
# This is where the strings go, that are written by
# Write-PSFMessage, Stop-PSFFunction or the PSFramework validation scriptblocks
    'Add-TranslationApiKey.ApiKey.Present'  = 'There is already an API key present for {0}. Use -Force to overwrite it.'
    'Add-TranslationApiKey.BadProvider'        = 'Provider {0} has no implemented ApiKey storing mechanism.'
    'Get-Translation.BadProvider'            = 'Provider {0} has not been implemented yet'
    'Get-TranslationApiKey.BadProvider'        = 'Provider {0} has no implemented ApiKey retrieval.'
    'New-AzureTranslation.ApiKey.NotFound'  = 'No valid API key found. Try adding one with Add-TranslationApiKey -Provider Azure. See https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/cognitive-services/translator/translator-info-overview for more information.'
    'New-AzureTranslation.Preparing'        = 'Translating from {0} to {1} using the key {2} | Final Call Uri: {3}'
    'New-AzureTranslation.AddingInput'        = 'Adding "{0}" to collection ({1} elements)'
    'New-AzureTranslation.ExecutingBatches' = 'Requesting {0} batch(es) of translations, limited to {1} characters/second.'
    'New-GoogleTranslation.ApiKey.NotFound'  = 'No valid API key found. Try adding one with Add-TranslationApiKey -Provider Google. See https://cloud.google.com/docs/authentication/production for more information.'
    'New-GoogleTranslation.Preparing'        = 'Translating from {0} to {1} using the key {2} | Final Call Uri: {3}'
    'New-GoogleTranslation.AddingInput'        = 'Adding "{0}" to JSON body'
    'New-GoogleTranslation.ExecutingBatches' = 'Requesting {0} translations'