
    PSToggl PowerShell module

    Beschreibt das PSToggl Modul, wie es zu verwenden ist und wie Sie die Entwicklung aktiv mitgestalten koennen.

    Mit PSToggl steht Ihnen die komplette Funktionalitaet von Toggl in der PowerShell zur Verfuegung.
    Mit ausgepraegtem Support fuer Pipelines, Objekte und Kompatiblitaet zu anderen verbreiteten PowerShell-Modulen.
    Sie koennen mit PSTOggl sowohl Timer starten/stoppen/bearbeiten, als auch Berichte erstellen, Timer importieren und exportieren
    und Ihr lokales Eventlog (noch nicht implementiert) automatisch zurate ziehen, sollten Sie Ihre timer mal vergessen haben.

    Weitere Informationen finden Sie auf GitHub:

    How can I contribute?
    Go to the GitHub page of this project (, create an issue or a pull request and feel happy.
    Please don't forget to test your code with pester!

    Can I reuse code of this module?
    Yes! It's completely Open Source. I would like to be mentioned as author if you reuse code of that project.

    Is this module "official"?
    No. Nothing here is "official", like made by Toggl or something. I just wrote it, because I love PowerShell and I love Toggl. (oh and REST APIs)

    Transferring work logs from Toggl to JIRA is as easy as:
    PS> foreach ($issue in (Get-JiraIssue -Query "assignee = currentUser()")) {
    >> Get-TogglEntry | ? {$_.Description -like "*$($issue.key)*"} |
    >> Add-JiraIssueWorklog -Issue $issue.key -Comment $_.description -TimeSpent $_.Minutes -DateStarted $_.start
    >> }

    And eventually it will be as easy as:
    PS> Get-TogglEntry | ? {$_Description -like "*homepage-123*"} | Add-JiraIssueWorklog -Issue "homepage-123"

    Start a new timer:
    PS> Start-TogglEntry -Description "Meeting with Paul"

    Stop the running timer:
    PS> Stop-TogglEntry

    Create a new Entry for the last 80 minutes:
    PS> New-TogglEntry -minutes 80 -stop [datetime]::Now -description "coding some cool stuff"

    Create a new project:
    PS> New-TogglProject "Cool project" -CustomerId 12345

    | Pipelines | pipelines | pipelines |

    Create a new project from a JIRA project:
    PS> Get-JiraProject "Test" | New-TogglProject -CustomerId 12345

    Get the project of the current running timer:
    PS> Get-TogglEntry -Current | Get-TogglProject

    Vice Versa / Get all timers for a project:
    PS> Get-TogglProject -Name "Website" | Get-TogglEntry

    Set all tags from a specific entry to the currently running one
    PS> Get-TogglEntry -Description "some website" | Get-TogglTag | Set-TogglEntry -Current
    #TODO: Set-CurrentTogglEntry ?

    Even more awesome pipeline stuff which will be implemented soon...

    PS> Get-TogglEntry | ConvertTo-ExcelCompatible | Export-XLSX #...
    And so on

    Toggl, tracking, productivity, API, reporting

    Take a look at the modules GitHub Repository!
    go to
    PowerShell Gallery

    Nearly every cmdlet in this module has its own help like:

    PS> Get-Help Get-TogglEntry