
Class InstructionPrompts : System.Management.Automation.IValidateSetValuesGenerator {
    [String[]] GetValidValues() {
        $prompts = Get-InstructionPromptNames
        return ($prompts.Keys | Sort-Object)

$script:instructionPromptPath = [System.Collections.Generic.HashSet[string]]::new()
$script:instructionPromptPath += "$PSScriptRoot\InstructionPrompts"

    Weaves instructions into a prompt.
    The Weave function is used to weave instructions into a prompt. It takes user input and processes it based on the specified instructions.
.PARAMETER Instructions
    Specifies the set of instructions to use for weaving. Valid values are obtained from the Get-InstructionPromptNames function.
    Specifies the user input to be processed. This parameter accepts input from the pipeline.
    Indicates whether to enable chat mode. This feature is not yet implemented.
    Indicates whether to list all available instruction prompts.
    "arm templates, bicep, ansible, terraform" | Weave CompareAndContrast
| | Arm Templates | Bicep | Ansible | Terraform |
| Language | JSON | Bicep | YAML | HCL |
| Complexity| High | Low | Medium | Medium |
| Provisioning| Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
| Configuration Management| No | No | Yes | No |
| Cloud Compatibility| Azure | Azure | Multi-Cloud | Multi-Cloud |
| Community Support| Good | Growing| Strong | Strong |
| Learning Curve| Steep | Moderate | Moderate | Moderate |
    Weave -ListPrompt
    This example lists all available instruction prompts.

function Weave {

    Process { $lines += @($UserInput) } 

    End {
        if ($ListPrompt) {
            (Get-InstructionPromptNames).Keys | Sort-Object

        $instructionsFile = (Get-InstructionPromptNames)[$instructions]
        $instructionPrompt = Get-Content $instructionsFile -Raw

        if ($Chat) {
            'Not yet implemented, coming soon...'
        else {
            $instructionPrompt = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.ExpandString($instructionPrompt)
            Write-Verbose $instructionPrompt
            $lines | Invoke-OAIChat $instructionPrompt

Retrieves the names and full paths of instruction prompt files.
The Get-InstructionPromptNames function retrieves the names and full paths of instruction prompt files located in the script's instructionPromptPath directory. It returns an ordered hashtable where the keys are the base names of the files and the values are their corresponding full paths.
This function does not accept any parameters.
This example demonstrates how to use the Get-InstructionPromptNames function to retrieve the names and full paths of instruction prompt files.
The function returns an ordered hashtable where the keys are the base names of the instruction prompt files and the values are their corresponding full paths.

function Get-InstructionPromptNames {
    $map = [Ordered]@{}
    Get-ChildItem $script:instructionPromptPath | ForEach-Object { 
        $map[$_.BaseName] = $_.FullName

Adds a path to the instruction prompt path.
The Add-PromptPath function adds a specified path to the instruction prompt path.
The instruction prompt path is a collection of paths that are used by the instruction prompt to search for executable files.
Specifies the path to be added to the instruction prompt path.
Add-PromptPath -Path "C:\Program Files\MyApp"
This example adds "C:\Program Files\MyApp" to the instruction prompt path.

function Add-PromptPath {

    if (-not (Test-Path $Path)) {
        Write-Error "Path $Path does not exist"

    $Path = (Resolve-Path $Path).Path
    $script:instructionPromptPath += @($Path)

Retrieves the prompt path.
The Get-PromptPath function retrieves the prompt path.
This function does not accept any parameters.
This example demonstrates how to use the Get-PromptPath function to retrieve the prompt path.
The function returns a string representing the prompt path.

function Get-PromptPath {


Retrieves the content of a specified instruction file.
The Get-WeaveContent function retrieves the content of a specified instruction file. It searches for the file recursively in the instruction prompt path and returns the content as a string array.
.PARAMETER Instructions
Specifies the type of instruction prompts to retrieve. Valid values are "InstructionPrompts".
Get-WeaveContent -Instructions InstructionPrompts
# Retrieves the content of the "InstructionPrompts.txt" file.

function Get-WeaveContent {

    $instructionFile = "$($Instructions).txt"
    Get-ChildItem $script:instructionPromptPath -Recurse $instructionFile | Get-Content 