function get-HPWarranty([Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]$SourceDevice, $Client) { $MWSID = (invoke-restmethod -uri '' -SessionVariable 'session' -Method get) -match '.*mwsid":"(?<wssid>.*)".*' $HPBody = " { `"gRecaptchaResponse`":`"`", `"obligationServiceRequests`":[ { `"serialNumber`":`"$SourceDevice`", `"isoCountryCde`":`"US`", `"lc`":`"EN`", `"cc`":`"US`", `"modelNumber`":null }] }" try{ $HPReq = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$($matches.wssid)" -WebSession $session -Method "POST" -ContentType "application/json" -Body $HPbody } catch{ $HPReq = $null if ($script:HPNotified -eq $false){ write-host "HP Requests currently failing: No HP data will be returned. The HP API is currently spotty. A new API will be coming `"soon`"" -ForegroundColor Red $script:HPNotified = $true } } if ($HPreq.productWarrantyDetailsVO.warrantyResultList.obligationStartDate) { $WarObj = [PSCustomObject]@{ 'Serial' = $SourceDevice 'Warranty Product name' = $hpreq.productWarrantyDetailsVO.warrantyResultList.warrantyType | Out-String 'StartDate' = [DateTime]::Parse($($hpreq.productWarrantyDetailsVO.warrantyResultList.obligationStartDate | sort-object | select-object -last 1)) 'EndDate' = [DateTime]::Parse($($hpreq.productWarrantyDetailsVO.warrantyResultList.obligationEndDate | sort-object | select-object -last 1)) 'Warranty Status' = $hpreq.productWarrantyDetailsVO.obligationStatus 'Client' = $Client } } else { $WarObj = [PSCustomObject]@{ 'Serial' = $SourceDevice 'Warranty Product name' = 'Could not get warranty information' 'StartDate' = $null 'EndDate' = $null 'Warranty Status' = 'Could not get warranty information' 'Client' = $Client } } return $WarObj } |