
        A function to compare PowerShell commands between two computers.
        Compare-PSVersionCommand have two parameter sets which makes it possible to compare based on either XML-files pre-gathered from systems, or data gathered directly via PowerShell remoting.
    .PARAMETER SourceVersionPath
        Path to the source XML-file for the comparison
    .PARAMETER CompareVersionPath
        Path to the differemce XML-file for the comparison
    .PARAMETER SourceVersionComputerName
        Name of the source computer for the comparison
    .PARAMETER CompareVersionComputerName
        Name of the difference computer for the comparison
    .PARAMETER ModuleFilter
        Wildcard filter to limit the modules to filter on, for example Microsoft.*
  .PARAMETER ExcludeParameter
   Parameters to exclude from comparison
    Compare-PSVersionCommand -SourceVersionComputerName HPV-VM-2016TP4 -CompareVersionComputerName HPV-JR-2016TP5 -ModuleFilter Microsoft.*
    $PSCommandDataRoot = 'C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\PSVersionCompare\PSCommandData'
    $SourceVersionPath = Join-Path -Path $PSCommandDataRoot -ChildPath 'Microsoft Windows Server 2016 Datacenter Technical Preview 4_5.0.10586.0_Desktop.xml'
    $CompareVersionPath = Join-Path -Path $PSCommandDataRoot -ChildPath 'Microsoft Windows Server 2016 Datacenter Technical Preview 5_5.1.14284.1000_Desktop.xml'
    Compare-PSVersionCommand -SourceVersionPath $SourceVersionPath -CompareVersionPath $CompareVersionPath -ModuleFilter Microsoft.*

function Compare-PSVersionCommand
    [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ParameterSetName = 'InputFromXml')]
    [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ParameterSetName = 'InputFromXml')]

    [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ParameterSetName = 'InputFromComputer')]
    [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ParameterSetName = 'InputFromComputer')]
    $ModuleFilter = '*',
switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) {

        'InputFromXml' {
          $SourceVersion = Import-CliXml -Path $SourceVersionPath | Where-Object Module -like $ModuleFilter | Sort-Object -Property Name
          $CompareVersion = Import-CliXml -Path $CompareVersionPath | Where-Object Module -like $ModuleFilter | Group-Object -Property Module | Sort-Object -Property Name        
        'InputFromComputer' { 
          $SourceVersion = Get-PSVersionCommand -ComputerName $SourceVersionComputerName | Where-Object Module -like $ModuleFilter | Sort-Object -Property Name
          $CompareVersion = Get-PSVersionCommand -ComputerName $CompareVersionComputerName | Where-Object Module -like $ModuleFilter | Group-Object -Property Module | Sort-Object -Property Name 

foreach ($Module in $CompareVersion) {
$SourceModule = $SourceVersion | Where-Object {$_.Module -eq $Module.Name}

if ($SourceModule) {

Write-Host "Comparing module $($Module.Name)" -ForegroundColor Yellow

Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $SourceModule -DifferenceObject $Module.Group -Property Name -IncludeEqual -PassThru | ForEach-Object {

    $Command = $_

    if($_.SideIndicator -eq ‘==’)
        $Command = $_

        $cmdold = $SourceModule | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq $Command.Name-and $_.Version -eq $Command.Version} | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Parameters | Where-Object {$_ -notin $ExcludeParameter}
        $cmdnew = $Module.Group | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq $Command.Name -and $_.Version -eq $Command.Version} | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Parameters | Where-Object {$_ -notin $ExcludeParameter}

        if (-not $cmdold) {

        Write-Host "$($Command.Name) not found in source version, skip"



        $compare = Compare-Object $cmdold $cmdnew

        if ($compare)
                $NewParameters = $compare | Where-Object {$_.SideIndicator -eq ‘=>’} | ForEach-Object {$_.InputObject + ‘ (+)’}
                $RemovedParameters = $compare | Where-Object {$_.SideIndicator -eq ‘<=’} | ForEach-Object {$_.InputObject + ‘ (-)’}

                “$($command.Name) (!)”
                $NewParameters + $RemovedParameters | Sort-Object | ForEach-Object { “`t$_”}
    elseif($_.SideIndicator -eq ‘=>’)
        “$($ (+)`n”
        “$($ (-)`n”
  } else {

  Write-Host "Module $($Module.Name) non-existent or not installed in source version" -ForegroundColor Magenta
