function Get-WarrantyCWM { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [string]$CwCompanyID, [String]$CWMpiKeyPublic, [String]$CWMpiKeyprivate, [string]$CWMAPIURL, [boolean]$SyncWithSource, [boolean]$OverwriteWarranty ) write-host "Source is Connectwise Manage. Grabbing all devices." -ForegroundColor Green $Base64Key = [Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes("$($CWcompanyid)+$($CWMpiKeyPublic):$($CWMpiKeyPrivate)")) $Header = @{ 'clientId' = '3613dda6-fa25-49b9-85fb-7aa2b628befa' #This is the warranty script client id. Do not change. 'Authorization' = "Basic $Base64Key" 'Content-Type' = 'application/json' } $i = 0 $Devices = do { $DeviceList = invoke-restmethod -headers $header -method GET -uri "$($CWMAPIURL)/company/configurations?pageSize=250&page=$i" $i++ $DeviceList Write-Host "Retrieved $(250 * $i) configurations" -ForegroundColor Yellow }while ($devices.count % 250 -eq 0 -and $devices.count -ne 0) $warrantyObject = foreach ($device in $Devices) { $i++ Write-Progress -Activity "Grabbing Warranty information" -status "Processing $($device.serialnumber). Device $i of $($devices.Count)" -percentComplete ($i / $Devices.Count * 100) $client = $ switch ($device.serialnumber.Length) { 7 { $WarState = get-DellWarranty -SourceDevice $device.serialnumber -client $Client } 8 { $WarState = get-LenovoWarranty -SourceDevice $device.serialnumber -client $Client } 10 { $WarState = get-HPWarranty -SourceDevice $device.serialnumber -client $Client } 12 { $WarState = Get-MSWarranty -SourceDevice $device.serialnumber -client $Client } } if ($script:SyncWithSource -eq $true) { if (!$device.warrantyExpirationDate) { $device | Add-Member -NotePropertyName "warrantyExpirationDate" -NotePropertyValue "$($WarState.enddate)T00:00:00Z" } else { $device.warrantyExpirationDate = "$($WarState.enddate)T00:00:00Z" } $CWBody = $device | ConvertTo-Json switch ($script:OverwriteWarranty) { $true { if ($null -ne $warstate.EndDate) { invoke-restmethod -headers $header -method put -uri "$($CWMAPIURL)/company/configurations/$($" -body $CWBody } } $false { if ($null -eq $device.WarrantyExpirationDate -and $null -ne $warstate.EndDate) { invoke-restmethod -headers $header -method put -uri "$($CWMAPIURL)/company/configurations/$($" -body $CWBody } } } } $WarState } return $warrantyObject } |