
# Module manifest for module 'PSWorkItem'

    RootModule             = 'PSWorkItem.psm1'
    ModuleVersion          = '1.11.0'
    CompatiblePSEditions   = 'Core'
    GUID                   = '4d3ff215-69ea-4fe6-8ad6-97ffc3a15bfb'
    Author                 = 'Jeff Hicks'
    CompanyName            = 'JDH Information Technology Solutions, Inc.'
    Copyright              = '(c) JDH Information Technology Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved.'
    Description            = 'A PowerShell 7 module for managing work and personal tasks or to-do items. This module uses a SQLite database to store task and category information. The module is not a full-featured project management solution, but should be fine for personal needs. The module requires a 64-bit Windows or Linux platform.'
    PowerShellVersion      = '7.3'
    DotNetFrameworkVersion = '4.6'
    ProcessorArchitecture  = 'Amd64'
    RequiredModules        = 'mySQLite'
    TypesToProcess = @(
    FormatsToProcess       = @(
    FunctionsToExport      = @(
    CmdletsToExport        = @()
    VariablesToExport      = @()
    AliasesToExport        = @('gwi', 'nwi', 'swi', 'rwi', 'cwi','wic')
    PrivateData            = @{
        PSData = @{
            Tags           = @('database', 'sqlite', 'to-do', 'project-management', 'tasks')
            LicenseUri     = ''
            ProjectUri     = ''
            # IconUri = ''
            ReleaseNotes = @'
## [1.11.0] - 2024-12-04
### Added
- Added documentation PDF and the `Open-PSWorkItemHelp` command.
- Added `en-GB` localized string data.
- Added missing basic Pester tests
### Changed
- Updated custom verbose output.
- Updated ``.
- Updated Terminal.Gui assembly to version 1.17.1
- Help documentation updates
### Fixed
- Updated module to better handle datetime values from different cultures.

            RequireLicenseAcceptance = $false
            ExternalModuleDependencies = 'mySQLite'