# =========================================================================== # Module-Tools.ps1 -------------------------------------------------------- # =========================================================================== # function ---------------------------------------------------------------- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Set-VirtualEnvSystem { <# .DESCRIPTION Set environment variable .PARAMETER Name .PARAMETER PYTHON .OUTPUTS None. #> [OutputType([System.String])] Param( [Parameter(HelpMessage="Name of the virtual environment.")] [System.String] $Name, [Parameter(HelpMessage="Executable of a python distribution.")] [System.String] $Python ) # set a backup of the pythonhome environment variable [System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable($PSVirtualEnv.EnvBackup, [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable($PSVirtualEnv.EnvPython, "process"), "process") # set the pythonhome variable in scope process to the path of the virtual environment if ($Name) { $Python = Get-VirtualEnvPath -Name $Name } [System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable($PSVirtualEnv.EnvPython, $python_path, "process") #set the name of the virtual environment [System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable($PSVirtualEnv.EnvVenv, $Name,"process") Return $Null } function Restore-VirtualEnvSystem { <# .DESCRIPTION Restore environment variable .PARAMETER Name .OUTPUTS None. #> [OutputType([Void])] Param () # set the pythonhome variable in scope process to the stored backup variable [System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable($PSVirtualEnv.EnvPython, [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable($PSVirtualEnv.EnvBackup, "process"), "process") # emtpy the name of the virtual environment [System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable($PSVirtualEnv.EnvVenv, $Null ,"process") Return $Null } # function ---------------------------------------------------------------- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Get-VirtualEnvPath { <# .DESCRIPTION Get the absolute path of a virtual environment, which is composed of the predefined system variable and a specified virtual environment .PARAMETER Name .OUTPUTS System.String. Absolute path of a specified virtual environment #> [OutputType([System.String])] Param( [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$True, ValueFromPipeline=$True, HelpMessage="Name of the virtual environment.")] [System.String] $Name ) return Join-Path -Path $PSVirtualEnv.WorkDir -ChildPath $Name } # function ---------------------------------------------------------------- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Get-VirtualPython { <# .DESCRIPTION Get the absolute path of the executable of a specified virtual environment, which is composed of the predefined system variable, a specified virtual environment and the fixed location of the executable .PARAMETER Name .OUTPUTS System.String. Absolute path of the executable of a specified virtual environment #> [OutputType([System.String])] Param( [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$True, ValueFromPipeline=$True, HelpMessage="Name of the virtual environment.")] [System.String] $Name ) return Join-Path -Path (Get-VirtualEnvPath -Name $Name) -ChildPath $PSVirtualEnv.VirtualEnv } # function ---------------------------------------------------------------- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Get-VirtualEnvActivationScript { <# .DESCRIPTION Get the absolute path of the activation sript of a specified virtual environment, which is composed of the predefined system variable, a specified virtual environment and the fixed location of the executable .PARAMETER Name .OUTPUTS System.String. Absolute path ofthe activation sript a specified virtual environment #> [OutputType([System.String])] Param( [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$True, ValueFromPipeline=$True, HelpMessage="Name of the virtual environment.")] [System.String] $Name ) return Join-Path -Path (Get-VirtualEnvPath -Name $Name) -ChildPath $PSVirtualEnv.Activation } # function ---------------------------------------------------------------- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Get-VirtualEnvLocalDir { <# .DESCRIPTION Get the absolute path of the download directory of a virtual environment. .PARAMETER Name .OUTPUTS Get the absolute path of the download directory of a virtual environment #> [OutputType([System.String])] Param( [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$True, ValueFromPipeline=$True, HelpMessage="Name of the virtual environment.")] [System.String] $Name ) return Join-Path -Path $PSVirtualEnv.LocalDir -ChildPath $Name } # function ---------------------------------------------------------------- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Get-PythonVersion() { <# .DESCRIPTION Retrieve the python version of a given python distribution. .PARAMETER Path .OUTPUTS Int. The version of the detected python distribution. #> [CmdletBinding(PositionalBinding=$True)] [OutputType([Int])] Param( [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$True, HelpMessage="Path to a folder or executable of a python distribution.")] [System.String] $Path ) # get the version of a given python distribution $Path = Find-Python $Path if (-not $Path) { return } $pythonVersion = . $Path --version 2>&1 write-host $pythonVersion # check the compatibility of the detected python version $pythonVersion2 = ($pythonVersion -match "^Python\s2") -or ($pythonVersion -match "^Python\s3.3") $pythonVersion3 = $pythonVersion -match "^Python\s3" -and -not $pythonVersion2 if (-not $pythonVersion2 -and -not $pythonVersion3) { if ($VerbosePreference) { Write-FormattedError -Message "This module is not compatible with the detected python version $pythonVersion" -Module $PSVirtualEnv.Name } return $Null } # return the version of the detected python distribution. return $(if ($pythonVersion2) {"2"} else {"3"}) } # function ---------------------------------------------------------------- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Get-ActiveVirtualEnv { <# .DESCRIPTION Detects activated virtual environments. .PARAMETER Name .OUTPUTS Boolean. True if the specified virtual environment is running, respectivly false if it is not activated. #> [CmdletBinding(PositionalBinding=$True)] [OutputType([Boolean])] Param( [Parameter(Position=1, ValueFromPipeline=$True, HelpMessage="Name of the virtual environment.")] [System.String] $Name ) $virtual_env = [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable($PSVirtualEnv.EnvVenv, "process") if ($virtual_env) { if ($Name) { if (([System.String]$virtual_env).EndsWith($Name)) { return $True } return $False; } return $True } return $False } |