function Get-WarrantyHalo { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [string]$HaloURL, [String]$HaloClientID, [String]$HaloClientSecret, [string]$HaloSerialField, [boolean]$SyncWithSource, [boolean]$Missingonly, [boolean]$OverwriteWarranty ) write-host "Source is Halo. Grabbing all devices." -ForegroundColor Green #Get the Halo API Module if not installed if (Get-Module -ListAvailable -Name HaloAPI) { Import-Module HaloAPI } else { Install-Module HaloAPI -Force Import-Module HaloAPI } Connect-HaloAPI -URL $HaloURL -ClientId $HaloClientID -ClientSecret $HaloClientSecret -Scopes "edit:assets" #Get Devices $ResumeLast = test-path 'Devices.json' If ($ResumeLast) { write-host "Found previous run results. Starting from last object." -foregroundColor green $Devices = get-content 'Devices.json' | convertfrom-json } else { $Devices = Get-HaloAsset -FullObjects } $i = 0 $warrantyObject = foreach ($device in $Devices) { $i++ $null = set-content 'Devices.json' -force -value ($Devices | select-object -skip $i | convertto-json -depth 5) # Find the Serial Number if ($Device."$($HaloSerialField)") { $Serial = $Device."$($HaloSerialField)" } else { $Serial = ($Device.Fields | where-object { $ -eq $HaloSerialField }).value if (($Serial | measure-object).count -ne 1) { $Serial = ($Device.customfields | where-object { $ -eq $HaloSerialField }).value if (($Serial | measure-object).count -ne 1) { Write-Error "Serial field not found" continue } } } Write-Progress -Activity "Grabbing Warranty information" -status "Processing $Serial. Device $i of $($devices.Count)" -percentComplete ($i / $Devices.Count * 100) $WarState = Get-Warrantyinfo -DeviceSerial $Serial -client $device.client_name if ($SyncWithSource -eq $true) { $AssetUpdate = @{ id = $ warranty_start = $WarState.StartDate warranty_end = $WarState.EndDate } switch ($OverwriteWarranty) { $true { if ($null -ne $warstate.EndDate) { $null = Set-HaloAsset -Asset $AssetUpdate } } $false { if ($null -eq $Device.warranty_end -and $null -ne $warstate.EndDate) { $null = Set-HaloAsset -Asset $AssetUpdate } } } } $WarState } Remove-item 'devices.json' -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue return $warrantyObject } |