = 'f492'
        'vials'                               = 'f493'
        'video'                               = 'f03d'
        'video-slash'                         = 'f4e2'
        'vihara'                              = 'f6a7'
        'voicemail'                           = 'f897'
        'volleyball-ball'                     = 'f45f'
        'volume-down'                         = 'f027'
        'volume-mute'                         = 'f6a9'
        'volume-off'                          = 'f026'
        'volume-up'                           = 'f028'
        'vote-yea'                            = 'f772'
        'vr-cardboard'                        = 'f729'
        'walking'                             = 'f554'
        'wallet'                              = 'f555'
        'warehouse'                           = 'f494'
        'water'                               = 'f773'
        'wave-square'                         = 'f83e'
        'weight'                              = 'f496'
        'weight-hanging'                      = 'f5cd'
        'wheelchair'                          = 'f193'
        'wifi'                                = 'f1eb'
        'wind'                                = 'f72e'
        'window-close'                        = 'f410'
        'window-maximize'                     = 'f2d0'
        'window-minimize'                     = 'f2d1'
        'window-restore'                      = 'f2d2'
        'wine-bottle'                         = 'f72f'
        'wine-glass'                          = 'f4e3'
        'wine-glass-alt'                      = 'f5ce'
        'won-sign'                            = 'f159'
        'wrench'                              = 'f0ad'
        'x-ray'                               = 'f497'
        'yen-sign'                            = 'f157'
        'yin-yang'                            = 'f6ad'

Function Save-HTML {
    Short description
    Long description
    .PARAMETER FilePath
    Parameter description
    Parameter description
    .PARAMETER ShowReport
    Parameter description
    An example
    General notes

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)][string]$FilePath,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][Array] $HTML,
        [alias('Show', 'Open')][Parameter(Mandatory = $false)][switch]$ShowHTML,
        [ValidateSet('Unknown', 'String', 'Unicode', 'Byte', 'BigEndianUnicode', 'UTF8', 'UTF7', 'UTF32', 'Ascii', 'Default', 'Oem', 'BigEndianUTF32')] $Encoding = 'UTF8',
        [bool] $Supress = $true
    if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($FilePath)) {
        $FilePath = Get-FileName -Temporary -Extension 'html'
        Write-Verbose "Save-HTML - FilePath parameter is empty, using Temporary $FilePath"
    } else {
        if (Test-Path -LiteralPath $FilePath) {
            Write-Verbose "Save-HTML - Path $FilePath already exists. Report will be overwritten."
    Write-Verbose "Save-HTML - Saving HTML to file $FilePath"
    try {
        $HTML | Set-Content -LiteralPath $FilePath -Force -Encoding $Encoding
        if (-not $Supress) {
    } catch {
        $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message -replace "`n", " " -replace "`r", " "
        Write-Warning "Save-HTML - Failed with error: $ErrorMessage"
    if ($ShowHTML) {
        try {
            Invoke-Item -LiteralPath $FilePath -ErrorAction Stop
        } catch {
            $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message -replace "`n", " " -replace "`r", " "
            Write-Verbose "Save-HTML - couldn't open file $FilePath in a browser. Error: $ErrorMessage"

function Set-Tag {
        [System.Collections.IDictionary] $HtmlObject,
        [switch] $NewLine # This is needed if code requires new lines such as JavaScript
    $HTML = [System.Text.StringBuilder]::new()
    [void] $HTML.Append("<$($HtmlObject.Tag)")
    foreach ($Property in $HtmlObject.Attributes.Keys) {
        $PropertyValue = $HtmlObject.Attributes[$Property]
        # This checks if property has any subproperties such as style having multiple options
        if ($PropertyValue -is [System.Collections.IDictionary]) {
            $OutputSubProperties = foreach ($SubAttributes in $PropertyValue.Keys) {
                $SubPropertyValue = $PropertyValue[$SubAttributes]
                # skip adding properties that are empty
                if ($null -ne $SubPropertyValue -and $SubPropertyValue -ne '') {
            $MyValue = $OutputSubProperties -join ';'
            if ($MyValue.Trim() -ne '') {
                [void] $HTML.Append(" $Property=`"$MyValue`"")
        } else {
            # skip adding properties that are empty
            if ($null -ne $PropertyValue -and $PropertyValue -ne '') {
                [void] $HTML.Append(" $Property=`"$PropertyValue`"")
    if (($null -ne $HtmlObject.Value) -and ($HtmlObject.Value -ne '')) {
        [void] $HTML.Append(">")

        if ($HtmlObject.Value.Count -eq 1) {
            if ($HtmlObject.Value -is [System.Collections.IDictionary]) {
                [string] $NewObject = Set-Tag -HtmlObject ($HtmlObject.Value)
                [void] $HTML.Append($NewObject)
            } else {
                [void] $HTML.Append([string] $HtmlObject.Value)
        } else {
            foreach ($Entry in $HtmlObject.Value) {
                if ($Entry -is [System.Collections.IDictionary]) {
                    [string] $NewObject = Set-Tag -HtmlObject ($Entry)
                    [void] $HTML.Append($NewObject)
                } else {
                    # This is needed if code requires new lines such as JavaScript
                    if ($NewLine) {
                        [void] $HTML.AppendLine([string] $Entry)
                    } else {
                        [void] $HTML.Append([string] $Entry)
        [void] $HTML.Append("</$($HtmlObject.Tag)>")
    } else {
        if ($HtmlObject.SelfClosing) {
            [void] $HTML.Append("/>")
        } else {
            [void] $HTML.Append("></$($HtmlObject.Tag)>")

Export-ModuleMember `
    -Function @('New-ChartAxisX', 'New-ChartAxisY', 'New-ChartBar', 'New-ChartBarOptions', 'New-ChartDonut', 'New-ChartGrid', 'New-ChartLegend', 'New-ChartLine', 'New-ChartPie', 'New-ChartRadial', 'New-ChartTheme', 'New-ChartToolbar', 'New-DiagramLink', 'New-DiagramNode', 'New-DiagramOptionsInteraction', 'New-DiagramOptionsLayout', 'New-DiagramOptionsLinks', 'New-DiagramOptionsManipulation', 'New-DiagramOptionsNodes', 'New-DiagramOptionsPhysics', 'New-HTML', 'New-HTMLAnchor', 'New-HTMLAnchorLink', 'New-HTMLAnchorName', 'New-HTMLChart', 'New-HTMLCodeBlock', 'New-HTMLContainer', 'New-HTMLDiagram', 'New-HTMLHeading', 'New-HTMLHorizontalLine', 'New-HTMLImage', 'New-HTMLList', 'New-HTMLListItem', 'New-HTMLLogo', 'New-HTMLPanel', 'New-HTMLSection', 'New-HTMLSpanStyle', 'New-HTMLStatus', 'New-HTMLStatusItem', 'New-HTMLTab', 'New-HTMLTable', 'New-HTMLTableButtonCopy', 'New-HTMLTableButtonCSV', 'New-HTMLTableButtonExcel', 'New-HTMLTableButtonPageLength', 'New-HTMLTableButtonPDF', 'New-HTMLTableButtonPrint', 'New-HTMLTableCondition', 'New-HTMLTableContent', 'New-HTMLTableHeader', 'New-HTMLTableReplace', 'New-HTMLTabOptions', 'New-HTMLTag', 'New-HTMLText', 'New-HTMLTimeline', 'New-HTMLTimelineItem', 'New-HTMLToast', 'Out-HtmlView', 'Save-HTML') `
    -Alias @('Chart', 'ChartAxisX', 'ChartAxisY', 'ChartBar', 'ChartBarOptions', 'ChartCategory', 'ChartDonut', 'ChartGrid', 'ChartLegend', 'ChartLine', 'ChartPie', 'ChartRadial', 'ChartTheme', 'ChartToolbar', 'Container', 'Dashboard', 'Diagram', 'DiagramEdge', 'DiagramEdges', 'DiagramLink', 'DiagramNode', 'DiagramOptionsEdges', 'DiagramOptionsInteraction', 'DiagramOptionsLayout', 'DiagramOptionsLinks', 'DiagramOptionsManipulation', 'DiagramOptionsNodes', 'DiagramOptionsPhysics', 'EmailTable', 'EmailTableButtonCopy', 'EmailTableButtonCSV', 'EmailTableButtonExcel', 'EmailTableButtonPageLength', 'EmailTableButtonPDF', 'EmailTableButtonPrint', 'EmailTableCondition', 'EmailTableContent', 'EmailTableHeader', 'EmailTableReplace', 'HTMLText', 'Image', 'New-ChartCategory', 'New-DiagramEdge', 'New-DiagramOptionsEdges', 'New-HTMLColumn', 'New-HTMLContent', 'ohv', 'Out-GridHtml', 'Panel', 'Section', 'Tab', 'Table', 'TableButtonCopy', 'TableButtonCSV', 'TableButtonExcel', 'TableButtonPageLength', 'TableButtonPDF', 'TableButtonPrint', 'TableConditionalFormatting', 'TableContent', 'TableHeader', 'TableReplace', 'TabOptions', 'Text')